43 posts
[formerly known as harehiiroo] Kamiya Hiroshi・Ono Daisuke 神谷浩史・小野大輔のDearGirl ~Stories~ ┼ MasochistiC Ono BanD
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 3 years ago
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Kamiya: "I'm Kamiya Hiroshi!"
Ono: "I'm Ono Daisuke!"
Kamiya: "It has been 15 years since the (radio) programme started!!"
Ono: "We still many things that we want to do!!"
Kamiya: "There are still so much things I don't know about Ono-kun!"
Ono: "(But) I know Kamiya-san's everything!!"
Happy (belated) 15th anniversary!!
I have heard the new CM and it was soooooo great!!
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 4 years ago
Q. How many points for the flexibility of your body?
A. Ono Daisuke: 50 points.
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A. Kamiya Hiroshi: 65 points.
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And they are both U50 old men!! At least their bodies are much more flexible than me, a high school girl who has a tough spinal column due to struggles with deadlines lmao
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 4 years ago
Kamiya Hiroshi: Voiced lots of guys such as Natsume Takashi, Orihara Izaya, Akashi Seijuurou, Levi, Yato, Araragi Koyomi, Saiki Kusuo, Trafalgar Law, Matsuno Choromatsu, Setoguchi Yuu, Art,...
Kamiya Hiroshi: was asked "Among your characters, who is your favourite?"
Kamiya Hiroshi: PENGUIN!!!
Q. Among your (voiced) characters, who is your favourite?
A. Penguin-san from "Shirokuma Café", I like him best. Because he talks irresponsibly.
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 4 years ago
Another DGS reference from Osomatsu-san season 3
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 4 years ago
(be careful of this dedicated genre/RPS)
Hello everyone, it has been a quite long time since the last time I've posted something. Before renewing my tumblr, I would like to show you a work - onkm fanfiction of mine - that I uploaded onto AO3 last summer.
I was inspired by Hiroshi's song, "GRAVITATION". It's short, so that it won't take much your time. Please read it, I would be deeply grateful!
Anyways, English is not my native language; therefore, I had some problems while writing this version (the original version was in my mother tongue). And @kohi-for-raifu helped me a lot, I owe you so much!
I will continue write onkm's piece in English. Please support me! ☺
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 4 years ago
Q: How about the 「BEAST FACTOR」 in yourself...?
A: Because there is no feeling of anger, the beast factor is nonexistent (laugh).
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Ono Daisuke: I think of myself as a botanical person. There are too few factor of beast, and in the contrary, it's scary. If you force me to mention some, it makes me irritated when there is a car with bad manners while driving. At that moment, I could become a monster (laugh). Nonetheless, my driving is unchangeably gentle, just to smack my lips in my mind!
Hi guys, finally, it's my first post after a quite long hiatus! I would like to translate a question that I find interesting in Daisuke's latest magazine to promote his new single "Kemonomichi". It's a great release, everyone should listen to all of the tracks!
In the near future, I hope I will be more active and bring to you more information about 2 beloved old men. Please wait for me!
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 4 years ago
Ono Daisuke to Kamiya Hiroshi in DGS #702: Why are you talking without looking at ME?
Also Ono Daisuke: Starting an oneself radio programme
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But...DELIGHTFUL DAYS is unexpectedly great, isn't it? I mean, such a shy man like Ono-san finally can hold a radio by himself; therefore, it can be considered as a huge development. I know he was worried, yes we also did worry, however after 3 weeks everything is going smoothly! He has tried his best to make those people who love him happy and that is the most wonderful thing!!
As always, I wish all the best for him. I really hope DD will go along with DGS, to make Saturday night becomes the most stunning time of mine ❤
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 4 years ago
Osomatsu-san never disappoints me lmao
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 5 years ago
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Ono Daisuke will have his OWN radio programme "DELIGHTFUL DAYS" which will be aired at 24:00 every Saturday night on Tokyo FM, from 3rd Oct!!
Anyways, I wish him all the best since this is his decision, then I deepy looking forward to it!! ☺ Saturday night will be our best time, because there are DGS & DELIGHTFUL DAYS!! However, I really hope that it won't have any region lock...😢
By the way, there is a meme I found on weibo and it's really funny!!
Pic 1: Ono Daisuke at his own radio
Pic 2: Ono Daisuke at DGS (lmao)
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source: 北纬一度的云 (weibo)
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 5 years ago
Let me show my thoughts about DGS #698 within a picture
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 5 years ago
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Tweet: At the end of every year, when Ono-san tells "I want to co-star with you again":
- At first Kamiya-san said " EhーI hate it"
- Then he turned to "Well"
- The next line was "Alright"
- And finally is "It's good if next year we'll be able to co-star again" and "My goal is to co-star with Ono-kun."
I could cry since he says it.
It is too wonderful in the 14th year when those two people look back on their co-starring products and laugh.
It has been a while from the last time I translated something about my beloved ojisan-tachi; therefore I want to do one. DGS 700 episode celebration is near, so I think that to translate a thing which reminds everybody of their 14 years is not so bad, right?
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Anyways, if you want to ask me anything about Daisuke and Hiroshi, please feel free to DM me or give me an ask!! I will be really glad 💙💛
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 5 years ago
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Fluffy ojisan-tachi〜( *´︶`*)
I want to hug them tightly, awwwww
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 5 years ago
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Cover VS. Reality 😌
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 5 years ago
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Ono Daisuke: This 「Shingeki no Kyojin〜Chronicle〜」 is a proof that we were alive
Erwin Smith & I: STOP IT. THAT'S ENOUGH!!
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Daisuke-san, you don't have to remind me about that deep pain anymore!!
