Incorrect Quotes from Night Court
822 posts
Pretty much what it says on the tin - quotes from misc. shows/movies that Night Court characters could've said but unfortunately never did. Note: This is for the TV show Night Court, not the book series.
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As I’m sure many of you have suspected by now, I’m losing interest in posting stuff to this blog. I’m not sure if it’s how busy I’ve been lately, how long it’s been since I watched this show, or some combination thereof. So this blog is going on hiatus of unknown, possibly permanent, length. It won’t ever be deleted, though. Thank you to all of my followers and everyone else who’s enjoyed this blog over the years.
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Christine: How do we keep it light and breezy? I know. A comprehensive set of rules.
Dan: How am I attracted to you? Doesn’t matter. I am. Go.
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I’m sorry, but there won’t be a quote for a couple more days - my old laptop is falling apart and I’m working on getting a new one. Should be back at some point late this week.
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Bull: Aaahhh... why did I eat so much?!
Roz: Because the sign said 'all you can eat' and you took that as a challenge.
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Christine: What could be more enjoyable than opening your heart with holiday cheer?
Roz: Opening yours with a can opener.
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I truly apologize for the sporadicness of quote postings lately - I’ve graduated from college and am busy learning how to “adult”. So it’s been kinda crazy. I can’t promise there will be any regularity, but I swear that if I was planning on giving up posting altogether I would let you all know first.
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Harry: See, Dan, the way the whole 'friend' thing works is you have to tell each other the deep stuff.
Dan: The deep stuff?
Harry: Yeah.
Dan: Uh-oh. Like what?
Harry: Like, uh... what's your favorite color?
Dan: Well, now you've stepped over the line.
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Christine: Dad, I'm 31. I don't have a Christmas list anymore.
Harry: [From afar] I do!
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Jack: I want you to know, that I used to think that there was no one on earth worthy of Christine Sullivan.
Harry: [smiles]
Jack: And I still think that.
Harry: Right.
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Dan: Hey.
Unnamed woman: You son of a bitch!
Dan: Is it me, or have the greetings gone downhill around here?
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Harry: (to a defendant?) No test can tell you how to live your life! A man like you, a man like me, we boldly go, and daringly do! Our heads are in the clouds, and our eyes are on the stars! Fill up your eyes with those stars, man! With every fill-up you get a free sports bike. Your future's out there, I tell ya! It's callin' to ya! And the future doesn't leave recorded messages by the way; you've got to BE THERE when she rings!
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Dan: [to Christine] All right, listen. I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here comes the smolder.
[He puts on a pouty face, hoping to charm her. Her stare just hardens.]
Dan: This is kind of an off-day for me. This doesn't normally happen.
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Christine: Hey, look at this. I got my winning defense, I got my boys... my work here is done.
Dan: [scoffs] Uh, we are not her "boys."
Harry: Yes we are.
Dan: [pause] Yeah, we are.
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Dan: Mistakes were made.
Mac: By you.
Dan: And people got hurt.
Mac: By you!
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Bull: Do you think there’s a God?
Dan: Well, somebody’s out to get me.
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Mac: Nope. Bad idea.
Harry: There are no bad ideas, Mac. Only good ideas that go horribly wrong.
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Dan: You're mad at me.
Roz: I'm not mad.
Roz: I'm just disappointed.
Dan: Oh, come on, everyone knows that's worse!
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