hazelbeth95-blog · 5 years
here’s to lesbians
here’s to gays
here’s to bisexual people
here’s to pansexual people
here’s to trans people
here’s to non binary people
here’s to asexual people
here’s to lgbt+ people that are in the closet
here’s to lgbt+ people that are afraid to come out to their homophobic family and friends
here’s to lgbt+ people that are out of the closet
here’s to lgbt+ people that are still not sure what is their sexuality or what is their gender
there’s nothing wrong about you! you are all loved! you are all important! you are all beautiful! you all matter!
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hazelbeth95-blog · 5 years
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hazelbeth95-blog · 5 years
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hazelbeth95-blog · 5 years
Please Help Our Family Leave This Toxic Environment!
UPDATES on our current situation!! We still need your help!
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We’re asking for your continued support and help in raising money so that we can move into a new place so that we can leave this toxic environment altogether and move to somewhere where we can feel safe and secure and raise our children in a clean and loving environment not filled with anxiety, stress, tears and angst! We previously raised $824 and $310 of that went towards preventing water shut off. We have $514 left to go towards first months rent, but we are needing your help in raising the money for a deposit and pet deposit. We are meeting with the manager of the new place, hopefully soon, as soon as he can break away from renovations on the home we applied for. Once I know how much for certain rent will be I’ll be able to update you guys on the full amount. As of right now, we know that the depost will be $1,000 and the pet deposit is $250. Again, the $514 we currently have will go towards first months rent and once I have a number I can update the difference. Housing goes fast as there’s not many places available anymore. We don’t want to pass by on this offer because the shady realtor and homeowner are giving us more time to move. We understand they want us out of the home and they want us out asap.
The Simblr community has been a solid rock for me the past 7 years and I have seen you guys do so many amazing and wonderful things when we all come together! I really need that support right now for my family!! Anything is helpful. Liking, sharing, donating! <3 We can never pay you back, but we can and WILL pay it forward! Please, help our family leave the toxicity behind and move towards something that promises a better future for us!
With much love, hope and appreciation <3 Dani, Chris, Hunter, Scout, Ash and Luna!
Please Go Here to See More Information and How You Can Help Us!
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hazelbeth95-blog · 5 years
Friendly reminder that this blog is pro-choice and if you don’t think a woman should have full control of her own body, then kindly unfollow me right now and go to hell
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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JLaw will forever be my Queen
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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“Love, I have wounds Only you can mend You can mend oh oh oh I guess that’s love I can’t pretend I can’t pretend, oh oh oh” - Can’t Pretend by Tom Odell 
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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June 13th // Oasis Springs // 5:00 PM - Life Goes On
Aspen’s appointment with Nathaniel on the 12th went surprisingly well. All of  the advances he made at their prior appointment seemed to have never happened. Aspen personally prefered it to be that way. He taught her ways to stay fit without triggering an episode similar to an MS attack. He encouraged her to continue swimming, but lightly. However, that tiny bit of normality meant so much to Aspen. She was slowly gaining some control back in her life.
After being mad at Oliver for two days Aspen finally forgave him knowing that it was said in the heat of the moment. However, a part of her was scared that he was going to leave. He clearly was not happy with their current situation but he was doing so much to make it up to her. He was cooking, cleaning, tending her garden, and indulging her in amazing sex. This was just a transition for them. Right?
Aspen had invited Melissa and Rhea to come over on the 15th so they could clear the air about the situation at hand. Right now Aspen needed all of the support possible and she couldn’t stand the thought of Rhea being mad at her. She needed her best friend now more than ever.
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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June 6th // Oasis Springs // 9:00 AM - Hungover
“This is hell,” Oliver whimpered as he held his head and focused on not vomiting.
“Oh, buck up,” Aspen called out from the kitchen where she was making him some coffee. Lovingly, Oliver gave her the middle finger which she giggled at. 
“Well, I have to get to work. Drink some coffee,” she called out as she headed for the door.
“Love you,” he called out half asleep but Aspen did not respond. Instead, all he heard was the front door close firmly. Oliver knew he fucked up the night before even though he could not remember the whole conversation. Aspen tossed and turned all night and he knew it was his fault. Why did he have zero filter when he was drunk? Why?
