Sonic and Amy are both such shippers of all their friends and especially the peeps on their floors. So every open dorms (when guys can come visit the girls' dorms and vice versa) they go together to spy on who's visiting who's dorm room 😏😏😏
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Maria loves working as a tutor at the college, but when her chronic illness gives her a rough or really low-energy day, nothing quite helps like some time with Shadow.
Shadow will often leave class or his shift at the Mean Bean early to come take care of his sister when she's having a rough day. Sometimes he'll take her back to her apartment, but sometimes she needs to rest immediately. He'll lay with her on the floor of the tutoring center or hold her like this because just having him there makes her feel better.
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How the different RAs text their floors' group chats:
GOOD MORNING ALL YOU ABSOLUTE BABES!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷😊😊😊 hope you all have a great day!!! Love you and KEEP SLAYING QUEENS!!!! 👑👑👑👑💖💖💖💖💖💖
Yo guys there's a Mario Kart tournament int he student center you should come down!
There's snacks
Just a reminder that room checks are tomorrow. And come support the football team this afternoon at 3:OO!
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Doodle I did (ironically while in my own college classes) of the Chaotix trio studying together! (The studying part only lasted a few minutes before devolving into everything but studying)
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Okay so some RA character dynamics:
Sonic thinks of his floor as his squad, his friends. Yes, he's an RA, but that doesn't stop him from just being part of the guys. He's super casual, just chilling. With the exception of Tails who he definitely sees as his little brother, the rest of the floor are just his buds.
Amy sees her floor pretty similarly. They're her besties, and she's their hype girl. She wants to come alongside all these wonderful women and help them reach their full potential. She can be a bit of a mom, but mostly just their best friends.
Vector 100% sees his floor as his family. These boys are his kids. They are his children whom he birthed. They're his bros, his best friends, but mostly they're his kids. He would legally adopt all of them in a heartbeat. He will literally tuck them in bed at night if they want.
Jewel sees her floor as, well, her floor. She is very aware of her role as RA, and so she is always thinking about checking in on her floor, keeping them informed, balancing rule-keeping and friendship-making. She does have a bit of a hard time just being there because she always has a checklist in her head, but she does care deeply about all her girls.
Mephiles sees his floor as his underlings. He is in charge, they do what he says, and he rewards them. He's good at getting them to do what he wants. It should also be noted that Dark Hall has the most trouble with cohesion and healthy floor bonding. But Mephiles is pretty good at getting them to work together and use their unique strengths, even if it isn't always for a good purpose.
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Character designs!
Here are the main designs and outfits for the characters in the AU!
Hedgehog Hall
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Rose Hall
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Chaotix Hall
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To be added: Diamond Hall, Dark Hall, Staff, and others!
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HU roster!
A list of all the students and staff at Hedgehog University!
Hedgehog Hall
Sonic, sophomore. RA. No one knows how he got to be an RA. Majoring in Intercultural Studies. Captain of the track team.
Miles "Tails" Prower. Technically freshman aged, but has already graduated (via online courses in high school) and is returning for his Master's. Majoring in Robotics and Engineering.
Shadow, senior. Majoring in Nursing. Brother to Maria. Works at the campus coffee shop. Track team.
Silver, sophomore. Majoring in Quantum Physics.
Jet, sophomore. Skater boi. Majoring in racing or something idk.
Barry, freshman. Undecided major. Just happy to be here. Works part time at pretty much every job at some point.
Rose Hall
Amy, sophomore. RA.
Cream, freshman. Majoring in Home Ec. Works in the dining hall and baking dessert for the coffee shop.
Blaze, sophomore. Transfer student from overseas.
Rouge, junior. Majoring in Cosmetology and Geology.
Tikal, junior. Majoring in Social Studies.
Cosmo, freshman. Majoring in Biology.
Chaotix Hall
Vector, senior. RA. Majoring in Criminal Justice. Captain of the football team.
Espio, sophomore. Studying business to please his father even though he's not very interested in it. Passion for Martial Arts. Works at the campus coffee shop.
Charmy, freshman.
Knuckles, sophomore. Majoring in History and Geology. Works as Campus security. On the football team and also does boxing.
Mighty, senior. Majoring in Environmental Sciences. Was Sonic's RA his freshman year.
Ray, freshman. Majoring in Aeronautics.
Diamond Hall
Jewel, junior. RA. Majoring in Business.
Lanolin, senior. So very tired.
Whisper, junior.
Tangle, freshman. Undecided major.
Surge, sophomore. Transfer student from rival university. Studying to be an electrician. Works AV. Constantly rivals Sonic to be track team captain. Older sister to Kit
Belle, freshman. Daughter of Dr. Robotnik and half-sister to Sage and Metal. Majoring in Robotics.
Dark Hall
Mephiles, Senior. RA. Majoring in Quantum Physics. Was Silver's RA freshman year.
Metal, sophomore. Rivals with Sonic for track team captain. Oldest son of Dr. Robotnik, brother of Sage and half-brother of Belle.
Kit, freshman. Younger brother to Surge. Majoring in Hydrology.
Zero aka "Infinite", Junior.
Mimic, Sophomore.
Other students
Trip, sophomore.
Sage, freshman. Daughter of Dr. Robotnik, sister to Metal and half-sister to Belle.
Fang, Bark, and Bean.
Wave and Storm
Basically all the other characters
Can't forget the egg-cellent staff of Hedgehog University!
Dr. Ivo Robotnik. Known affectionately and definitely not mockingly as Dr. Eggman, the president of the college!
Vanilla. Women's Resident Director. Older sister to Cream.
Maria Robotnik. Former graduate and tutor. Has a chronic illness (possibly POTS) and uses forearm crutches. Older sister to Shadow.
Big, the head custodian! (And his pet frog Froggy)
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Welcome to the Hedgehog University AU aka the Give Espio Trauma AU. We're gonna have so much fun!
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Welcome to the Hedgehog University AU, or HUAU for short! This is an AU I've become obsessed with, so I'm making a sideblog for it! My main is @number-one-shadisper-shipper, where the rest of my Sonic and other fandom stuff is!
Some quick notes!
This is a humanized Sonic college AU! It takes place for all intents and purposes in the real world in modern times (except for characters having naturally weird colors for hair I guess lol). All of the characters are college students, having fun and living life and developing bonds!
This is also a Christian AU. While not all the content will be explicitly Christian, it will all have that worldview and some content will be explicitly Christian. This also means I'd appreciate any interactions to be as clean and profanity-free as possible.
Asks, comments, ideas, and fanart are absolutely welcome!
Have fun and I'll see you all in class!
Links (to be updated):
Character Roster
Character Designs
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