
We say goodbye to Lake Ainsworth today as we head back to Brisbane. This was our last Aussie holiday, a week spent hanging out with friends and swimming every day. Now we head home for the next week to finalise our packing to prepare for our new adventures! We will start making our way to Sydney in the new year where we will fly out to Bali. I’m feeling both excited and nervous, sad as well as happy. A bit like the first time we did this! But I know it’s worth it. So we press on, doing the things we need to do to make it happen and saying goodbye (for now)💛. . . #lakeainsworth #lennoxhead #nsw #australia #aussieholiday #australiansummer #summerholidays #summer #musings #travelkids #travelmum #travelfamily #worldschooling #unschooling #travelschooling #launch #caravanning #homefreefamily (at Lake Ainsworth)
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Happy solstice from our family to yours! ☀️ We exchanged gifts, ate seafood, and lazed about. . #summersolstice #solstice #summer #australiansummer #summerholidays #australia #nsw #lennoxhead #lakeainsworth #caravanning #travelkids #travelfamily #familytravel #fulltimefamily #homefreefamily (at Lennox Head)
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Travel life looks like collecting friends and tadpoles 😄 . . #lakeainsworth #lennoxhead #nsw #australia #unschooling #worldschooling #travelschooling #caravanning #holidays #summerholidays #summer #australiansummer #travelfamily #familytravel #travelwithkids #travelkids #kidsofinstagram #travellife #homefreefamily #tadpoles (at Lennox Head)
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Beach nest 🏖 . . #lennoxhead #beach #wanderingfolk #beachnest #australia #summer #australiansummer #summerholidays #travelfamily #familytravel #nsw #travelwithkids #homefreefamily (at Lennox Head)
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Taking Frankie for a holiday ☀️ . . #frankiethecaravan #franklin #caravan #caravanning #roadtrip #holiday #summerholiday #australia #travelfamily #familytravel #homefreefamily
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Getting ready for her adventures 🧳🗺✈️. . @worldwanderlust channeling your recent safari suit vibe 😄 . . #travelkid #travelkids #worldschoolers #travelfamily #fulltimetravelfamily #worldschooling #worldofwanderlust #safarisuit #instatravel #travelgram #instakids #aussieswhotravel #aussieswhotraveltheworld #traveltheworld #kidswhoexplore #kidswhotravel #kidswhotraveltheworld #travelgirl #globetrotter #travelingwithkids #homefreefamily (at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
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I need to do a shout out for the amazing service I received from ✍🏻 I ordered this journal to be my new travel journal for 2020 and it only took 4 days to reach me which is amazingly quick at this time of year. When it arrived there was a manufacturing issue with the journal but Martyna from Have A Point sorted it out quickly. I’m so very impressed with her service! When I originally opened my parcel from them it was beautifully wrapped and included this sticker that says “Kind people are my kinda people” and this business definitely lives up to that 😊 . @archerandolive . #haveapoint #qualityservice #notasponsoredpost #archerandolive #traveljournal #bulletjournal #australianbulletjournaljunkies #travelmum
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As we are in packing mode anyway and making sure our backpacks fit, I wrote this post on how to fit your kids properly for backpacks. Link in bio! . . #backpacking #backpackingwithkids #worldschooling #fulltimetravelfamily #fulltimetravel #travelfamily #travellife #worldschoolers #travelmum #travelwithkids #carryononly #travelkids #aussieswhotraveltheworld #homefreefamily
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It’s important to get the right backpack for your child, especially to protect their growing spine. Find a brand that makes backpacks specifically designed for children as regular backpacks are designed for adult torso lengths.
What to look for
The bottom of the backpack must sit at their hips
Should straps must sit flat on the shoulders
A waist strap to distribute the weight
The backpack must not sit higher than their head
The backpack must not sag or drag below their hips/bottoms
When packed, the bag should weigh around 10-15% of the child’s body weight (20% at the absolute most) eg a 35kg child should only carry ~3.5-5.25kg (7kg tops) / an 80lb child should only carry ~8-12 pounds (16lb tops).
