I Am A Banana Oo - Jen Goodsell
528 posts
A Montreal artist specializing in comic book pinup and fantasy art. I am always open to commissions.
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iamabananaoo · 4 years ago
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Weiss - getting Ready
A commission that I did of Weiss from RWBY in her 2nd costume. Picture completed in November of 2019. Media: Watercolours, gouache, and ink on paper. 
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iamabananaoo · 4 years ago
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ATC - Speedy
A commission I received for a sketch card of Speedy from Arrow. Her costume was fun to do with the colour fade. Finished in October of 2019 Medium: Watercolours, Gouache, & Ink on 2.5"x3.5" Card 
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iamabananaoo · 4 years ago
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Rusalka Past & Present
A while back I did an inktober piece about rusalkas, and I ended up learning a lot about these Russian fey. There's so much more to them than the drowned woman story that we commonly hear about, it's really just the surface. Centuries ago, before the arrival of Christianity in the area, rusalkas were very similar to river nymphs. They spent winters sleeping in the rivers, and rise with the spring to bring life back to the land. As it often did, the church did it's best to get rid of pagan beliefs when it arrived in the area. They changed these friendly water spirits into evil, vengeful drowned women. Rather than walking the riverside to bring life and renewal to the land, the church said that they were looking for victims to drown to avenge their own deaths. This piece is meant to honour the whole story of the rusalka, and remind the world of who they actually are. So remember the real rusalkas, nature spirits who rejuvenate the world in spring time. Finished in November of 2019 Medium: Watercolours, Gouache & Ink on Paper
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iamabananaoo · 4 years ago
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Lavender Witch & Her Familiar
'Draw this in your Style' made its comeback and I did another handful of them over on Instagram. This one comes courtesy of a design by https://www.instagram.com/karitasart/ Her art is always colourful and bold, but still soft and lovely. She also has a great sense of humour. You should check out her page to see some awesome art. A witch, a cat, and purple, I was destined to participate on this DTIYS. I changed the pose a little bit, but really liked the original so I didn't stray too far. I also gave her kitty an incredibly long tail. This was partially because I wanted to draw a fluffy tail, but also because in some places like Japan a cat with a long tail is suspected to have magic powers. Finished in October of 2019 Medium: Watercolours, Gouache & Ink on Paper 
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iamabananaoo · 4 years ago
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ATC - Spooktacular - Ghostly Rider
I've joined a group on Instagram where you complete 3 or more small trading cards every month that you participate and send them in and then receive cards from other members. You can find details about it here: https://pabkins.com/blog/ October's theme was 'Spooktacular'. This was my fourth card for that month, a ghost riding a kelpie. A kelpie is normally a creature to be feared. They prey on unsuspecting travelers, luring them onto their backs and dragging them to a watery grave. This kelpie, though, has been rendered safe. His last victim, a spirit now, was furious at her fate. She had a life to live, and not expecting it to be snatched away by a tricky fey. Her spectre decided to do something about her rage, and take revenge. She harnessed her rage and fury, using it to possess and take control of the kelpie. Now she rides the beast into eternity, not only deciding where they go, but preventing the kelpie from taking any more victims. The kelpie is now fading into a spectre himself, trapped to roam the moors with her forever. I hope this one found a good home! Picture completed in October of 2019. Media: Gouache and Ink on paper
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iamabananaoo · 4 years ago
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ATC - Spooktacular - Tatzelwurm
I've joined a group on Instagram where you complete 3 or more small trading cards every month that you participate and send them in and then receive cards from other members. You can find details about it here: https://pabkins.com/blog/ October's theme was 'Spooktacular'. This was my third card for that month, the Tatzelwurm. Said to inhabit the Alpine forests of Europe, the tatzelwurm is a strange creature. With the face and clawed legs of a cat and a serpentine body, it is a ferocious sight. Witnesses often flee in terror, especially those who see it using it's venomous breath. Is it really such an evil creature, or just misunderstood? This tatzelwurm is easily surprised and hisses in fear, but it isn't malevolent. And the venomous breath? He just uses it to soften the meat of his dinner. I hope this one found a good home! Picture completed in October of 2019. Media: Gouache and Ink on paper 
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iamabananaoo · 4 years ago
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ATC - Spooktacular - Skeleton Tarot - Lovers
