idocumentscammers · 4 hours
Disclaimer: this post is the full scam list that is regularly updated by azalea-alter. This post is simply an index of all the scammers I have covered in my blog, for more in-depth documentations.
Full Names, Alphabetized by Last Name:
Rose Abdulhaq
Ahmed Abu Aisha
Ama'l Alanqar'r
Baraa Alnajjar
Kipkosgei Cheruiyot
Sally Cheruiyot
Rajaab Edward
Johm Ghati
Florence Hadid Khakasa
Zuhura Alfaat Kweyu [2]
Jane Majuma
Titus Muhitsi
Lucy Mukira
Verian Mumbo
Nchagwa Mwita
Bitita' Nyaa'ta
Jeff Owino
Marystella Majuma Rajaab
Tasneem Doreen Rajaab
Tasneem Remmy Rajaab
Purity Sikuku
Lucia Sungura
Mariam Weirema or Mar'iam Weirre''ma
Zalka Yusuf
Usernames/URLs/Handles, Alphabetized:
nessmamomen (not to be confused with nesmamomen)
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idocumentscammers · 6 hours
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rules - mainblog- jess/key - anon - azalea - scam list - index
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idocumentscammers · 7 hours
Violation of these rules will result in me sending you a message explaining why your behavior is not tolerated. A second violation will result in you being blocked. More extreme violations or blatant bait/trolling will be immediately blocked.
This post and my rules are subject to change. I will reblog this post if there are any major changes to my rules. Be excellent to each other.
In relation to myself and my blog:
Do not plagiarize my posts and try to pass them off as your own. My posts are rebloggable and shareable.
I do not entertain aggressive or insulting messages directed at me for any reason, such as missing or incorrect information in a post. DM-ing me respectfully with the correct information is acceptable and encouraged.
Do not accuse me of being anti-Arab, anti-Black, or otherwise bigoted for calling out scams. My motivation behind scam-busting is to ensure that donations only reach real g-n-c-de vicitims. My mainblog is for sharing real or likely real fundraisers.
If you want to report a scammer, send me a DM with a link/tag to the blog(s) with detailed proof.
Do not get rude/aggressive when tagged in a scammer callout. As a member of the global humanitarian community, you have a responsibility to ensure you are best supporting those ravaged by conflict, which includes not promoting scams. The best way to not be tagged in a scam callout is to thoroughly investigate fundraising asks before promoting.
Do not speculate about my identity or press for personal information.
For interacting with me and others:
Insults or harassment is not tolerated.
Being bigoted in any way is not tolerated, including xenophobia, racism, sexism, etc.
Do not discourage others from participating in the fundraising community in any fashion based on your personal limitations, ignorance, or lack of time/energy to do so. (Example)
Do not insult or belittle others for being unaware of scams. This is a place to encourage community learning.
Self-promotion is forbidden, unless it is for a Ghazan, Sudanese, or Congolese survival funds. Promoting others' funds that fit under these categories are also acceptable.
Do not put bait or trolling messages on my posts.
For sharing information:
If a post is in Arabic, do not add a translated version. You may translate it privately with the understanding that online translators aren't 100% reliable, or DM me for an explanation.
Do not accuse fundraisers or vetters of scamming without very comprehensive evidence. See here for info about vetting.
General rules of thumb are not comprehensive scam proof. (e.g. "They've sent me a bunch of messages, so they must be a scammer," "They have a PayPal, so they must be a scammer," "They use phrases like 'hello dears' or 'kindly,' so they must be a scammer.")
Do not convince others to donate to obvious scams because they, "might be real," or they, "obviously still need money if they're doing this." If they need money, they can ask for it on here without lying about their identity or intentions.
Do not deny or belittle the struggles of Ghazans, Sudanese, or Congolese people and their need to host fundraisers for survival.
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@reallyuniquedaze (Kipkosgei Cheruiyot)
Another iteration of a fake Ghaza scam; thank you @eveningharmony for sending the titular user to me.
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$300 is not a valid long-term goal for a Ghazan fundraiser. The cost of goods in Ghaza is so inflated and the cost of evacuation is in the thousands.
"Fundraiser donation link" is just an untrackable PayPal donation pool. These should never be donated to unless they belong to a vetted user or someone you know personally. Unlike GFM, there is no guarantee you will get your money back in the event of fraud.
This account has other trademark signs of a scam that I have discussed in other posts.