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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June 5th // Oasis Springs // 1:30 AM - The Truth of Being Ill
The following day was Christoph’s birthday and that night he was having his birthday at a night club in San Myshuno. Unfortunatly, Aspen woke up that day exhausted and in pain. Stress caused her MS symptoms to flare and she was pretty sure that the situation with Nathaniel was the main culprit. Oliver tried to get Aspen to come with him but her body was too exhausted. 
Aspen slept majority of the day and did not hear Oliver slip out to attend the party. She woke up at 1:30 on the couch to the sound of Oliver stumbling in. 
“Oliver?” she called out somewhat surprised at how late he was home. “Staircase,” he called out. Slowly, Aspen made her way off of the couch and to the stairs. When she saw Oliver she let out a massive sigh.
“Are you drunk?!” It had been years since she last saw Oliver wasted but as she looked at him now his face was slighly pale and he was trying his best to sit up straight.
“Yeah, I guess so,” he chuckled. 
“Let’s get you to bed then,” Aspen responded clearly not happy with her fiance. Slowly, she helped Oliver get up and up the rest of the flight of stairs. He smelled strongly of Fire Ball and sweat.
When the two got to the second floor landing Aspen lowered Oliver into a chair. “You’re in pain,” he observed. “Yeah, a little,” she responded.
“I wish you weren’t fucking sick so we could be how we used to be,” he said after a moment of silence. Aspen dropped to her knees in front of him. Oliver had never really grieved her diagnosis, maybe that was what he was doing now. 
“I’m just so fucking pissed! You were healthy and we were going to get married and have a little one, but you had to get fucking sick!” The last bit came out as a growl and Aspen couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. Oliver leaned in unable to hear her. “I’m sorry, okay! I’m sorry that our perfect fuckin story book life isn’t happening. Do you think I want this Oliver? Do you?!” Aspen was unaware that she was crying until Oliver reached down and stroked her wet cheek.
“I know you don’t want this but I’m pissed that this is our life now. We use to have fun Aspen,” he said softly. With that Aspen sat back completely aware that he was telling the truth. 
“Then leave if this isn’t what you want,” she started to get up but Oliver pulled her towards him and lowered the two to the ground. 
“But this is what I want,” he whispered. “I just miss the old you.” Carefully he put his forehead against her and a loud sob erupted from her chest. Oliver held Aspen as she cried because she knew he was right, but this was their new reality with chronic illness. Life will never be the same again and they both were becoming fully aware of it.
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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“So go on and scream Scream at me I’m so far away I won’t be broken again I’ve got to breathe I can’t keep going under.” - Going Under by Evanescence  
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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June 4th // Oasis Springs // 11:50 AM - Disconcerting Pt. 2
Aspen couldn’t get Nathaniel’s behavior off of her mind so the next day she called Melissa and declared a CODE RED. This code was seldom used in their friendship and only when something had happened and they needed one another. 
“Am I being paranoid?” Aspen asked frustrated at the situation. Melissa eyed her and with a deep sigh gave Aspen her honest opinion.
“I don’t think you are being paranoid. Nathaniel sometimes comes to the hopsital to do therapy with the patients…and he has a reputation with the nurses,” she said with a heavy sigh.
Aspen felt her adrenaline start to pump. “What kind of reputation?” she probed. Melissa rubbed the back of her neck clearly trying to figure out what to say.
“He treats girls more like objects than people, okay. It’s horrible but he is also one of the top psychical therapists out there.”
“So what the hell am I supposed to do? Cancel my appointments? The insurance plan Oliver and I are on has already paid for 3 months of physical therapy. If I change physical therapists Oliver and I could have to pay two times more than what we are already paying,” Aspen grabbed her head in frustration and let out a groan. 
“I think you should tell Oliver so he can go with you to the appointments,” Melissa said as she crossed her legs as she continued to keep a level head about the situation.
Aspen’s lower lip threatened to tremble. “I’m already asking so much from him. He is working so much and then to ask him to escort me places is just too much.” 
“Well, what are you going to do then? I gave you my two cents,” Melissa asked curious as to how her friend was going to handle the situation. 
“I have physical therapy at the local gym next week. I’ll go and if he he does anything to put me on edge I’m going to cancel all of the remaining appointments.”
Melissa nodded her head. “If that is what you think is best. Just be careful Aspen.” 
