illuzoldycks · 3 years
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Gon Freecss | Hunter x Hunter (2011)
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
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happy birthday gon !!! 5.5.21
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
I JUST READ SLEEP WALK AND THE ENDING GAVE ME CHILLS. HOLY. THANK YOU FOR THAT. I had the song playing in the background and everything. it was *chef's kiss* amazing.
AHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!! IM SO GLAD YOU PLAYED THE SONG WHILE YOU READ IT!!! the song just really gave me a vibe that it's something hisoka would slow dance to and i'm a fan of hisoka angst so i simply combined them 😌 I AM SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED THANK YOU FOR READING
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
leorio: did you sleep okay?
killua, who stayed up all night watching videos about gorillaz lore: oh yeah totally.
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: Hisoka comes to you to apologize for his wrong doings in your relationships.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Fluff, angst. Implied past sexual affairs.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Hisoka Morow x GN!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: I finally wrote for someone other than Chrollo. Let me know what you think! My requests are open, go here before submitting one!
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The smell of garlic wafts in your nostrils, butter complimenting it in a gentle harmony as you walk through the door of your apartment. Keys jingle in your palm as you shut the door, hearing the song you and your ‘boyfriend’ shared in your first dance playing mutely in the background. Hisoka isn’t known for doing pleasant things. Hisoka isn’t someone with whom you consider yourself in a relationship, to begin with.
He’s not your boyfriend, but it’s unsaid that you aren’t seeing anyone else. You’re hoping the boundary is equal but expecting the most from Hisoka has always proved to do more damage than good. Even now, as you step into the kitchen, you’re expecting to find your best friend who just so has the special song on their playlist, but you’re met with Hisoka’s dyed red hair. Stirring onions into a frying pan, humming along quietly to ‘Sleepwalk’ by Santo & Johnny.
“What’re you doing here?” You ask, and you don’t mean it to come across as harsh but judging by the faint chuckle and eyebrow raise the man gives you, it does.
“Is someone still upset about how I left the last time? Thought I’d make dinner to make up for it,” Hisoka’s voice drawls out, too sweet to be true, but you smile anyway.
“You left me naked without saying goodbye for the fifth time in a row. Of course, I’m upset, I thought I’d mean more to you than that,” you sighed out, hand running gently along his spine before your cheek pressed against his back.
He’s in a form-fitting black t-shirt with gold stitching, one you’ve never seen him in before but one you’ve mentioned wanting him to buy since you saw it in passing at a store. Your eyebrows furrow, mouth opening to speak as Hisoka’s shoulders shake in laughter.
“I bought the shirt since you seem so keen on it. I won’t give you the answer you want,” you sigh, rolling your eyes, “but I’m here making you dinner so I’d like to think actions would speak louder than words ever could.” Hisoka mumbles, stirring the wooden spoon along the base of the pan.
“Thank you… I’ll be back in something more comfortable,” you hesitate in pulling away as you mumble, but his nod assures you he won’t vanish.
Your heavy footsteps carry you into the bedroom, slugging off the bag from your body and let out a loud exhale. The day you endured is stressful, chaotic, with too many things going on all at once but not enough time to process. Clothes hit the floor as you searched for something comfier, the song seemingly on repeat in the background being a comfort. The sizzle of onions in the pan or a new ingredient being added in Hisoka’s faint humming. Everything felt surreal.
Fingers gripping your doorknob guide you out, walking into the kitchen again. Hands sliding around his waist to lead your arms to drape around him. His hair is down, how you like it. He’s wearing clothes you like. He’s cooking food you like. Everything about this is a shock. Even in Hisoka’s nicest, he’s never been this nice.
“Did something make you so nice?” You ask, watching as he turns around for your chin to lean into his chest.
“I believe I’m making a dream of yours come true,” Hisoka answers smugly, but you notice now as he holds your cheek you can’t feel his hand.
Hesitantly your hand raises to press over his, noticing you only feel the warmth, but you don’t feel the soft texture of his skin. His fingertips don’t register against your cheek. It’s only then you notice the song getting louder. The gold of his irises burns brighter until slowly he fades into nothing. The kitchen around you fades into the black until you’re left listening to the song.
Your eyes shoot open as you sit straight up. Sweat dripping down your face and neck, body shaking like a leaf. Warmth cascades down your face, only until you wipe it away that you realize it’s your tears. The apartment beyond your bedroom door is dark. There isn’t Hisoka standing in your kitchen with pasta on the stove. There hasn’t been Hisoka in your bed since three months ago when he told you he had no use for broken toys. All you’re left with is the song on your phone that continues to play on repeat.