The PayPal belongs to "Kipkosgei Cheruiyot" which is another Kenyan surname, which likely means this is the same donation scammer or small group that's been involved with these donation scams. In fact, I recognized the last name used by decaffinatedcrusadesweets who had the PayPal name "Sally Cheruiyot." I went to go look at decaffinatedcrusadesweets' blog, and I found that they have now changed their username to devotedlyclassycollector and now their PayPal name is "Kiposgei Cheruiyot." This is the same person.
This person is trying to pass themselves off as both of these people.
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The decaffinatedcrusadesweets/devotedlyclassycollector scam is an iteraction of the, "still staying in half of the church that wasn’t affected by the bombing," scam that steals text directly from this GFM.
Meanwhile, through reallyuniquedaze, they are also trying to run a different style of donation scam run by usernames such as,
with PayPal names such as Jeff Owino and Titus Muhitsi.
This person does not care about the ethicality of their actions. They have made more blogs and used more usernames than included in this post. They will block you if you call them out. Do not donate to them; do not share their posts. Report and block them. Warn others who engage with the scam.
As per usual, if you would like to support a vetted family in need of the funds to afford basic necessities and evacuate Gaza once the Egyptian border crossing opens, please consider supporting Nesma [vetted] and her relatives Dr. Shahad & Farah. [vetted 1, vetted 2]
This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
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idocumentscammers · 3 days
is the gfm that @/nour1132 sharing legit? it seems to belong to jabalia rehabilitation society in gaza. thank you
It is 100% a scam. I did some digging and they have a twitter account where they share that fundraiser for JRS, but if you go back a few months the gofundme used to be title “Help my family and children in Northern Gaza” and organised by someone called Mohammed Zidan, who is also the only donation on the gfm. Here’s a screenshot of the old post from their twitter, one that shows Mohammed Zidan as the original organiser, and one that shows the link they were posting for “Help my family and children in Northern Gaza” is the same as the one they are currently using for “Please help people with disabilities in Gaza”.
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I believe they got the images from JRS facebook (I don’t have facebook so I couldn’t do a lot of searching on their account), and the description is AI generated with an arabic translation since I couldn’t find the exact wording anywhere online.
I do want to use this example to explain why it is so important to not rely on “reverse image searches” and donation protected campaigns. I had used reverse image search for all of the images on this gfm and almost all of the came clean or came back to just this campaign.
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And this campaign does say “donation protected”
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So often I see people in the tags of gofundme posts saying “unvetted but reverse image search is clear and it’s donation protected”. This is why it is so important to not do your own vetting, and why you can’t just rely on RIS and donation protection.
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idocumentscammers · 4 days
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PayPal name: Bitita' nyaa'ta
Handle: deepestsandwichtriumph
"Vetted and verified by 90-ghost" despite clearly not being a Ghazan fundraiser (which is who 90-ghost vets) untrackable PayPal account, medical emergency with very vague information, another Kenyan surname meaning that this is probably the same scammer behind a lot of these insulin scams, only one original post with a bunch of reblogs within the span of two hours of random trending posts, using the #free palestine tag on a post that has nothing to do with Palestine.
This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
For anyone searching, deepestsandwichtriumph is a scammer whose verification claim is false.
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idocumentscammers · 4 days
@maximumtriumphmagazine (Baraa Alnajjar)
This account is impersonating a Palestinian children's book illustrator, Baraa Awoor.
Here is Baraa Awoor's GFM, her LinkedIn, and her personal website with her work.
Here's a tumblr post promoting Awoor's work that links to her GFM. I could not find if Awoor has any tumblr accounts.
Now here's an impersonator, "Baraa Alnajjar." @/maximumtriumphmagazine and their GFM.
This post completely rips off the tumblr post, with the only changes being the lack of Facebook links that lead to Awoor's Facebook, as well as changing the surname "Awoor" to "Alnajjar."
The name "Baraa Alnajjar" brings up no results related to children's illustration, while "Baraa Awoor" brings up Awoor's various websites and photos of her illustrations.
The title is stolen, with the original being on the right, impersonator on the left.
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The entire GFM text is nearly identical.
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Additionally, Awoor's GFM mentions that some of her family has been evacuated into Egypt back in April, while "Alnajjar's" has no mention of this.
Here's a side-by-side of the stolen tumblr post that "Alnajjar" copied.
