hifumi-123 · 4 hours
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hifumi-123 · 5 hours
Tokyo Cheese Debate 2024
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Just in case nobody gets what my title is about, the Japanese pronunciation for "Governor of Tokyo(東京都知事/とうきょうとちじ/Tōkyō to chiji)" sounds a lot like "Tokyo Cheese."
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hifumi-123 · 5 hours
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Daigo: Please don't do strange things with my photo.
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hifumi-123 · 1 day
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SFW Alphabet for Mine Yoshitaka!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
- When Mine completely trusts you, his affection for you will be 11/10.
- He can satisfy your material needs. You want the latest designer handbag? Sure. You want to dine at a high-end restaurant? No need to ask, he's already made a reservation.
- But that's about it. Mine is not good at expressing his emotions and may not provide emotional value. When you complain about your difficult boss or a fallout with a close friend, he'll just listen halfheartedly because in his eyes, these are all trivial matters.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
- If Mine is your best friend, congratulations, you can only have him as your sole friend from now on. This relationship can't accommodate anyone else. You can't chat or dine with others, otherwise, you're betraying him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
- Normal version: 6/10. Mine is a person with strong boundaries. He doesn't like being touched by others, even if it's just an accidental brush of hands while walking. He'll immediately retract his hand. However, under your guidance, he slowly begins to accept physical contact. When hugging, he's no longer stiff as a board. When he's in a good mood, he might hug you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder.
- Yandere version: 10000/10. He wishes to hold you forever, never letting you go.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
- Mine doesn't like children, and he thinks there's no need to bring children into this world to suffer.
- Mine often helped his adoptive father clean the house and cook when he was young, so he's quite skilled in these areas. When he's in a good mood, he'll cook for you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
- Normal version: Mine would leave you without saying a word because he believes when a person is completely disappointed in something, there are only three words - nothing to say. You're just like everyone else, after all.
- Yandere version: Don't even think about it. If you want to leave, he'll chain your feet. If necessary, he'll saw off your legs. This way, you'll never be able to escape.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
- He values commitment greatly. When he thinks it's time to get married, he'll propose to you. However, he wants to wait until Daigo is settled before considering these matters.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
- 7/10, Mine can be harsh at times, but it's not intentional, and he can't control it. He knows he's not a gentle person, but he'll try to give you all the gentleness he has left for the rest of his life.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
- Same as cuddles.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
- Getting this man to say "I love you" is harder than climbing to heaven. In his view, "I love you" is a very awkward phrase. He can say "I like you," but it's very difficult for him to say "I love you."
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
- 1000000000/10. Why are you talking to someone else? Isn't he enough for you? And why are you laughing and chatting with that guy? What are you two talking about?
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
- Mine's kisses can be as light as a dragonfly touching water, or long and passionate.
- He likes to gently press his lips to the side of your neck, feeling the pulse of life in your blood vessels. Glancing up, he sees your shyly lowered eyes, your cheeks tinged with a faint blush.
- To be honest, he quite likes it when you kiss the kirin tattoo on his back. It turns him on a bit.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
- *Slaps*
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
- Mine is a busy man. Usually, he's already out the door before you wake up. If he has time, he'll have breakfast with you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
- After returning home at night, Mine likes to sit with you on the sofa by the window, have a drink, and chat.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
- When he considers you a trustworthy person, he'll tell you about his life. However, be prepared, it takes a long time to gain his trust.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
- 10/10, Mine is very good at suppressing his emotions. He can remain calm even when facing Kanda's unreasonable behavior. But this is like a double-edged sword. When his emotions accumulate to an extreme point, he'll explode. Trust me, you wouldn't want to see this man angry.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
- He remembers every little thing about you. He even remembers that your mother's friend's neighbor's cousin's daughter's cat had a litter of very cute kittens.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
- The moment he remembers most clearly is when he realized you were the right person for him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
- 1000/10, since becoming a Yakuza, Mine worries that his enemies might harm you, so he has arranged for several bodyguards to protect you at all times.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
- 8/10, he'll do his best with what he can do.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
- He will only love you if he's 100% certain that you love him, otherwise he won't love at all. So he ponders every day whether you really love him or not. He needs you to constantly give him feedback, continuously seeking confirmation from you to be sure of your feelings. Sometimes this can make you feel suffocated, but when you show impatience towards him, he becomes obsessive, questioning if you've fallen for someone else.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
- 10/10, he's very confident about his appearance and is well aware that he can gain certain advantages with his looks, so he pays attention to his appearance and demeanor.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
- 6/10, he can adjust his mood well and won't let one person affect him too much.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
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Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
- He doesn't like people who are vain and sycophantic, but what he hates most are dishonest and hypocritical people.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
- He sleeps like a log, doesn't toss and turn in his sleep, and can maintain the same position until morning.
