imrtale · 1 year
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he does nothing but roll his eyes in response, but he still listened. despite the flair of annoyance she seems to bring out of him. "pilant." he repeated, shaking his head as he continues to walk ahead of her. despite this being leonidas' home he still walks with his trident in hand, head cants a bit to give the mother of demons a look. doors open to the the council room, quickly shut once their inside and he comes to lean against it's table, trident lying idle in between his legs as he ponders his words for a moment. like most gods, he's towering in height, broad shoulders, a faint scent of sea breeze and it's trees. scars that are concealed by his royal clothing, his father's colors are worn proudly - as are his scars, the earned one behind his ear is his most recent. "it is only the two of us, eris," he begins, chest rises and then falls. "do you believe the underworld will fall?" a heavy question, but, he knew eris for many things, her harsh honesty had always been one of them. he isn't sure why he asks, he cares, for his sister realm, for the people in it - his cousins, eris, his realm depends on the underworld too.
"then be wounded." most would pretend like that was enough, not her, had to have a tiny additional dig. "hello leonidas." of course she uses his name, she had known him years. "you've got better with your balance distribution i see." she croons her head to the left, angled. "i'll have to throw new tricks your way." she did however, feel a fool with flowers. if anything she thought they would not suit her, vibrant and lovely and... she was a mother of demons, nothing vibrant or colorful, nothing lovely. nobody would look to her and expect lovely flowers anywhere. give the people what they want and all that. "correct. she's quirky. nice enough. pliant enough." she half sighed. "hm? yes. we can, if it's for a serious matter." her back straightens and her eyebrows set as she follows. "did you just want to get me alone? what is it, leonidas?"
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imrtale · 1 year
karisa was more than ecstatic to be an aunt again. "don't y'worry, it could have been worse, you could still be feelin' mornin' sickness," karisa tries to reassure her best friend, clinking her glass of wine with the fellow blonde as karisa shakes her head. "it's a different kind of excitement now, we know what we're doin' now! think of all the fun things we can do now that we've actually got our shit together." karisa laughs, crinkles her nose and waves a hand in the air to dismiss the thank you. "nikki wants to name the baby roni. think it'll get a rise out of benji."
johnny walker had came back with a vendetta. he was determined to inflict the same harm that had been done to him. and how else could he find samuel arlen if not by the girl who he had adopted? how else could he send a message to clayton warren if not, here? walking up the steps in stride, the much, taller and muscular male knocks three times before meeting who he presumed was eden with a smile. "be a dear and call karisa for me will you?" is all he offered, revolver pointed as he motions for her to enter the apartment so he could cross the threshold. karisa quickly comes from the kitchen and her glass slips from her glass, wine spilling everywhere as her breath hitches. "oh canary, you look like you've seen a ghost!" a taunt, nickname from childhood - a horrible one, a reminder how she'd sing like a canary on the nights where it was worst. "winnie - stay in the kitchen, call tommy, tell 'em - tell 'em uncle john's back." a hushed yet firm order as she quickly moves forward to place herself between her father and eden.
"i spent the last sixteen years waitin' for you karisa, thought about all the ways i could use you to get back at samuel. and the opportunity has finally presented itself to me." he starts, cocking the gun as karisa urges eden to retreat to the kitchen behind them. "i ain't afraid of you no more. and i ain't gonna let you go after uncle sammy like you're some mad man." she countered, waits to see that eden is to safety and keeps her father's attention on her. "i'm the mad man? all i ever wanted to do was to protect you and jackie, that's why i did what i did canary, i was doing it to make sure you and jackie had the funds to go through those fancy schools you all wanted to go too. i kept my promises, samuel ruined them. he ruined us. our family." he explains, waving his gun around as karisa goes rigid. "no, no, you did that. you ruined us. you were never the same after mama died, you hated us, if you loved us - you would never, you would've never did all those horrible things you did to us." karisa replied, through clenched teeth as tears brim the corner of her hues. "i was getting you ready for the real world that's all baby, i could've did better. i know that, i know i could. and i'm here to fix that - after i get rid of samuel for good, i can be here, we can be a family again. you, me, jackie and nikki."
her blood boils, trembling raised hands turn to fists as she points a finger at him. her free hand motions for the girls to take off to her room, so she could follow behind them. "no, you don't get to talk about my son! you're not going anywhere near him! you hear me! i'll kill you before you even tried to get within a five hundred mile radius of my boy."
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girls night was everything she needed right now, eden was tired and really hadn't felt herself for the week prior. she'd felt heavy, but then she was heavily pregnant now, and somewhat tired of the sore ankles, the difficulty of getting up and down, the need to go to the bathroom at every inconvenience, as she was doing now. "oh you know what girls?" she sighed as she closed the bathroom door behind her. she might have felt crappy right now but she was glowing, her hand moved her top over her bump. "i will not miss needing to pee, all the time." she half groaned over it and rolled her eyes.
"i'd love to say i have any advice, but i've never been more excited for someone to give birth— well, i was excited for you risa! obviously, but like, now we're older and i've some idea what to do if someone hands me a baby!" winnie swirled her wine in hand, though she did feel a little bad that eden couldn't drink with them. apparently orange juice was everything to her right now. "i mean, we've boy experiecne now!" winnie exclaimed. "i still can't say thank you enough for those clothes 'risa and honestly winnie, when this boy can learn to read, we all know you will end up being the favourite."
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with the knock at the door eden waved her hand to them and popped one of the plates little pastries into her mouth. "ive got it, already up." she went to the knuckles rasping the door and as she opened, she was sure her heart stopped. all she saw was the gun, the barrel of a gun pointed right at her. air had been stolen from her lungs and she stared, wide eyed and petrified at the face before her. she'd never been so still. "'risa..." you could hear it, that something was very, very wrong. the male eyes gestured for her to say it again. "k—karisa." her voice broke. @imrtale !
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imrtale · 1 year
joey bites the urge to laugh, shakes his head as a snort could be heard somewhere underneath his breath. "who would have thought you, of all people would be asking me for my number. world has to be ending." a tease, spares her a look and raises a brow, lips curving into a softer version of his usual smile. "it means doll." a quick answer, lowers his head a little bit so it's a more private conversation. "i can teach you spanish but," a shrug, casts his gaze back to the groom and the arlen's. "you'll have to meet me at eden's for a coffee." says it so suave that he isn't sure sienna is picking up what he means but he says it nonetheless, zachary manages to find himself besides sienna, arm around his sister's shoulder as he raises a glass to joey, handing him one of apple cider instead. a thoughtful gesture that joey accepts with a smile. "if it isn't my two favorite people in the world. what are we talking about?" a tease, usual behavior from the firefighter as tommy shushed him. "pops is comin', i don't want a lecture on how we don't have inside voices again." a mention to earlier conversation as the two had a very, very passionate discussion on who would be the drunkest.
it's almost unnerving how still cain stood, touch soft, compared to his usual demeanor. basking in the moment for what it is and what it could be. whatever came tomorrow, he'd handle it tomorrow. he had eris, here in his hands, and that's what mattered. whatever tomorrow had in store for them, didn't. if he worried about what could happen and not what was happening, he could never be happy. the soon to be sheriff, nearly leans into her touch, almost as if he's touch starved because he is. and for a moment, he's happy. not that he wasn't before but this . . . is a different kind of happy. a high he's still on when she pulls away and he steps back too. ensuring that she has her space as does he. hands come to rest at his hips out of habit as he presses his lips together, almost as if he's reliving their kiss. hand wafts in the air that he agrees with the idea, left in his own thoughts as he watches the door close behind her. "jesus." a drawn out curse almost as he looks at himself in the mirror. "really did yourself one arlen." he whispered to himself, white knuckle grip against the counter as he tries to gather himself. chest tight and breath quickens for a moment as he reaches for the faucet - allowing the cool water to touch burning skin. drinks some of it, uses the rest to wash his face and pats himself dry with handtowels. there was always this underlying fear that lurked beneath his cracked armor and it just seemed to seep out of the said cracks for a moment, trembling hands are closed into fists as he reminds himself to breathe.
free hand is raised to show his innocence, lips pressed together to conceal his laugh. "mouth is sealed. nothing is coming out of my mouth." he whispered to his sister, canting his head at her for a moment before speaking. "heard what you did, back at the station." joey's never said thank you a day in his life, not that he's a prideful person, he doesn't really know why he doesn't say it - just doesn't. "thank you." words feel foreign, but he says it anyways. karisa takes her best friend's hands and let's out a laugh. "well 'course he was, he's only been in love with you since the dawn of time shortstack, i couldn't see him having any other reaction." a short reassurance as she walks in step with her best friend, snagging a glass of champagne on the way in as she notices cain taking his sweet time to get to the crowd. "i'll meet you there? it'll only take a second." she tells the bride, turning to face cain who was clearly lost in his own thoughts. "you look like somebody stole your bike." karisa pointed out, brows furrowed as she sips her champagne. his own hand is rubbing against his chest, almost as if he's trying to soothe this panic that is spreading. "oh, oh," karisa says, throwing back whatever is left of her champagne and ditching the glass. "ain't doin' it tonight, cain. look at me, deep breaths and think about cassie. her, really silly drawings, her laugh and everything that drives you crazy. you know, like when she and nikki took crayons and colored the walls?" karisa asked, teases, laughs and cain shook his head. "not funny," but karisa merely rolls her shoulders. "whatever this is you're feelin' it'll pass, whatever's got you worked up. just think about tonight. whole family's here and we've got an announcement we're going to miss if you don't get your shit together now, come on." southern charm, little sister routine as cain laughed. "this used to be the other way around."
"things change," hands come to readjust his collar as she pats his chest, head juts to the entrance of the hall. "and i got a date, so, get it together, i owe him a dance and a glass of champagne, amongst other things." turning on her heel, cain face contorts into one of disgust. almost as if the two are teenagers again. "does the old man know? you're disgusting." childlike insults as he joins the crowd, finds himself next to his own brother as karisa manages to snag two glasses of champagne, steals rowan and places herself besides winnie and joey. "heard i've got some catchin' up to do." karisa whispered to winnie, eyeing joey and offering him a wink. sister's intuition. benji welcomed eden back with an open arm, pulling her close as mr. arlen finally takes a seat, mrs. arlen behind him with a hand on his shoulder. "you ain't ever goin' to believe what i just saw." samuel whispered to his wife. "cain and eris in the bathroom." a confession that brings camille's hand to her lips. "and, karisa brought herself a date, no introductions or nothin'. we got, jackie finally actin' on his feelings, joey's makin' a move on sienna. what isn't happenin'?" samuel continued, scoffed and turned to benji who had cleared his throat. "uh, i want to first say, thank you for coming here today and sharing our special day with us. there are times where, it's good to be surrounded by people who are important to you, and for us, me, this is one of those times. i hope that you're enjoying every bit as much as we are and i'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart." benji begins, eyeing the small crowd of friends who had ultimately became his family.
"unfortunately - it's not possible to have everyone we love here, with us today but we've got them here with us in spirit. and i know that, my dad, ben and grandma millie would've loved and been overly excited with uh, the news we're about to share with you all, so, uh, i'm going to stop talking and i'll uh, let eden, my wife, take the stage." a laugh as he turns to eden.
everyone seemed genuinely happy for them, and that was heart warming in itself. of course there would be a part of eden that wished her brother had been there today, that he'd have walked her down the aisle.. and a part of her that wishes she could've seen her grandmothers excitement over the idea of a grandchild. grandma millie would've knit clothes and told everyone in the town, ten times, that she was going to be a great grandma.to most that'd seem cringy, but there's nothing she wouldn't give for her grandmothers pride now. in part, people being excited and happy for them, reminded her of it. maybe she could try to enjoy it at least in a fraction of what she would have. what had melted her heart was how her husband went out of his way, to make sure two seats were left at the front when she'd walked the aisle, so in spirit their was a front row seat, for grandma millie and ben.. like he knew that her heart needed to acknowledge that even when they weren't there, they were. that was the thing with grief, it never really left. it came back for you in your happiest days and reminded you what could've been and what no longer was. it came for you in the dead of night, it came for you on drunk walks home, it came for you in bathroom stalls, everywhere. the one thing that stopped her crying for their absence today, was the idea of how they'd have been so happy welcoming benji officially, into their family. grief wouldn't win her today.
"you think i have your number?" like she said, she'd not liked him... she might have had it all those years ago in high school but why would she have it now? now when she thought he'd forgotten her name? "what does that mean.. you've used muneca more than once, a few times actually, that seems to be what you call me the most and.. fun fact, failed every single language i tried to learn. not my strong suit." sienna rolled her eyes at him quickly. "the steel was already there, you're as bad as me." she mumbled the last part. "you could give me it." she whispers, as they stand and wait. "your number."
eris didn't know how they were meant to figure things out, she didn't know where to start trying to be.. better, closer, but she thought this was that. she'd not even considered how she'd be that at work, and she wouldn't. work was work, she was there to do a job and protecting people, was that job. the way he said darlin' had always relaxed her nerves in some way, maybe because she felt like it was a title crafted purely for her. god what was she doing? what the hell was she doing, wasn't she technically kissing her boss? if you could call the featherlight push of her lips, kissing... she was so gentle. she watches the pause of his hands, just her face right? jst her face, just cain.. it was just cain, so she gives a small nod. his hands on her face, they were there and she kept saying it inwardly, that it was okay. it was fine. his hands were just that, just a gentle, loving touch. rough and worked but.. slow. she knew her heart still wondered why she was doing this to herself, why she didn't plunge completely in and not look back, but her brain fought against that.one of her hands hovered between them, hovered and clearly wanted to do the same, to try and.. touch his face, to do something like she was meant to. slowly her fingers inched forward and god, for a few minutes they were normal, normal people that wanted to kiss each other and then her hand pulled back, like a memory jumped to the front of her mind. "sorry."