I've joined a group on Instagram where you complete 3 or more small trading cards every month that you participate and send them in and then receive cards from other members. You can find details about it here: https://pabkins.com/blog/ October's theme was 'Spooktacular'. This was my second card for that month, the Lovers card from the Skeleton Tarot. The tarot is often used to predict the future, and the Lovers card is no exception. But how far into the future can the cards see? For this couple, "until death do us part" wasn't enough. Their love lasts forever, and they will dance together into eternity. So if you ever pull this particular card in a reading, give it a moment of extra thought. Are you ready for love eternal? I hope this one found a good home! Picture completed in October of 2019. Media: Gouache and Ink on paper 
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iamabananaoo · 4 years ago
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ATC - Spooktacular - Demongirl
I've joined a group on Instagram where you complete 3 or more small trading cards every month that you participate and send them in and then receive cards from other members. You can find details about it here: https://pabkins.com/blog/ October's theme was 'Spooktacular'. This was my first card for that month, a shy demon girl. Not everyone is comfortable with their surroundings, with the place they call "home." That includes our pink demon here. She may have a surface appearance that goes with the hellscape where she was born, but it's not who she is on the inside. She hates it here, in this dark and evil place. The demon wants nothing more than to use her bizarre magic wings to fly out of there to a better, more pleasant place. But would another place accept her, considering what she looks like? I hope this one found a good home! Picture completed in October of 2019. Media: Watercolour, Gouache, Marker and Ink on paper 
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iamabananaoo · 4 years ago
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Spider Witch
'Draw this in your Style' made its comeback and I did another handful of them over on Instagram. This one comes courtesy of a design by https://www.instagram.com/librae44/ I also doubled up and used it for a Witch prompt on a drawlloween list. Librae does all kinds of fantasy and fanart work, both traditional and digital. Go check out her page! I really loved this design, so I was super happy to draw her. I decided that she should be wearing latex, because shiny is awesome. I changed up the pose a little bit to have her playing with her hair, but overall it was a great design so I didn't change too much. Finished in October of 2019 Medium: Watercolours, Gouache & Ink on Paper 
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iamabananaoo · 4 years ago
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Hair Fishbowl
'Draw this in your Style' made its comeback and I did another handful of them over on Instagram. This one comes courtesy of a design by https://www.instagram.com/myrmidia/ I saw a few fish-swimming-in-watery-hair pieces going around last year and thought that it would be fun to try myself. Also Myr's girls are always so soft and dynamic, so I knew an event from her would be interesting to dive into. If you don't know her go and check her out! I didn't change a ton with this one. The pose is somewhat different, and I extended the piece a little so that you could see more of her body. I don't tend to do headshots very often so this felt like a more natural place to end the piece for me. I used gouache in her hair and on the fish because I really wanted them to stand out, and I think that the effect worked out well. I'd like to see this girl move and see what her hair looks like as she goes about life. Finished in September of 2019 Medium: Watercolours, Gouache & Ink on Paper 
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iamabananaoo · 4 years ago
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Maya & Zer0
I AM BACK! Computer issues and fatigue kept me away from Tumblr. If you want to see what I've bene up to, check my IG. Borderlands 3 has now been around for a year. Am I happy with it? Storyline meh. Gameplay, yes! This was planned/drawn back when BL3 was still coming and to celebrate I decided to do a piece for my spouse and I's Borderlands 2 characters, since I did one for the first game earlier that year. My spouse was Maya, and I played as Zero. I wasn't thrilled to play with him initially because I loved Mordecai so much and wanted him back, but Zero really grew on me. It's probably the haikus. Every time I draw a gun I remember how much I hate them, because of all of the tiny details and straight lines. Then time passes and I'm like oh, it'll be fine to draw a few guns... 🤪😤 This one ended up even more personal than the last Borderlands pic that I did. I included specific things from our playthrough, like our preferred gear. I never realized how ugly mine was... If it had been a proper representation of my Zer0 he should have looked more like Batman though... I added Maya's wings at my spouse's request, and I'm so happy about it. They really added a lot to the piece. Picture completed in September of 2019 All characters depicted here are the property of Gearbox Software, and not me. Media: Watercolours, gouache, and ink on paper.