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"Alnajjar's" header photo is also stolen from a threads account. The account's posts are in Arabic, but I couldn't find any mention of Gaza or Palestine on the account from the preview that threads would give me. I did find references to Iraq, however. The most recent post was from two days ago.
While Awoor has not been vetted by any tumblr vetters and doesn't seem to have an account on here, she is a well-known children's illustrator, and as a result. likely has a big audience on Facebook and other platforms, which she likely used to campaign.
While I can't definitively say the impersonator is not Gazan, they are at the very least impersonating two other people, which should not be happening. They are stealing someone else's face and stealing Awoor's work and her words.
Please report the impersonation account as well as the GFM. I'm not sure how Baraa Awoor and her family are doing, but I imagine she could use donations since being a refugee can be very expensive with limited work opportunities.
Edit (9/16/2024):
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The impersonation account has yet to engage with @kyra45 on her reblog, but I did get a response back from Baraa after messaging her directly through GFM.
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The impersonator is definitely not associated with the original in any way.
Another edit, same day:
Turns out the impersonator was using a totally different, probably stolen, image before the current one!
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The woman is a different person than currently shown in the header of the fundraiser.
This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
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idocumentscammers · 8 days
Mahmoud ( @supportgaza ) has requested I not show his original message due to it containing some personal information, but there was essentially a miscommunication between Mahmoud and his relatives about starting the second fundraiser, leading Mahmoud to believe that scammers were behind it.
I am in the process of contacting people who interacted with my original post to clarify that neither @malokamohamed nor @mohammeedibraheem are scammers, but are relatives of Mahmoud. I apologize to everyone for spreading false information.
Please do not contact either Mahmoud or any of his relatives about this further, as it has been cleared up. This has been a stressful event for the both of them, and they are both in need of help to evacuate their family.
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Photo ID: A chat between me (on my main @cluelessbot) and Mahmoud ( @supportgaza) Me: Hi Mahmoud, I'm so sorry this happened! Thank you so much for informing me. I imagine this has been a stressful situation for the both of you, and I apologize for contributing to this mess. I will reach out to your brother as well and apologize for making the scam post about him; I just wanted to respect your wishes, not hurt him or any of your family. Me: I will keep your message private at your request, but in order to let others know about your brother being the person behind that fundraiser, may I post the next message with your confirmation? It will probably help others believe that he is actually not stealing your photos, and support him. Me: Regarding the callout post about Mohammed Ibraheem ( @malokamohamed , @mohameedibraheem) the original fundraiser creator, Mahmoud, (@supportgaza) has reached out to me and let me know that the person we thought was a scammer is actually his brother. Due to the hectic situation that families in Gaza face as well as the lack of reliable internet, there was a miscommunication between Mohammed and Mahmoud about Mohammed's creation of his fundraiser. Mohammed is not a scammer or trying to impersonate Mahmoud, but is a direct relative of Mahmoud. His fundraiser is legitimate, and is also vetted by association through Mahmoud. Please continue to support both fundraisers, and refrain from messaging either Mohammed or Mahmoud about it further. Mahmoud: I am deeply sorry for this mess; I really am! I had no idea whatsoever he asked someone to set up a campaign; he was too embarrassed to let me know; I am focusing on evacuating all my brothers and sisters and their little one because I know the war won’t stop. I/ sr /ae /li commanders made statements today that defeating H/ a/ ma/ s will take another whole year; to me this means the genocide and horror will crush everyone. Therefore I must act. My apologies again and thank you for understanding Mahmoud: Please feel free to make a post to clarify things. Thank you very much!
These are both legitimate fundraisers! Mahmoud has been vetted here, #151.
This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
Hey guys, I'm not fully certain what happened but from what I understand so far, yesterday I reblogged this post from someone who looks into scams on tumblr, and the person I reblogged it from has just updated to clarify the accounts belong to members of the same family they're not scammers at all.
Apologies for reblogging a speculative post without concrete evidence of wrongdoing. Sorry to @malokamohamed and @supportgaza and others.
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idocumentscammers · 9 days
EDIT: THIS IS NOT A SCAM @malokamohamed @mohameedibraheem (Mohammed Ibraheem)
This user has taken photos and text directly from Mahmoud Khalaf's fundraiser. ( @supportgaza previously @mahmoudkhalafff )
Here's a screenshot of my DMs with Mahmoud, where he confirms this person stole his photos:
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Mahmoud ( @supportgaza ) has requested I not show his original message due to it containing some personal information, but there was essentially a miscommunication between Mahmoud and his relatives about starting the second fundraiser, leading Mahmoud to believe that scammers were behind it.
