I'd Say I'm a Joke but I'm Not Funny
46 posts
I'm not a hardcore fan of anything though I wish I was. I am a multishipper though. Anyway, here I shall analysis things and talk about my feelings while I'll hope no one hates me for it. Feel free to offer me more information on a subject I may mention just please be nice about it.
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idunnowhyyourehere · 7 years ago
THROUGH A RAPIST’S EYES” (PLS TAKE TIME TO READ THIS. It may save a life, It may save your life.)
An Article from Neena Susan Thomas
“Through a rapist’s eyes. A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interview…ed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts:
1] The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle. They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun! , braid, or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair. Women with short hair are not common targets.
2] The second thing men look for is clothing. They will look for women who’s clothing is easy to remove quickly. Many of them carry scissors around to cut clothing.
3] They also look for women using their cell phone, searching through their purse or doing other activities while walking because they are off guard and can be easily overpowered.
4] The number one place women are abducted from / attacked at is grocery store parking lots.
5] Number two is office parking lots/garages.
6] Number three is public restrooms.
7] The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman and quickly move her to a second location where they don’t have to worry about getting caught.
8] If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged because it only takes a minute or two for them to realize that going after you isn’t worth it because it will be time-consuming.
9] These men said they would not pick on women who have umbrellas,or other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their hands.
10] Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys you’re not worth it.
1] If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or with you in an elevator or stairwell, look them in the face and ask them a question, like what time is it, or make general small talk: can’t believe it is so cold out here, we’re in for a bad winter. Now that you’ve seen their faces and could identify them in a line- up, you lose appeal as a target.
2] If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of you and yell Stop or Stay back! Most of the rapists this man talked to said they’d leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would not be afraid to fight back. Again, they are looking for an EASY target.
3] If you carry pepper spray (this instructor was a huge advocate of it and carries it with him wherever he goes,) yelling I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY and holding it out will be a deterrent.
4] If someone grabs you, you can’t beat them with strength but you can do it by outsmarting them. If you are grabbed around the waist from behind, pinch the attacker either under the arm between the elbow and armpit or in the upper inner thigh – HARD. One woman in a class this guy taught told him she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to date rape her and was so upset she broke through the skin and tore out muscle strands the guy needed stitches. Try pinching yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it; it really hurts.
5] After the initial hit, always go for the groin. I know from a particularly unfortunate experience that if you slap a guy’s parts it is extremely painful. You might think that you’ll anger the guy and make him want to hurt you more, but the thing these rapists told our instructor is that they want a woman who will not cause him a lot of trouble. Start causing trouble, and he’s out of there.
6] When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers and bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing down on them as possible. The instructor did it to me without using much pressure, and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked audibly.
7] Of course the things we always hear still apply. Always be aware of your surroundings, take someone with you if you can and if you see any odd behavior, don’t dismiss it, go with your instincts. You may feel little silly at the time, but you’d feel much worse if the guy really was trouble.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do it.
2. Learned this from a tourist guide to New Orleans : if a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you…. chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION!
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car: Kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won’t see you but everybody else will. This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping,eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc. DON’T DO THIS! The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side,put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU CLOSE the DOORS , LEAVE.
5. A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:
a. Be aware: look around your car as someone may be hiding at the passenger side , peek into your car, inside the passenger side floor, and in the back seat. ( DO THIS TOO BEFORE RIDING A TAXI CAB) .
b. If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
c. Look at the car parked on the driver’s side of your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot).
7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!
8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP IT! It may get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked “for help” into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.
Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it and it’s better safe than sorry.
If u have compassion reblog this post. ‘Helping hands are better than Praying Lips’ – give us your helping hand.
REBLOG THIS AND LET EVERY GIRL KNOW AT LEAST PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD. So please reblog this….Your one reblog can Help to spread this information.
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idunnowhyyourehere · 7 years ago
That moment when...
You’re pretty sure the show is hinting at Cyrus and TJ (CJ) but then remember Sofia Wylie’s post asking Team Marty or Team TJ.
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idunnowhyyourehere · 7 years ago
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US Helplines:
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453
UK Helplines:
Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090 e-mail [email protected]
Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111
Mind infoline (mental health information): 0300 123 3393 e-mail: [email protected]
Mind legal advice (for people who need mental-health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463 [email protected]
b-eat eating disorder support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30am-8.30pm and Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) e-mail: [email protected]
b-eat youthline (for under 25’s with eating disorders): 08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30pm)
Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400 e-mail: [email protected]
Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600
Drinkline: 0800 9178282
Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1(open 2 - 2.30pm 7 - 9.30pm) e-mail [email protected]
Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 every day, 6pm to midnight
India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614
India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669
Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868
FREE 24/7 suicide hotlines:
Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430
Australia: 13-11-14
Austria: 01-713-3374
Barbados: 429-9999
Belgium: 106
Botswana: 391-1270
Brazil: 21-233-9191
China: 852-2382-0000
(Hong Kong: 2389-2222)
Costa Rica: 606-253-5439
Croatia: 01-4833-888
Cyprus: 357-77-77-72-67
Czech Republic: 222-580-697, 476-701-908
Denmark: 70-201-201
Egypt: 762-1602
Estonia: 6-558-088
Finland: 040-5032199
France: 01-45-39-4000
Germany: 0800-181-0721
Greece: 1018
Guatemala: 502-234-1239
Holland: 0900-0767
Honduras: 504-237-3623
Hungary: 06-80-820-111
Iceland: 44-0-8457-90-90-90
Israel: 09-8892333
Italy: 06-705-4444
Japan: 3-5286-9090
Latvia: 6722-2922, 2772-2292
Malaysia: 03-756-8144
(Singapore: 1-800-221-4444)
Mexico: 525-510-2550
Netherlands: 0900-0767
New Zealand: 4-473-9739
New Guinea: 675-326-0011
Nicaragua: 505-268-6171
Norway: 47-815-33-300
Philippines: 02-896-9191
Poland: 52-70-000
Portugal: 239-72-10-10
Russia: 8-20-222-82-10
Spain: 91-459-00-50
South Africa: 0861-322-322
South Korea: 2-715-8600
Sweden: 031-711-2400
Switzerland: 143
Taiwan: 0800-788-995
Thailand: 02-249-9977
Trinidad and Tobago: 868-645-2800
Ukraine: 0487-327715
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idunnowhyyourehere · 7 years ago
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Reblog if you support romantic same sex relationship themes and gay characters in childrens entertainment!