The song you put on just a reminder of what you lost. You’re not sure why it holds at you the way it does. There wasn’t a genuine relationship. It was seven months of Hisoka between your sheets and waking up alone basking beneath the yolk sun in the mornings. Seven months of broken promises, seven months of heartache and insecurity, seven months of Hisoka whispering sweet lies into your ear.
Fingers shakily grabbing the phone, clicking the screen on to see ‘Sleepwalk’ playing on repeat. Water hitting the glass screen, as you cling onto the dream of what could’ve been.
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
Hello can you do y/n going with gon,killua,kurapika and leorio going to a theatre (comedy) ?
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: Going to catch a movie with the Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Mr. Leorio!
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: No pairing! All platonic friendships here :) GN!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: This is going to be so much fun I was so excited to see this request! Thank you anonnie! My requests are open, go here before submitting one!
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There’s a new action movie that’s been catching your eye, and honestly you’ve been very hesitant on asking your new friends if they wanna see the new movie because they just seem so busy but, they make time for you. Of course they do, because Killua also wants to see the movie, Gon wants to see the movie and begged Kurapika to come, and Leorio needs a break from studying.
Leorio is the first to show up, he’s a sucker for being on time and honestly he’s way too early. Like 30 minutes early, and so he messages the group chat.
You’re on your way with Gon, Killua, and Kurapika who is the reason why you all arrived as a group. Gon has to make sure Kurapika won’t run off to do any of his extra curricular activities. 
It’s already a night when Killua sees Leorio spamming the group chat, asking when everyone plans to arrive. The boy giggles and convinces everyone it’d be a good idea if everyone left him on seen, just to drive the ‘old man’ crazy. 
It works, and Leorio falls victim to spamming while Gon and Killua giggle while Kurapika laughs quietly beneath his breath, careful to not let it show that he’s finding humor in his other friend going batty about being left on read. 
You all show up, Leorio barely managing to keep his cool but Kurapika reassures him it’s a joke. Aided by Killua laughing at his crazed expression. 
You’re in line now right, and Leorio is like “I’ll pay for Y/N’s ticket!” and Killua snorts and he’s like “With what money you’re not a doctor yet” and Leorio is like “😀 Excuse me”
Like he was only offering to be so nice to you since it’s your first time tagging along and now he’s got this little 14 yr old out here tryna make him look dumb he cannot HANDLE IT. 
So besides all that, he pays for your ticket and he is broke but he will never let it show but he does... ask to share your popcorn with you when Killua isn’t near. 
Gon and Killua convince you to sit next to Kurapika and Leorio, so they can chat throughout the movie and you were really hoping that the four of them would be quiet movie watchers but how naive are you to expect anything else?
Gon does nothing but ask questions throughout the entire movie to Killua who loses his patience every 3 minutes saying “I’M WATCHING IT AT THE SAME TIME AS YOU ARE YOU STUPID?” to which gon always says “YEAH.” and thats how they are for the entire two hours every 30 minutes.
Leorio isn’t any better but at least Kurapika seems to master handling Leorio better because after the third question Kurapika turned to him and told him if he asked another question it’d be his last. :) 
Besides Gon and Killua babbling next to you, the movie was enjoyable. Even if you passed the popcorn back and forth every five minutes cause Leorio surely had a hankering for popcorn on this fine day. 
Gon asks if you all wanna do another movie night, and honestly, who are you to say no?
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
Hello! i was scrolling through your blog and i saw that your requests were open and i was wondering if you’d be willing to take my request :,). Okay okay so i keep on having this day dream of waltzing with chrollo at some fancy party. We could be apart of the troupe but it’s not necessary. But the troupe is there on business, while the members are working around in the building, chrollo finished what he had to do so he came to find us. We were just kind of standing against a wall people watching. Chrollo spots us, and approaches us asking if we wanted to dance. you don’t have to write this but if you do thank you! <3
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: The troupe is partaking in a heist at a ball, when Chrollo asks you to dance.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Chrollo Lucilfer x GN!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: I made y/n a troupe member, so I had to change a few details around but I hope you like it! Thank you for requesting! Requests are open! Go here to see guidelines!