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hifumi-123 · 2 days
I love gay men.
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hifumi-123 · 2 days
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hifumi-123 · 2 days
Big Fish
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hifumi-123 · 2 days
Pulp Fiction⊹Part 1
Shinada Tatsuo x Reader who is an erotic fiction writer.
Warnings: mentions of suicide, trauma dumping
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As you exit the mahjong parlor, the cold February wind hits your face, instantly turning your nose and cheeks red and making them feel hot.
"Ah, it's so cold," you say, pulling your coat tighter around you.
"Yeah," Shinada, standing next to you, agrees. "Let's quickly find an izakaya and warm up with some drinks."
"Do you even have money left for drinks?" you glance at him. "You lost the most at mahjong just now."
As if you'd touched a sore spot, Shinada makes an awkward face and scratches the back of his head. "Well..." he mumbles, "That's because you're too good. You won several hands, even got a Thirteen Orphans and a Rinshan Kaihou. Who can compete with that?"
You smile at him. "Well, I am known by a certain name, after all."
"Yes, yes, the Mahjong Queen of Kineicho," Shinada says with a grin, giving you an exaggerated bow.
"Hey, let's not stand here talking. I'm about to turn into a popsicle," you say, feeling your feet going numb. You stamp your feet on the concrete to keep your blood circulating. "I know a place where we can get good drinks without breaking the bank."
"Sounds good, lead the way."
You both laugh as you head towards the bustling nearby district.
At this time, the town's men have just finished work and are gathering boisterously in the small bars. You two sit down near the counter. As writers, you don't have fixed working hours - as long as you submit your work before the deadline, you're free to play mahjong and go out drinking.
"Cheers," you command, and two glasses of draft beer clink together.
You grip the handle of your beer mug and take a big gulp. The cold beer passes through your dry throat, bringing a stinging sensation. In contrast, Shinada sips his beer in small amounts.
"That's quite a bold way of drinking," Shinada says, looking at you admiringly.
"Drinking is best enjoyed in big gulps," you reply.
You open an old-looking menu made of washi paper and order some dishes.
"Chicken wings, sashimi platter... and some master stock(a stock which is repeatedly reused to poach or braise meats). Shin-chan, what do you want to eat?"
"I'll have some karaage fried chicken and fries."
"Your order sounds like what a kid would reluctantly eat when their parents take them to an izakaya."
"Huh? Fried chicken and fries are izakaya staples, aren't they?"
After efficiently placing the order, you elegantly raise your beer glass to your lips.
You eat the edamame already on the table while your draft beer disappears at the speed of a student drinking soda in summer, almost empty in the blink of an eye.
What's surprising is your complexion. You look the same as usual, but despite having finished a whole glass of beer, you show no signs of intoxication.
"You're really a cool adult, Y/n," Shinada says.
"Don't fall for me, I'm just a legend." you joke. "I haven't told you before, but I drank almost every day in college, so I developed the skill of drinking without getting drunk."
Shinada looks at you with exasperation and comments, "That's not really something to brag about."
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're thinking about it all wrong," you wag your index finger in front of him. "Being able to drink without getting drunk is an essential skill for navigating society. It becomes very important when dealing with creepy bosses who want to get you drunk."
He nods thoughtfully, seeming to ponder your words, then says, "Well, when you put it that way, I guess you have a point."
"Speaking of college, it reminds me of the bar I used to frequent back then," you say, resting your elbow on the table and cupping your chin in your hand, gazing distantly at the empty beer glass. "That bar was about the size of a classroom, and when I walked in, it was full of university students. Yet from the day I started university, I never saw that many people sitting in an actual classroom."