I am in the process of contacting people who interacted with my original post to clarify that neither @malokamohamed nor @mohammeedibraheem are scammers, but are relatives of Mahmoud. I apologize to everyone for spreading false information.
Please do not contact either Mahmoud or any of his relatives about this further, as it has been cleared up. This has been a stressful event for the both of them, and they are both in need of help to evacuate their family.
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Photo ID: A chat between me (on my main @cluelessbot) and Mahmoud ( @supportgaza) Me: Hi Mahmoud, I'm so sorry this happened! Thank you so much for informing me. I imagine this has been a stressful situation for the both of you, and I apologize for contributing to this mess. I will reach out to your brother as well and apologize for making the scam post about him; I just wanted to respect your wishes, not hurt him or any of your family. Me: I will keep your message private at your request, but in order to let others know about your brother being the person behind that fundraiser, may I post the next message with your confirmation? It will probably help others believe that he is actually not stealing your photos, and support him. Me: Regarding the callout post about Mohammed Ibraheem ( @malokamohamed , @mohameedibraheem) the original fundraiser creator, Mahmoud, (@supportgaza) has reached out to me and let me know that the person we thought was a scammer is actually his brother. Due to the hectic situation that families in Gaza face as well as the lack of reliable internet, there was a miscommunication between Mohammed and Mahmoud about Mohammed's creation of his fundraiser. Mohammed is not a scammer or trying to impersonate Mahmoud, but is a direct relative of Mahmoud. His fundraiser is legitimate, and is also vetted by association through Mahmoud. Please continue to support both fundraisers, and refrain from messaging either Mohammed or Mahmoud about it further. Mahmoud: I am deeply sorry for this mess; I really am! I had no idea whatsoever he asked someone to set up a campaign; he was too embarrassed to let me know; I am focusing on evacuating all my brothers and sisters and their little one because I know the war won’t stop. I/ sr /ae /li commanders made statements today that defeating H/ a/ ma/ s will take another whole year; to me this means the genocide and horror will crush everyone. Therefore I must act. My apologies again and thank you for understanding Mahmoud: Please feel free to make a post to clarify things. Thank you very much!
Mahmoud's fundraiser is so close to reaching its goal! If you donated to the wrong fundraiser, please move those funds over to Mahmoud's. These are both legitimate fundraisers! Please donate to and promote both!
As per usual, this post as well as the rest of my blog is for identifying well-documented scammers. This is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be weird/bigoted. You can find scammers on this blog and find vetted/unvetted but likely legitimate fundraisers on my main blog, @cluelessbot.
@kyra45 @anonthescambuster @azalea-alter @neechees
Thank you @kyra45 @acepumpkinpatrick and @freewatermelon0 for informing me about the mistake! And thank you @el-shab-hussein for making a post clarifying since you have a lot of influence in the fundraising crowd on tumblr!
This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
916 notes · View notes
idocumentscammers · 14 days
PayPal Donations for Humalog Insulin: The Snake Oil of Tumblr Scammers
Have you recently received an ask like this?
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Do you recognize any of these profile pictures?
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You have probably encountered a scam!
(Edit: one of the profile pictures used to scam was stolen directly from Dr. Shahed, a verified fundraiser! If you see anyone else using this photo in accordance with any fundraiser that does not belong to Dr. Shahed, it is likely a scam.)
These scammers take random Palestine-related photos and photos of hijabi women to quickly curate their blogs into looking like real Palestinians. Their asks and pinned posts are nearly identical, with a few discrepancies between names used, exact amounts asked for, and the occasional false claim of being "vetted and verified." They nearly always have one original post (their pinned one with their PayPal link) while the rest of their blog are solely reblogs of other posts, mainly those popular within the Palestine-related tags.
Here's an example of a pinned post, from the currently-active futuristiclovernut:
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They claim to be someone named "Wangila," with a linked PayPal belonging to Nafula Wangila...yet they were going by a different name not too long ago...
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This post is from two days ago. I imagine they were asked why their PayPal name was different from the name they provided, so they just decided to start using the PayPal name instead.
As for that exact ask, here's several links from so many different accounts using a very similar ask.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Here is a list of usernames that used some iteration of this ask: futuristiclovernut, jollyduckdetective, mellowwerewolfblaze, enchantingtravelermentality, chiefarcadedreammer, sodelusiontyphoon, atomiccollectorrladdysblog, greatmagazinepeace, thoughtfulfestivallove, luckyprincessblog, androgynousrunawaytree, enchantingladyearthquaker, tenaciousbearcowboy and more!
