I have my mother’s rage and my father’s grief
Therefore, try as I might,
I cannot yell and I cannot cry.
Had I my father’s rage, I would scream.
Had I my mother’s grief, I would weep.
Alas, I cannot,
so I do nothing but burn in silence
and rot in my cage.
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A fourth version a year and a half later bc I like seeing my progress
Been four years since my original :p
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“The Magic in Him”
So this is my OC who’s the long lost prince has always wanted to see the Festval of Magic which is, unknowningly to him, put on every year for his birthday and his best friend/ future boyfriend took him to see it.
It’s a spin-off of Tangled btw..
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Redraw I did today (two years later, 10/25/22)
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Third time’s the charm :)
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“The Magic in Him”
So this is my OC who’s the long lost prince has always wanted to see the Festval of Magic which is, unknowningly to him, put on every year for his birthday and his best friend/ future boyfriend took him to see it.
It’s a spin-off of Tangled btw..
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Drew myself with le teet yeet
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*takes a knee* hey gang
so you may or may not know this, but the tumblr metrics system works in a really interesting way where it literally does not count likes. only reblogs. that means if something gets 100 likes and 5 reblogs, that thing actually registers as having 5 notes.
i don’t know how everyone finds fic on tumblr, but i tend to go through the tags. what ends up happening is a lot of really great fic gets buried because it was posted, like, a day ago, so it doesn’t show up in “recent” and it doesn’t show up in “top” because of lack of interaction.
reblogging is vital to keeping this community alive, otherwise we stagnate
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Hey this is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever made but I hate that it was for my 10th grade American History class ;-;
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TW: self-harm
The addiction of self harm
It must sound insane
To say that one is addicted to opening their skin
That picking and scratching and cutting feels so bad but so good
Because it forms a sort of blood lust beyond sadism that it becomes masochism
But sobriety isn’t the issue
The issue is the lack of wanting to be sober
It’s hard to see, beyond the open flesh, where the real harm is
And in the moment as your vision goes blank
And the pain is so familiar that it’s more comforting than love
The pain is all that feels okay
Everything else is falling apart
But at least you still have something as constant and reliable as pain
That you don’t have to worry about the consequences of indulging:
The worried glances
The disappointed white coats
The threat of hospitalization
The judgement from those who could never understand the addiction of lines
Not white and made of powder
But the red ones carved into your skin
They swell and bleed and open again and again
But you can’t stop
Why should you?
It’s not really harming anyone else
It fades away
And like anything else, you could stop if you wanted
But that’s what makes it so dangerous
You can’t lock it away in a cabinet
Or give it away
The only thing that could stop you is yourself
And so if you don’t fully want to, you can’t stop.
The addiction hides in motivation
There are few motives to continue
But there are also few to stop
Then the pain begins to float on a line of dopamine and serotonin
Those of which had been locked by the tension of self-restraint
And the release feels better each time
So why stop?
To be honest, I don’t know…
No one has told me why they keep pleading
No one has told me why the lines are so bad
No one has told me why they want me to stop
So why stop?
Or are those reasons to continue?
Everything’s a blur and I can’t tell where my motives lie anymore
So now all that remains is the reliability of pain.
(9/28/21 10:33 pm)
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 i tried to be funny and it backfired miserably
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Some recent art of mine that I’m actually proud of 👉👉
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Random cute oc comic bc I’m bored
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Someday I’ll find the name that fits me.
Someday I’ll cut my hair the right length.
Someday I’ll wear the right clothes.
And, Someday I’ll be they or maybe he, but not she.
Someday I’ll find my identity.
I’ll get the right body.
I’ll be perceived the way I want to be
And I’ll leave them all behind.
Someday I’ll be me.
Today is not that day though.
No, today I have the wrong name.
Today I have too long of hair.
Today I’m wearing the wrong clothes.
And, today I am she.
Today I don’t have an identity.
Today I’m in the wrong body.
I’m perceived incorrectly.
I am still near them.
Today I am not me.
And I don’t know how long I can wait for someday.
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Alrighty so I drew this originally ten months ago, posted it in April, and decided to redraw it today (11/23/20). I definitely like this version better
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“The Magic in Him”
So this is my OC who’s the long lost prince has always wanted to see the Festval of Magic which is, unknowningly to him, put on every year for his birthday and his best friend/ future boyfriend took him to see it.
It’s a spin-off of Tangled btw..
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TW: suicide mentions and implications, abuse, general depressing content, and possible anxiety triggers.
I’m suffocating as I lay alone
My arms are drawn in and I can barely breathe
I cover my mouth with my hands to suffocate me more
Because if I don’t then you might hear me.
You might hear me as I cry to myself
You might hear me as I have a breakdown because of you
You might hear me as I lay on my floor and whisper that I wish I were dead
You might hear me as I suffocate
And it’s not just when I’m alone
No, the pressure you have put me under constantly takes my breath away
And not in the good way like being in love or finding something beautiful
No, it takes my breath away to the point of death.
It drowns out my screams with a pain in my chest
And there is nothing I can do but cry.
I cry
And I cry
And I cry
But only when I’m by myself
Because you told me not to cry in front of anyone else
You told me to be tough and keep it together
To smile through the pain
And I don’t even know who you are
My mother, who put me through so much stress?
My father, who left us in an affair?
My sisters, who abused me and taught me unhealthy coping skills?
My imaginary friends, who I have slowly grown apart from?
That voice in my head, telling me to jump off a cliff?
I don’t know who you are.
I don’t know who I am.
I know that I am suffocating
I know it’s from years of emotional pain
I know it’s from going over my memories so that I don’t forget them
Because I have grown comfortable with being suffocated
I feel secure in this rut of misery and despair
I am unhappily content with lying on my floor and crying again.
And whispering to myself that I should tie up my noose again
And smiling through the pain to get some water in the kitchen again
And coving my mouth, holding my throat, and suffocating again.
Because all I can do is suffocate
And it’s all thanks to you.
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Mental break down
I’m on the edge of breaking down
No where to run, no one’s around
Just a mental freak out, nothing new
Broken to splinters, more than feeling blue
Cause I can’t seem to think
That used to be my strong point, now I’m just weak
Sleeping was made for peace
But my mind’s made up scenarios, now I’m on the brink
“The world isn’t ending, you’ll be fine”
“Just take some meds and clear your mind”
I can’t not think, that’s my savior and my doom
I cope with pain, by thinking it through
But I think till I can’t anymore
I’ve thought all that I can, and now I’m just bored
Meds would make me numb, but either way
I still wanna die, no, I’m not okay
10:00 pm 10/5/20
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