Shinada is shocked, "What kind of university did you go to..."
"Every school has countless drinkers, even Tokyo University, hailed as Japan's top academic institution, must have such people." you say. "These types already show signs in high school, often carrying a bottle of beer. Don't be fooled by how studious they seem with their bulging backpacks - they might just be full of alcohol. They often try to look like the melancholic pretty boys from Osamu Dazai's novels, taking advantage of their drunkenness to make passes at girls. When they're unfortunately called out as perverts, they blame it all on places like the Asahi Brewery. Despite this, these guys might be very sober and know exactly what they're doing."
At this moment, the waitress brings the dishes you ordered to the table.
You take this opportunity to change the subject: "Now that the sashimi is here, it's time for some sake... What do you recommend today?"
"We have Dassai today."
"Then let's have that," you say, speaking to the staff in the familiar way of a regular customer.
"Shin-chan, are you spacing out? Are you drinking?"
"I am drinking. You're just drinking too fast."
"That's good. Once the master stock arrives, you can drink more boldly. The owner of this place is an excellent cook."
The owner at the counter laughs upon hearing your words, "Why are you praising me so much... Hey, go get that for Y/n-san."
"Yes, chef!" the waitress says before heading to the back of the izakaya.
You turn your gaze back to Shinada, "That waitress, although she's new, is very efficient and impressive. I heard her mother is seriously ill, and she has three younger siblings. So she's working several part-time jobs to pay for her mother's treatment and her siblings' college education. Don't you think it sounds like a plot from a novel?"
"How did you find out about all that?" Shinada asks, surprised.
You chuckle lightly, "Come on, aren't you a columnist for adult entertainment establishments? This kind of information is easy to get."
"Well, yes, but I only dig deep into my interviewees' lives for work. I wouldn't ask such detailed questions to ordinary people," Shinada retorts.
"That's so outdated, Shin-chan! Your thinking is too outdated!" you say, shaking your head.
Shinada furrows his brow, looking at you in confusion, "What do you mean by that?"
"Isn't it said that literature comes from life? Although I'm currently writing erotic stories for magazines, if the characters in them are flat and lack depth, readers won't empathize. They'll forget the story as soon as they turn away," you explain. "So I always make a habit of observing people around me, understanding their stories, and drawing material from them. This way, the characters I write become three-dimensional and lifelike."
"But can you really find that much material regularly? Most of us just live ordinary lives, don't we?"
"Hmm—" you tilt your head slightly, "If you look for it, you can always find something. And if you really can't find anything, it's not wrong to make something up. After all, it's just fiction."
"I see," Shinada says, genuinely impressed.
"The editors and readers like these kinds of plots, and I can make money from it. Isn't that a win-win-win situation?" you say with a smile.
Soon, the waitress returns. She places a small bowl of salt-preserved food on the table, along with a square wooden box containing a small sake cup, both the box and the cup filled to the brim with sake that looks like it might spill at any moment.
"It looks like that sake might spill at any time," Shinada remarks.
"This is actually this place's secret signature drink. The wooden box holding the sake cup is called a masu(枡). It's used to serve overflowing sake. Usually, there's just a little bit of sake in it, but mine is full both inside and outside the cup."
"Isn't that like having two servings then?"
"It's a good deal, right?"
"Are you sure you won't get drunk after finishing this..." he says, "And what's this salt-preserved dish?"
"It's shuto(酒盜; Alcohol Theif)."
"They say it's called 'Shuto' because it goes so well with alcohol that it makes you drink one cup after another without realizing it, and before you know it, all the alcohol is gone," you explain. "It's made from salted bonito stomach and intestines. Every time I praise the owner, I look forward to him bringing this out. You should try some."
"Eh, is this okay? Thanks."
"But beer doesn't go well with this dish. I suggest you also order some sake. Drink the remaining beer like water."
"Okay, I'll have warm sake then."
As you were sipping the sake almost spilling from the small cup, Shinada's sake was also served. But as expected, his was just a regular portion.
Shinada took a small bite of the salted dish, then immediately drank some sake.