(Tip: go to Google and search " "long shot call" tumblr" (with quotations around the "long shot call") and you'll find so many iterations of this)
Using many different accounts and using duplicate asks is a practice that many legitimate, vetted fundraisers use. But they don't change their name and link to a new PayPal account each time. Legitimate fundraisers will usually have two links tops (such as a GoFundMe and a PayPal alternative). They typically use a GoFundMe, but will occasionally use Go Get Funding or trackable PayPal fundraisers. Some have used untrackable donation pools as an alternative to GoFundMe, but that should not be trusted unless they've been vetted by a qualified vetter.
With that in mind, the "vetted and verified" business happening in a lot of these scam blogs' pinned posts is misleading. They don't provide any links to vetting proof or usernames of those who vetted them, or will make up nonexistent accounts as their source of "vetting." Do not assume a fundraiser is vetted just because the post says so. Find the original vetting source and link it. If it's a spreadsheet, find the exact row number. Always check the fundraiser link that was in the vetter's post/spreadsheet. (Don't let the nessmamomen situation repeat; vetted funds have been impersonated before, while linking a separate "fundrasier.") Do not take anyone else's word for it, including other people in the reblogs; chances are, they didn't check for a source either.
Not every unvetted fundraiser is a scam. In fact, on my mainblog @cluelessbot, I reblog a lot of unvetted fundrasiers under the condition that they don't have stolen images or text (checked through copy-pasting search and reverse image search) are using a trackable fundraising option (there is a fundraising title and info on the fundraising page, with a progress bar leading to a specific monetary goal in the thousands) and are fundraising to a reasonable goal according to their stated needs. A Palestinian asking for only a few hundred dollars is not reasonable. Even if they aren't trying to evacuate, the cost of goods in Gaza is so inflated that a few hundred dollars will not cover their needs. If they cannot afford insulin, they are likely struggling with other necessities like shelter, food, water, and hygiene products. $360 would work as a short-term goal, which vetted Gazan fundraisers will ask for within a certain timeframe, but it is such a low total amount compared to legitimate Gaza fundraisers.
Let's talk profile pictures! The black woman with a red hijab is the most common photo you'll see, which has been associated with so many names such as Tasneem Doreen Rajaab, Marystella Majuma (Rajaab), Rajaab Edward, Jane Majuma, Rose Abdulhaq, Nafula Wangila, Zuhura Alfaat Kweyu. (Not a comprehensive list)
Some of these names get used with other profile pictures of totally different people as well.
Tasneem Doreen Rajaab gets changed to Tasneem Remmy Rajaab, and uses a photo of a totally different person.
Zuhura Alfaat Kweyu also was also used in conjunction with a photo of an entirely different person.
Onto PayPal names; the PayPal accounts linked with these scams frequently have names that originate from Sub-Saharan African cultures. This tells us that this scam is likely being run by the same individual, or a small group of individuals who are using names they are most familiar with. Here are just a few examples:
Majuma is most common in Kenya
Wangila is most common in Kenya
Kweyu is most common in Kenya
Khakasa is most common in Uganda
This means that this person or small group of people has likely made so much money off this scam. I have seen some of these posts with notes in the thousands, meaning that they have, at the very least, collected hundreds of dollars that could have went to actual Gazan fundraisers. These people do not care. If you call them out, they block you. If their account gets deactivated by tumblr staff, they just make a new one. This is why you need to be thorough about every donation ask you receive. With the state of Gaza and the inflated costs of everything, including evacuation; these fundraisers, and in turn, the scammers, will not be stopping anytime soon.
If you're feeling overwhelmed, check my main blog's pinned post for resources.
Stop sharing suspicious donation asks on the off-chance that it's real. If you don't want to take the time to inspect fundraisers, then stop sharing unvetted ones, or reach out to me for help. Let's do better to support those in Palestine, and stop soliciting the people taking donations away from them.
Since I have decided to support this family until they reach their goals: Nesma Ahmed and her sisters Dr. Shahad and Farah are both vetted [1] [2] and are in need of support to continue their education, evacuate, and afford necessities. Please share their fundraisers [1] [2] donate if you are able, and join their Telegram support group if you're interested.