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Sweet champagne is almost worse than bitter champagne. Sweet champagne cloaks the taste buds, drenching them in an inescapable blanket that is equal to quicksand, nausea in every sip. Bitter champagne is dry enough to go down without cloaking the tongue but is reminiscent of the smell of cat piss in a white rug. The chilled champagne flute stem rests delicately between your fingers, grimacing down into the sweet champagne.
The ball you’ve snuck into isn’t what you were expecting. You were expecting finer champagne, better music to dance to, better food than small bite-size cold cut sandwiches. The troupe has been to its fair share of balls. The most extravagant one you’ve been to is one where the ceilings were encrusted with gold and diamonds in the molding's line of the towering curved ceilings. Art across the ceiling, marble pillars standing tall with gold marble in the black stripes, glowing against the white. Buffet tables of finger food, desserts, an open bar with the finest champagne that went down as smooth as sparkling Perrier water. Everything looked so beautiful.
This one isn’t horrible, definitely not what you were expecting, however. Chrollo had Feitan and Shalnark do some internal research before the troupe caused their chaos. Security on the place is top-notch, but they identify none of you. Chrollo stood beside you, grimacing at his champagne. A man who gained the best can certainly point out when he isn’t receiving it.
“The music is interesting,” he murmurs, catching your eye.
Just like you, he’s dressed in his finest apparel. His hair framing his face with a cloth headband covering the tattoo against his forehead. A small chuckle escapes your lips, head tilting back against the wall you’ve leaned on.
The music isn’t the best, it’s a mixture of elevator music and mediocre jazz. You were hoping for something with a beat, a DJ, or even something classy, like piano music. You’ve danced a few times to piano music, never with Chrollo despite how much you’d like to, but you always hope for it. Feelings for the boss weren’t ever intended, and you’d never act, but maybe one slow dance to piano music in a glittering ball would hold you over.
“Not the worst in a ball, I’m sure,” you mumble, looking into the glass you stir by the stem.
A loud clamor of footsteps echoed into the hall, everyone looking in unison to the string quartet joining next to the piano. Everyone watched curiously as they quickly set up, Chrollo leaning closer to you. His breath tingles your earlobe as he leans in, and you can faintly smell the champagne in his breath.
“It’ll get better,” he whispers.
It doesn’t take long for the strings to lead the music into something akin to what you’ve heard before in Swan Lake. Chrollo’s movements are always so planned, delicate, as he sets the flute down on a passing tray and takes yours from you as well as he offers his hand, bowing slightly before you with a polite smile on his lips.
“Fancy a dance while we wait?” He asks, and despite yourself, a wide smile greets your lips.
Your hand slides into his, nodding and wordlessly as he leads you out to the dance floor. If eyes were on you, you would have never known you as you keep his gaze. The grey-brown eyes, forever impossible to read in front of you, but the smile seems genuine enough. His warm hand holds yours while the other slides down the slope of your back. You’re close enough to him to smell the cologne against his neck, the warmth of his chest against yours.
You step in unison, waltzing in time to the music. His eyes never leave yours, even as he spins you and pulls you close, stumbling a little at the quick succession of steps. It’s flustering to have his attention on you and be close to you like this. It’s hard not to puzzle why he’s choosing now to have a dance with you. Or why now, of all times. It couldn’t be because Feitan and Shalnark are taking too long, it’s an average time for them, possibly even after this song. Why draw attention to yourselves now?
“You’re thinking too loud,” he mumbles in your ear, bringing awareness to how close you two are.
His lips brush against your cheek as you sway side to side to the slowing waltz. Heat rises to your cheeks and while you hope he won’t notice, it’s too obvious to not.
“What made you want to dance?” You ask, allowing him to dip you down into the last move.
“I’ve always wanted to, but I never asked,” he replies, and his smile fills your heart with warmth.
The signal from Pakunoda caught his attention, but only for a split second as he lifts you back up, placing a kiss on your hand.
“May I have the next dance at our next escapade?” Chrollo asks, parting when he nods.
Your smile sparkles as you both exit the dance floor, heading to the mission with warm cheeks.
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
omg I loved your powerpoint post. Bonolenov's made me laugh and I couldn't stop laughing at cheetu's (the laffy taffy song omg I never thought about that LMAOO)
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: Chrollo says goodbye but he wishes he take it back.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Angst to fluff, kind of angst at least. 
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Chrollo Lucilfer x GN!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: One day I’ll write for someone else besides Chrollo but for now I’m thinking of opening my requests up! So send anything in as long as it follows the rules!