"Mmm...so good!" Shinada widened his eyes, looking at the small plate of pickles. "It's so delicious that even if two people ate it, they wouldn't notice if one died!"
Seeing Shinada's reaction, you smiled wryly. "Right?"
"Oh yeah." Shinada called out as if remembering something. "You mentioned college earlier, but I still don't know what you majored in."
"You probably won't believe it, but I studied law."
He widened his eyes in disbelief. "Law? Then why did you end up becoming an erotic fiction writer?"
"What kind of tone is that? There's nothing shameful about being an erotic fiction writer, okay?"
"But compared to a lawyer who helps people, an erotic fiction writer seems like a waste."
"All professions are respectable. My job also helps people, you know."
"So why didn't you become a lawyer in the end?"
"Do you really want to know? It's kind of boring."
Shinada nodded, his eyes shining with curiosity. If he had a tail, it would probably be wagging excitedly like a puppy's right now.
"My dad is a famous lawyer with his own firm, and he naturally wanted my brother and I to follow in his footsteps, so he had very high and strict expectations of us. We had to rank in the top five of our grade in every exam, or we'd be punished if we failed to meet his demands. Those punishments were like torture - belts, hangers, slapping, no dinner, standing outside the front door as punishment, you name it."
You spoke slowly, your tone gradually becoming heavier. "Because I had good grades, I wasn't really punished by him, but it was different for my brother. His grades weren't that great, so he was often beaten by my dad. But if my brother went to an ordinary school, he would definitely have been the top student. However, my dad insisted he attend the most elite school, so compared to the other kids, his grades seemed very poor."
"Sometimes my dad would also beat my mom, saying it was because she didn't do a good job as a mother, and that it was because she spoiled my brother too much that his grades were so bad," you said.
"How could he do that? Your dad was a total bastard!" Shinada said indignantly.
You shrugged. "He always thought everything was someone else's fault and just pointed fingers at others. My brother had probably reached his limit, so he committed suicide when he was in middle school."
Shinada froze. "Eh? Sui...suicide?"
"Yeah. Suicide. He jumped off the school rooftop." Your tone was unnaturally calm, as if describing an event unrelated to you. "That morning, my brother seemed normal. The four of us ate breakfast together. Dad said if my brother could rank in the top ten that semester, he would increase his allowance and take him on the next trip. That day happened to be when the results were released, and my brother only ranked 30th in the grade. Perhaps he couldn't face going home to my father's punishments and accusations, so he jumped off the school rooftop. Can you imagine how high that must have been? When he hit the ground, his head split into two, and there was red and white mushy matter all over the ground. I was in class at the time and witnessed the whole thing. When my classmates rushed to the window to see what happened, I went over too, but I didn't expect the person lying there to be my brother. Although his face was split open, his eyes were still there, those bloodshot eyes just staring at me. At that moment, I just wondered what the last thing he saw before dying was - was it me, or the scenery as he fell?"
"Am I being too cold-blooded?" You smiled bitterly, then lowered your head. "Many people said my brother was stupid - it was just not getting his desired grades, why did he have to commit suicide? But I think not getting good grades was just the trigger. My brother must have endured too much pressure before choosing such an extreme way to end his suffering."
You shook your head. "I often wonder, if I had noticed my brother was acting strange and pulled him back in time, would that have prevented what happened? But I guess maybe he didn't want to face it all anymore."
Shinada placed his hand on your clenched fist and gently uncurled your fingers, revealing red nail marks from gripping too tightly.
"If you were really as cold-blooded as you say, you wouldn't be thinking so much about it," Shinada said, releasing your hand. "And don't blame yourself too much. You can't take all the responsibility on yourself. What's done is done. The important thing is you need to learn to forgive yourself and live well. I'm sure that's what your brother would have wanted too."