Suggested packs for children
Osprey Jet 12L & 18L (for smaller/younger children)
Osprey Ace 38L (adjustable harness) (for older kids)
Deuter Fox 30L & 40L (adjustable harness) (for older kids and teens)
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Osprey Jet 18L on my 6 year old
Deuter Fox 40L on my 10 year old (green) and 7 year old (blue)
A child’s frame varies from child to child, even of the same age, so use your best judgement. The child in the first photo is the same one in the green backpack in the second photo, 4 years later. He has a petite frame compared to his sister who is taller and sturdier for her age (at three years apart in age they wear the same clothing and shoe sizes). She is able to handle the same size backpack despite the age difference. All backpacks were weighted correctly.
Fitting Children for Backpacks It's important to get the right backpack for your child, especially to protect their growing spine. Find a brand that makes backpacks specifically designed for children as regular backpacks are designed for adult torso lengths.
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We’re returning to full time travel in just under 4 weeks! 😱 I’m feeling really excited about getting back into travel again 😃 - we never intended to stay for a year in Australia (it was supposed to be a short visit - 3mths MAX - but that’s life 🤷🏼♀️) But at the same time I’m also nervous about how much we need to do to get ready 😬 We have done this before so that helps, and we have far less to pack this time than last time 👍🏻 We have two kinds of travel coming up: first we move into the caravan for about a month, and then we switch to backpacks when we leave Aus. We’re looking at taking a little more with us this time as it is very hard to find clothing that fits us adults - the kids are easy! 🎒Anyway, time to get serious about packing... . . #packing #travelmum #travellife #travelfamily #fulltimetravelfamily #caravan #backpacking #suitcase #aussieswhotraveltheworld #travel #worldschooling #worldschoolingfamilies #unschooling #travelschooling #homefreefamily
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I’m just back from four days at a women’s camp in the Scenic Rim, Queensland. I hung out with amazing women, ate nourishing food, swam naked in the pool, lazed about, and now I have returned to my family with a filled cup. Self care at its finest! What self care do you do? 💜 . #selfcare #womenscamp #mamatime #travelmum #retreat #scenicrim #qld #australia
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I’m currently at a women’s camp which is awesome, I have really needed to fill my cup lately. But there are bushfires nearby so everything is dry and smoky 🔥💨 . #camping #glamping #bushfires #qld #womenscamp #selfcare #mamatime #travelmum #australia #sun #smoke #fire #bush #tent #beltane
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I think I found the heart of Te Fiti 💚🌀 Do you have any travel plans for this summer/holiday period? 🌊 #moana #shell #spiral #beach #ulladulla #nsw #travel #travelfamily #summer #holidays #travelplans #australia #homefreefamily (at Ulladulla, New South Wales)
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Right now 💕. . . #murrumbidgeeriver #canberra #act #australia #river #riverplay #natureplay #travelfamily #travelschooling #unschooling #homefreefamily (at Pine Island Reserve)
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I’m on a mumma-daughter trip with my girl 💕 . . #canberra #motherdaughter #travel #holiday #act #australia #instatravel #travelgram #latergram #travelwithkids (at Himalayan Cedar Mountain, Canberra)
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:: Imbolc - Emerging :: . On our walk the other day we collected flowers along the way, and when we returned home we placed them in bowls, covered them with water and popped them in the freezer. Today we hung them up to melt and return to the earth 🌼 We live in a hot climate (we had about two weeks over winter where we put jumpers and socks on to stay warm) so seeing as we don’t even get an early morning frost, we had to use our freezer to symbolise the melting away of winter 😆 . Now is a time that feels right to me to bring up my absence as I re-emerge from my hibernation. After returning from my month-long trial of uni in March, we began making plans to be travelling again by May. But over that time, and beyond, my health began to deteriorate. I became so fatigued that I barely left the house and I became very despondent as a result. As it turned out, it was an infected tooth that caused this and as soon as it was removed a few weeks ago my energy has returned. What a relief! 😪 . Like our flowers captured in ice, I need to emerge slowly as I get back into the rhythm of things - I’m still a bit sore - but I hope to share a bit more again soon 💜 . . #imbolc #candlemas #earlyspring #winter #spring #winterspring #imbolcactivities #flowers #springflowers #emerging #unschooling #travelfamily #homefreefamily (at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
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Going through my memory box today (attempting to store our stuff better than last time!) and found the first album I ever bought - Bananarama’s WOW! c. 1988?? 🤔 I don’t have a cassette player anymore, but some things are worth keeping 😉. . . #80schildhood #bananarama #packing #memorylane #memories #firstalbum
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