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iamabananaoo · 5 years ago
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ATC - Steampunk - Inventor Cat
I've joined a group on Instagram where you complete 3 or more small trading cards every month that you participate and send them in and then receive cards from other members. You can find details about it here: https://pabkins.com/blog/ August's theme was 'Steampunk'. This was my third card for that month, an inventor cat. Here we have a super intelligent cat, who loves inventing. But what is an inventor to do when he has no hands? Alas, all of his ideas must remain on paper, and even those are poorly drawn and difficult to understand. Unless he were to build himself some hands! So that's what our bright little kitty did. The idea phase was the easiest part, because he was full of ideas that were just begging to come out. For the rest he needed help, and a certain inventor who lived by the shore offered to help. They made complex hands of course, so he could manipulate and hold any tool with ease. A balance system was also built to sit on his back, allowing the cat to stand on his hind legs to work with his front ones. Lastly, a harness was developed that he could put on and remove himself, so he wouldn't need to rely on anyone to be able to work. So here he is, happily working away now that he can. I hope this one found/finds a good home! Picture completed in August of 2019. Media: Gouache and ink on paper 
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iamabananaoo · 5 years ago
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ATC - Steampunk - Aeronaut
I've joined a group on Instagram where you complete 3 or more small trading cards every month that you participate and send them in and then receive cards from other members. You can find details about it here: https://pabkins.com/blog/ August's theme was 'Steampunk'. This was my second card for that month, an aeronaut. Feeling lonely on the ground her whole life, our heroine decided to do something about it. She never really fit in with her fellow land-striding humans, but she could build her way to happiness. Firstly, of course, she had to learn how to build wings. It took a lot of guessing and trial and error, but she eventually figured out a set of working wings that would flap her into the air and free her from the ground. Flight was exhilarating and euphoric, but she still had that nagging loneliness that had plagued her all of her life. So she thought, why not build a companion? Surely she could do that if she could learn to build functional wings? So she set to work again. The task was difficult and resulted in a few singed eyebrows but she eventually built a hawk body that she was happy with. But what about a soul? Let's just say for now that she found one in need of a new body, and thus her hawk companion was born. Maybe we'll find out more about this pair down the road... I hope this one found/finds a good home! Picture completed in August of 2019. Media: Gouache and ink on paper 
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iamabananaoo · 5 years ago
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ATC - Bee Warrior
I've joined a group on Instagram where you complete 3 or more small trading cards every month that you participate and send them in and then receive cards from other members. You can find details about it here: https://pabkins.com/blog/ This was a 'Make Me Happy' request for another member of the group. The suggestions from the prompt included 'bee' and 'warrior' so I combined the two. This is easily the most detailed tiny person I have ever drawn. It's the first time that I've drawn a little bee in such detail too. They're such cute, fuzzy little things. I know this one found a good home! Picture completed in August of 2019. Media: Gouache and ink on paper 
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iamabananaoo · 5 years ago
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ATC - Steampunk - Mermaid
I've joined a group on Instagram where you complete 3 or more small trading cards every month that you participate and send them in and then receive cards from other members. You can find details about it here: https://pabkins.com/blog/ August's theme was 'Steampunk'. This was my first card for that month, a mermaid. This mermaid has clearly seen some tragedy in her life, like many real marine creatures unfortunately do. She was a victim of a boating accident, where she lost her tail and part of her arm. Unable to swim, she washed up on shore, exhausted and filled with despair. An engineering enthusiast happened upon her here, and decided to help her. He brought her back to his beach side home, and mended her wounds. Once she was healed, he painstakingly worked on her new limbs. Making them water proof proved to be the hardest challenge. Eventually he succeeded in making a functioning tail and arm that would last beneath the waves. She joyfully returned to the sea, but still visits her steam enthusiast friend by the shore. Now that she is mended, she uses the skills that she has learned from her steam friend to help others injured by the world of man. There are starting to be a fair number of sea creatures in her area with mechanical limbs... I hope this one found/finds a good home! Picture completed in August of 2019. Media: Gouache and ink on paper 
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iamabananaoo · 5 years ago
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Kitty & Illyana - Security Footage
Oh look! Them again! This is a painting of my love's OTP that I did for their birthday. I've done plenty of Kitty & Illyana before and I'm sure that I will continue to do plenty more. The background for this actually took quite a while. It's interesting trying to depict a space accurately at this crazy angle! Picture completed in August of 2019. Media: Watercolours, gouache, and ink on paper. 
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iamabananaoo · 5 years ago
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Ash - The Face
Are any of you reading the comic 'Die?' You should be! I have fallen in love with this comic. It starts from the thought of what really would have happened to the kids from the 'Dungeons and Dragons' cartoon, but goes in directions you would never expect and deals with so many interesting and heavy issues... my mind is blown. *SPOILERS AHEAD!* So the art in this book is just amazing and I knew right away that I would have to draw Ash. I normally feel pulled to draw characters I like, but not with this book. Ash is such a psycho, I'm still so shocked by what she did at the end of the first arc. It's so crazy that she's the main character of the book, but also basically a villain. But Stephanie Hans' design for her is so amazing! After the first issue I knew I would be drawing this character, and by the end of the arc I knew that the image would be pretty different than what I would have drawn after issue 1. Picture completed in September of 2019. Media: Watercolours, gouache, and ink on paper. 
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