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idunnowhyyourehere · 7 years ago
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idunnowhyyourehere · 7 years ago
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Here to help y'all gorgeous children
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idunnowhyyourehere · 7 years ago
It’s barely 9:50 in the morning and my mom and older sister have already had a heated argument.
It started off about school and how my sister’s college classes are gonna be paid for since they missed the deadline for the payment plan.
Then is went to disrespect.
I guess it was mostly my mom being frustrated with my sister than it being an argument. But still.
They’re both upset. And I just want to cry.
My mom said if we’re going to be disrespectful then we can call our dads and have them take us in.
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idunnowhyyourehere · 7 years ago
I came to this conclusion a while ago after watching the episode where the sorcerers got the Medusa stone on their wands. 
Cedric is like Sofia’s uncle. 
Like the fun uncle who is obviously not set up to take care of his own kids but he can handle a day of someone else’s. Just don’t expect him to be necessarily good at it. The kid will have fun though.
I mean think about it. Adventures with Cedric are magical adventures where Sofia could get hurt, but Cedric never stops to consider that. He’s just like ‘whoo magic!’ With Sofia just echoing him in the background. 
Plus he grew up with King Roland, so their practically like brothers even if Roland is a totally jerk wad to Cedric. They’re at least around the same age.
So yeah. Uncle Cedric.
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idunnowhyyourehere · 8 years ago
Why do you like sharks?
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idunnowhyyourehere · 8 years ago
So no one has any ideas. This is what I’ve got so far:
Fiona - Christine
Shrek - Rich or Jeremy
Lord Farquad - maybe Rich
So nothing new. All ideas are welcomed. I just really want to see what we can come up with.
I was mentally singing in the shower and all of a sudden I Love Play Rehearsal changed to Morning Person and I thought, Christine could totally sing Fiona’s parts perfectly. And now I want to cast all the parts but like I don’t know how I should do it.
At first I was like oh Jeremy and Michael as Shrek and Donkey because best friends and hurting your closest friend because your going through some internal problems but I’m not sure they fit into those roles very well.
Then I was like oh, Rich can be Lord Farquad because they’re both short. But then later my mind put Rich in as Shrek and I was like okay I guess both of them were bitter because they were originally lonely being themselves and both just wanted to be popular and to be loved and oh hey maybe Jeremy can fit into the role of Shrek. I don’t know. 
Please help.
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idunnowhyyourehere · 8 years ago
Ever see the figure of a person out the corner of your eye and it terrifies you because where did they come from but then you take a better look and it’s just a pole, the laundry bin, the outfit you picked out for the day ans sat there like 5 minutes ago?
Yeah me neither.
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idunnowhyyourehere · 8 years ago
Reblog if you think sign language should be taught as a language in schools.
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idunnowhyyourehere · 8 years ago
Do ever just sit and think about...
How Jeremy really didn’t need the S.Q.U.I.P to win over Christine?
I mean think about it. All of their interactions throughout the musical is just them being themselves together. The S.Q.U.I.P. doesn’t tell Jeremy what to say or what to do in these moments. If I recall correctly the only times I remember the S.Q.U.I.P saying things is when he told Jeremy to “keep it up” because Christine was “totally into” him and at the play when he told Jeremy not to drink the Mountain Dew Red because otherwise he wouldn’t be able to be Christine. Which in both cases the S.Q.U.I.P. was wrong.
But then Jeremy spends sometime with her and their both just enjoying each other’s company so much. They’re so cute!
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idunnowhyyourehere · 8 years ago
The person I reblogged this from deserves happiness and love
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idunnowhyyourehere · 8 years ago
I dunno but like...
Is Christine and Jake a ship? Like I always thought they’d be great friends because they’re both into trying new things and whatever but I saw an animatic for Upgrade and they were so cute I almost ship it.
Almost because Jake was ultimately a jerk when they were dating which is why they broke up. But um yeah... Is that a thing people ship?
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idunnowhyyourehere · 8 years ago
gentle reminder
practice positive self-talk whenever you’re able - talk to yourself like a friend, a doting parent, a motivating teacher, someone who deeply cares about you and believes in you; you can do it, i believe in you
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idunnowhyyourehere · 8 years ago
I was mentally singing in the shower and all of a sudden I Love Play Rehearsal changed to Morning Person and I thought, Christine could totally sing Fiona’s parts perfectly. And now I want to cast all the parts but like I don’t know how I should do it.
At first I was like oh Jeremy and Michael as Shrek and Donkey because best friends and hurting your closest friend because your going through some internal problems but I’m not sure they fit into those roles very well.
Then I was like oh, Rich can be Lord Farquad because they’re both short. But then later my mind put Rich in as Shrek and I was like okay I guess both of them were bitter because they were originally lonely being themselves and both just wanted to be popular and to be loved and oh hey maybe Jeremy can fit into the role of Shrek. I don’t know. 
Please help.
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