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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
New acc!!! ^^^^
Love you all hope you have a great day!
This is the main Acc of NikosPlayroom!
My name is Niko! -> I use He/Him pronouns, please don't use feminine language towards me, It's just something I am not too comfy with. !!! My big age is 16 !!! -> My little age is around 3-5, but I stick at 4 90% of the time. -> I do not have a CG, but please if you want to message me, be aware I miss social cues and questions go over my head. I am wary due to previous experiences so just be prepared I am going to be awkward and a little scared! I am not trying to be mean, I am just trying to protect myself and not get into anything that could hurt my little mind. -> That being said I am fine with people messaging me! Either big or small I'll respond when I can! I live in Europe so the time zones make things difficult. -> I try to post as often as I can, but school makes stuff difficult. ★ I am new to tumblr, so if I am doing anything wrong let me know!!! I am happy for every interaction, unless it's from a NSFW blog, it's just uncomfy sometimes, sorry :(
-> I study computer science and programming in highschool! -> I am from eastern europe, as you may notice in some of my posts. -> Although it's not diagnosed, I do think I am neurodivergent/autistic, so some posts may show that and how I connect to it!
-> Call of Duty -> Minecraft -> Stardew Valley -> Project Zomboid -> Self Help -> Journalling -> Marine life -> Insects -> Spirituality -> Markiplier
DNI ★★★
- k1nk/dd1g/variants - racist/homophobic/transphobic/ableist/xenophobic - nsfw - TERFS/SWERFS - m@ps/p3dos - anti agere/agedre/petre/petdre - anything you wouldn’t show a toddler - Please. Don't interact if you're nsfw.
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
Moving :(
I made this acc before I knew tumblr worked, and now I realize this blog is not my main and it's making me veery agitated, so I'm thinking of making a new acc, a new blog as well, I'm more experienced and it will be more clean as well.. But I'll make sure to tag it and reblog it here when it's done!
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
Moodboard based on my fav animals!
I couldn't decide so I did both Bear and Whale Shark :3 Based on THIS post.
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
Today was su nice!
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I gots my report card today! And I only had one B from my native language studies! So me and my friends went to a café and I gots a large chai latte as a reward for myself!!! It tastes like Christmas! I also got baby oil from my friend as a gift!!! Weeee!! But I got really overwhelmed about two hours ago an I feel sick from it :(
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
★About me!★
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My name is Niko! -> But you can also call me Nikolas, or Nikolasko, which-ever makes you feel nice! :) -> I use he/him pronouns! !!! My big age is 16 ⭐My little age is around 4, it goes up and down. ✨ I do not have a CG, and I am very wary to new people messaging me so please don't feel offended, I'm just trying to protect my little self, but I do not mind asks or messages or anything! 🎆 I am new to tumblr, so if I am doing anything wrong let me know!!! I am happy for every interaction, unless it's from a NSFW blog, it's just uncomfy sometimes, sorry :( FUN FACTS ABOUT ME! ★★★ -> I study computer science and programming in highschool! -> I am from eastern europe, as you may notice in some of my content. -> Although it's not diagnosed, I do think I am neurodivergent/autistic, so some content may reflect that. INTERESTS ★★★
-> Call of Duty -> Minecraft -> Stardew Valley -> Project Zomboid -> Self Help -> Journalling -> Marine life -> Insects -> Spirituality -> Markiplier DNI ★★★
anti agere/agedre/petre/petdre
anything you wouldn’t show a toddler
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
Noah n alwxnder n clover are all so cute names-that fit them, too! maybe-Noah Alexander Clover?
Yeah! He sounds like a little prince!
☘︎ Noah Alexander Clover ☘︎
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Cuddles with Djungelskog!
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
That sounds so cute!! I was thinking Noah or Alexander or Noah Alexander, but Clover didn't even pop up! I'm taking it into consideration :3
New stuffy!
-> I gots a new stuffy today! He only cost 5 euros, and since it was my name day yesterday I brought him!! I don' have a name for him yet, but I am so excited he is so fluffy! I have three stuffies now! -> It was so windy today my cheeks are so red :( Feeling a little shaky and overwhelmed but very happy still!
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If you have any name suggestions feel free to give them! :)
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
New stuffy!
-> I gots a new stuffy today! He only cost 5 euros, and since it was my name day yesterday I brought him!! I don' have a name for him yet, but I am so excited he is so fluffy! I have three stuffies now! -> It was so windy today my cheeks are so red :( Feeling a little shaky and overwhelmed but very happy still!