"no. jackie. i liked the overdoing it... i actually used to brag, so much about the mystery of the balloon locker boy. you might think too much but, i think you created some of my happiest high school memories without even realising it." winnie spoke as she followed and finally uncurled her arms, she did have to reach for his arm though, wobbling in heels when you'd had a drink wasn't a pretty look. "just... just stop trying to be what you think i want, when you already are. idiot."
eris nearly jumped out of her skin and for the firs ttime ever, cain would see just how flustered she could get, given her cheeks burned a fire truck red right now. "shit." she cursed and just like that, it was like the idea of touching him anymore today ceased, but she did accept his blazer jacket. joey would freak seeing any blood on her, but it'd be in the best way, a way that she knew was her brothers protecting her. it was a little big on her but, either way... it worked. "i'll go out first you uh, go after me but not immedatietly it'd look really obvious okay?" yeah, because now it felt like a secret. after a few second she slipped herself out and.. did not address any of what just happened or agreed on what they'd say, none of it just, made a bee line to stand beside her brother. "say nothing." she spoke quickly when he opened his mouth. "say nothing joey. i don't want to have to break your arm, but if you say a damn word i will." she grumbles quietly but with conviction.
eden couldn't help but squeak with her in excitement and throw herself into her best friends arms. no crying. no more crying. "so much! so so much and it's going to be a journey and some days are going to be crappy and not fun and— 'risa we're meant to go announce it to a room full of people and you know i hate crowds, come with me, please? just.. " she gave that pleading, puppy eyed look. already, she wanted to plan everything with her, with them, and eden was pretty sure she didn't deserve all the love her best friend gave, but god there will be days she needs it. "'risa he was so happy.. he was so excited." there was that hint of sadness, that give away that she'd expected something else and convinced herself of it. "he really just, he hugged me so tight i don't think i've ever seen him smile that wide." and then she takes her best friends hand and encourages her inside. "come on then, i want to see you catch up to winnie after this!"
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imrtale · 1 year
"oh eden!" the older woman completely coms to a halt, hand over her heart. typical camille, tears prickle the corner of her eyes. a hand comes to wrap around the one of the blushing bride, giving it a gentle squeeze. "i will be here every step of the way, you just wait and see, motherhood will suit you. i am beyond happy for the two of you!" hushed excitement as she moves forward for the chair, leaving eden to it. while joey rolls his shoulders, with ease. "time and place muneca, i'll teach you what you need to do." he says it with every ounce of seriousness before he rolled his eyes. "you could have called me, number hasn't changed, woulda - woulda changed those locks for you." another shrug as he does listen to her, for a moment you can see his cheeks tint but it quickly disappears when tattooed hand runs over his lowcut. "eris has always had that steel. she's good at that. she brought it outta me. not the other way around," he could never take a compliment. clearly. always trying to find a way to flip it. "hilarious, let's go," another eye roll as he keeps her close, canting his head back and forth in thought. "maybe, could be. mr. and mrs. arlen are known for that, could be that mr. arlen wants all of us to some corny shit together." camille places the chair behind her husband, motioning for him to sit as he shakes his head, watching as everyone gathered around. "cain and eris aren't anywhere to be found," mr. arlen whispered to her as she let's out a laugh. "keep everyone busy will 'ya?" asked the former sheriff.
his lips twitch, almost as if he's fighting a smile when she dares the step closer. he remains still - chest rises and falls as if he battles his own thoughts. "then we figure it out." he confirmed, hands still at his own sides as his eyes flicker between her eyes and her lips. he waits for her. waits and it's tearing him apart. she had all the reason to leave. had all the reason to tell him that he's to broken. but she doesn't. he doesn't. in a tragic, poetic way he supposes the two were meant to do this. to walk this road together. it's a warm thought. warmth that spreads across his chest. "you have me darlin'. always have and always will." he reassured, draws a breath and welcomes the kiss with eyes shut. this - electric feeling courses through him for a moment before he's pulling away. "ris." soft spoken, still rough but soft spoken as best as he can. hands rise, slowly, hovers over her cheeks - silent question and when she answers, he's folding. lips meets hers once more and pads of his thumbs stroke at the apples of her cheek. gentle, despite the rough exterior.
jackie nods quickly, brows raise as his smile returns. "i'll get you the drink back. swear," he says, out of breath almost. "whatever you want, i've got it. i'll do it, ten thousand times over." dramatic but he means it. pink, plump lips part as he let's out a laugh, nervous hand scratches at the back of his neck as he realizes how corny his confessions had truly been. "well, just, don't hurt me to bad, i really liked you back then - not that i don't now, i do. i just, i over did it sometimes didn't i? or no?" for future reference obviously, motioning the fellow blonde to follow him to the growing crowd, standing besides tommy and zachary who handed them glasses of champagne. mr. arlen finally reaches the bathroom, curls a fist to knock on the door as he draws a breath. "it ain't my business - but, whatever the hell it is the two of you are doin' can wait. benji and eden got some news they want to tell us so, hurry up!" samuel called out, turning on his heel as he walked back to the venue hall with his cane. "take uh, take my blazer," cain offered, motioning for her to take it as he let's out a laugh. "it'll cover up the stain and uh, sorry about the old man."
karisa squeezes rowan's hand before he departs, turning back to her best friend with a finger to her lips. "hush it, he's the guy from the bar i was tellin' you about. i made a joke about you know, needin' a date to the wedding and well, here he is." nervous string of laughter as she raises her brows at eden's rushed explanations. though it soon makes sense as karisa's dark hues light up and she squealed. she's sure everyone within the mile radius could hear her, nearly jumping in glee as she pulls eden into a tight embrace, tears prickling the corner of her eyes. "oh my goodness! we've got so much to do! we've got to sit and make a baby registry and the likes, oh! oh! i have so many of nikki's toys i could give 'ya, jesus eden! i can't believe this is happenin'!" she continued to squeal, wiping at her own tears. "i'm almost sure benji screamed too, or almost did! oh my goodness eden, i could cry again. i'm so happy for the two of you! and i can't wait to meet little eden too! ain't that right little eden? i'm going to spoil the hell outta you, hear me?" karisa says pointing to eden's stomach. "come on, let's get the party started! i have to drink for the both of us and that means, i have a lot to catch up on." karisa teases, linking her arms with eden.
"say it again, just one more time?" love of his life, god that was a title she would never tire of hearing. she'd inadvertently just given herself a brand new nickname. grape. fantastic. he was going to remember it just to torment her with it, that much she knew. worth it, for that one pecked kiss. eden did however, go with camille and leave the two men to it. "that's good, i'm going to make sure she's drunk enough for the both of us tonight. she can forgive me for the hangover later." she didn't realize what she'd just said, but she'd said it. oblivious to what she'd admitted she turned and agreed with cami. "i wont even tell him you called him an old man!" she joked, it was nice though, to see eden so bubbly and happy because there'd been a time in her life where that faded for a while, where she'd been a shell of herself shrouded in grief and loss. "
"alright then why don't you?" she came out with it, and stared at him a little blankly. "..teach me, how to throw a decent punch. i mean you kind of owe it to me, i had to change my locks all on my own and i spent my whole day off figuring that out you know?" old lady. not a handy man. if eris had not been locked up in the bathroom, she'd have been making a note to taunt joey over his very clear, soft spot for sienna. "unspoken agreement or not that uh.. that type of thing takes steel you know? she learnt that from someone, it didn't just appear.. and i think she learned that from you." sienna? her big heart? came from sharing everything with her dork of a sprinkler-armed brother. "oh.. oh put the words in my mouth! handsome younger guy? where?" she teases him, like a bickering back and forth. "hmm... another tear jerking speech do you think?"
"dislocated it.. far more painful to get a jaw back in once its swollen." she mumbles. "might have broke his ankle too.. by accident. definitely, by accident." and the guy would be too much of a coward to go reporting her for it, plus, he'd only make matters worse for himself given he'd harmed and officer. her lips pursed, her posture stiff and she should've said thank you, but it's like when cain caught her eye contact she couldn't do anything but keep her soft brown eyes, on his. she was listening, but was it true? that heart she had? that heart that she thought she'd fucking lock away from the world and never let anyone near it again, why would she? it'd been squandered and squished so, so many times and why? why, when she'd given it her best shot? why, when her parents should've shown her was love really was and yet that was handed to people that'd never asked for her to be born, they'd never asked for the responsibility of a torn up, shredded to pieces child, but they got it anyway... and who wanted a sister like her? who wanted a kid that didn't know how to accept the basics? who wanted an adult.. that could still wake up screaming? the thing was cain had someone, perfect and pleasant and lovely and he.. didn't want her. aelin was not her. her heart was beating, beating, thudding against her ribcage. had she ever drifted this close to anyone before? let someone hover just inches from her, his chest right there, a heart that beat beneath it that she did yearn to know. it was so close, and yet so far from her.
there was a lingering silence and she dares it, braves the little space to inch it to just a small, barely there, gap. he talked to aelin about her, eris never thought she'd even be a topic for conversation when they were in a room alone together. "okay." she breathed, soft and airy and what she was saying, she felt was not enough, but that one word was a confirmation. she'd heard him, she agreed, she didn't repulse or recoil. she stayed, in their space... in their messed up space where they were both wounded, where they were both two people broken enough to want to see the other exactly as they were, and still chose the other for all their flaws and imperfections, no matter how hard that'd end up being. "okay." she repeated, softer, a whisper. "then we figure it out.." her eyes dropped, kept dropping, from eyes to lips and.. could she? could she dare? try. she kept screaming the thought at her brain. try. she felt the tremble, the uncertainty, waited to be pushed away but eris leaned to his lips, and at first it was just her breath, just a shaky little breath and a tiny tremble to her lower lip but... try. "i want the silly things, that i was jealous about. i want to be patient with you too, and i want to try and be, or.. i want to...again.." her tongue wet her lips, this painful moment of her picking what word, of all of them, there was only one on the front of her mind. "you." had she said it? say it agian, try. "i want you."
for the first time in her life, she took something she wanted and what that was, was the softest way a human could kiss another human. her lips were a warm, light brush against his. it didn't change that her mind said this would end badly, it didn't change how her hands didn't know where to hold or squeeze or push or-... none of that changed, but what did, was how gentle she tried to be, scared that the first time she'd really tried to touch someone, she'd show them the same pain she'd learned but that was not the case, eris amorello was not venomous, she was an antidote, a well deserved secret, bottled.
wanted her, wants her, so why this? her mind was baffled and bundled and jumbled but, that is what good champagne did. she was giving him that pressed lip sternness that she'd mastered over the years. it only softened at the admittance over old valentines day grams, the balloons in her lockers that had her so flustered in the best way, a silly thing, but worth it for her beaming smile the whole day. she's quiet, even after he'd finished so sort of stayed in this moment of consideration on what the hell to say, her arms remained crossed and yet her eyes softened before anything else did. "...well then you best work double speed to get me that drink back.." it was moody and that was fine. atleast she would stay. "....and i hate to tell you this but you do actually owe me two shoulder rubs, a back massage, pineapple and ham pizza one day this week and... at least two latte's with hazelnut syrup, if you'd like my forgiveness." the fact she'd forgiven him was obvious, really obvious because she was trying her absolute best to not smirk. "i wont budge on the pizza either."
"good, then that is what we'll do." to rowan it was as simple as that, if she had a kid that was in her life then he'd be totally accepting of that and honestly, he liked kids. nothing bad about it. "eden, hi! i think i met you at the bakery like, yesterday? you were uh..." she took over. "fretting, over the wedding cake, yes! that'd be me and you were mr, black coffee and toast guy." he just gave a thumbs-up to that. "go ahead, i'll wait around inside." he nodded his head, left the girls to it and eden gives her a raised brow look. "who the hell is he? you so have to spill all the beans to me!" she wafted the hands in the air."i have like, two minutes to tell you before a room full of people toast me and benji again." she took a deep breath. "okay so, tonight, you need to drink like twice the wine and champagne for me okay? coz uh, well,i just need you to get drunk for.." shit cami already knew didn't she? eden cursed at herself inwardly. "you're my best friend okay, and i'll need you, i will... i'll need you to be with me in this too, okay? 'coz.. we do everything, together right? i know i have benji and all of that but, i still need you." the little sweet curve of her lips started. "i'm pregnant 'risa."
