hendersoeur · 5 years
hi still around! stay safe y’all <3 all the hotels in vegas are shutting down so out of my lifeguard gig for a bit and school is online sooooo .. thinking of revamping. sending all of you a massive hug.
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hendersoeur · 5 years
jumping on to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving if you celebrate!! hoping everyone’s well and surrounded by love.
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hendersoeur · 5 years
cleaning up the blog so i can start fresh :) the things i had rn are gonna be dropped, but hmu and plot <3
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hendersoeur · 5 years
the pool i lifeguard at is gonna close up a lot sooner during the day so ill be on soon!!!! can’t wait to start writing again!!
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hendersoeur · 5 years
dustin and dayna in a nutshell. @floswrote
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hendersoeur · 5 years
❝  KING STEVE  ❞   taking her little brother under his wing wasn’t something dayna ever imagined happening. learning about steve’s involvement in the whole upside down / mind flayer madness caused her to feel somewhat protective over dustin. like “ doesn’t this mullet wearin’ jock have better things to do than helping my brother and his friends ? ”  she had her preconceived notions about the teenage boy made up a long time ago. — they weren’t very positive. though she never really liked him in general, she lost whatever respect she had for him after the whole ❝  nancy ' the slut ’  wheeler  ❞ incident at the hawk. she’s the one who was  cleaning it up, not that other guy. when steve came back and offered to help clean the spray paint off the marquee, all she could do was toss him the rag and give him a disapproving look before getting off the ladder.  looking back at that moment, dayna didn’t want a guy like that hanging around her brother. 
i’ll go more in depth about her involvement in each season with headcanons and in her verse page that’s coming soon i promise !! but the more time dayna spent alongside the party in s2, seeing how steve interacted with them and specifically her brother, she had to admit that he had changed for the better. she credits him for being a major reason they didn’t bite the dust. there’s one moment in specific that really made her realize that steve being apart of dustin’s life was a good thing and that’s when he picks him up to take him to the snow ball. initially, she was gonna drive dusty but she got a really bad cold and was in no condition to be driving. “ no dustin. stop bothering harrington, i’m perfectly fine to drive you. once you’re done getting ready, let me know and get your ass in my car. ” obviously, the kid didn’t listen. dayna’s waiting in the living room bundled up in a blanket, her nose red and dry due to constantly blowing her nose, when she hears a honk right outside their home. getting up and peaking out the window, she sees a familiar car parked out front. it’s steve. there’s a soft grin that etches itself on the corners of her lips. he didn’t have to agree to take dustin to the dance. he could’ve easily cut ties with the kids right after all the events that had taken place and go back to his life being hawkins’ golden boy. yet . . . here he is. she goes over to the bathroom and right when she’s about to knock on the door, her brother opens it and reveals his look for the evening — along with the overpowering scent of farrah fawcett hairspray. he apologizes for calling steve but insists that it’s better that she stays home. she reassures him it’s okay and drags him to the living room for a few pictures of him before he heads out for the night. walking him over to the door, she watches dustin walk over to the other’s car and get in. she has her head peaking out of the door and before the two boys drive off, dayna makes sure to mouth a “ thank you ” to steve. 
expressing gushy feelings isn’t her strongest suit, because she can never find the right words to say. if she tries, she’ll just end up rambling and she hates when she rambles. at the end of the day, words can’t really express how thankful she is for steve being there. as strong as dustin and dayna’s brother / sister relationship is, what steve and dustin share is something special. she never really thought she’d ever consider harrington a good brotherly figure for dustin . . . but he is.
 p.s. she still gets jealous every now and then. dustin don’t forget your big sister loves you the most.
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hendersoeur · 5 years
❝ I’m so confused. I don’t know what’s happening right now. ❞
brooklyn nine-nine prompts
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❛  do you remember last week when i practically forced you to sign the petition for my new club ? yeah … no one else showed up to the first meeting today.  ❜ she’s dragging him across the hallway to the classroom the school let her use for her rom-com club.  ❛  can you just do me a solid and come to this one meeting ? if i have no one in there, they’re gonna make me cancel the club.  ❜  
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hendersoeur · 5 years
❝ Well what idiot leaves a Lego set right in front of the door? ❞
that 70′s show prompts
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❛  ME ! i am the IDIOT ! dustin’s totally gonna kill me — you. you gotta help me put it back together.  ❜ 
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hendersoeur · 5 years
dustin: *curses*
dayna: HEY! watch your fucking mouth!
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hendersoeur · 5 years
one part of you dreams of giving yourself up – perhaps just for a while – to a hero or mentor. in the right circumstances you can flourish by letting go of your ego. in your inner life, reverence plays out as a willing submission to your own conscience. in the outside world, you might get frustrated searching for something worth believing in – a country, a person, a company – but you will always be open to feeling respect, admiration and wonder.
you have delicate, sensitive perceptions; you can be deeply moved by appearances – the right light in a room, or good food, or the texture of a piece of clothing. expressive, intelligent language has a powerful hold on you; your mind works better when it is inspired and provoked by vivid imagery. it can be sad to live in a world which is often so ugly and not properly looked after. but you know that things can be otherwise, and you have the ability to appreciate the world at its best.
you are good at seeing what’s funny, at relaxing and finding the pleasure of the moment. play is random, whimsical, fantasy-driven behavior which releases internal tension. because it is detached from some pressures it allows you to act on weirder, perhaps neglected, parts of yourself. the downside is that it is no help in sticking with things that are not much fun but which need to be addressed. so it is well complemented by its opposite, stoicism.
tagged by: @hoppeir <3
tagging: literally anyone who wants to do this .. go ‘head :)
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hendersoeur · 5 years
BOLD ➝  always   /  usually  applies ITALIC ➝  only  applies  situationally   /   sometimes  .