"I hope so. I don't know if my brother resented me before he died. If I had never been born, maybe his position at home wouldn't have been so poor," you said softly. "After my brother died, my parents got divorced. My mom gave up custody of me, so I could only live with my dad. Probably afraid of the same thing happening again, my dad became even stricter in controlling me - I wasn't allowed to have friends, had to go straight home after school, and had to constantly report my whereabouts. I spent my whole high school life like that. But the university I got into was far from home, so I rented a place near campus and started doing whatever I wanted - drinking, nightclubs, you name it. I barely studied at all, but could still barely pass my exams and managed to graduate from law school. Because I didn't really study in law school, I naturally couldn't pass the national bar examination no matter how many times I tried. My dad completely gave up on me then, cut off my allowance, and left me to fend for myself. That's when I heard this magazine was hiring writers, and now I'm an erotic magazine writer."
"You described a hellish experience in such a casual tone," Shinada said, taking a sip of sake from the small cup. "The fact that you're still sitting here today means you're already amazing, Y/n. You're like an female hawk(female hawks are bigger than males)- strong and mighty, and can really hold your liquor."
"Why are you suddenly getting so mushy? Shin-chan, you're not trying to confess to me, are you?" You narrowed your eyes, lips slightly parting to reveal your teeth.
Shinada's already flushed face from the alcohol turned even redder. "N-no way!" he stammered.
You laughed. "I was just joking."
Then you drained the sake from the small cup and refilled it from the masu. "Alright, let's not talk about such heavy topics anymore. Drinking should be relaxing and fun, otherwise the alcohol will just taste bitter." You raised your small cup towards Shinada.
Shinada also raised his cup, clinking it against yours. "What are you talking about...alcohol is bitter to begin with."
"Whether alcohol tastes bitter or not depends on the drinker's mood. If you're sad, the alcohol will taste bitter too. But if you're in a good mood, even whiskey can taste as sweet as milk tea," you lectured.
Shinada shook his head. "That's cirrhosis-level reasoning."
"Drinking harms the liver, not the heart. Let's go to another place after this drink!"
"Alright, I'll treat you next round."
"Oh, it's a deal then."
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hifumi-123 · 4 days
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Small headcanon
➼Mine would be the type of dad who slaps their kids because they won't eat their veggies.
➼Shinada is so broke that he has to borrow from Daigo even to buy snacks, let alone having kids.
➼Toru is like a male housewife.
➼Majima probably loves kids, you can tell from the Y0 "The Doll Girl" substory and his reaction to Park's abortion, but as long as he's a yakuza, I don't think he'd want kids.
➼Aoki, aka Masato, is grossed out by kids.
➼Kiryu, the pure virgin.
➼Y1 Nishiki isn't included here because I feel like he's the type to use a baby trap to keep his significant other around forever if needed.
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hifumi-123 · 4 days
Yakuza 0 ver.
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Just when I googled Oda…
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not the romantic interst in Tachibana😭😭😭
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hifumi-123 · 4 days
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Actually, no one asked me this, I photoshopped it myself.
Anyways, here’s the
Majima with a s/o who has chubby hands:
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Recently, you came across an article online titled "Beauty Starts with the Hands!" The main content suggests that all beautiful people in the world have slender, elegant hands, so you should start taking care of your hands too. The article lists several key features of beautiful hands:
First, beautiful fingers should be slender and long. Generally, a woman's hands are considered aesthetically pleasing if the ratio between fingers and palm is close to the golden ratio of 0.618.
Second, beautiful hands should be flawless. Darker coloration around the joints or noticeable hangnails around the nails can affect the overall cleanliness of the hands.
Third, beautiful hands must be fair-skinned. White and clean hands are more attractive. If the skin tone of the hands is too dark, they won't look good no matter what. So, one should pay attention to their hand's skin tone (though you think this point smacks of racial discrimination, the editor was too careless).
Fourth, beautiful hands should be hairless. If body hair is too noticeable, it will make the hands look fuzzy, obscuring the skin tone and texture. This is especially true for women with excessive body hair, which can be even more prominent and darker than men's.
These are the essential features of attractive hands.
Moreover, the article provides numerous solutions to address these issues. For longer, slender fingers, try hand massages. To remove darkness around joints, use exfoliating scrubs. For fairer hands, apply more sunscreen. To deal with body hair, use hair removal devices. With consistent care, one can achieve beautiful, attractive hands.
After reading this article, you can't help but sigh. It's not easy being a woman nowadays! Not only do you have to take care of your face and hair, but now your hands too! This whole regimen seems more exhausting than military service.