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imrtale · 1 year
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a hand raises to mask the unlady like laugh, dark tresses move with her as she approaches sienna, elbow extended for her to take so they could walk. "if father dies, the realm can survive without him, it might crack but the darkness that runs through father - runs through his children. father and i have already discussed what measures must be taken if it comes to that," it would take sacrifices and a lot of darkness but - they could try. not that she wants to ponder the thought. "the underworld thanks you, sienna. i, thank you." kalista stops in her tracks, turns to face sienna's front and takes hands into her own. "you owe me nothing si, let alone an apology. we are gods, we were bound to our duties before we took our first breaths," a bitter chuckle under her breath as she shakes her head. "you owe me no explanation. all that it is that matters to me is that you are here, now. that's all i care for, it brings me joy to know that you've missed me as much as i have missed you." kalista teased.
"then best i be here to make sure you don't fall into any abyss when it does." she smirked, a somber joke but all be it one she appreciated. she knew of this realms instability, and they call only hope the rot would cease, better yet if it would recover. "not for yourself? then allow me to do so in tenfold to make up for that lack of self-care." like she didn't already, when it came to the underworld kalista would frequently become her first thought. "so long as hades lives i cannot imagine this realm will lose it's entire structure, there must be some balance left for it to cling. in adverse, olympus rides greatly on the success of the fertility goddess, given that everything has it's balance and equal, the underworld is ours. a crack in any surface has a rippling effect." she pauses and sighs. "but should the underworld fall, know i will come, and i will get as many of your people out as i can." for her, for kalista, if that is what she needed sienna would be at hand to do so. a soldier, in every regard. "i thought you might not wish to see me, given how long i've been absent.." she had disappeared for good cause, she stepped up, she wore royal colors, she was doing her bit... for her people.
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imrtale · 1 year
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the king of the underworld watches with curious eyes as his crow finds comfort in eden's welcoming fingers. the present, she almost sounds like him. an older version of hades at least, the version he was before the fates tore him apart. "yes, atlantis, it's a beautiful realm." a realm he hasn't visited in a near century but his opinion remained the same. her answer to his offer makes him laugh, inwardly but a laugh nonethless. "yes this realm has plenty of see but little to offer in it's current state," a mumble, but it isn't anything short of the truth. the underworld was once a thriving realm, covered in golds and riches, despite the stigmas placed on it. it thrived despite the gloom to it. turning his attention to eden, the god intertwines his hands behind his back, even leaning his head down a bit to offer her his attention. "our powers never came to us easy nor overnight, we trained and practiced. with the right tools, you will be well-versed as we are. i'm sure i can find someone to help you, you might not share the same gifts but, it'll help you draw your powers out. or maybe a book, i'm sure there is something i can find to help you become more comfortable with your gifts." he offers, listening to her explanation. "what is it that you prefer?" hades had asked, brows knitting together as he soon nods slowly, bertok. "many of them do, the ones close to me that is." a finger points at the one that now perched on her shoulder, "aldram, he is my first crow and my most trusted one, i see what he sees, the one that brought you your gifts, is bertok or as one of my children call him, tokie. he's a rogue crow, does what he wants, comes and goes with the winds. i may summon him if you wish if it would make you more comfortable here," he stops in their path, eyeing the cities before them. "mortals are used to a certain string of behaviors, many things we do they view as odd, i hope you didn't pay them to much mind." he says, breath drawn. "these are the cities, where the people of the realm reside, my youngest resides here too. she's well-known amongst the people, children mostly, not because she's my child but because she's kind. she teaches the children to read, paint and weave. the likes, it may sound odd not keeping her in our castle but, she asked and i obliged. i may be many things but selfish is not one. i try to do what's right, as much as i can." hades explained, turning to face her. "i will never lie, i asked for your presence because the realm is dying. and although you are not comfortable in your power i believe you can help. which is why i asked for you by name. and if you are not comfortable with my request, you are free to leave, i will have you escorted back, eden. the choice is yours."
"well.." she half hummed and stretched her fingers out slowly, letting the crow decide to meet her fingers itself and this sweetheart smile started to slowly spread. "i see plenty of beautiful things, right now. what time like the present?" she has the most observant hues, spring green meadows with a warmth that embodied her very soul. "atlantis?" she asked in surprise because the only atlantis she knew, was that of an animated movie. she had a wonder to her that many old gods had long forgotten, life... refreshing, in so many ways. "how about i get used to this one first? i'm sure your realm, has plenty to see?" he moved, and she quickens her step briefly, to walk beside him. "i'm not sure i'm well versed in utilizing it and.. that i might disappoint you-.. hades." heavens above, the way his name sounded from her mouth. sweet, sweet summer days in lavender fields. "well, eden is the name i have had my entire life. mother insists to call me this other title but i... i guess all of my friends, my hometown, they all call me eden." she explains, not that she imagined she needed to, given he must obviously know much of her world. "your crows are fascinating to me. do they have names?" she paused. "i once gave a crow that visited my garden bread, frequently. left it on my windowsill and then, little by little that crow would come back and leave me little presents. acorns and buttons, treasures from it's day." he didn't need to know that but she still told him. "i once heard that crows remember the faces of their enemies, but also the faces of their friends, so i went out of my way to be nice to crows. other children in my town took bread for the ducks, i took it for the crows. where i'm from, that made me quite odd."
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imrtale · 1 year
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leonidas laugh soon fills the room, one hand comes to rest against his heart, lips forming a frown. "you wound me eris, truly." sarcasm drips from his tone as he let's out an inward chuckle at her entrance, icy hues following her movement throughout the grand room. it hadn't surprised him she came as a messenger, hades trusted few and the few had been his children. a larger hand reaches forth to pull the scroll and hold it in one hand. a dirty shot but it was expected, eris had pulled it many times in the years growing up, he always expected it, just doesn't know when. it draws out a laugh, trident hovers as he merely rolled his eyes. "hello to you too eris." though his eyes do narrow at the flowers, brows knitting together in thought as he motions the guards to take the flowers. "eden is it? i have heard of her arrival in the underworld," a string of mumbles, he had heard it from kastos, who, wasn't to fond of outsiders but that, was a secret between the two cousins. "may we speak elsewhere?" a more serious tone on the contrary to his usual playful one, scroll still in hand while he hits his trident's hilt against the floor twice. an unspoken signal for his guards to guard the doors.
in her slow stride, hips swaying with each step, she raises her brows, mainly at the cocky way he leans against his trident. "you might hurt yourself with that, are you sure you should have it?" she teased in a sighing note. "and what would i offer you, but another fish for your sea?" sarcastic as ever she waves a hand and the doors close behind her with this snapping of shadows skewing across the floor and almost recoiling on her command too. "i don't come here willingly.. you know i do not favor the sea, nor any body of water." she couldn't swim, not that she'd reveal that. she'd claim that she didn't like any cold.. wet thing. she'd sooner claim that she hated sea creatures entirely than admit a weakness though.. she actually was quite fond of dolphins. "i bring a message from hades, for poseidon. would you be kind enough to pass it along.." he hand raises as she draws nearer and a wax-sealed scroll appears in her hand. "might you give it to him, so i need not waste my time sweet talking the man?" her eyes rolled and then, with a growing smirk, she sent her foot forward and knocked the trident from being leaned upon, see if he'd stumble. it was no ill intent.. she was playing, teasing him. the next item that drew into her arms like smoke was this huge bouquet of flowers. brightly colored and vibrant. "... do not look at me like that. these, are from the goddess of spring, to a realm she has yet to visit."
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imrtale · 1 year
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kalista laughs at the explanation, burning hues glistening in amusement. "a day i have no wits is the day the realm collapses," a somber joke because it was slowly becoming true. her home realm, had been unstable for a near century now but in the past decade it was rotting away. a delicate hand raises in the air, stopping the remainder of the apology as she shakes her head softly. she notes her new royal clothes, smiles as she takes it all in, she's proud of sienna - that much is evident in her features. on the contrary, kalista adorned her realm's colors . . . ebony dress with faints of silver adorning the seams to honor her mother. silver that glistens in the moonlight and hair that had been pulled back in a braided half up - half down do. roles, responsibilities that were forced upon them. kalista, her father's trusted advisor. "the underworld is my home yes but, i only worry for it's people, not for myself." an honest answer, lips pressed in thought. "i am goddess, i may find home elsewhere i see fit but our people? where will they go? the trapped souls in the veil? if the realm falls, where will eris place her demons? where will these punished souls go to? the dead are sent here to face judgement, if we fall, the realms soon fall with us, souls will wander and we will have the blood of innocents on our hands," an explanation full of conviction as she shakes her head, turns to cast her attention olympus bound for a moment. "you have not done anything to me to provoke such emotion, why would i be angry with you?"
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"i like to test that you still have your wits about you." came the voice, warmed by a thousand sunrises yet, as soothing as a thousand sunsets. "hello kalista." it'd been some time since she'd last visited the underworld, but she would frequent it whenever she could and seek out one person specifically and here she was, her green eyed goddess. "i can only apologize, for how little i have frequented your realm of recent... the roles we hold, weigh heavy on our shoulders." there was a faint smile. her royal wear was different now, a more form fitting, thick coat, embroidered by the gold that she was said to shine upon olympus. "are you well? i hear of the misfortune befitting the underworld and worry for.. i worry for you." a beat, before it bursts from her lips. "are you angry at me?"
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imrtale · 1 year
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hades continues to look over the young goddess, oceanic hues seem to darken as he notes the earth thrive beneath her feet. it was fascinating. remarkable. his eyes follow her line of sight, turning to face the crow perched on his shoulder as he places two fingers in front of it, allowing it to hop onto his fingers as he extends the same fingers to eden. allowing her to touch said crow if she wanted. a small gesture to passerby's, but, to those who knew hades, knew how dear this crow was to him. it was his eyes, his trusted advisor, it saw things he could not. "the realms have many beautiful things to offer, it's a shame you have not seen them," a thought voiced aloud as he presses his lips together in thought for a moment. "my children, are well versed in travels between realms, if you truly wish to see olympus or atlantis, i can have my son accompany you, he is well respected in the realms - or one of my daughters, if that makes you more comfortable." an offer as he cleared his throat, takes a step to the side and gestures for her to follow him down the steps so he could give her a tour of the realm. "there is no need for formalities, bowing, the titles, it means nothing to me. we are gods, equally, what power thrives in me, thrives in you as well, we just utilize it differently." he explained, eyeing her from the corner of his eyes as the crows disperse into corners of the realms. watchful eyes. "the crows are my eyes, at any given time i can, see out of their eyes, as my sister hera can do with her ravens and zeus does with his eagles. it's a straining gift, but, it has granted me the peace of mind to ensure my children are safe when i'm not near." another unneeded explanation as he laughs at himself. "you may call me hades, as i suppose you would wish for me to call you eden?"
what she knew of the underworld was brief, what she knew on any realm but her own was brief. demeter was ignorant to how little she'd educated the young goddess that could flourish life, fertility goddess' were few and far between but she'd hidden the girl, the spring babe. hiding her was meant to keep her safe, but what good had it done her? she was wary, to visit a realm for the first time. demeter had given her barely any detail so when the messenger brought her fourth she stood and turned her head, scanned what she could see and those darling green hues drank everything in. had she died? humans made this kind of thing, finding feet on the unearthly ground seem.. like an ending, she only saw a beginning. a whole new place. she had one warning from her mother, be wary of hades, be wary of powerful men.. and then she was looking at him, just a man, or so he seemed.. just as she appeared as any mortal woman. a mortal woman that had.. shoots, little buds of greenery, sprouting at her feet. this realm was dying, and she had been in it a second, a mere moment, and already brought forth more life than it'd known for some time. she was blissfully unaware she'd done that, in her moments of awe. her eyes studied him with sure gentle observation, her eyes though did linger on the crow for longer than anything else. fascinating. she thought. he's fascinating. "no.. no i have not." she swallowed and stared at him with such wide hues. was he not something to fear? no human painted him in a fond light and here she was, eye to eye with the man himself. "i am.. very sorry, for my lack of knowledge but i do not know the correct way to address you, sir." though, the goddess politely bows her head.
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imrtale · 1 year
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the sea snake, summoned his trident from it's mount the moment the grand hall's doors open. he assumed it had been his sister returning from her visit to their sister realm, visiting their cousins who she missed dearly. but it wasn't. it was eris. the wraith of the underworld. mother of demons, she had many titles, none he really cared for - he admired her and held her in high regard for the earned titles but he had only ever seen her as eris. trident is placed between his feet as he leans against it, cockily almost, and a lopsided smirk to follow. he's arrogant when he wants to be he supposes. within his rights, god of winds and storms, he was the very destruction that could bring inlands to their knees. but winnie's taught him better. "and to what pleasure do i owe this visit? surely, you didn't come to bring me offerings did you, eris?"
@elpida !
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imrtale · 1 year
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the god of the underworld had dreaded the day he would lose his realm, yet, the day had came and went. the underworld was dying. partially his own fault as his emotions were the very construct that upkept the realm and he had become lost in his own grief and anger in the last century. so, the solution of course, comes with angering his sister yet, he follows his instinct anyways. when his crow lands on his shoulder, squawking in his ears, he knew eden was here. and he manages to use the very crows loyal to him as transport, stepping into the cool air with his crow's feathers in his wake as he appeared before eden. he doesn't say much, not at first at least. looks her over and draws a breath. or two. "have you ever been outside of your home realm little sparrow?"