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Small ice spheres swirled in the light caramel color of the whiskey; frosty glass pressed against Chrollo’s palm. The whiskey went down smooth. Normally he’d ask how long the whiskey aged in the barrel, if the barrel was oak or cedar, but today he’s silent. Black hair hanging in front of his eyes, greyish brown eyes downcast into the glass. He can’t remember a time where a room felt so silent, despite the soft piano music of the elegant hotel bar filling the luxurious space.
There are things he didn’t realize he’d miss if he ever said goodbye to you. Chrollo isn’t stupid. He knew there would be moments where he’d reminisce. How you’d tend to something he didn’t think to tend to or how he’d wake up to a cup of black coffee steaming in his favorite sets of mugs; only needing sugar to be spooled into the cup. Chrollo didn’t think he’d miss the comfort of your voice, or the warmth of your hand wrapped delicately around his wrist. As if touching him was something you’d have to tiptoe into, hesitation in the twitches of your fingertips against his skin. He didn’t think he’d miss your indecisiveness as you flip through the cocktail menu. Chrollo never understood why you had the hardest time choosing a cocktail; they’re all too sweet with a fruit flavor entangled in the alcohol. Chrollo didn’t think he’d miss everything about you.
Saying goodbye turned out to be more problematic than he figured, but you reached your expiration date. Your usefulness is fulfilled to the troupe, you’ve found the crown embedded with rare jewels he sought. Unlike his previous quests, he didn’t feel satisfaction. Chrollo saw the small sad smile on your lips, you knew the goodbye was coming but what was Chrollo supposed to do?
Love isn’t something he’s ever been an expert at. Flings come and go, meaningless affairs, people he could never recall the name of. He’d remember them by a feature, a trait, something they said, something they provided him. He’s lied awake at night in the abandoned places he brings the troupe to. Staring at the ceiling in numbing silence in a cold cot, wondering if he could ever provide that love he’s read in so many books. A love that makes his chest ache when he reads it, whimsical, caring, compassionate, sickeningly sweet, but a safety net to be vulnerable.
Vulnerability is something he could never achieve. In his defense, he always reaches for it. His life didn’t leave him much room for that vulnerability. The net to feel comfortable, to finally let someone else help him carry and get over the baggage that burdens the weight on his shoulders and mind. Chrollo couldn’t even lift the veil of understanding himself to hand the baggage off to someone else. His personality, his childhood, his way of life. He sees it all like broken glass that makes a mirror. The only thing he has formed against the mirror, glued against the back panel of the wood, is a small sliver of glass that lets him see the cross tattoo on his forehead. The symbolism of who he is now.
A thief searching to fill the voids he couldn’t place back into the mirror pane to look at himself. He doesn’t know who he is. How could he know how to love? Would love from you help him discover who he is? Is it worth putting you through that? Chrollo sighs, thinking back to the sapphire encrusted crown, smoky quartz with clear crystals sparkling in between in rose gold wireframing. Is the crown worth losing you? A crown didn’t bring him the joy you brought, but would destroying you make him feel whole?
He only showed you the side of him he showed to everyone. Charismatic, charming, intelligent, apathetic, and easy-going. He’s sure you could see through him, you could always read his mood drops when others wouldn’t bat an eye. You allowed him to confide in you about why he even did all of this, but he didn’t indulge you he does this to fill a void. Just mentioned when he bothers to learn about himself, he’ll have all his answers. He’ll never forget your hand pressing over his heart, as you whispered he knows who he is, he just has to get in touch with himself. Maybe being with you wouldn’t destroy you, he thinks as he swirls the whiskey, maybe you already knew what you’d be getting into.
Whiskey brain takes over as he thinks about leaving here to find you. They hadn’t left the city; the members wanted one last night to celebrate. He already said goodbye, he’s sure he already broke your heart upon leaving. If your feelings are as mutual as his are for you, he’s sure you feel the same numbing ache in the pain of his chest. Longing, loneliness, desire, a need to be around someone, but the other half is missing. Chrollo is the greatest thief of all time, and he couldn’t even figure out how to ask you to join him by his side. Or find you. If you wanted to be found, that is.
“I’ll take a cosmopolitan and get him a whiskey on the rocks,” a familiar voice lifted him from his thoughts.
It was you sitting beside him, not looking his way as you wiped the rain off your coat. Chrollo noticed you had just come in, by the heave of your chest you had sat down, you didn’t take your time choosing your drink. Silence came over you both as the bartender sat the two drinks on the mahogany bar, waiting for him to walk away before Chrollo cleared his throat.
