50 posts
Grammy-winning singers, composers, professional actors, dancers, choreographers
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indiggotwins · 4 years ago
Find out the story of ST. VALENTINE - the one who brought lovers’ freedom - in our music tribute. Listen to the entire song on YouTube: and share with your friends. Healing, uplifting songs raise a nation and urge the young ones to follow the path of the Spirit. #stvalentine #valentines #valentinesday #valentinesday2021 #tribute #holyspirit #truestory #truestoryofstvalentine #indiggotwins #indiggo
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indiggotwins · 4 years ago
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We hope that Santa has been good to you and has been visiting your homes! His angel-disciples sent us most graceful orchids and most beauteous roses clothed by fig tree twigs that smell of Heaven placed on a sleigh that the reindeers themselves brought from @starbrightnyc . We really feel like in our video “Rink of Love” overflowed by divine love! #flowersfromheaven #gifts #indiggotwins #bestgiftever #itschristmas #christmas #divinelove #rinkoflove #rinkoflovevideo (at Starbright Floral Design)
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indiggotwins · 4 years ago
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Bite Back this Halloween 🎃! Watch our video from off Broadway “Wicked Clone The Cinema Musical”​ and impale the evil: #halloween #Halloween #HalloweenAtHome #Halloween2020 #biteback #indiggotwins #wickedclone #wickedcloneorhowtodealwiththeevil #wickedclonethecinemamusical #biteback #crushtheevil #impaletheevil
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indiggotwins · 4 years ago
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Go see the #SleepingMuse by @brancusiofficial and so many muses of Art in the new exhibition #the150met #yearsofinspiring @metmuseum #newmuseum #met #metropolitanmuseumofart #brancusi #fineart #muse
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indiggotwins · 4 years ago
Tumblr media #lettertothepoliticiansoftheunitedstatesofamerica #takeoffyourmask #unitedstates #unitedwestand #letyourspiritguideyou #letthespiritguideyou
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indiggotwins · 4 years ago
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TAKE OFF YOUR MASK - our new video featuring fantastical singing birds and animals. See link in the bio or here: We encourage you to keep your medical masks on, yet to take off the other mask. We love you “with all your flaws and laughs.” #takeoffyourmask #mask #indiggotwins #newvideo #wickedcloneorhowtodealwiththeevil #wickedclone #wickedclonethecinemamusical #broadway #broadwayrecords #gabrielamodorcea #mihaelamodorcea #bereal #animals #birds #congo #baboons #tiger #monkey #kudus #sealion #antelope #penguin #tocotoucan #greatblueturaco #butterfly #zoo #parks #dancing #animallovers #birdlovers
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indiggotwins · 4 years ago
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#happylaborday #heavenlovestolaborforyou #wickedclone #indiggotwins #wickedcloneorhowtodealwiththeevil #wickedclonenovel #wickedclonecastrecording #wickedclonethecinemamusical (at Barnes & Noble)
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indiggotwins · 5 years ago
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“Eureka" is the dance of warriors and victorious fighters who dance away any disease and fear! Join our dance and yell for LIFE! Link in the bio! #eureka #indiggotwins #victorious #warrior #dance #dancer #dancers #actors #actorslife #shoutout #newvideo #release #broadway ##broadwayrecords #wickedclone #wickedcloneorhowtodealwiththeevil #wickedclonethecinemamusical #wickedclonealbum #wickedclonecastrecording (at Coney Island)
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indiggotwins · 5 years ago
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Feeling blessed by the words of writer George Liviu Teleoacă re our new video EUREKA (link in the bio): “The enthusiasm aroused by the complex choreography of this frenetic dance, as well as by the scenography with the dam, a mark of our time, sent me to that ‘Vedi Napoli e poi muori’ , ready to say: Watch the Indiggo Twins and then you can die.     The innovative intelligence of the dance set to a musical background with archetypal value, as well as its brilliant execution lift us far above the aberrant life we lead, making us want to dive into that miraculous dimension of sincerity and perfection.     As in the case of Călușarii, this fantastic dance has apotropaic effects. The unanimous admiration, in fact, unites us, setting us in motion towards a better world.     My joy is all the greater as Orpheus was a Thracian. PS I'm afraid to open the messages received from you, because they carry Trojan viruses. 🥰    Many best wishes,                      Liviu” #eureka #indiggotwins #wickedclone #review #friendship #dance #dancers #dancer #warrior #light #magichour #beach #coneyisland #summervibes #summer #summer2020 #summersongs #upliftingmusic #uplifting     (at Coney Island)
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indiggotwins · 5 years ago
Watch EUREKA- the dance of warriors and victorious thinkers! Full video on YouTube: “It’s the day of liberation, it’s the night of flirtation - EUREKA - Ooh la la, EUREKA- Hop sha sha! #indiggotwins #Eureka #victory #victor #warrior #warriors #magichour #victoriousthinkers #dance #dancing #night #coneyisland #empoweringwomen #newreleases #phytagoras #beach #wickedclonethecinemamusical #wickedcloneorhowtodealwiththeevil #wickedclonecastrecording #wickedclonenovel #wickedclone #danceofwarrior (at Coney Island)
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indiggotwins · 5 years ago
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Check out our new video EUREKA! Link in the bio: “Love to reborn; hide your horns/ Be an angel, I’m the ghost/ Love to give birth, on this earth to a warrior!” #eureka #indiggotwins #wickedclone #wickedcloneorhowtodealwiththeevil #wickedclonethecinemamusical #liberation #dayofliberation #africandance #world #warrior #victory #victorious #coneyisland #wonderwheel (at Coney Island)
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indiggotwins · 5 years ago