@elpida !
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imrtale · 1 year
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kalista favored her father the most, dark tresses that cascaded down her back and burning grassy hues that held far more emotion than her words could ever convey. she and eris were know as his little wraiths, with good reason. fingers barely curl at her sides as she pulls at the shadows at the edges of her vision, bringing them together and bring them together to shape them into a wall to shield her from the incoming steps. "ah, it is you, do you not know better than to sneak up on me?" she asked, turning her attention from the full moon and releasing her wall as she intertwines her hands at her front. @elpida !
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imrtale · 1 year
"a week?" he nearly gasped, hand over his heart for dramatic heart regardless. "i would never, i could never, you're the love of my life eden, we're bound to one another for all of eternity and then some. can't return me, exchange me or get a refund, so remember that, grape." he teases, pressing yet another kiss against her lips this time as he locked his finger around hers. attention turns back to the arlen's as he couldn't help but laugh along. benji still keeps close to eden after the exchange and turns to the former sheriff to look him over. "wouldn't miss the two of you gettin' married, come on." a quick kiss of his teeth as camille seemingly moves closer to her husband, let's him lean into her sneakily so his weight is off his leg and instead hers. "benji, honey, why don't you stay with him and i'll go with eden to help her find a chair and karisa, the two of you can, bond over being big ol' saps." she teases, turning back to eden as benji nods quickly. "i'll try to grab everyone else here, that way when you get back we can tell everyone what's going on," he agrees, leaning in for the upteenth kiss as mr. arlen nods to his wife. "come on, i gotta feelin' she's outside, she probably went to call nikki and give him his goodnight routine, he's with his father this weekend so," camille explains, shrugs and walks in step with eden to try to find the girl in question. "i'll let you talk to risa whenever we find her and i'll bring the old man his chair, deal?" camille offered as benji turned to mr. arlen, clearing his throat for a moment. "kinda feel bad interrupting everyone's moment, everyone's dancing and having fun y'know?" benji whispered to the older male, who again, sucked his teeth. "i got this," two fingers placed in his mouth so he could whistle as loud as needed be, of course it draws attention and he signals with the same fingers for everyone to join them.
"i would never let you do that, i would teach you how to throw a punch before you did that." he teases in response, darker hues seem to light up in her presence. pink lips part to respond to her initial question but soon shut to the revelation and he could only shake his head and laugh. of course she did. "she can be scary when she needs to be. i owe her one, i would have taken the fall for it, i'm sure one of my brothers would've bailed me out - but that's not the point. it's eris, the one i go to, my brothers are older than us, JD and angel have always been you know, together, so when eris came, we were close, still are and, it doesn't surprise me that she did that. we've always had that thing - unspoken agreement to look out for one another, guess this is just one of those times." he shrugs it off, lips pursed and brows raised as he rolls his eyes. "old ladies do always ask the handsome, younger folks to help them with shit, so yes maybe you are an old lady sienna," he teases, a smile that resembles hers as he offers an arm for her to take, turning to the whistling noise. "ah, well, we'll see if you're telling me the truth after uncle sammy is done telling us whatever it is he needs to tell us."
cain simply curses under his breath, nostrils flair as he blows air out of them, muscles in his jaw slacked. "hope you broke his jaw," a grumble, not directed towards her necessarily but to the asshole responsible for this. and in true cain fashion, he remains silent. works at the wound until it's cleaned up and remains in his position to redress the wound. whatever he has to say, he needs to look her in the eyes, show her that he means every word of it. they were officers, they knew how important body language and eye contact were when it comes to situations - one like this. so, he rises to his feet, keeps that close proximity and let's eris' hand fall. "old man always says family is determined by loyalty and behaviors, not blood or names." is what he starts off with, eyes boring into hers. despite the roughness in his voice his words are gentle. "i trust very few people, eris. the guys? are my friends but i don't trust them. not like i trust you. i trust you with my life, i trust your judgement, your decisions and your words. i trusted you the first day i met you. this, thing you've got, this passion to do the right thing, not because you want the fame that comes with it but because you want to do it because it'll make the world right, i admire you for it. it's that, that heart of yours ris, has had me tied around that finger of yours. and i hate it, drives me up the wall. i could give a shit about aelin. i don't give a damn what she can and can't give me because it isn't you. aelin isn't you."
for a moment he grows silent, debates his own emotional baggage before continuing. "our pasts ain't pretty, we both got our own demons, guilt and trauma we carry, right?" he asked, leaning against the counter as he picks up his suit jacket, extending it to her for her to take. "and i talked aelin's ear off about you every chance i got. you aren't just my partner, or an officer that works under me, a coworker . . . you are my best friend, the woman - the only woman besides my mother who can ever ground me, whenever i'm cornered, whenever i can't go on or if i think i'm not doin' it right, it's you. you are who i look to. you're my best friend, my headlights during a stormy night. and if i can't, i can't have that with you, ain't no one in this world that's ever goin' to get that from me. i ain't askin' for much eris, just . . . be patient with me, i can't - i can't express how i feel like i used to, i might get it wrong sometimes or piss you off, but, i do like you and i want this, whatever it is, wherever it goes, i want it with you. nobody else but you."
her words sink in. dig into the depths of his chest and make it tight. and he does take a step back when the finger is raised - old childhood habit as his expression softened. "hey, hey, now wait, wait a minute," jackie called out, "oblivious to things woulda been the word i would have used but airhead or dumb blonde ain't it," almost as if he's scolding her as he tries to figure out whether or not to close the distance. "i don't - i don't want the stand up girl! i wanted you - want you!" he shouts, corrects himself and turns to the occupants on the dance floor who look at him. so, now he has no choice but to close the distance. "winona maristela, i have liked you since my freshman year of high school. those - horribly written poems written on the valentine day grams you got every year from your anonymous admirer, or the balloons in your locker with hand written notes, that was me, i - god, and when you asked me to prom i thought, wow maybe - maybe she sees me for me you know? not this - broken kid who had a shitty life and when i saw you at the bookstore and i kept, bringin' you coffee, i thought you know, maybe i can do it. maybe i can - i can make that leap of faith. and i'm sorry that i didn't do it, i was scared. i was scared that you had someone and that my teenage crush would just go away but it didn't. i only asked that stand up girl to be my date so it wouldn't hurt to see you with someone else, i just, i fucked up, i know, i get it i just - i'm sorry, just please, please do not let this ruin your night. you were having so much fun dancin' and drinkin' i don't - want you to not do that because i fucked up."
the blonde held her breath for a few beats of a moment, darker hues roaming his features for an inkling for what comes next. shoulders soon slack as she relaxes, muscles in her jaw do clench to try to conceal the emotion that she tries to swallow. "oh," a blurt as she quickly shakes her head, "i would love that, so would he, thank you for," a breath as she waves her hand in the air. ". . . being so understandin'. it's not the most ideal situation but, no matter my feelings i always do what's best for nikki and i - you have no idea how much this means to me, you wantin' to do all that," she replies, warm smile as she let's out a laugh, motioning for him to follow her as she leads them into the venue, brows quickly furrowing when she makes eye contact with eden. "oh! what are you doin' out here? shouldn't you be dancin' with your husband?" karisa teases, turning to rowan. "rowan, this is my best friend eden, eden this is rowan," but she senses something - can't place it but she does. "uh, are you alright shortstack? you look like you're about to tell me the sky's fallin'."
"i'm sorry mr warren, did you just hear the word that left your mouth? raisinette?" she was giggling, happy tears but giggling. "i know i know, 'risa will kill me for the makeup thing." and then she sighs, soft and airy. "about a week.. well, suspected for two, confirmed properly by a doctor.. for a week. i wanted to tell you so many times but at the same time i-.." it felt silly now. "i didn't want you to change your mind about.. marrying me. it's like i suddenly remembered every television drama where it all goes wrong when the woman says it and.." she flopped her head a little bit. "i was being a big grape wasn't i?" she carried on the joke. "so long as we do it together, all of it.. even the hard bits you know? so long as we manage it together and do the best that we can do." very briefly, she wrapped her little finger hrough his, making it a promise, like she hadn't already done that enough today. her own ring finger, glinting as it caught light. attention turned to mr and mrs arlen with her wide smile. the newly wed couple looked blissfully happy. eden moved in for the hug happily. she sent baked goods to the nurses whenever she had any leftovers, had a lot of respect for the women that helped her grandmother go peacefully, and fought tooth and nail to try and save her brother. "oh don't i'm going to be set off again, i'm meant to be a tough cookie today!" she broke a little huffed giggle hearing about benji, seeming like he'd double over just seeing her. she linked her arm through benji's but turned herself to samuel. "mr arlen, do you want me to find you a chair, would it be any more comfortable for you?" of course that sprung to her mind. "let me go get you one, honestly, i don't want you going too hard today, i was shocked you even made it! happy but, surprised. actually... has anyone seen karisa? i have to talk to her first but after that, we've a little announcement for everyone, i think-- benj? what do you think?" she was excited, they were.
"why, would you let me dislocate my thumb if i did try and fight you on it?" she was half joking, a hint of a smile and how any man had tried to wipe that from her was surprising in itself, how could you not want to see that happiness on her lips? "yeah.. yeah i know just, hard to ask for it isn't it? i mean, who do you ask for help to not feel so alone? oh that reminds me, nobody else is gonna say it so i will. i was talking to eris earlier, are you aware your sister spent hours talking my ex out of pressing charges on you? used her position as a threat so whilst she might not have told you, i think you owe her a very big thank you.. closest she's going to get to showing affection isn't it? matthew really was going to press charges, headstrong guy, clearly." ex. she'd well and truly left him. "on the topic of asking for help.. you any good with furniture? building it?" she flashed him that look, the one that was her effort showing through. "oh, so you don't think i look like an old lady? i think i look like an old lady. maybe i am one." there, the proper thing, the real smile. "what? i-.. you want to dance with me?" she flashed her eyes over to her brother and grimaced. "deal, so long as you don't dance like sprinkler boy... happy to tell you that i happened to get all the good moves in our family."
you. because it's you. the words kept repeating in her mind, not because of work, or some silly duty he thought he had over their jobs, but because it was him and her and that was some form of comfort to her. it was never spoken about, mainly because she never found it easy to talk about... but they'd known, camille and samuel, his parents, they knew what she'd been through when she was younger. in many ways she thought she owed them so much, for finding her a home with her two moms, her three brothers, an actual home... not the care homes she ran from time and time again. it's hard for them both, she knows that... she knows she'd been reckless going out to a drunk call in on her own. "this was uh.. it was my fault, someone called in a drunk, getting rowdy outside mavericks bar, didn't want to listen to reason, swung first.. big guy, that one that always mouths of? yeah i.." shrugged her shoulders quickly. "guess i couldn't be late for this wedding today." it was a terrible excuse, she knew that much.
her head nodded in response to his words but.. the minute he started to clean that wound she was holding her breath in, adjusting and then when she couldn't hold it anymore there were a few rushes, the rise and fall of her chest quickening and then her hand.. her hand that hovered, that wanted to hold and squeeze his shoulder. he was dabbing, gentle, careful. moments of silence lingered after that question until she breathily spoke. "because she's everything i can't be.. she's morning coffee arm to arm, she's a hug when you have a shitty day or a bad call. she's sunshine on a rainy day, impressive and up there career-wise, she's... she can touch you. she can be a pat on the back, she can hold your hand she can do.. everything, that i can't. that's why i think you care about her... because i guess she isn't me, and that's.." a bonus. it had distracted her, for the most. "she doesn't have what i have, the baggage the.. you know she isn't broken, and broken things aren't anyone's first choice." all of a sudden her hand lowers and grips his shoulder. it wasn't the type of light grip someone would give with little thought, it was firm and tight, gripping into the fabric of his shirt. rather than curse she'd bit the insides of her cheeks. "i don't know if i can do this." she admits in a rush, and a big sigh but... but wasn't there something nice mixed into eris' touch? a yearning, to know it more. in hushed whispers the was repeating that it was fine in some quick mantra. "why do you-" question, a distraction. "why do you worry about me? you don't have to... i'm not family, i'm not a... just, why do you worry about me?"
"i didn't bring a date jackson. i didn't ask anyone to come here with me because i wanted you to ask me." drunk winnie was for more honest, brutally honest and forward with what she meant, just a little slurred. "i wouldn't have asked you if i hadn't meant it.. i didn't think you were annoying, i thought you were funny. i thought you were cute, handsome, and i didn't ever want some prince charming, i'm not a disney kind of girl, i don't want any shining armour. i wanted someone that saw me, exactly as i am and wanted that. you know? mr darcy, that finds someone bewitching! mr rochester, loving jane eyre for all of her flaws and her tale of woe, i wanted something real.. you were real. didn't matter that i was the airhead half the time, the dumb blonde back then, you still tried to make me laugh and all of that garbage.. i never pitied you, i never thought you were some kicked puppy. you were nice, and i liked nice! i like nice." winnie spun and nearly fell right over, but turned with a raised pointed finger. "this what? you know what, i don't know why i bothered. give your stand up girl a call, since you wanted her to come with you oh, so badly. i dont care." she did care, she was just upset by it all.
