Merry Crisis
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Ciri: So what is your dream?
Geralt: Wet.
Vesemir: Total understanding between people.
Dandelion: To be rich, famous, happy and popular.
Yennefer: To remain the divine, lush creature that I am.
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Zoltan: Seems your doppler friend is in a lot of trouble.
Geralt: Yeah I guess you could say he’s in some deep Dudu.
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Keira: Remember that time I took you to the airport in my pyjamas?
Lambert: You have an airport in your pyjamas?
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The Terry Pratchett quote is from Sourcery -🌚
Thank you moon emoji anon!
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Eredin: Quick, you must come with me, you're in great danger!
Ciri: Why?
Eredin: Because I'll kill you if you don't.
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I never fucked a ten, but one night, I fucked five twos.
Lambert, probably.
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Regis: I've finally quit drinking for good.
Regis: Now I drink for evil.
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Dijkstra: I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
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He has been known by many names: Lucifer, Beelzabub, Belial, The Prince of Lies, Satan, and at a party once an obnoxious drunk kept calling him 'Dude'
Dettlaff, about young Regis. Probably.
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Geralt: Sometimes I feel like a boat on a winding river, twisting toward an endless black sea. Further and further from where I want to be, WHO I want to be...
Angoulême: Did you know if you soak a raising in grape juice it turns into a grape?
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Geralt: Alright, Nilfgaardian, I don't like you and you don't like me.
Cahir: I like you!
Geralt: Uh, all right.
Geralt: You like me, but I don't like you.
Cahir: Maybe you'd like me if you knew me.
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Cahir: *to Milva* Guess where I'm from.
Cahir: *to Dandelion* Guess where I'm from.
Cahir: *to Geralt* Guess where I'm from.
Cahir: Not from Nilfgaard!
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Geralt: I just saw Dandelion in the library cry for five or so minutes and then his phone alarm went off and he just? stopped crying? and went right on back to work.
Geralt: We love a man with good time management
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Geralt: I’ll be fine
*3 seconds later*
Geralt: I’m not fine, it didn’t work.
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Geralt: God would kill me first. He would never let me be happy.
Eskel: I thought you didn’t believe in God.
Geralt: I do for the bad things.
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Geralt: All I really wanted was a mom and dad – to hold me, and stroke my hair, and tell me they loved me.
Triss: Then today’s your lucky day, because I happen to be a holding, stroking, lovin’ machine. Also spankin’.
Geralt: That isn’t even close to what I had in mind.
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