Capitalism is literally killing me slowly.
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I fucking hate mental illness. Makes good things feel bad then makes you feel like shit for feeling bad about something you are supposed to be happy about. :(
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Tonight my dog fucking bite my face. I was sleeping and my moms dog went on top of me because sometimes he humps my mom’s dog. He followed my moms dog over my face and when his paw went on my face I pushed him off lightly with my left hand. He got protective because he was chasing my mom’s dog who he gets overprotective of sometimes and that’s when he bite my face. So much blood I thought and hoped I was just having a bloody noise, but he bite below my eye and right next to my noise. This make me realize I love that dog more than he loves me. Idk why but I always get hurt my things and people who I love more than they love me. Fuck it
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I needed to see this
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Honestly. I know this is over said and hypocritical sense I was literally doing this all weekend, but don’t look for love and attention from others when you don’t even love yourself. Otherwise you get even more hurt and it fucking sucks.
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I’m such an idiot. Literally freaked out last night and had multiple anxiety attacks over a problem with an easy fix.
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They ask us why we are all depressed like they haven’t seen the trauma our generation has gone through. This world is way to fucked for humans
We have seen that humanity is dangerous.
We kill each other, we hurt each other.
Many people don’t even feel safe walking down the street anymore.
Then we have those who don’t care. They glorify the horrors of t*rrorism and violence.
I feel I can’t even get out of bed some days scared, not of death, but of life.
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I don’t know how tumblr works. I can’t seem to see comments or notes I have under my post.
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I hate the feeling of feeling so empty and saddened that it hurts your chest. I don’t know why I feel this way and I don’t know how to stop feeling this way. Constantly not wanting to wake up and get out of bed. Constantly feeling anxious and stressed.
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Hello there Tumblr.
Thought I would try to come on here and join some communities and hopefully make some friends! I’m 18 from California. Have 2 rabbits and a newly born chinchilla. Anyways I’ll probably forget about this app in a few weeks but maybe I won’t 😂
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