"short notice or not, i'd never let a beautiful woman down." god he really did love her accent. "actually yeah, i'm not aiming to woo everyone though, just you." he laughs a little and then his blonde brows are raised in want to know what this big something was. "nicholas." he repeated and nodded his head slowly. "okay, i'm not following.. why would i leave?" his eyes squint in confusion, a hand moving to try and stop her from saying anything. he was a slow talker, deep-voiced but each word was considered. "why don't we make it earlier, we might not get the stars, but then nicholas could enjoy the beach, and i'll make it a family-friendly restaurant... not that i'm family, but so he can come along and then, your son can decide whether he likes me, because that matters. especially if i intend to really woo his mother properly." he pauses, tries to gauge some reaction. "i have not wasted any of my time coming here karisa, you having a son would not give me any reason to walk away. i'd actually like you to tell me all about him, over a.. is it champagne in there?"
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imrtale · 1 year
the taller male cants his head back and forth, letting his laughter continue filling the space between them. "i will continue calling them raisin junior until i know what they are, then i'll either call them, raisinette or raisin," benji corrected, matter of factly as he can't help his tears that stream. happy, elated even. "no, no, no, don't do that." he scolds, trying his best to wipe at her tears without smearing her makeup. "you told me in the most eden warren way, i wouldn't have it any other way but i am curious on to how long you've been hidin' it. you're better than me, i would've spilled it the moment i knew," he jokes, pulling her closer to close the gap they had created previously. "and i hope you know that i will be your biggest cheerleader, we're in this together you and i. the no sleep, changing diapers and fussing over baby names, all of it. the parent teacher conferences, the games and recitals, the roadtrips, all of it. we're kinda, for life you know," wiggling his ring finger in the air for her to see with his usual toothy grin. "oh the beautiful bride and groom! the two of you looked so beautiful, i just, sweet jesus, i'm going to cry all over again," camille cooed, fanning her eyes as she opened her arms for the embrace, prompting mr. arlen to mouth a dramatic towards benji and eden but benji doesn't care for it. like the rest of the group, camille and samuel arlen had become his parents when he lost his father. so, he was more than hapy to join the embrace. "your father - is smilin' down on you as is your grandmother eden, i know it, the both of you deserve this more than anyone, all of this. we're happy for you. the both of you." camille says, soft smile as samuel nodded along. "hate to say it but, i mean, we can't all look as good as me, but, the two of you look good. i thought benji here was going to double over when you walked down the isle," samuel teases as benji rolled his eyes, trying to hide his blush. "if it makes y'all feel any better, samuel had to have his father calm him down before we even said our vows, he could've thrown up from how hard he was cryin'." camille pointed out, elbowing her husband who merely rests on his cane.
joey listens first, a trait he's acquired in the many years that he's lived across from eris. hands continue to rest at his front as he shook his head, lips pressing together in thought before he laughed - a hand raised to excuse his laugh. "if it helps, when my brother, JD tried to teach me how to fight, he let me hit him you know, horrible idea in hindsight but i did it anyways. boxers fracture, so, you're not alone." he tries, continues to listen again. he rolls his shoulders, lips pressed together still as he looks around the room. bad habit. "look, being strong isn't always 'bout hittin' hard, it's got alot to do with your heart and mind too. and you've got alot of that, trust me. i've known you for a very long time, i think i know what i'm talkin' about so don't try to fight me on it alright?" an offered smile as his shoulders relax a bit. "it's your story to tell sienna, not mine. you hold the pen, you are the narrator so - don't thank me for nothing." quick, short as he looks at his shoes for a moment, brows knit together in thought. "just, don't think you're alone alright? you've got me. and your brother, the whole group you know, just, make sure you remember that." a poor attempt at advice but he's trying. words have never really been his thing - there's always just been a mutual understanding, then again he's only ever comforted eris and even then - mutual understanding. "cardigan or not you still, look nice," words are drawn out as he blows a breath of air. social outings - conversations in general have never really been his thing if it wasn't evident now. "i don't dance but, everyone else is out there and i wouldn't want you to miss out on your brother's sprinkler moves." yes, he's asking her to dance with him in the most awkwardest way possible.
cain has to unbutton a few of his buttons to create air, he feels like he's choking. tie's undone, buttons are too and he's trying to remind himself he's in a venue bathroom and not flipped over in his truck, or on the road holding his father while eris and tommy provide cover for them. but blood is blood. bleeds the same, looks the same, doesn't matter who it comes from. "you," he finally answered, doesn't look at her though. he's good at his façade. widow, grieving son, concerned cousin, the likes. "because it's you. 'ts just you and me. just cain and ris." he continued, brows knitting together as his nostrils flare. he had turned his back in midst of his rant, allowing her privacy because he's a decent human above all. but hearing her winces and frustrated, uneven breaths prompted him to turn around but his gaze is adverted. but he sees the acknowledgement in his peripheral, the signal - knows it all to well. his own handkerchief in hand as his eyes shift to the hands that stopped him. it makes sense, some of her behaviors if not - all of them now. this is the moment that connects the dots. why his father was so protective over eris to begin with, why joey seems to go off on every person who gets to close and why his mother had always announced what she would do before she did it. a breath, shaky but drawn as her fingers uncurl from his wrists.
heartstrings tug as he shakes his head softly, doesn't look at her at first because he's trying to put his brave face. and he does - takes a second exactly as he slouches in his posture to get eye level with her. "i just want to clean it, nothin' more," he begins, eyes flickering to said wound and no where else. it wasn't his business unless she made it his and he isn't the type to pry. "you can put your back on the wall right behind you, while i wet my handkerchief and clean where it's bleeding, we can fold the gauze up a bit and just retape it, fix it up better later." he waits, doesn't break contact until she confirms and moves to the side to wet the fabric and he pulls his slacks up a bit before squatting. "just cleanin' it, you can squeeze my shoulder if y'need it," he added, eyes narrowing at said wound as he tries to bury his own thoughts - worries and the likes. he even blows a bit of cool air from puckered lips as he's done for cassie and nikki a thousand times over. "why d'you think i care about aelin?" an honest question to distract her but to also answer his own questions in the midst.
the blonde remains in his spot, brows knitted together as lips are agape. he wants to say something but can't - baffled maybe, but he doesn't jump to conclusions. and it isn't until after that jackie let's out a laugh, nearly doubles over. because, jackson lee arlen, was the type to laugh through the uncomfortable points in his life. like now, but he quickly shakes his head. "i'm not laughing at you. or mockin' you winnie, i just," nervous hands begin to fidget with one another. "i thought you were bringin' someone else, i couldn't - it's me, karisa's annoyin' tag along brother who couldn't find his own friends, who can't talk without stumblin' over his words or fuckin' things up for himself." the very sober ramble begins, brows still pulled together. "why would you ask me to prom? why would you want me as a date? i'm not - i'm not some knight in shinning armor or - or this suave prince charming, i can't be that, you deserve that and i'm far from it. i'm just this, kicked puppy in the corner, when you asked me to prom, it felt like you were doing it because you pitied me, the same way i feel now but i, i don't know, this. ."
karisa let's out a breath of laughter, "it was short notice, i didn't think you'd show up - not because you're a jerk but because you know, it was like, short notice," southern charm still evident as she stops with him. dark brow raised in curiosity as she listened to his offer. cheeks flushing in the slightest shades of red as the blonde lowers her gaze for a moment to hide it. she hadn't told him about nikki yet but, there was a never better time than the present. "oh, sweetheart y'think you're goin' to woo everyone for those dance moves of yours?" she asked, biting back the laugh that threatens to spill over. "listen, there's somethin' i need to tell you," she draws a breath, eyeing him this time as she presses her lips together. "i would love to point out every damn star on that beach and try every single restaurant you looked up but, i need you to know that i, have a son, his name is nicholas. or nikki for short, he's four. he's my sweetpea and i shoulda told you this the night we walked the entire town and not wasted your time comin' here. if me havin' a kid scares you, you are more than welcome to just, y'know leave, it'll sting a bit but i can deal with it."
eden  was  staring  at  him,  a  deer  in  headlights  waiting  for  something  terrible,  waiting  for  some  sort  of  outburst  and  she  really  didn't  know  if  it  was  going  to  be  her  undoing  but  her  heart  beat  a  thousand  times  in  a  single  second,  rattled  her  ribcage  in  anticipation.  "benj.."  the  waiting  was  torturing  her,  until  the  resonating  ended  and  her  relief  was  released  because  when  benji  warren  pulled  her  into  his  arms,  everything  was  okay  again.  there  was  no  anger,  there  was  no  comments  of  recklessness,  it  was  just  happiness,  planted  in  each  peppered  kiss.  tears  start  to  well  in  her  eyes,  she  knows  it's  typical,  for  a  bride  to  cry  but  for  every  right  reason.  she  wanted  to  be  a  mother,  she  wanted  to  do  the  best  job  at  it  she  could  and  prove  that,  she  was  not  what  her  own  had  been.  she  wanted  to  be  able  to  give  all  that  love  she  had  in  her  heart  to  her  family.  it  was  his  excitement  that  had  her  emotional  and  there  was  nothing  as  perfect,  as  this  moment.  "you  did  not  just  call  our  baby,  raisin  jr."  she  laughs  and  that's  when  the  tears  start  to  drip  down  her  cheeks,  that  she's  wafting  with  her  hands.  "oh  god  i  really  said  i  wasn't  going  to  cry  today."  karisa  was  going  to  wiggle  her  finger  at  her  for  ruining  her  makeup  but  then,  she  had  her  best  friend  to  break  the  news  to  aswell.  "you're  the  first  person  to  know,  'risa  doesn't  know,  nobody  i  just  really..  i  wanted  to  say  it,  as  your  wife..  i'm  sorry,  i  know  i  should've  said  straight  away."  eden  did  not  know  what  she'd  down  in  her  life,  or  maybe  a  past  life,  to  deserve  him.  to  deserve  this.  "i  want  this,  i  want  us,  the  white  picket  fence,  the  family  photos,  everything.  we're  going  to  be  parents,  me  and  you."  she  coos  it  back  with  love  laced  into  her  words  before  she  threw  her  arms  around  him  and  held  herself  close  in  a  tight  embrace  because  she  needed  it  as  much  as  she  knew  he  did  too.  "i  won't  just  cheer  you  on  as  baseball  games  okay?  i'm  going  to  cheer  you  on,  every  minute,  forever.  i'll  always  be  in  your  corner,  and  you're  going  to  be..  god,  the  best  father  and  i'm  gonna  be  there,  cheering  you  on  then  too  only  now  i  can  do  it  beside  you,  and  not  in  the  stands."  she  sniffled  and  just  stayed  there  for  a  moment,  stayed  close  and  warm  and  just  with  him.  "i  think  everyone  might  hear  'risa  and  her  excitement  when  i  tell  her."
 sienna  took  a  slow  and  deep  breath  when  the  others  slipped  away  to  dance  and  joey  came  to  get.  muneca,  another  nickname..  see,  a  little  while  ago  she'd  have  assumed  he  simply  couldn't  remember  her  name.  she  knew  that  he  knew  it,  remembered  it..  so  not  it  just  became  a  lingering  wonder,  on  whether  it  was  an  affection  thing,  or  something  he  did  for  everyone.  "well...  i  managed  to  change  some  locks  on  my  own,  for  the  first  time  ever  i  uh..  not  exactly  the  handiest  person  ever  with  a  tool  kit."  she  knew  that  is  really  what  joey  meant,  not  entirely.  "right..  okay."  was  as  much  as  she  said  at  first,  he  didn't  want  to  apologize,  not  that  she  expected  one.  "i  guess  it's  a  good  thing  i  dont  want  your  apology  then."  she  was  looking  down  at  herself,  like  she  was  about  to  feel  any  amount  of  shame  for  the  things  she  was  about  to  say.  "i  hated  you,  in  high  school..  i  hated  you  because  i  wanted  to  be  like  you.  tough  you  know?  i  always  thought  you  were  a  tough  guy,  i  always  loved  how  you  looked  out  for  eris,  you  and  your  brothers..  and  i  wish  i  had  that  for  me  too,  you  know?  i  mean  i  tried  to  hit  him,  once.  i  tried  to..  be  like  you  guys  and  her  and..  everyone  else  that  had  a  bit  more  back  bone.  lets  just  say  that  my  bark  was  a  lot  better  than  my  bite.  dislocated  my  thumb  in  the  process."  she  feigned  a  little  laughter  but  shrugged  her  shoulders  regardless.  "..  thank  you,  for  doing  what  i  wanted  to,  and  couldn't."  sienna  had  to  good  a  heart,  to  be  able  to  really  go  as  hard  as  joey  had..  but  she  should  know  how  to  throw  a  good  punch.  "and  thank  you  for  not  going  around  and  telling  everyone  why."