Although you want to say you don't care about your hands, the truth is—
"Ah! Why do my hands look so chubby? My fingers are short and pudgy, they look just like a baby's hands..."
Looking at your hands, you can't help but ponder. You're an adult now, theoretically a "mature woman." That's how it should be.
But why are your hands still chubby?
You always thought it was because you were overweight, but even after losing some weight recently, you noticed your hands didn't change at all. The parts that were chubby remained so. You painfully realize once again that your hands are truly not attractive. At least, they can't be considered beautiful hands.
You know that to others, this might seem like a trivial matter, not worth mentioning. When you discuss this with friends, they tell you not to worry about such unimportant things. However, hands can reflect a person's character. From the neatness of nails, presence of hangnails, or calluses on fingers, one can deduce a person's background. Beautiful hands are always well-cared for. Every time you look at your baby-like hands with calluses from gripping pens too tightly during your student days, you feel anxious and ashamed. Honestly, it's a hurdle you can't seem to overcome.
Although the article seems like an silent advertisement, it has caused you considerable anxiety. Before reading it, you never even thought about whether your hands were attractive or fair enough. Your current situation is like "not particularly caring about something, but once someone points it out, you start to become conscious of it."
After all this rambling, it boils down to:
"I want to have beautiful hands like a hand model!"
That's what it's all about.
After dinner, despite Majima's kind reminder that "lying down right after eating will turn you into a pig," you lazily sprawl on the sofa, tossing and turning. Hearing your complaints about your hands, the sound of water in the kitchen suddenly stops. Majima, who was washing dishes, dries his wet hands with a towel and says with a look of exasperation:
"Huh? I didn't know about that. There's nothing wrong with them, is there? Yer fingers are all there, all ten of them, aren't they? Isn't that enough?"
"What? Don't apply yakuza standards to me, okay?" You sit up on the sofa and reply irritably. "Normal people don't get their fingers cut off even if they make mistakes."
Majima chuckles and plops down next to you.
"Then let me see. Let this former cabaret club owner who has seen countless hands judge whether Y/n's hands are unattractive. Come on, give me yer hand," he urges, extending his own.
You place your plump hand on his palm. Compared to Majima's large, masculine hands, yours look even more childlike. Majima gently massages your hand. Whether it's because he finds it amusing or not, he always likes to knead your hand like this. He probably treats it like a squishy toy. But you don't mind, as it feels quite comfortable, almost like a massage.
"I really like Y/n's soft hands. Even if ya might not," he says softly.
You find it hard to understand why he would like these hands that are far from "beautiful." You silently look at Majima's lowered face, feeling conflicted once again. Is he saying this just to comfort you? Like how mothers always say their children are beautiful.
"Don't you wish your girlfriend had more slender and elegant hands?" you ask.
"Are ya stupid? Isn't smooth and soft very cute? Anyway, I really like yer hands. They're soft to hold, just like those things—" Majima furrows his brow, seemingly searching for the right word. "Ah, they're called Squishy, right? Yes, just like a Squishy."
He can say such embarrassing things so casually. What a strange person. You can't help but laugh, then sincerely tell him: "Although I don't really like these hands myself, if Goro likes them, then even childish hands are okay."
After receiving so much praise, you want to look at Majima's hands too. So you cup his hands and start examining them closely.
Compared to yours, his hands are much larger and more substantial. Surprisingly, Majima's nails are well-shaped and neatly trimmed, his fingers are long, and his knuckles are prominent. You could say they are very typical "man's hands." It's unfair that even his hands are so handsome. Perhaps because he usually wears leather gloves, his hands don't have many calluses, and even though he often holds knives when fighting, his palms are still smooth.
"Hmm..." you pretend to ponder, "According to the essential features of beautiful hands, you have a pair of beautiful hands."
Majima laughs, clutching his stomach, then wipes tears from the corner of his eye. "Is that so?" he says, "Then it seems I'm more suited to be the girlfriend."
"Alright then, you can be the girlfriend," you joke, "I'll call you Goromi from now on."
Majima shakes his head and sighs, "That name is too corny. If we have children in the future, ya can't give them such tacky names, okay?"