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 5 years ago
[repost] DGS #585
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Once they ate in a restaurant, Hiroshi came to the toilet and a restaurant employee recognised him.
Restaurant employee: "You are seiyuu Kamiya Hiroshi right? Why are you wearing Jyushimatsu's jacket?"
Kamiya Hiroshi: "Well, I was cold so Ono-kun gave it to me."
I love the fact that Daisuke was so warm and caring toward this skinny ojisan~ And the fact that they came to have meal with each other - while Hiroshi denied they weren't close enough to go to eat some years ago >w<
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 5 years ago
C: That's right, baka! Leader, are you baka?!
D: Shut up.
C: I'm sorry?
D: You apologize immediately?
C: I apologize immediately. Because I apologize, so try to forgive me.
Oh my gosh my babe HIRO-C is sooooo adorable >v< Somehow he is obedient? wwwww And Riidaa ONO-D is cool, I love those two and whole MOB a lots ~~~
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hyakunen-no-dorama · 5 years ago
DGS #685's Danwashitsu: Kamiya & Ono's exchanged diary.
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(Question from DearGirl: "[...] How can you two have couragement to deal with your old selfs?")
「Dear "dear Ono-kun",
Thank you for the curry you gave me before. The curry which Ono-kun made had a lots of vegetable. I thought that even if Ono-kun had noticed about my health, or I was over-thinking? Next time, I will make a meal for Ono-kun, how about eating hot pot together?」
「Dear "dear Kamiya-san"
You ate my curry? I was a bit worried because putting the curry without any words before your house, then you knew it was the curry I made and I was happy. You ate it even if I hung it on the door? By the way, the pot sounds good. Then after the meal, shall we go to the IKEA together?」
「Dear "dear Ono-kun",
IKEA was fun. Actually just in time, I wanted to buy a sofa. Because of Ono-kun's recommendation, I bought a quite big sofa. But for a person who lived alone like me, the sofa was so big that a half of it was encroached upon the balcony. However, it was Ono-kun's choice; therefore, I would smile and wouldn't care much about that. I couldn't imagine that kind of myself.」
「Dear "dear Kamiya-san",
IKEA was fun. I doubt that it would have a day I came to Sweden IKEA with Kamiya-san. Just because of buying a sofa, we had a trip 5 days-4 nights. It was risk, wasn't it? Ah I know it, if I went to the northern IKEA, it just took us an hour by car. This meant you wanted to be by my side a bit longer, right? I know that. Next time I will sit on the sofa in Kamiya-san's house.」
「Dear "dear Ono-kun",
I thought about when coming home and seeing Ono-kun sat on the sofa, somehow I was astonished. Something was like "surprised", you know. Moreover, the lock of my house was broken. "Oh dear!", I thought that, it could be Ono-kun broke it? Nonetheless, even if Ono-kun did it, I would smile while forgiving you. I couldn't except myself could become like that.
P.S: Even now the lock is still damaged. That means you won't need a duplicated key, right?」
「Dear "dear Kamiya-san",
I was not the one who broke the lock. I just went to Kamiya-san's house without permission/warning then saw it was unlocked, thus sat on the sofa. Perhaps Kamiya-san was being aimed by someone? I understood. I (will) protect Kamiya-san. From today I will live at Kamiya-san's house temporary!
P.S: Please prepare a teethbrush with hard threads for me.」
Kamiya Hiroshi: AAAAAA Our 10 years have been done!! 2020 there is nobody wants "Kamiya Hiroshi và Ono Daisuke coupling" anymore!!
Ono Daisuke: That means only Hyorotto Danshi (Umehara Yuuichirou & Nishiyama Koutarou's radio) and DameRaji (Ishikawa Kaito & Saitou Souma's radio) are required!!
● Notice and my opinion:
- Well, this is my longest DGS' translation as far in both my mother tongue and English, I can't believe it!! Since I'm bad at English as well as Japanese, surely it has so many mistakes. Please correct me, I will be really glad!!
- About Dear "dear Ono-kun/Kamiya-san", the original line was 「Dear Ono-kun/Kamiya-san he」. As I know, "he"/「へ」 in Japanese that way means "Dear someone", so the "dear" in the original maybe meant "beloved", I believe that.
- We cannot know if the story was true because DGS #685 was the first time they shared about this, like went to Sweden just because of a sofa wwwwww And they were as silly as they are right now; therefore, please enjoy this episode's danwashitsu corner!
- By the way, I'm deeply impressive at Daisuke's line: 「神谷さんは僕が守ります」/"I will protect Kamiya-san." I can't express my feeling whenever I listen Daisuke's voice told that words to Hiroshi, it seems I might cry. And I love the way Hiroshi knew Daisuke made a curry for him, too!! It's too sweet, awwww
- The "coupling" word, it was original words from Hiroshi's mouth. It doesn't mean as "couple" or in romantic way, it is the same as "combination". But you can imagine everything you like wwwwww I love onokami, but kami////////ono is not my type absolutely...
And, the last words of those two ojisans, I know it was a joke but somehow made my heart feel bitter. Yes, they are getting more older and older day by day, they have aged a lot while the number of young seiyuus is increasing. To be frank, in my view, although the young is doing well their jobs, they can't replace the position of seiyuu Kamiya Hiroshi and Ono Daisuke in the industry either in my heart. I have known Hiroshi and Daisuke since I was in primary school and have loved them for nearly 6 years (even now I'm just a highschool student), there is no way that everyone else can effect me as much as them.
Therefore, I don't care about their doubt, I will continue loving them pernamently. I will always by their side, and the only one thing I want say is: "Please keep smiling, laughing like that. Please be happy as always."
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