honeylunehivery · 4 years
Updates and Announcements
Hello blogging world. It is I, (well who else would it be?) I have some announcements that I’d like to make, and yet I don’t know how to go about announcing them. So I figured a blog post would be the best way.
If you were with me from the beginning, and I thank you for that, you know that Honey Lune Hivery was my first ‘child’ into the creation of my brand. Back 2015, I started blogging and…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
How to Feng Shui and Design your Child's Room
How to Feng Shui and Design your Child’s Room
I love designing children’s rooms! Perhaps it’s because I never grew up (I still love kid’s books and Pixar movies), but also, these rooms are just plain FUN to design. As adults, we’re often afraid of color, whimsy, and let’s be real….magick. A child’s room is a canvas of possibilities. Aside from the creativity we can have designing and decorating a child’s room, these spaces play a big role…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
The BIGGEST Plastic Swaps to Help the Planet
The BIGGEST Plastic Swaps to Help the Planet
Plastic waste has gotten out of control. You might have heard of the self-made plastic island that is floating around the ocean. That island, called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, is now 3x the size of France. 90% of this is plastic, and because of this, the island is continuing to grow.
The biggest contributor to the plastic problem is the use of single-use plastics. These short-lived items…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
Six Ways to Celebrate Lughnasadh/Lammas
August 1st marks the pagan holidays of Lughnasadh and Lammas. Lughnasadh is the traditional pagan celebration on this day, which honors the god Lugh. Lugh is the Celtic god associated with the harvest.
Early Christians later took over this day to celebrate Lammas, or Loaf’s Mass, a holiday to celebrate the harvest as well as the first communion of breaking bread. Today, these holidays seem to be…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
Easy Ways to Make your Backyard Magical this Summer
Easy Ways to Make your Backyard Magical this Summer
Here in the states we are in month five of quarantines, work from home, and social distancing. Businesses have slowly started to open up in Seattle, but we are still being cautious about public outings and gatherings. So stay at home we shall.
With us all being stationed and bunkered down in our homes, we’re making the most of our spaces. I’ve noticed a lot more people decluttering, refurbishing,…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
Simple Feng Shui Tips for a Healthier Kitchen
Simple Feng Shui Tips for a Healthier Kitchen
Our kitchens are one of the cornerstone spaces in our homes according to Feng Shui. The kitchen is the heart (and stomach) of the home. It creates the qi that we bring into our own bodies from our food. Our kitchens relate directly to our health.
Nowadays, many of us are focusing more and more on our health, which is a good thing! We’re working out, watching our diets, and getting a good night’s…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
Basil Pesto
I finally did it! I have a garden. After years of waiting on my neighborhoods P-patch and still waiting, I decided to turn my tiny balcony into a mini garden. It’s all potted veggies for now, but I’m just happy to be getting fresh produce again.
One of the things I’ve found super easy to grow are herbs. They are pretty easy to contain and create a nice planted garden. Plus they are great for…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
Decorating for Leos
It’s soon to be Leo season and you don’t need to be into astrology to already know that. Practically any Leo sun sign will be boasting about their upcoming birthday. This zodiac sign might be a little bummed this year with quarantines and shutdowns, as a Leo LOVES throwing parties and being seen.
While this extroverted sun sign might be staying home this month, that doesn’t mean they should…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
7 Ideas for Reusing your Food Waste
7 Ideas for Reusing your Food Waste
Food waste is a HUGE deal. Did you know that 30-50% of the food produced for human consumption gets wasted globally each year?! That equates to 4 billion tons of food waste per year. Yikes! That’s roughly 2 billion elephants of waste that we could avoid having go into our landfills and oceans.
As a kid, I grew up in a household that stressed finishing dinner. Having parents that lived in post…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
Easy Ways to Protect your Space from Negative Energy
Easy Ways to Protect your Space from Negative Energy
As more and more people are becoming conscious, they are becoming aware of the concept of energy. Everything is made up of frequencies and vibrations. This energy is the foundation for our physical, mental, and emotional states. By working with energy, we can influence these other aspects.
One of the first principles in energy work is knowing how to protect your energy. This is often seen in…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
What Happens During a Feng Shui Consultation?
What Happens During a Feng Shui Consultation?
When you hear the term Feng Shui, you may have many questions about it. I get it. This ancient Chinese practice is shrouded in mystery. A part of my mission as a Feng Shui Consultant is to demystify and help people understand more on this life changing practice.
One of the questions that people have is, what exactly happens during a Feng Shui consultation? I’ll be honest, there isn’t a lot of…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
How to create a Zero-Waste Kitchen
How to create a Zero-Waste Kitchen
July is Zero-waste Month. Celebrating for the month, I’m hosting a Zero-Waste Challenge. I’m super excited for this month long challenge, which will be both fun and informative.
Why go Zero-Waste? One, It’s a great way to reduce your carbon footprint overall and help maintain a cleaner earth. The biggest factor in zero-waste is reducing your plastic/trash. According to a study done by the…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
Easy Ways to Refresh your Home on a Budget
Easy Ways to Refresh your Home on a Budget
Let me ask you a question. Are you sick of your space yet? I’m currently writing this during the great Covid pandemic of 2020, and the stay-at-home policy has been having us all get familiar with our spaces.
Have you noticed how your kitchen’s layout isn’t optimal for your love of cooking? Or has staring at your teal coffee table given you an eye sore? Or are you simply just bored of the…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
Where to add Extra Storage for your Tiny House
Where to add Extra Storage for your Tiny House
I’ve been getting a lot of tiny house designs for my company recently. Which I love! Tiny homes are so much fun for me to design. It’s a big creative and problem solving challenge to fit your whole life in 200 sf or less. Especially when it come to storage.
Storage solutions are a HUGE market in the design world…but tiny house storage? Even more of a demand. Like I said, how do you fit all of…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
How to Use Antiques and Vintage Pieces in Your Space
How to Use Antiques and Vintage Pieces in Your Space
Back when I lived in the Midwest, I would go thrifting all the time – antique stores, flea markets, estate sales, you name it. Being in the heartland of America, antiques are pretty popular in decor, as that shabby chic/farmhouse aesthetic pretty much IS the Midwest.
Moving out of the rural cornfields to an urban city, I still LOVE using antiques and thrifted finds with my clients and in my…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
Going Waste Free is Better than you Think
Going Waste Free is Better than you Think
As we become more conscious as a society, more and more causes are gaining presence by focusing on certain months to advocate and raise awareness. July is Plastic Free Month. As an environmentalist, I’ll be celebrating and advocating for this important cause. My love of nature sprouted early on. Growing up, my summers consisted of family camping trips, bike rides, and spending as much time…
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honeylunehivery · 4 years
What is the Meaning Behind your Door's Color
What is the Meaning Behind your Door’s Color
One of my favorite architectural features is doors. Being into symbolism, I found beauty and power in the message of a door. Doors are portals of change. Physically, they connect two separate spaces, joining them and allowing one to pass between. This is true for its symbolic meaning as well, being an opening and transitional marker into new energies.
People from all eras and cultures understood…
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