"it's  fine.."  no,  it  wasn't  fine.  if  it  was  fine  she  wouldn't  be  bleeding  through  her  dress  or  trying  to  pretend  like  she  was  fine,  when  she  wasn't.  every  time  she'd  had  to  go  to  the  emergency  room  it'd  been  with  someone,  normally  cain,  dragging  her  there  'just  to  be  sure'  but  last  night  she  didn't  have  anyone  encouraging  her.  she'd  simply  gone  home  and  crashed  so  that  she  wasn't  late  for  the  wedding.  she'd  done  a  spectacular  job  in  hiding  it  from  joey  who  would've  dragged  her  to  get  it  sorted.  "it's  fine  cain."  she  tried  to  repeat,  her  eyes  were  suddenly  avoiding  him,  trying  to  brush  it  off  by  moving  her  hand  over  the  seeping  wound's  evidence.  it  was  the  most  discreet  wince  from  touching  it,  the  tiniest  twinge  in  her  lips  at  the  discomfort.  she  didn't  know  what  to  say  to  him,  she  didn't  know  how  she  was  even  meant  to  take  back  any  of  what  she'd  just  said,  of  how  she'd  tried  to  shove  him  to  an  arms  length  and  yet  when  it  came  down  to  it..  he  looked  more  pained  than  she  did.  "..is  my  wound  your  concern  because  i  work  under  you,  because  i  was  your  work  partner,  or  because  it's  me?  which  one?"  because  it  mattered.  there  was  a  time  she  didn't  think  it  did,  but  this  did  matter.  
slowly  she  turned  to  the  mirror  and  started  to  slowly  lift  the  dress.  she  didn't  have  a  lot  of  shame,  he  was  a  man  and  she  had  underwear  on,  and  that  to  her  was  better  than  unzipping  the  whole  thing.  it  wasn't  seeing  that  was  her  problem  it  was  touching.  she'd  done  a  haphazard  job  of  fixing  it  up.  bundled  toilet  roll,  wadded  up  and  pushed  against  the  wound,  some  tape  to  keep  it  flush  and  down.  it  was  a  quick  fix,  and  a  terrible  one.  she  peeled  back  the  tape  and  the  tissue  and  clenched  her  jaw  as  she  did.  it  wasn't  deep,  but  it  was  a  long  wound,  uncomfortable  around  the  curve  of  her  side.  it'd  bled  quite  a  lot,  which...  is  probably  why  she  backed  down,  quicker  than  she  normally  would  have.  there  was  a  noise  of..  of  pain.  eris  didn't  show  pain,  but  there  was  another  reason  this  one  was  bothering  her  so  much.  sporadically,  spread  across  her  skin,  across  the  sides  of  her  hips  and  waist,  scattered  over  a  patch  of  her  lower  back,  were  burn  marks.  not  just  any  kind  of  burn,  but  small,  circular..  cigarette  burns.  they  weren't  fresh,  they  were  old,  fleshy  pink  and  half  faded  but  you  could  still  see  them.  what  you  could  also  see  was  how  they'd  stretched  with  growth.  there  was  a  reason  eris  wanted  this  job  so  much,  she  wanted  to  step  in,  to  be  the  law  over  men  that'd  do  bad  things.  just  like  her  guardians  had  done  bad  things  to  her,  thrown  bottles,  screamed,  manipulated,  put  out  cigarettes  on  a  little  girls  flesh,  where  it  couldn't  be  seen  easily..  as  a  punishment.  
she  bunched  some  of  the  bathroom  roll  in  her  hand  and  wet  it,  went  to  try  and  push  it  to  the  wound  but  she  just..  her  mind  was  stuck  there,  a  place  where  she  was  small,  and  trying  to  be  brave  when  she  let  a  lovely  woman  at  a  hospital...  try  to  help.  what  she  did  do  was  a  small  nod,  for  cain  to  come  and  try  to..  look  at  it  but  the  minute  he  got  close?  the  minute  she  saw  his  hands  it  was  like  this  panic  to  defend  herself  took  over.  she  dropped  the  wet  paper  towel,  and  gripped  around  his  wrists  as  hard  as  she  could.  eris,  in  no  way  meant  to  try  and  hurt  him  but  it  was  this  panicked  response..  and  what  might  have  been  worse  was  that  she  couldn't  look  at  him  with  the  tears  she  felt  in  her  eyes.  she  was  holding  them  so  well,  not  letting  a  single  one  drop  but  she  was..  she  was  shaking.  not  just  her  hands  but  her  whole  body  trembled.  her  body  screamed  and  alarms  rang  in  her  head,  that  hands  were  going  there,  that  they'd  hurt  that  nobody  would  ever  show  her  softness...  nobody  other  than  her  two  moms,  and  her  three  brothers..  that  to  this  day,  still  said  before  they'd  ever  lay  a  hand  on  her.  even  for  a  hug.  she  was  breathing,  rushed  through  her  nostrils  and  scared..  she  was  scared  to  let  him  help.  eris  kept  her  watch,  so  focused  on  his  hands,  if  she  had  hold  of  them  they  couldn't  move  right?  it  was  better  than  feeling  anything  unexpected..  it  was  better  than  some  sort  of  seething  heat  that  she  was  waiting  to  scold  her  skin.  never,  not  once  had  eris  been  scared  of  anything.  she'd  had  people  threaten  her  with  weapons,  to  find  her  and  do  awful  things  and...  it'd  done  nothing  but  this?  "i'm.."  what?  scared?  sorry?  slowly,  she  tried  to  make  each  finger  uncurl  from  his  wrists.  "i'm  trying."  that,  had  been  the  softest  she'd  ever  spoken.  
she  let  go,  bit  by  bit  until  she  could  and  there  was  one  heartbreaking  question,  that  didn't  come  from  her,  it  came  from  a  little  girl  that  ws  trying  so  hard,  to  be  brave  and  strong,  everything  she  thought  a  police  officer  was  meant  to  be  when  she  was  just  a  girl.  "are  you  going  to  hurt  me?"  a  broken  whisper  and  a  girl,  that  needed  to  believe  she  was  not  going  to  be  hurt  anymore
"yeah  well-  well  you  are!"  winnie  huffed,  crossed  her  arms  after  he  twirled  her.  "...what  do  you  mean  stood  us  up?"  the  look  of  confusion  stayed.  it  felt  like  a  knife  was  plunged  and  twisting.  it  wasn't  like  he'd  wanted  to  ask  her  at  all,  was  it?  it's  how  it  seemed  form  where  she  stood.  "what  you  didn't  think  silly  little  winnie  would  want  to  go  with  you?  like  when  i  asked  you  to  go  to  prom  with  me,  and  you  thought  i  was  joking?"  with  that  she  took  a  wobbled  step  back  from  him.  "no.  no  i  wont  match  with  you  at  the  next  one.  you  know  i...  i  get  it,  i'm  a  goof,  the  airhead  right?  always  get  herself  lost  in  a  book  instead  of  reality?  you  know  why?  'coz..  coz  i  fell  in  love  with  mr  darcy,  i  fell  in  love  with  jane  eyre's  composure  and  the  thrill  of  gatsby  parties...  there  was  nobody  waiting  to  fall  in  love  with  me  was  there?  and  it  wont  start  with...  with  being  somebodies  back  up  option  when  their  actual  date  stands  them  up  so  yes.  yes  i  think  you  are  mean  and...  and  i  think  you're  mocking  me."  it  was  hard  to  take  her  seriously  when  it  was  half  a  drunk  rambling.  
there  it  was,  the  winning  smile.  he  reached  and  took  the  hand  offered  and  stood  close  to  her  to  walk  in  step.  "do  you  doubt  that  i'd  show  up?  if  you  invite  me  to  more  weddings,  i'll  be  at  every  single  one."  he  paused.  "now,  before  we  go  in  there,  i  want  to  ask  you  on  an  official,  proper  date.  not  a,  show  up  if  you  want  but,  i'd  like  to  take  you  for  dinner,  karisa  arlen.  lay  on  the  beach,  watch  the  stars  with  you,  like  we  said.  i'm  free  every  night  this  week  so  you  pick  a  night,  i'll  pick  you  up  at  seven,  if  that  works  for  you.  i've  actually  done  some  really  good  online  browsing  of  the  best  restaurants,  or  we  say  fuck  it  and  get  a  pizza,  take  it  with  us,  but  regardless,  however  it  works  or  plays  out,  i  would  like  to  spend  more  time  with  you,  would  that  be  okay  with  you?"  he  asked  so  proudly,  with  so  much  chest.  "or  maybe  you  can  give  me  an  answer  after  you've  seen  my  bad  dancing,  and  then  i  know  you  must  really  like  me  for  me,  and  not  for  any  amazing  moves  you  think  i'm  going  to  pull  in  front  of  your  friends."  
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imrtale · 1 year
the former baseball player simply rolls his eyes, shaking his head as laughter fills the air between them. but he does enjoy this - this moment, where it seems like it's just the two of them. benji doesn't feel the eyes on them, doesn't hear the claps and whistles in their honor - even goes so far as to press a kiss against her forehead as the two continued to sway. "eden warren you did what?" he could have doubled over in laughter then and there, he's blushing for the umpteenth time tonight, glasses rise a bit on his face as his face crinkles in amusement. amusement that runs sour in a quick turn events, heart quickly leaps to his throat as he's suddenly expecting the worse. he isn't sure why but he is. benji warren doesn't speak up, at least not verbally - he's sure his bright green hues express what his lack of words cannot. almost as if he's encouraging her to speak out - whatever it is that she thinks he'll hate her for. almost as if he's waiting for her to tell him she's having second thoughts - but it doesn't come. and it takes him a moment to register what his wife had actually said, his own lips part as if he's trying to say something but he can't. emotion clearly taking over as his usual brighter green hues gloss over. there's a flicker of a moment that passes where he stands there and let's the news resonate before he's pulling eden into an emotional embrace. littering kisses across her features as his excitement begins to bubble over. "the first thing i'm teaching raisin jr is when to cheer and when to not cheer when we take 'em to their first baseball game, we'll teach 'em how to make cookies from scratch and to hate pepperoni pizza," he begins to ramble as a hand comes to rest against eden's stomach. "there's going to be a human that is half of the woman i love, there is nothing more that i could ever ask for. i want this. i want you, i want a family and pets, i want the bakery and the pizzeria, i want all of it. this, all of it with you. only you, until we're raisins watching our grandchildren playing in the yard. all of it."
joey's head bows for a moment as he contemplates his next move, a sympathetic hand is placed on his shoulder by zack. "talk to her, my sister - if above all, is an understanding person, sensitive but understanding. and well, if you don't i'm sure aunt cami will come over here and drag you to her so, choose wisely." a pat follows as zachary makes his way to the growing dance floor, dancing around mr. and mrs. arlen with his drink in the air. typical. with a breath, joey finds himself making his way to sienna - rehearsing every possible apology he could. inked hands are tucked into his slacks pockets, teeth drag across bottom lip as he finally finds himself in front of sienna. "muneca," a new nickname slips as he draws a breath. "how . . . are you dealin' with everything?" joey asked, inward wince as he takes a step back to give them a comfortable distance. "i'll be straightforward with you, i'm not sorry. if i got the chance, i would do it all over again. he's a piece of shit. and he deserved getting his ass beat like the piece of shit he is. but, i am sorry for what he put you through. you don't deserve it. nobody deserves it. especially you. so for what it's worth, sienna, i am sorry. and, if you don't want anything to do with me, that's cool, i get it. no hard feelings, but, just know - i've always got your back, whatever petty shit we were doin' in highschool doesn't mean shit to me anymore. just that you're dealin' with all of this okay." despite his kind words, his voice is still rough.
cain quickly makes a move to create space when eris swings the door open. and when he passes the threshold he places his back against the door almost immediately. he's taken aback from the sudden outburst but doesn't move. listens but doesn't speak - not at first really. he's trying to dissect the situation, as he usually does, in every sense of his life. but he hears her and it brings him back to a high school version of himself. how his cousins would push him away when they would wake up screaming, how his daughter would push him away when she would cry because it was him who survived and not his late wife, how tommy pushed him away when it was their father who got shot and not cain. and like those situations, he's compartmentalize to keep it together. but he can't - won't, it's eris he's going to lose, he can't, won't let it happen. not that any of it matters - at least not now, emerald hues move to the growing stain in her dress and cain isn't sure how he moves so fast. it's a swift motion, years of training suddenly leap forward. suit jacket comes off first, sleeves are unbuttoned and rolled up as he reaches for his handkerchief and moves forward. "you're bleedin'." he isn't sure if it's a question - or a realization, but he points it out. brows knit together as he raises his hands to show he means no harm, "let me see it, you could've popped a stitch or somethin', or just, take my handkerchief and get into a stall, i can, i can walk you through it - cleanin' it up." there's this underlying fear that is suddenly taking ahold of him. he isn't sure where it comes from, maybe he does, years of brushing things under the rug. ignoring his mother's suggestions to talk to her, lean into her because she's his mother and his burdens are hers. maybe it's that - who knows. "eris," her name leaves parted lips, more for his sake than getting her attention. when he does finally look at her, it's not eris, it's his dead wife, it's his bleeding out father, it's bruised and battered karisa and a bloodied jackie, it's everyone he's failed to protect but he can't do his part. as a husband, son, cousin, father - partner and best friend. he's not drunk, he knows he isn't - so when he shakes his head to try to gather himself he draws a shaky breath.