This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
673 notes · View notes
idocumentscammers · 16 days
PayPal name: verian mumbo
Associated email: [email protected]
This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
Don't boost this person, they are a scammer
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This blog reached out to me and claimed to be a Palestinian in Gaza that requires assistance with medical bills, however the pictures she is using on her blog are not of her but of Filipina actress Claudia Barretto. Here is an article that uses the second picture from back in 2022. DO NOT BOOST THIS PERSON.
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idocumentscammers · 17 days
The tweet is from January, and eight months later, they're still running this!
sassygiverinternet & brieflovewombat were using this scam with the PayPal belonging to Luciamkir.
valiantcandysweets was, and jovialglitterduck is using the PayPal belonging to Nchagwa Mwita.
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Now jovialglitterduck is claiming to be vetted by 90-ghost, which is nonsensical because 90-ghost (as well as every other fundraiser vetter on this site that I'm aware of) verify Gazan (and some Sudan/Congo) fundraisers solely. Their process revolves around establishing that a fundraiser belongs to someone who resides in Gaza (or Sudan/Congo) by checking things like legal documents. This is useless for a fundraiser belonging to someone not from Gaza.
Please do not give this person money, or anyone with this profile picture or copied ask/pinned post. Block and report them.
This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
For future reference re: "help i have asthma at maximum level and my nose freezes"
Because they'll remove my callout on the post (but they can't remove the reblogs themselves!) and it won't be visible to people in the notes... so it's best to get the word out.
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^Stolen from here. If you look at the blog's post, you can see that I had screenshotted it when the post was ten hours old and immediately the person had started spamming others with asks. The url is slightly off of a terminated one I had been alerted to (thank you as always!!!!)
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Here's a copy of the ask, you can see that this url here (terminated, as are others) is extremely similar to the currently active (as of posting) url.
Scammers often remake with nearly identical urls, I am not 100% sure why, maybe because if they remake they can make you think it's not remade? But anyway, yeah, they tend to stick to some kind of "branding" for each scam they run.
As of posting, the name being used on the paypal fundraiser is Lucy Mukira. I have checked, and that is NOT the paypal the person on twitter (whom I have no reason to suspect and twitter is out of my department unless you-know-who is involved never mind i kept forgetting to edit this and they ARE suspicious) is using.
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idocumentscammers · 1 month
Hello, is mariam weirema from Gaza, I have started a campaign to seek help to get rid of the genocide in Gaza, I am reaching out to you with a warm heart so that you can share my post against friends and family to spread the word, and a small donation💰 if you can, Please I am on my knees asking you to help me complete this.
Thanks for your kindness and generosity 🕊🙏🇵🇸
That's likely a scam
They blocked me when I asked if they were verified
It's the same text as known scammer @/zaynabu
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Here's the exact difference between the asks: different name, a space removed, and a simple change of words
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They also mention a GFM in their tags, but no PayPal (as usual for scammers)
#free gaza#free palestine#gofundme#donations
Also some other minor tells common in the usual scammers
obviously generated url
reblogging a few things directly from the OP about random stuff (Palestinians seem to go directly to the point or reblog other fundraisers?)
They also had AI art, but I've seen at least one fundraiser with one, so...
@kyra45 @anonthescambuster
update: the ai-generated image was stolen off a GFM: (thanks for telling me, anonymous asker!)
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idocumentscammers · 1 month
@perfectlovercat (Johm Ghati)
User has a 4-day-old account with a randomly generated username. This doesn't necessarily equate to scam, but there is no reference to a past blog that was deleted that led to him having to make a new account. No link to a separate platform he's been campaigning on either. Yet, He's already made it to $1,200 out of $44,000 of his "fundraiser" goal. A perfect number divisible by 100 at the time of making this post? How unusual! (A "fundraiser" that links to an untrackable PayPal, by the way. Not vetted either. Belongs to someone else named "Johm Ghati," which is a Tanzanian surname, similar to other scam PayPals we've seen before.)
User says his name is Ahmed Abu Aisha from Gaza, and that he's a radiologist, which is supported by his header collage with two photos of a man with radiology equipment.
Let's start with "Ahmed's" description of his family.
me, my brothers, and all the members of my family, which includes my father and mother.
In the very next paragraph,
My work at the hospital stopped because of the immediate war my sister, Dr. Samah, went on strike to finish his studies
Woah, sister? I thought "Ahmed" only had brothers. Followed by the pronoun, "his" to refer to his "sister"???