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Looking for an original story that will fill your heart with Inspiration, Purpose, Holy Spirit, out-worldly imagination and Authenticity? “Wicked Clone or How to Deal with the Evil,” the 500-page bestselling magic realist novel by Mihaela Modorcea will take you on a “divine and transformative” cinematic journey (@todaytix ) from Transylvania’s 15th century to modern-day New York and beyond, from the tunnels of Lucifer through the head of God and your heart featuring hundreds of fantastical actions and fabulous heroes, miraculous Transylvanian cures and rituals for treating the Evil, addressing viewers from teenagers to elderly children, thirsty to find out "how to deal with the Evil." Read it while listening to the 25 original compositions by Gabriela & Mihaela Modorcea from the symphonic album of the same title released under @bwayrecords ! And while you are getting addicted, you can dive in the play and poetry book! "This rare piece of visual and audio creativity was written, composed, designed, and choreographed by the Indiggo Twins—Mihaela and Gabriela Mordorcea. Based on their 500-page bestseller Wicked Clone or how to deal with the evil, the musical turns the tables on tradition by telling the story of a vampire bitten by a human being." (Griffin Miller, @cityguideny )  “Renaissance Women of Entertainment” Mihaela & Gabriela Modorcea "hail from a lineage of intellect and artistic prowess. Their father Grid is a writer, filmmaker and critic. Their mother Violeta is also a writer and a translator. They studied a multitude of arts including dance and musical instruments at a young age." (Words4Music)  #WickedClone #thenovel #theplay #thealbum #thepoetrybook are available on @barnesandnoble and @bwayrecords #holyspirit #wickedclone #wickedclonethecinemamusical #wickedcloneorhowtodealwiththeevil #wickedclonenovel #wickedclonecastrecording #wickedclonealbum #indiggotwins #mihaelamodorcea #gabrielamodorcea #purpose #inspiration #imagination #role #god
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indiggotwins · 5 years ago
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Praying that the world will come together as ONE! Listen to our “Church of Love” composition in the bio link - an anthem of solidarity and oneness and give hands with your foe! From the “album the world needs right now” @1035ktu #churchoflove #IndiggoTwins #onelove #oneGod #antihatred #nohatred #loveeachother #anthem #thealbumtheworldneedsrightnow #whattheworldneedsnow (at Central Park)
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indiggotwins · 5 years ago
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Our pop symphonic album CHURCH of LOVE that unites the world into one spirit featuring “anthems of solidarity, antidotes against any virus and fear!“ ( @officialbroadwayworld ) is 25% off in physical format. Check out the link in the bio. The Lord’s purpose has always been that to create one humanity reconciled in Him. “He has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility...His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity, thus making peace...” (Ephesians 2) What is your purpose today? Are you willing to shake hands with your enemy and sing along with him? #churchoflove #indiggotwins #church #purpose #newalbum #nohatred #peace #bibleverses #iheartradio #gabrielamodorcea #mihaelamodorcea (at Manhattan, New York)
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indiggotwins · 5 years ago
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Catch the good virus - LOVE FLU (video in the bio link ) from @wickedclonethecinemamusical - “a rare piece of visual and audio creativity”, “immortal” (@cityguideny) “a divine and transformative work of art” (@todaytix ) available on @bwayrecords #indiggotwins #wickedcloneorhowtodealwiththeevil #wickedclonethecinemamusical #goodvirus #loveflu #nocovid19 #nocorona #bwayrecords
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indiggotwins · 5 years ago
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What does4th of July mean to you? Are you free? The Day of Independence is not the day of separation, alienation from each other, yet rather the celebration of solidarity and our oneness. Despite our differences, we are the same – “we have one heart, one soul.” We are born of God to love and be loved. “Church of Love” is not a religious song, but a humanitarian one that impels to solidarity and acceptance of each other no matter the religion or color. "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" - as Thomas Jefferson would say - can be achieved only in unity. There is no place for hatred, only for Love. Only living in the Spirit we can achieve that. And that Spirit is received by divine grace and given to each other in love. “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Cor 3:16-18) 17. “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” (1 Cor. 12:7) 16. Therefore there is freedom in common good, in a high purpose that “we, the people” work to benefit humanity. God is one and we all have been planted on earth so that our seeds grow into flowers and trees that burst food for each other. So plant your seeds into good soil and let it be sprinkled by good values, by things that elevate the spirit, by innocence, love and respect towards each other, courage, wisdom from above, by things that will remain a million years from now and make us free. Politicians, executives, entrepreneurs, movement-makers, artists, please, take a moment to reflect: are my actions and my choices shaping a lasting path that will impact generations to come? Democrats, Republicans...please stop fighting among each other. There is no time for hatred. You have one common goal: the freedom and welfare of our country. #freedom #4thofjuly #independenceday #declarationofindependence #thomasjefferson #georgewashington #thefoundingfathers #churchoflove #letsgotothechurchoflove #unitednations #democrats #republicans #onelove #onegod #unity #love #divinegrace #spirit #freedom #liberty #pursuitofhappiness (at Manhattan, New York)
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indiggotwins · 5 years ago
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@officialbroadwayworld has interviewed us today! Check out link in our bio above: Thank you @officialbroadwayworld ! Feeling so blessed! #churchoflove #indiggotwins #faith #twinspirits #unitedstates #centralpark (at Central Park)
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