DEFENSIVENESS.    arms  crossed  on  chest /   crossing  legs  / fist-like  gestures   /  pointing  index  finger  /   karate  chops   /   stiffening  of  shoulders /   tense  posture  /  curling  of  lip    /  baring  of  teeth .
REFLECTIVE.   hand  to  face  gestures   /   head  tilted  /   stroking chin   /  peering  over   glasses   /   taking  glasses  off —  cleaning   /   putting  earpiece  of  glasses  in  mouth   /   pipe smoker  gestures   /   putting  hand  to  the  bridge  of  nose   /   pursed  lips /   knitted  brows .
SUSPICION.     arms  crossed   /   sideways  glance   /   touching  or  rubbing  nose   /  rubbing  eyes   /   hands  resting  on  weapon   / brows  rising  /   lips  pressing  into  a  thin  line  /   strict  unwavering  eye  contact  /   wrinkling  of  nose  .
OPENNESS  +  COOPERATION.     open  hands   /   upper  body  in  sprinters  position  /  sitting  on  the  edge  of  a  chair  /   hand-to-face gestures   /   unbuttoned  coat   /   tilted  head /   slacked  shoulders  /   droopy  posture   /   feet  pointed  outward /   palms  flat  and  facing  outward .
CONFIDENCE.    hands  behind  back   /   hands  on  lapels  of  coat   /   steepled  hands   /   barring  teeth  in  a  grin /   rolling  shoulders   /   tipping  head  back  but  maintaining  eye  contact   /   chest  puffed  up   /   shoulders  back /   arms  folded  just  above  navel  .
INSECURITY  +  ANXIETY.    chewing  pen  or  pencil  /   rubbing  thumb  over  opposite  thumb   /   biting  fingernails   /   hands  in  pockets  /   elbow  bent   /   closed  gestures   /   clearing  throat   /   pacing   /    “ whew ”  sound   /  picking  or  pinching  flesh   /   fidgeting  in  chair  /   hand  covering  mouth  whilst  speaking   /   poor  eye  contact   /   tugging  at  pants  whilst  seated  /   jingling  money  in  pockets   /   tugging  at  ear  /   perspiring  hands /   playing  with  hair   /  swaying   /   playing  with  pointer   /   smacking  lips   /   sighing   /   rocking  on  balls  of  feet /   flexing  fingers  sporadically  .
FRUSTRATION.     short  breaths  /   “ tsk ”  sounds /   tightly  clenched  hands  /   fist-like  gestures   /   pointing  index  finger   /   running  hand  through  hair /   rubbing  back  of  neck /   snarling   /   revealing  teeth   /   grimacing  /   sharp-eyed  glowers  with  notable  tension  in  brows  /   shoulders  back  ,  head  up   -   defensive  posturing   /   clenching  of  jaw  /   grinding  of  teeth  /   nostrils  flaring  /   heavy  exhales  .
tagged by:  @hoppeir
tagging: you reading this .. hi :) 
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hendersoeur · 5 years
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hendersoeur · 5 years
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hendersoeur · 5 years
"Let me take you on a date. A real date."
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the girl hopes that her silence doesn’t come across as hesitance. it’s just that she wants to take in this moment, because there’s a feeling that it’s a moment she’s gonna want to remember. a soft smile tugs itself on the corners of her lips when she feels her cheeks begin to turn a faint shade of red. she feels a bit of nerves because it’s not an act. there’s no show to put on for anyone this time. it’s just the two of them. ❛  one dinner as a fake couple and you’re already fallin’ for me harrington.   ❜   she playfully teases before nodding over at him,  ❛  okay, let’s go out on a REAL date. — if you’re lucky after our real date, maybe i’ll be the one to kiss you this time.   ❜
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hendersoeur · 5 years
❝ I know these past few weeks have been hard on you, hard on all of us really. ❞    
that 70′s show prompts
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❛   i’m fine … really.   ❜   at this point, she’s not entirely sure if she’s trying to convince the other or herself. she’s a much better listener. when the roles are reversed and it’s her turn to express how she’s feeling, the words fail to come out. weakness isn’t something dayna does not want attributed to her, and admitting how scared and defeated she felt would make her just that — WEAK. as weeks progressed, maintaining the whole “ put together ” facade was proving itself to be harder this time around.  ❛  i just wish … i wish it would all go back to how it used to be. when everyone was OKAY.   ❜
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hendersoeur · 5 years
❝ That sounds like it could be kind of fun, right? ❞
that 70′s show prompts
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❛   does it look like i’m up for going to a party right now ?   ❜   she’s standing in her kitchen wearing the garfield pajamas her grandparents gifted her last christmas and hugging a bowl of macaroni and cheese to her chest. oxy 10 scattered randomly on her face wherever her stubborn blemishes stood.  ❛   we both know that if i go to this party and they play “ ROCK THE CASHBAH ” while i’m intoxicated, which will most likely happen, i might do something i’ll regret.  ❜
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hendersoeur · 5 years
Reblog if you love your muse!
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