she's bleeding, eris is bleeding. "it doesn't matter what i need - what matters is that you're bleedin' and if you don't address whatever wound that is..." he trails off, eyes screwing shut as he's shaking the thoughts that suddenly make his words get caught between his lungs and throat. she's bleeding, it could be a small wound - big, life threatening or not but it's there. she's alright or she could not be alright. "we can talk about aelin and the sheriff's station after - you can, you can throw however many drinks at me you want or resign monday morning but right now, this, that, that wound you got is my concern. not aelin, not whatever the hell is going on out there, you, the wound, the - the possibility that you could've gotten yourself far more hurt than that. i'm your partner. we've been best friends for years and aelin, aelin doesn't matter, she's a fill in so the station doesn't fall apart while i train you to be the new deputy, god she's going to kill me you know, we went over this, went over this a thousand times, how i would tell you, that you're meant to take my place while i take the old man's, tommy takes yours and how it's time to take my head out of my ass but you're bleedin' through your dress and i'm in the same position i was a month ago when dad almost died while i was tryin to uh, tryin to stop the bleedin'." he rambled, stupidly, emotionally, years worth of held emotions seemed to resurface as he just continues to pace around allowing eris to do whatever she needs to do to the wound. but he is there, watching and listening and ready to leap into action if need be. she needs her space and to do things on her own terms, he gets that. hears that. hands come to rub down bearded features, eyeing eris. "that's not how you're supposed to clean that. we're not work collegues, we're not partners, we're cain and eris, high school best friends, and i would really appreciate if you just, let me at least look at it, please?" voice is now suddenly cracking, fingers curled into fists at his sides because he's trying to hide the fact that their trembling.
"i'm an idiot, that's a new one," sarcasm as he continues to dance with her, around her, letting out his own strings of laughter at her rambling. raised brow pointed in her direction as he offers a hand to twirl her. "the stupid stuff? the stupid stuff that we were supposed to do with our dates who . . . stood us up?" he asked, brows not knitted together as he pulls winnie closer. "why didn't you - i didn't think - i, winnie," his voice is almost sing-song like in the moment as he tries not to laugh at his own obliviousness. "you wanted to come with me to eden's wedding? as a date? jesus, maybe i am mean and an idiot," he says aloud, canting his head at the fellow blonde while he leans back to look at her. "winnie, i know it's - very, very, late for me to ask this but, but, hear me out." he points a finger, letting a smile reveal itself. "be my date to benji and eden's wedding? next weddin' we'll match, whomever it is or wherever it is, swear."
karisa doesn't bother hiding her ear to ear smile, eyeing the flowers as she quickly closes the distance between the two. "doesn't matter," she quickly dismisses, hand waves in the air to match her words as she extends her hand out for him to take. mint green dress clings to her shape as the silver accessories seem to glisten under the lighting, she's closer to his shoulder's now, thank the heels, so she's able to really look him in the eyes. "should i invite you to more weddings?" she asked, looking over his outfit choice while teeth sink into her bottom lip. "you look as handsome as ever sweetheart, hope you brought your dancin' shoes because that's where we're headed."
"only  if  you  admit  that  i  am  indeed,  the  best  raisin  in  the  box.  the  juiciest."  her  own  smile  spread  so  easily.  the  ring  on  her  finger  felt  like  it'd  been  there  comfortably  for  years  only  now  it  was  right  where  it  was  meant  to  be.  she  reached,  slid  her  ringed  hand  into  his  and  let  him  lead  their  slow  waltz.  "i  think  you  looked  remarkably  handsome  crying,  more  than  once.  i'll  never  let  you  live  that  down  you  know  that  right?"  how  could  he  not?  she  looked  breathtaking.  she  did  opt  for  something  a  little  less  traditional,  this  dress  was  white  but  it  was  the  detail  of  green  embroidered  in  that  was  different,  flouncing  sleeves  and  little  pieces  of  ivy  that  matched  the  bridesmaid  dresses,  a  very  similiar  colour  to  her  eyes.  her  hands  are  held  around  his  shoulders  and  neck,  a  very  soft  sway  that  meant  she  couldn't  stomp  his  feet.  "well  then  i  suppose  now  would  be  a  good  time  to  tell  you,  that  i  made  the  girls  help  me  pick  out  my  prettiest  outfit  for  every  single  game...  and  i  did  not  have  a  single  clue  what  i  was  cheering  for,  they  told  me  when  to  cheer  you  on  very  loudly."  it  was  laughable  now,  how  much  effort  she  put  in  to  support  a  high  school  baseball  game..  but  she  was  like  that,  would  go  out  of  her  way  if  it  made  a  difference  to  him.  "mr  warren,  my  handsome,  loving  husband.."  she  pauses,  and  brings  their  foreheads  together.  "i  will  love  you  in  this  world,  and  every  one  that  follows  after.  i  have  loved  you,  from  the  first  moment  i  laid  eyes  on  you..  as  much  as  i  love  you  right  now,  there  was  never  a  doubt  in  my  mind-"  no,  there  wasn't..  but  there  was  a  doubt  about  one  thing  that  she'd  kept  to  herself  for  the  past  week.  she  didn't  want  to...  well,  if  she  was  honest,  she  wanted  him  to  marry  her  because  of  love,  not  for  any  other  reason  and  she  had  this  idea  it'd  be  a  nice  surprise,  make  the  day  even  more  special  only  now,  it  was  terrifying  her.  "i  need  to  tell  you  something  and  it's..  i'm  scared  to  say  it,  because  we're  just  starting  our  life  as  a  husband  and  wife  and.."  how  could  she  say  it?  burst  it  out,  i'm  pregnant?  no..  she  wanted  him  to  click,  put  the  pieces  together.  "and  i  don't  know  how  you're  going  to  feel  when  i  say  that  there  umm.  there.."  she  let  out  a  very  shaky  breath,  nervous  and  excited,  worrisome  and  wonderful.  "that  there  might  be  a  new  addition..."  it  was  then  that  she  leaned  back,  waited  and  stared  at  him  with  parted  lips,  hoping  she  wasn't  about  to  burst  their  bubble,  hoping  this  is  truly  what  he  wanted  even  if  it  was  all  at  once.  they'd  been  together  years  it  just..  hadn't  ever  happened,  until  now.  "benji?  say  something.."
   she  felt  ridiculous,  imagine  wearing  a  dress  as  lovely  as  this  and  be  stuck  to  wearing  a  cardigan  with  it?  she'd  just  say  she  felt  chilly  to  anyone  that  asked,  but  realistically..  she  didn't  want  to  show  off  the  bruises  and  let  everyone  here  know  why  joey  had  really  beaten  the  ever  loving  crapout  of  her  piece  of  shit  boyfriend,  one  that'd  begged  and  begged  her  not  to  come  here  today,  like  he'd  begged  and  begged  her  not  to  change  the  locks,  but  she  had.  it's  just  the  man  was  not  dropping  it,  texts  and  calls  and..  it  was  stressful,  this  cardigan  was  bloody  stressful  too.  "i  know  what  he  did  was...  well,  it's  maybe  not  the  action  most  would  take."  winnie  spoke  from  beside  sienna,  she  didn't  want  her  friend  to  stay  standing  awkward,  uncomfortably.  "but  he  was  doing  it  to  protect  you,  you  can  see  that  right?  he  was  doing  it  out  of  respect  for  you,  whether  you  hated  him  in  high  school  or  not."  sienna  turned  and  nodded  her  head  to  her  blonde  friend  who  seemed  to  have  her  own  distractions,  which  included  her  second  flute  of  champagne.  "i  know..  i  know  he  didn't  do  it  to  cause  trouble,  it's  just  that  trouble  came  with  it."  winnie  raised  her  brows.  "give  the  guy  a  chance  to  state  why  or  ask  him  why,  something  si,  don't  just  stand  here  all  day.  better  yet,  champagne!  champagne  is  a  great  remedy."
shortly  after  camille  was  taking  sienna  into  her  arms  and  winnie  drifted  off,  fleeting  as  ever.  "thanks  cami."  it  earned  a  softer  smile  from  her.  at  least  that  was  something  and  then  came  the  idea  of  him  having  his  ear  dragged,  and  she  was  laughing  quietly.  "i...  actually  haven't  spoken  to  him  yet,  i  know..  i  know  i  kind  of  have  to,  i  feel  fine  though!  really!"  liar,  her  inner  voice  scolded  her  for  it.  "mr  arlen,  how  are  you  feeling?"  clearly,  there  was  a  reason  she  worked  with  cami.  "he's--  what?"  she  almost  choked  on  air  and  her  eyes  turned  to  catch  is  across  the  room.  "shit-"  it  was  funny  really,  she  never  swore  but  she  had.
   there  wasn't  a  chance  in  hell  that  eris  would  miss  eden's  wedding,  but  she  was  meant  to  be  here  with  cain  and  instead  she  was  here,  in  pain  and  as  usual  she  just  wanted  to  grin  and  bear  it.  after  all,  she  did  look  divine  in  the  dress  eden  convinced  her  to  wear.  deep  green,  silk,  a  split  in  the  leg.  she  held  out  until  the  first  dance,  nobody  would  think  anything  if  she  just  slipped  away  right?  plus,  she  was  half  expecting  to  see  cain  turn  up  with  aelin..  wouldn't  have  surprised  her,  but  it  would  have  hurt.  she  knew  that  jealousy  wasn't  pretty  but  it  didn't  mean  she  did  not  feel  it.  she  felt  it,  stronger  than  ever  the  past  few  weeks.  she  had  nothing  against  aelin  either,  she  was  just  a  woman  doing  her  job..  she  was  just  a  normal  person,  that  could  touch  someone  normally,  she  wasn't  broken  or  damaged,  not  like  eris  knew  she  was.  why  would  he  ever  want  that  anyway?  she  was  jealous,  and  for  what?  for  the  fact  she  wanted  his  touch  yet  knew  she  couldn't...  have  it?  bare  it?  she  was  angry  and  for  what?  for  the  fact  she  felt  like  she  was  slowly  losing  everything  around  her.  she'd  had  to  threaten  someone,  use  her  position  to  get  her  brother  out  of  a  bad  situation..  that  lingering  feeling  like  things  were  starting  to  slip  through  her  fingers  was  crawling  back,  just  like  when  she  was  a  thirteen  year  old  girl,  in  a  new  home,  waiting  for  it  to  all  go  wrong.  this  was  it  going  wrong,  right?  in  that  irritation,  she'd  gone  out  on  her  own  on  a  late  shift  last  night,  took  a  call  herself  and  she  shouldn't  have  because  when  it  went  sour,  she  just  handled  it  herself  and  though  she  was  fierce  and  stood  her  ground,  it  didn't  change  the  fact  that  a  drunk  man  twice  her  size,  had  an  advantage.  got  him  in  he  end,  but  she  took  some  damage.  she  was  about  to  shift  her  dress  and  examine  it,  the  stinging  sensation  when  she  heard  the  knock  on  the  bathroom  door.  'ris..  it'd  been  a  while  since  hearing  that  but,  she  did  listen.  "nothing  is  wrong  cain."  everything  was  wrong.  what  was  bothering  her,  was  that  people  might  hear...  and  people  could  make  assumptions  easily.
she  turned,  feels  the  twinge  from  how  she  pulled  at  her  wound  but  she  unlocked  the  door  and  near  pulled  him  inside  to  slam  it  shut  and  lock  it.  "for  god's  sake  cain  people  will  hear  you.."  like  they  had  some  sort  of  secret.  "us?  there  isn't  an  us.  i'm  a  work  colleague,  or  i  was,  so  what  do  you  expect  now  that  we're  not  partners  huh?  you  know  who  is  your  partner?  aelin,  or  she  will  be,  and  i  bet  that'd  be  fucking  fantastic  right?  i  bet  that'd  make  you  so  happy  and  that's  fine!  be  happy,  bring  her  to  a  wedding,  go  get  morning  coffee  with  her  not  me.  don't  come  in  here,  making  out  like  i  was  anything  more  than  a  colleague  to  you,  i'm  not  your  partner,  i'm  not  your  best  friend,  nor  do  i  need  one!"  she  huffed,  frustration  all  over  her  face  and  it  reddened  with  it.  "there  is  nothing  to  talk  about  so  why  don't  you  just  go."  no,  because  joey  and  her  other  two  brothers,  had  made  it  their  mission  to  be  her  best  friends,  her  reliability,  from  the  day  she  found  her  home,  whether  she  knew  it  back  then  or  not.  the  thing  was,  this  is  what  she  did.  when  things  started  to  fall  apart,  it  was  easier  for  her  to  push  them  away  herself  because  then  they  couldn't  hurt  her.  things  were  going  wrong,  and  if  she  made  it  go  wrong,  then  she  couldn't  be  angry  about  it  because  that's  how  shitty  life  worked,  things  just  fell  through  her  hands  and  if  she  pushed  it  all  away  herself  there  was  nothing  to  grasp  or  cling  to,  which  is  why  her  finger  was  raised,  pointed,  and  she  was  trying  to  be  hurtful  when  it  was  not  what  she  really  wanted  at  all.  with  her  hand  raised,  with  how  she  had  turned  and  moved  so  quickly,  blood  seeped  through  the  silky  material,  obvious  and  wet  to  the  side  of  her  stomach.  it  explained  why  she  looked  a  little  flushed  right  now  but  all  that  burned  in  the  front  of  her  mind  was  this  thought  that  he'd  just  turn  and  walk  out  the  door  and  that'd  be  that.  another  person  she'd  shoved  away  for  fear  of  wanting  more  than  she  knew  to  accept.  