Hearing his words, you feel your cheeks warming up. You turn your head away, deliberately not looking at him, "I'm ignoring you now. I'm going to take a bath."
"Wanna bathe together?" he asks, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips.
You know well that if you agree to his invitation now, Majima will definitely wear you out before letting you leave. You've experienced this firsthand several times before, so you quickly get up from the sofa.
"No need, I can wash myself!"
You walk into the bathroom with agility completely different from your previous lazy attitude, hearing Majima's cheerful laughter coming from the living room.
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Once my friend mentioned that my head is quite large, I began to realize how big it actually is. But before that, I never thought there was an issue with my head at all. Recently, I came across discussions online about protruding mouths, and only then did I notice that my own mouth is a bit protruding. I even entertained the idea of getting braces, but I found out that just wearing them wouldn't fix the issue. I would have to undergo a jaw surgery to correct the protrusion. So, I abandoned the idea since this problem doesn't affect my ability to enjoy food.
I feel like a lot of appearance anxieties stem from others' opinions. I believe it's not worth paying too much attention to what they say. Instead of changing yourself to fit other people's standards of beauty, it's better to learn to accept yourself first. After all, no matter how perfect you are, others will always find flaws in you.
Can’t believe that I said something this profound
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hifumi-123 · 4 days
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hifumi-123 · 4 days
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When I searching for Ichiban pic:
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Ichiban Kasuga shirtless? Yall are embarrassing(I would search it up too).
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hifumi-123 · 8 days
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hifumi-123 · 8 days
When you give him a Kabedon
Kabedon-when one character forces another against the wall with one hand or leans against the wall and makes the sound of "don"
Characters: Majima, Nishiki, Daigo, Ryuji, Mine
Majima Goro
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After you corner Majima against the wall, he raises an eyebrow, looking at you with a puzzled expression. "Y/n-chan, what are you doing? Is this some new way of collecting debts?"
His question leaves you momentarily speechless. After sighing, you explain, "This is called 'Kabedon.' I saw the male lead do this to the female lead on TV."
Majima chuckles, crossing his arms and wearing a mischievous smile. "So you saw someone do this on TV and decided to try it on me, Y/n-chan?"
"Don't you like it?" you ask.
Majima laughs again, a hint of mischief in his smile. He gazes into your eyes, mischief dancing in his visible eye. "Of course, I like it. There's no man who doesn't enjoy being cornered by a woman. Except maybe Kiryu."
He straightens up, moving closer to you, his tall figure looming over you, closing the distance between you two. His mischievous smile grows wider as he continues, "But tell me... what did that male lead do next on TV?"
"Uh, well..."
Seeing you stutter, Majima chuckles softly once more, leaning in closer until his face is just centimeters away from yours. In a low, seductive voice, he whispers in your ear, his warm breath tickling your skin, "You should watch more TV, Y/n-chan. There's a lot more for you to learn."
Suddenly, he wraps his arms around your waist, turning you around and Kabedon-ing you against the wall. His arm rests beside your head, almost pressing his entire body against yours.
Leaning in even closer, his body now firmly against yours, pinning you to the wall. Majima's mischievous smile transforms into a seductive one as his face inches closer, allowing you to feel his breath against your lips.
"After a Kabedon, this is what should come next, right, Y/n-chan?"
Nishikiyama Akira (Yakuza 1)
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In the office of the Nishikiyama Family's patriarch, you suddenly take a step forward, slamming both hands against the wall, kabedonning Nishikiyama in the corner. You expected this sudden move to startle Nishikiyama, maybe even see a blush on his face, but instead, he breaks into a bright smile.
"Hmm... more." Nishikiyama says.
You pause, thinking Nishikiyama is mocking you, and quickly retract your arms, saying, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that... that's enough."
Just as you're about to step back, Nishikiyama suddenly reaches out and cups your face. His smile remains, but his gaze turns dangerously intense.
"If you dare to let go…" Nishikiyama says softly, his tone carrying an unmistakable threat.
A chill runs down your spine. It dawns on you that you may have misunderstood something, and more importantly, you seem to have angered someone you shouldn't have.
