icewaterforicequeen · 26 days
Lena the "housekeeper"
Before Kendra arrives at Fablehaven, we see her internal monologue theorizing that maybe Grandpa Sorenson is secretly divorced and that's why Ruth is never around.
Then Kendra gets to the house and finds out that her grandfather has an unrelated pretty old lady living in the same house as him. I mean, it turned out innocent, but I would have had some *thoughts*
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icewaterforicequeen · 27 days
People don't talk enough about the vocab in the Fablehaven books, and the best part is that it's completely random what words the teenage characters do and don't know. Seth instantly understands "garrote" and doesn't blink an eye at "schizoid," but he's completely lost when he hears "step pyramid." The Sphinx literally has to trace the pattern with his fingers before Seth understands.
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icewaterforicequeen · 29 days
Kendra: having a nervous breakdown, yelling at everyone
Seth: wow this seafood is kinda rubbery
the beginning of MotPI be like:
Kendra: i'm at war with the dragons!! D:
Seth: this butter is really hard to spread
Kendra: i'm so sad that agad died!! D:
Seth: will this guy think i'm weird cause i make shadow puppets
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icewaterforicequeen · 29 days
Does anyone else find it weird that Kendra says in Dragonwatch 1 that Bracken is "definitely" her "one and only," and she has no qualms about the age gap or species difference
And then Ronodin proposes and she's like "bro I'm sixteen that's pedophilia"
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stay tuned
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When people try to start drama, I'm gonna reply with this.
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Another example of Miles Luna being the king of Rosegarden. He literally was like
"You could go so many different directions with that. LIke, I could see, like... [sighs in frustration and searching for words]... I'm realizing, you know, it's difficult to answer this question without getting, like, too spoilery. But maybe, like, I'm hoping that this is like, illustrated, like there's different ways that you can approach this. There's the way of like, theses are the boxes that we have to check as writers..." [goes on to never finish his thought, instead changing the subject to talk about writing in general.]
I feel like Miles wants so bad to tell us, but he obviously can't.
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Firstly I wanna talk about the significance of Oscar in volume 9. He himself was never present, obviously, but Neo using his image was. First in chapter 1, and then chapter 8. The order of both of these instances is important as well as the general implications.
In chapter 1, Oscar is the first image Neo uses to torment Ruby. And not just Oscar, a bloody and bruised Oscar. She knows what Oscar looks like normally. This was deliberate, just to pour salt in the wound.
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But like I said, the order this happens in is also important. Oscar is the first illusion in this scene. The first person Neo thought to use to hurt Ruby was Oscar.
Not Penny, not even Yang. It was Oscar. That means something.
Ruby cares about him a lot, and it's obvious enough that Neo noticed in the brief time(s) she saw them interacting. And as we know, she was efficient in her cruelty. She wouldn't have done it unless she knew for certain it would hurt Ruby.
(In a similar fashion, Penny is the last illusion Neo uses in this scene because we, as the viewers, know that Penny is dead at this point, where Ruby does not. She's saved for last in this scene, but because it's more impactful on us. Makes it a real gut punch to the audience.)
And then, in chapter 8, it's in the opposite order. Oscar is the last illusion Neo uses.
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Before this, she had fight left in her, and at least a vague sense of self preservation. The whole time she was either trying to fight or run, but she was outnumbered and didn't really stand a chance on her own. But she wasn't about to go down without a fight. She's within reach of Crescent Rose, and she sees her opening and attacks her assailant.
...But then it's Oscar. And he barely has the time to say her name before he's falling lifeless to the floor, dead before he even hits the ground.
And that's when the fight drains out of her, and she drops her weapon. Neo forced Ruby to watch a frighteningly realistic illusion of Oscar die, by her own hand no less.
That's what breaks her.
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The first person Neo thinks to hurt Ruby with, the person Neo uses as the final nail in Ruby's coffin.
Oscar's appearances in volume 9, however brief, are undeniably significant. It doesn't matter what you think their relationship is or will be, either way the fact of the matter is that Ruby cares for him deeply. It simply can't be denied at this point.
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When people try to start drama, I'm gonna reply with this.
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I think its interesting how Ruby now truly realizes she should open up to her friends
whereas Oscar feels being himself doesn't matter when in actuality him expressing his true feelings gives himself more freedom than Ruby had in most of Volume 9
They make me feral, anon, you have no idea.
Like yeah, first, we have Ruby who's spent 9 volumes putting every single person in her life - even strangers - above herself and her needs, only to realize that if she continues on that path, it will destroy her.
So she chooses herself after facing a situation that is extremely familiar to what Oscar has been dealing with since the beginning. The ascension vs. merge parallels are so freaking loud it's not even funny.
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Ruby: What are these lights? Blacksmith: The souls that are moving on to... whoever they become next. Ruby: ...do they choose what their next life will be like? Blacksmith: Such concern for souls you don't know. Or... is it for yourself?
"Such concern for souls you don't know" says the blacksmith as green souls pass her by.