Also, the whole paragraph is just nonsense. It seems indicative of a lot of copy-and-pasted plagiarized, mismatched mush. His sister went on strike...to finish "his" studies...and was unable to treat the wounded? Huh?
Onto the next paragraph.
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Taken directly from this GFM, belonging to someone named Ahmed Abdulla. Scam-spotters have had this conversation before about how directly copy-and-pasted text doesn't necessarily equate to scamming, as many legitimate fundraiser holders do not speak English and will use text from other fundraisers that's general enough to suit their situation. (It's still discouraged, but there are reasons that legitimate fund holders would do so.) In this case however, there are so many warning signs that it's not easy to dismiss.
There are more posts of photos of the family that the scammer is stealing from, with no caption or any sort of context. Conveniently doesn't give the faces any names, ages, or details. Also note that the person in his header that's supposed to support his claim of being a radiologist appears in none of the family photos provided. Rest of the blog is just reblogs of random posts. My guy really seems to like Bill Cipher...
@kyra45 @anonthescambuster @azalea-alter
This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
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idocumentscammers · 1 month
@friedchopshopfestivalladdy @generousreviewladdy @florencemilkshakeobservation (Zuhura Alfaat Kweyu)
This user has zero photos of them or their family. None. Just stolen art as their header and profile photo. They have repeatedly changed their username in a short timeframe to avoid getting identified as a scam.
They have only one original post, which is their pinned post that links to their PayPal. The rest is all reblogs of posts that are popular in Palestine-related tags. (It's easier to scam people when you get to put little effort into curating your scam blogs.)
Their PayPal is completely untrackable, and belongs to someone named "Zuhura Kweyu." The surname is of Kenyan origin. The PayPal has not been vetted/verified, despite their post saying so. They do not tag anyone or link the claimed vetting.
Their story follows the format of scammers impersonating a Palestinian person with diabetes. They say they have type 1 diabetes and they specifically mention Humalog insulin.
Copy-and-pasting their post into a search engine leads to other identical tumblr posts from different accounts with different names.
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Same exact post from "Florence Hadid Khakasa" using the username @harmilkshakedefendor. ⬇
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This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
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idocumentscammers · 1 month
@grandmoonpersona @sweatybasementkoala @massivegalaxytragedy @socandyfest (Lucia Sungura)
In this post, they claim to have been vetted by @ hulairah-syuraq, a nonexistent account that has never existed and was definitely never a qualified vetter.
Edit: they add a bunch of usernames as "verification" and yet none of these users exist...
@kudanisbadrenkadru @usurunimaize-1 @kaifulyomaniazbicky @kodaulishanta-lizzy @obadianisy @ogendakutiyz @yunisketty @tallim-al-vendy @allykhan @nashtycollin-blog @brucemelody @msamirahDhonp @ghalika-123
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Their header image has a photo of a family eating at a Jollibee, which has no locations in Palestine. This is likely a Filipino family, as Jollibee is a Philippines-based chain. It seems the scammer just found some family photos with hijabi women and called it a day.
The PayPal link belongs to someone named "Lucia Sungura." The surname is of Tanzanian origin, which has been commonly seen with these scams. This "fundraiser" links to an untrackable PayPal, which has never been verified by a qualified vetter.
Their blog has no original posts other than the pinned post. Just reblogs of popular posts in the palestine-related tags.
Report their post; delete your reblogs or ask responses or edit them to clarify that it's a scam. Warn others if you see them promoting the fundraiser.
This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
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idocumentscammers · 1 month
Usernames: @nessmamomen @mabibo4555
PayPal Name: Ama'l Alanqar'r
This post/my blog is not a place to accuse all fundraisers of being scams, or to be racist/xenophobic. Read my rules.
Spot the difference: Scam Edition
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Notice anything different? @nesmamomen has been vetted by el-shab-hussein in reference to her GoFundMe, "Help Nesma and her family evacuate." As well as her family members Farah and Dr. Shahad having a separate GoFundMe, "Donate to Help Dr. Shahad and Farah complete their education," be verified by 90-ghost. Yet nessmamomen has a blog identical to hers, except with a PayPal link going to someone named Ama'l Alanqar'r. Make sure you're promoting the correct account!
Make sure to report nessmamomen for phishing!
@kyra45 @anonthescambuster @azalea-alter @ana-bananya @schoolhater @el-shab-hussein
The vetted GFMs:
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