what  drink  was  she  on  now?  third?  fourth?  who  knew.  one  too  many,  that  was  for  sure  because  when  jackson  pulled  the  drink  from  her  hand  she  whined  and  pouted  her  lip  so  dramatically.  "jackie.."  she  grumbled  as  he  pulled  her  up.  "i  want  that  back,  you,  hey  you  tell  that  waiter  fella'  i  want  that  back."  she  half  staggered  but  it  only  had  her  holding  his  hands  firmer.  "i  can  what?  dance?  oh  i  can  dance!"  she  squeaks  with  this  sudden  joy,  swishing  her  hair  as  she  dramatically  moved  their  arms  side  to  side  quickly.  she  hadn't  brought  anyone...  on  the  pure  basis,  that  she'd  been  waiting  for  jackson  to  ask  her  and  he  never  did.  he  wanted  to  dance  with  her,  why  didn't  he  just  ask  her  in  the  first  place?  "you're  an  idiot  you  know  that?"  a  few  slurred  words  but  she  kept  dancing  as  she  spoke.  "i  think  you're  an  idiot,  and  maybe  a  little  bit  mean."  shamefully  drunk  winnie  did  not  hold  back  her  thoughts,  and  apparently  she  didn't  hold  back  this  funny  strop  either  because  she  had  such  an  expression  when  she  huffed  all  matter  of  fact.  "if  you  wanted  to  dance  with  me  you  should've  asked  me  here  yourself.  you  know,  hi  winnie  how  about  we  wear  matching  colours  and  stuff  like  that,  the  stupid  stuff!"
there  was  one  man  here  that  was  matching,  though  he  wasn't  exactly  on  the  guest  list.  he  said  he'd  be  here,  or  at  least,  she'd  suggested  it  and  he  made  the  decision  he'd  be  the  guy  that  showed  up.  made  the  effort  properly,  to  surprise  her.  he  hadn't  been  able  to  stop  thinking  about  her  either,  from  that  first  night.  "angel."  rowan  turned  from  his  pacing  back  and  fourth  outside,  he'd  brought  her  some  flowers  and  like  she  said,  he  wore  a  bow  tie.  green,  specifically..  it  wasn't  the  correct  shade  of  green  but  it  was  the  best  he  could  do  on  short  notice  and  regardless,  he'd  made  and  effort  to  look  smart.  he  wore  a  suit,  tailored  and  trim  to  his  physique  and  the  minute  he  saw  her  he  could  not  help  but  smile  wider  than  ever.  "i  told  you  i'd  show,  i  know  i'm  a  bit  late  i'm  sorry..  but  you  look,  wow.  you  look  beautiful."
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imrtale · 1 year
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cheeks flushed, the blonde shakes her head to dismiss the words the nickname. granted, she would much rather have him not forget this nickname he's given her because it makes her smile but she's just met the guy. a laugh escapes pressed, painted lips, walking shoulder to shoulder - or as much as her boots let her at least. "it's actually a really funny story, probably one that i wouldn't tell my grandkids though," a quick muse, as she let's out a laugh, a snort really, free hand comes to cover her mouth to hide it. "aunt cami is a god fearing woman, she enstills the fear of god in you, she'll drag you by your ear and slap you upside the head, take you to church and have you in her home for sunday dinner that one." aunt cami gets it from her older sister, karisa's mother. lovely women both of them - karisa supposes she's a younger version of the two. she leads the way anyways, falls in step and nonchalantly links her arm in his. he's intriguing, handsome and well spoken, nothing she's used to outside of her old friends, makes her wonder. "should we consider that our first date then? or is this messy night out in the town meant to be it? either way, you've caught my attention," she muses, lips curving into a smile as she bows her head for a moment. "well, i love the stars, i minored in astronomy back when i was in college. i probably can tell you everythin' about our solar system better than google can. and you? i'm assumin' you have a love for the night sky too?"
"angel  it  is,  and  don't  go  thinking  i'll  forget  it  either."  he  laughs,  and  the  thing  is  he  really  would  remember,  because  to  him  she  was  the  very  thing  itself.  an  angel,  gracing  him  like  he'd  belonged  here  all  along.  "right  so,  on  the  agenda  is  a  tour  of  the  town,  and  me  starting  a  fight  and  being  arrested,  sounds   fantastic."  he  could  think  of  many  things  he'd  like  to  do  with  her  that'd  be  far  messier  than  some fist fight  but  he  would  never  say  them  out  loud  so  boldly,  when  he  knew  so  little  of  her.  it  wasn't  like  he  was  disrespectful,  but  he  had  eyes.  "your  uncle,  got  it.  what  about  his  wife  though,  is  aunt  cami  a  spit  fire?  drag  me  by  the  ear?"  his  mother  was  exactly  that,  a  fierce  heart  that  loved  indefinitely  and  strongly.  he  admired  it  in  other  people  because  he  was  a  soft  heart,  calm  and  nurturing,  the  type  to  check  whether  you'd  eaten,  to  bring  lunch,  cook  a  hearty  meal  on  a  morning.  he  was  the  type  to  call  after  one  day  because  he  didn't  grasp  silly  rules  of  flirting.  if  he  was  interested  he  was  interested,  and  by  god  she'd  stolen  his  attention  good  and  proper.  "you  like  to  look  at  the  stars?"  he  questions,  and  gestured  forth  for  her  to  lead  the  way,  walking  in  close  step  beside.  "one  day  i'll  take  you  to  the  beach  at  night,  karisa  arlen.  i'll  lay  in  the  sand  and  watch  the  stars  above  the  sea  with  you,  they  shine  the  brightest."
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imrtale · 1 year
benji turned his attention to his now wife, a hand extended outward towards her so that the two could dance with one another. "my raisin, will you do me the honor and come join me on the dance floor?" benji joked, lips spreading to reveal his usual toothy grin. once her smaller hand in his, benji has no issues taking the lead, eyeing her heels. "my favorite person in the entire world if you step on me, i will cry and i think we can both agree i've cried enough today, don't you think?" he jokes, hands finding their way around her waist to hold her ⸺͏͏ "i recant my statement, i think i will cry again, seeing you in this dress, being here with you, i think i've dreamt about this night since . . forever, you know, when we were in highschool? and you came to my games? i'd always kiss the bat before i swung it, kinda had this thing where i'd go, this one's for you eden, corny i know, but, here we are right?" another laugh as he draws a breath, blinking a few times to keep the waterworks back. "i love you eden warren, always have and i always will."
"how is she?" asked joey, turning to sienna's older brother who was currently on his fourth beer. "oh no, no, nope i'm not the middle man. you want to know how she is? ask her. i'm not doing this." zachary quickly replies as joey nearly rolled his eyes. "i'm serious zack." not an ounce of jest in the chef's voice as the firefighter nearly groaned. "well, she's doing the best she can given the fact that you beat the shit out of her piece of shit boyfriend. and well, you almost did go to jail if it weren't for your sister pullin' her strings." zachary points out as he offered a beer to joey who shook his head. "come on, it's just one beer and we're at our best friend's wedding, let loose." zachary even goes so far as bumping elbows with joey who stands tall in his decision. "nah, i'm not drinkin', you can drink for the both of us." is all joey responds, not that zachary knows the reason - he's sure nobody does. it's out of respect, the moment his thirteen year old sister stepped foot in their chaotic household and their mothers sat him down, explaining that eris' parents were people who couldn't differentiate a beer can from a soda, it stuck with him. and the then sixteen year old hasn't picked up alcohol since. still hasn't in his thirties, out of respect before, but, he isn't sure why now. nevertheless, he eyes sienna from his side, lips pressed together in thought as zachary groaned yet again. "go talk to her man! jesus, this is sad to watch."
"well don't you look beautiful baby girl!" camille nearly squeals, outstretched arms to take sienna into an embrace as she has her usual beaming ear to ear smile. "don't she look beautiful baby?" camille asked her husband, who rested against his cane for support. "you do." samuel added, joining the quick embrace as camille is quick to address the elephant in the room. leave it to camille, never the one to shy away. it's from the goodness of her heart - really. "how are you feelin' now si? be honest, i know things ain't as typical as the next person but, you give me the word and i'll pull joey by his ear and give him a good remindin' about who camille arlen is," a vow because truly, all of the adults in the room, were her children. biological or not. "now, cami i don't think you should be goin' 'round and makin' threats," samuel interjects as camille silences him with a mere glance, free hand raised as camille turns back to sienna. "speakin' of the devil, he's lookin' right at 'ya."
cain adjusts his tie for the millionth time, clearly uncomfortable with the environment but is putting a brave face on for his friends. tongue brushes across pearly whites, watching the scene unfold in front of him. benji's happy - so is eden, his parents and friends for the most part. they deserve it. he deserves it. it was enough with his father's close call and the transfer of power. then eris. god, eris. he wasn't sure when or how they had gotten to this point in their friendship, partnership (?), whatever it was but it stung. felt like a part of him was missing. and when his eyes survey the room and he doesn't see her - it's almost as if that tug at his chest confirmed his suspicions. but of course eris was upset with him - avoiding him, too? maybe? does he know why? not in the slightest. placing the champagne down besides him, he adjusts his blazer and turns to the corridors of the venue. he supposes seeing a glimpse of her before she ducks off into the bathroom makes the search much easier. "ris," old nickname comes forth as he uses the knuckle of his index finger to knock on the door. "ris, c'mon it's me, cain, can you tell me what's goin' on now? i want to get over whatever this is, you're my partner. you're my best friend and hell - eris just open the door, please." forehead comes to rest at the door for a moment as he draws a breath, he isn't sure why he's rambling. he isn't the type. but with recent events, he supposes it's time to live in the present and not the past. "i don't - i can't fix this, us, whatever is makin' you hate me if i don't know what i did to get you there. you are the last person on this god damn earth i'd ever want against me eris, just, can we talk please? talk to me through the door or somethin' just, talk to me please."
jackie plops himself down next to his older sister, clinking his wine glass against hers as the two take a sip. "think that'll be us one day?" asked jackie, pointing out the crowding dance floor as karisa pouted. "i ain't ever really give marriage much thought after i left nikki's dad. daniel really sucked the hopeless romantic outta me," karisa explained as jackie let's out a breath. "but you're young, i'm sure there's a lady out there that'll sweep y'off your feet jackie." he could laugh, he does, strawberry birthmark crinkles as he shakes his head. "the lady stood me up, so no, we are on the same boat kari." for a moment, karisa contemplates it before she does it. jams her heel into his foot as he yelped. "ow, ow!" karisa shrugged, taking another sip. "you are as blind as a damn bat. the lady in question is standin' at the open bar and you are to damn oblivious to see it," following his sister's line of sight, jackie could have a heart attack. he's sure he does. "winnie? winnie? no, no, she doesn't like me, no, karisa, that's - that's low. why would you sit here and make a joke like that?" and when his sister's shrugs, he loses his color. "ain't makin' a joke hunbun, it's the truth. the two of you aren't foolin' anybody. now, go take her onto the dance floor and dance with her, get the girl jackson lee walker, so help me god if i gotta do it myself," the older blonde warned and jackie's legs move for him, approaching winnie with knitted brows. "winnie - hey, oh, what - what is that in your hand?" he asked, pointing at the glass. "no, no, nevermind that. uh, dance with me? y'know how to dance right? dance with me." more confident, hand takes the drink out of her hand and leads her to the dance floor anyways.
karisa blows out some air from pursed lips, taking the last sip of wine as she surveyed the dance floor. her aunt and uncle, content as ever can be, her brother and old friend, benji and eden, zachary dancing with whomever he could get his hands on - clearly, innocent in his intentions because he was always known for trying to get everyone together and in this particular moment, he's trying to get everyone dancing. and well, there was joey and sienna. and she's sure that eris was finally giving her cousin the earful he deserved. "uh, 'risa, there's this uh, man lookin' for angel out front? thought you'd know, want me to come with?" tommy asked, eyeing karisa who was already leaping from her seat. "nope, nope i got it, you make sure nobody embarrasses themselves to much! i'll be back!" blonde waves that cascaded down her shoulders bounce with her steps as she follows the direction tommy pointed out - meeting rowan's eyes with a beaming smile. "sweetheart! you came!" @elpida !
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