Goda Ryuji
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You slam your palm heavily against the wall, attempting to trap the burly blond man in front of you between yourself and the wall. However, your "prey" doesn't seem too impressed.
Ryuji quirks his lips slightly, the scar on his upper lip contorting along with his smile, looking at you with a mischievous expression. His roguish grin leaves you slightly irritated.
"How can you call this a kabedon with this little strength?" Ryuji chuckles lightly, his tone tinged with a hint of teasing.
You freeze, not expecting your carefully planned "offensive" to be so easily defused. Just as you're at a loss, Ryuji suddenly leans in close, his warm breath brushing against your ear.
"Let me show you what a real kabedon is like..."
Before you can respond, Ryuji swiftly lifts you onto his shoulder.
"Wait, what?! How?!" you ask in a flustered manner.
Without any answer, Ryuji strides purposefully towards a room not far away.
Dojima Daigo
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You pushed him against the wall without hesitation. Your arm propped next to Daigo's face, trapping the Sixth chairman of the Tojo Clan firmly between yourself and the wall.
Daigo froze, a hint of confusion flickering in his deep eyes. He furrowed his brows slightly and asked calmly, "What are you doing?"
A smug smile played on your lips, mischief glinting in your eyes. You whispered, "I'm giving you a kabedon."
Daigo blinked, seemingly processing the information. After a moment, he nodded slightly and replied seriously, "Ah, I see." He then maintained the position without any further reaction.
Your smile faltered as you incredulously stared at the man before you, still calm. You sighed in resignation, saying, "You're as dense as a rock..."
Daigo just tilted his head, sporting a puzzled expression.
As you were about to give up and retract your arm, Daigo suddenly moved. His action was swift and fluid, leaving you no time to react. In the blink of an eye, the positions between you two had switched.
Now it was Daigo who kabedoned you against the wall. His arm propped near your ear, body slightly leaning forward, his face mere inches from yours. Uncertainty flickered in Daigo's eyes as he tilted his head and asked, "Is this how it's done? Is this the kabedon?"
Your eyes widened, completely caught off guard by Daigo's uncharacteristic move. Your heart raced, a blush creeping onto your cheeks involuntarily. You opened your mouth but found yourself at a loss for words.
Daigo noticed the blush on your face. Frowning, he reached out and gently placed his hand on your forehead. His palm was cool, a stark contrast to your flushed face. Daigo asked seriously, "Why is your face so red? Are you running a fever?"
Feeling the warmth of Daigo's hand, your heart raced even faster. "I'm not running a fever...! It's... it's just really hot in here!"
At that moment, a knocking sound interrupted the delicate atmosphere between the two in the Chairman's office. Daigo slowly lowered his arm and stepped back. He looked at you, a hint of elusive emotion flashing in his eyes, and softly said, "I should get back to work."
You nodded and left his office. The events of moments ago replayed in your mind, a smile unconsciously tugging at your lips.
Mine Yoshitaka
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You took a deep breath, mustering up the courage to gently push Mine against the wall. Your palm pressed against the cold surface, fingertips trembling slightly. Mine's breath was close, and you could smell a faint woody cologne on him. Looking up at him, you found his gaze direct, deep, and unreadable.
Mine's expression remained calm, but his voice was low and magnetic, "Are you kabedon-ing me?"
His calm response immediately made you flustered. Your cheeks felt hot, heart racing. You stammered, "Y-yes..." Your voice was softer than you had anticipated, almost a whisper.
Mine tilted his head slightly, murmuring to himself, "Kabedon huh..." His gaze grew deeper, as if contemplating something.
Suddenly, everything changed. Before you could react, Mine swiftly switched your positions. Your back hit the cold wall, making you inhale sharply. His arm propped near your ear, his palm against the wall, almost enveloping you completely.
You felt his thigh lightly pressing between yours, not in a crude manner but as a suggestive hint. Your breathing became rapid, heart beating even faster.
Leaning down, his lips almost touching your ear, his breath brushing against your skin, sending shivers down your spine involuntarily. His voice was low, magnetic, almost a whisper, "This way, it feels more imposing, doesn't it?"
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I feel like majima would kabedon you like this:
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And this is Masato and ichiban:
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