And on the flip side, we have Oscar who couldn't understand why Ruby wouldn't express her true feelings back in the dojo scene. Why she wouldn't acknowledge them, and (sorta) his too by extension of that. Had to push her to actually be honest about them for a moment.
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But he's spent all these months watching and learning from her and while no, he doesn't agree she should be bottling all of it up, he also is learning there are still benefits to picking when and where you show those kinds of feelings. I think him merging more with Oz has also contributed to this adjusted behaviour though: For starters, Ruby and Oz are a lot more alike than folks realize with them both having that reflexive repression for the sake of being a good leader thing going on. Which is rubbing off on Oscar by virtue of the merge.
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how not to talk to short people.png
And second, Oscar keeps freaking isolating himself from the group because of Oz's return!!! Which in and of itself is repression of how he truly feels.
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JOIN THE GROUP CUDDLE, DUMBASS (affectionate) He thinks he can only fit in the team if he gets to be himself, and doesn't feel like himself when Oz is there. Doesn't realize that they all care about *him* or just *how much* they care.
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Look at this. Someone please tell Oscar how loved he is I can't take it anymore. 😭😭😭😭 I'm rambling at this point but I am so excited to see how the RG dynamic will be in light of all these changes. The sweet angst of Ruby feeling like Oscar doesn't open up to her anymore? How awestruck that boy is going to be seeing Ruby actually put herself first and be selfish for once? I CAN ALMOST TASTE IT.
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Top 5 reasons I love RoseGarden
1. They help each other grow as people - Ruby and Oscar have really just helped each other flower into being the people they truly are meant to be. Oscar has became who he is due to support from the others, most commonly being Ruby. Meanwhile Ruby has became more of who she truly is with Oscar’s help in more subtle ways. With Oscar, she clearly has someone she wants to constantly look out for and make sure that he’s doing okay no matter what. Showing just how loyal and true of a friend she is to others, and how great of a protector she can be.
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2. They’re incredibly supportive of one another - The two of them have done everything they possibly can to show how much they really support one another. Ruby was there to support Oscar when no one else really did all the way back in Volume 5. Then in Volume 6 she continued to express support for him and was the only person to remind him he was his own person. Later on in Volume 6, Oscar openly supported Ruby, letting her know he knew her plan would work. Then in Volume 7, they supported what each other chose to do and didn’t do anything rash until they came upon the agreement to be honest with Ironwood. Finally in Volume 8, Ruby expressed support for Oscar despite him seeing himself as a failure after not being able to convince Ironwood to listen to him. Then there’s also how the two of them have a habit of looking out for one another and being pretty commonly concerned for each other. Ruby’s concern for Oscar in V6, Oscar yelling out Ruby’s name multiple times, Ruby being the one to go out and look for Oscar in V8, and even in V9 Ruby showed concern for Oscar’s well being both in the first episode- and the other scene, no major spoilers here but we all know the one.
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3. The amount of parallels is INSANE - Okay so, I’ll try my best to not spoil things as well as I possibly can. But oh my God the amount of parallels these two have is so freaking cute and really makes you think. Oscar in V7 & V8 foreshadowed so much that Ruby’s actions would mirror in V9. But even more than that, the two of them parallel other canon ships in the world like Summer/Tai and Ozma/Salem to a degree. They even have the whole Sun/Moon and Red/Green thing going on, not to mention Oscar only started wearing Red after he met Ruby and it’s been pretty much confirmed that people in Remnant will wear the colors of their partners/love interests. Then there’s even ones that have yet to get the proper payoff. Like- Oscar and Ruby FINALLY hugging, let’s hope that finally happens in V10.
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4. The idea they found each other at the right time - They seemed to have found each other right when the other needed someone to help lift them up. Oscar had just been randomly chosen to be Ozpin’s next host and the information clearly weighed super heavily on him, and Ruby’s kind words clearly helped him feel so much better. Meanwhile, for Ruby, she had just lost a ton after all that happened at Beacon- so her having a new friend and someone who really trusts and believes her no matter what, it had to be helpful and make her feel like she’s really doing the right thing.
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5. It’s too adorable to not love - This is the simplest reason, but they’re just two little dorks and it’s beautiful. The one reason that’s really not complex at all. I just love them.
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Oscar Pine Emblem
So now that we know that Oscar's fairy tale allusion is the Little Prince (thank you Miles Luna), does anyone know some possible emblem ideas for him that are related to the Little Prince?
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Artist: Chantaldraw
The rest of the pictures are in the reblog.
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Sometimes the world of RWBY seems overwhelming and unstable. Then I see videos like these and am glad there are people like Miles in CRWBY. I think it's in good hands :)
The Holy Trinity of Miles being the RG King
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My beautiful boi needs his own symbol now. And a semblance. 'Bout time.
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All bow down to our Little Prince
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The first time Ruby and Oscar try to hold hands they want it to be super causal but Ruby goes for the palm cup and Oscar goes for locking their fingers together and it’s such a jumbled mess. They eventually settle on holding pinkies and it’s somehow just right for the moment
you come to my inbox... and drop this... without warning...
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