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If you have any name suggestions feel free to give them! :)
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
Stuff that help me regress!
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Ever since I got into the sfw Agere community I began eating a lot more baby food, it just helps, it's a safe food.
I wear clothes that are comfortable and most importantly make me feel small. Some of these are outfits I do wear on a regular basis! -> I wear mainly cotton, it's heavy and I love how it feels.
I wear so many funky socks, it's so fun. I love showing up to school with a cool outfit and have monkey socks on. I had monkey socks on today!
I like rocking, a lot. If I'm stressed, I rock. If I'm overwhelmed, I rock.
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(I made this divider and I love it so much!!! Bwaaa :3 Definitely making more!)
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
A Cranky day :(
Today wasn't the best day. I am getting cranky and fussy due to my hormones being wack and doing big things. I just want to regress in peace.
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
TW// regression vent, period mention
I've been having a really weird week. Both my headphones and computer broke, I got my period and I am so so sensitive and.. an' I feel so neglected, I wanna watch my little pony an just rest.. I just want a hug. :(
I feel like making moodboards really helps me cope with stuff that happens in my life..
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
Baby Oil
I dunno why, but baby oil I used when I was big age little helps me regress so much, It smells so nice and it makes me feel so nice and soft! I wonder if there are other brands that are so nice too.
I'm thinking of buying this one:
Looks so nice :P
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
I designed my dream playroom! There's a poofy playmat in the middle, there's a table next to the window where I can draw and read and study! (The books in the left upper corners are books I actually studied/read!) I'm really excited about this :3
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
My dream outfits!
I really like these, I'd like to have some outfits like this.. I have the frog hoodie!! :D Another moodboard, they're so fun to make! I made a new dni banner, makes me really happy. Especially the paper panda!
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
I'm working on my intro post, and I'll post it sumtime soon! I'm very busy but I really appreciate the support! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
I'm still exploring how tumblr works but I've been getting better and better at figuring it out!
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
The town I'm staying in is having really bad wind, it's 60 kilometres per hour! That's lots.. I can hear the wind howling an' it's making me scared so I'm just hugging my stuffy an hoping it passes.. I can't fall asleep. I just wanna be safe in dada's arms while he reads me a bedtime story an' there is a nightlight.. :(
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nikosplayroom · 1 year ago
Hello! could you make a cg!simpbur moodboard with a kinda webcore theme? also headcannons if it's not too much of a bother :3
cg!simpbur moodboard + headcanons!
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note; I'm not familiar with webcore so I hope this is good!! anyways i don't have too many hcs but I will write the ones I do have :3 requests are getting wrapped up today, after that any wips that will be posted will be non requests !!
paci creds; thesoothershop on ig!
other moodboards (requests are open!)
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo @littlerosiesoot (ask or dm to be added!)
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- i feel like he's very overprotective and often times a lil strict
- he has his rules for a reason but he's a bit more firmer in the following of them
- possessive but in a good way! never do anything you didn't like.
- asks for permission to hug you or kiss your face or call you any sort of petname
- he likes honeybear and baby the most though
- more of a papa/dada guy but secretly melts when you call him daddy!
- he writes little lullabies that he sings for you
- carries you literally everywhere around the house
- like you are always on his hip and he's just like walking around doing random stuff
- big on holding you between his legs
- like you'll sit between his legs and play while watching cartoons and he's doing your hair
- plays computer games with you all the time, but only the ones he deems are age appropriate!
- his favorite to play with you is the JumpStart 3D game! there's a lot but the specific one is the legend of grizzly mcgruffin!! (personal fav here too-)
- please ignore the fact that jumpstart is no longer existent, let me live in my fantasy world where it didn't shut down
- interactive play all the time! asks you questions about what you're building or what your stuffies are saying or even sets up tea parties with silly invites and fun snackies!
- he has this list he gives to any sitter he has for you. it's incredibly detailed and has the answer to any questions a sitter may have. like favorite toys, favorite foods, allergies, bed time, routines, rules, triggers, etc etc.
- although he only has one person he deems suitable to be around his baby without him and that's his older brother, anyone else has to be thoroughly vetted.
- if you ever get hurt by any means, he's right there with the first aid kit, candy and a drink, and a ton of warm blankets n stuffies.
- also kisses. every boo-boo gets a kiss per number of pain times two (if you say it hurts like a 5, he'll give you 10 kisses on that owie)
- he's an absolute pro when you're sick. does everything you could possibly think of to make you feel better.
- he'd do anything for you.
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