“What made you choose a cosmopolitan?” He starts, eyes looking over at you.
Fingers holding the stem of the tall crystal martini glass, your eyes not looking at him as you swirled the contents of the glass to mix the juice and vodka. Your shoulders slumped into a shrug.
“You’ve told me a few times to order a cosmo, and I never listened,” he’s fortunate your voice is as light in tone as his own is.
There’s an edge to both of your voices, lingering in one another’s eyes like there’s something unsaid. Chrollo has to be the one to break the ice, but not even liquid courage could break through him. He feels frozen, the ice in his glass and he could have something in common besides drowning. Frozen and drowning, too cowardly to speak up, drowning in emotions that are all fighting against him and his better wishes.
“Pakunoda told me you didn’t go out celebrating, if you were curious,” you say softly, lips around the rim of the crystal glass, “she told me you stayed at the bar. I thought I could stop by for one last drink before you left,” a sadness cloaks your tone.
“I’d hate for this to be our last drink,” Chrollo admits, the glass set against the bar for the first time that night, and finally, your eyes meet his own.
“Why did you say goodbye then?” A valid question, no less, but he wasn’t sure if he could give an answer you’d be satisfied with. Or understand.
“I’m not sure I’d be able to give you what you desire. I don’t think I know myself and I’m not in tune with being vulnerable but,” he lets out a faint sigh, turning to face you, “For you, I’d be willing to try, and I’d hate to say goodbye.”
A smile graces your features. A smile he didn’t realize he missed so dearly until he saw it just now. Brighter than any star in the night, brighter than the sky in the peak of its shine, your smile could outrival them all.
“In that case, I think I can stay by your side,” Chrollo smiles, turning back to his drink.
“We leave tomorrow then,” he mumbles, lips pressed to the glass.
“Can’t wait,” you whisper, smile wider than before.
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
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the chairman?
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
feitan: i don't like hisoka
shalnark: why's that?
feitan: idk, looks like he'd believe the earth is flat
shalnark: phinks is a flat earther and you like him
feitan: what
phinks: the earth is flat and antarctica is in the center of it
feitan: oh my god
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
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I believe that we have a soul. So I want to fulfill my dead friend’s wish… to wreak havoc
hunter x hunter » chrollo lucilfer
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
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He is sitting 😳
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
HXH Charas as things people/I have said
gon: never really was much of a thinker but i got pretty far so who cares
killua: i'd rather be tortured and die than face a roach head on, no i'm not overreacting
leorio: and what is the root of all evil? men and capitalism.
kurapika: i'm on my third mental breakdown and you're expecting a good decision from me right now, that's a lot.
illumi: why are you near me? gross?
hisoka: i'm better than everyone and if they don't immediately get it, they never will but they just know i'm better somehow
chrollo: step one of being sexy is always coming off as mysterious and whats more mysterious than having no grasp on yourself? nothing, you are always unpredictable
feitan: being short has perks, like i'm closer to your ankles so i can fucking cut them next time you make fun of me
uvogin: is being a himbo a good thing?
phinks: i don't act like a hey mamas lesbian??
shalnark: oh to be a blissfully ignorant android user
pakunoda: i just wanna live my cottagecore dream jesus christ
machi, gesturing to hisoka: there's a walking red flag if i've ever seen one
shizuku: i don't remember what i ate yesterday, i hope it was good
silva: i was looking at the baby (illumi) and i was like what have i done. why did i do this.
mereum: so weird that people are giving me a god complex i thought thats something you inherit yourself
shaiapouf: every straight couple is homophobic
pitou: life is a ride. (youpi: and?) no thats it thats the thought.
ging: having a missing father figure develops character
pariston: honestly? i'm a 10 and if anyone below an 8 even tries speaking to me i'm going to be offended.
bisky: im a bad bitch, bad bitches collect rocks too
nobunaga: my hair is all i have going for me
genthru: the fortnite cover song that kid sang carried me through some pretty dark times
tonpa: i'll spike your boyfriends drink with laxatives so he has the shits and you dump him
kikyo: if a hairstyle works it works who cares if its from the 70's
milluki: my body pillow has given me more love and affection than anyone else has so what're you gonna do about it
extra: ging: don't perceive me at all actually
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illuzoldycks · 3 years
illumi: I think you’d make a decent significant other.
hisoka: I’d make a great significant other!
killua: what is happening?
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