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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June 3rd // Newcrest // 10:45 AM - Disconcerting Pt. 1
Aspen woke up early and got ready to finally meet her physical therapist. Her physical therapist was recommended to her by Dr. Logan and Dr. Maitland, two women she trusted. However, the moment that Aspen locked eyes with Nathaniel Lore she felt an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. However, she swallowed that feeling and walked into the consultation.
The consultation was much more laid back than she expected and when he sat right down next to her she felt her heart rate speed up ever so slightly. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you Aspen,” Nathaniel told her with a soft smile.
“You too,” Aspen responded trying to smile back.
“So, I looked over your chart that Dr. Logan sent over and I’m sorry about the diagnosis,” his voice had a hint of pity to it. Aspen hissed internally at this. She was aware that this situation was undesirable but she did not want to work with someone that pitied her. Being sick didn’t mean that she didn’t want to be treated like the average Joe.
With a deep sigh Aspen responded, “Thank you but there is nothing for you to be sorry about.” Nathaniel’s eyes widened as he realized that Aspen had picked up on his pity for her. But as soon as the realization hit him he smiled at her and leaned in.
“Fiesty aren’t you?” His lips curled around his teeth in a way that made Aspen want to gag. “Are you by chance related to Afton Hopkins?”
This time Aspen felt her eyes widen. “Uh, yeah,” she answered slighty surprised by the whole situation. “She’s my sister.”
“Great politican for her age,” he remarked clearly amused by Aspen’s reaction. “Your sister and I went to high school together for a couple of years,” he informed her. Aspen simply nodded her head in response. “She never told me she had such a beautiful sister,” he quietly mused.
“This is highly inappropriate. If you aren’t going to create a treatment plan with me then I am going elsewhere,” Aspen sneered making a point of talking with her hands so he saw the engagement ring on her left hand. 
“Then let’s get started,” he said clearly unfazed by the conversation taking place. Aspen couldn’t help but find this all disconcerting.
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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“So go on and scream Scream at me I'm so far away I won't be broken again I've got to breathe I can't keep going under.” - Going Under by Evanescence  
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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June 4th // Oasis Springs // 11:50 AM - Disconcerting Pt. 2
Aspen couldn’t get Nathaniel’s behavior off of her mind so the next day she called Melissa and declared a CODE RED. This code was seldom used in their friendship and only when something had happened and they needed one another. 
“Am I being paranoid?” Aspen asked frustrated at the situation. Melissa eyed her and with a deep sigh gave Aspen her honest opinion.
“I don’t think you are being paranoid. Nathaniel sometimes comes to the hopsital to do therapy with the patients...and he has a reputation with the nurses,” she said with a heavy sigh.
Aspen felt her adrenaline start to pump. “What kind of reputation?” she probed. Melissa rubbed the back of her neck clearly trying to figure out what to say.
“He treats girls more like objects than people, okay. It’s horrible but he is also one of the top psychical therapists out there.”
“So what the hell am I supposed to do? Cancel my appointments? The insurance plan Oliver and I are on has already paid for 3 months of physical therapy. If I change physical therapists Oliver and I could have to pay two times more than what we are already paying,” Aspen grabbed her head in frustration and let out a groan. 
“I think you should tell Oliver so he can go with you to the appointments,” Melissa said as she crossed her legs as she continued to keep a level head about the situation.
Aspen’s lower lip threatened to tremble. “I’m already asking so much from him. He is working so much and then to ask him to escort me places is just too much.” 
“Well, what are you going to do then? I gave you my two cents,” Melissa asked curious as to how her friend was going to handle the situation. 
“I have physical therapy at the local gym next week. I’ll go and if he he does anything to put me on edge I’m going to cancel all of the remaining appointments.”
Melissa nodded her head. “If that is what you think is best. Just be careful Aspen.” 
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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June 3rd // Newcrest // 10:45 AM - Disconcerting Pt. 1
Aspen woke up early and got ready to finally meet her physical therapist. Her physical therapist was recommended to her by Dr. Logan and Dr. Maitland, two women she trusted. However, the moment that Aspen locked eyes with Nathaniel Lore she felt an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. However, she swallowed that feeling and walked into the consultation.
The consultation was much more laid back than she expected and when he sat right down next to her she felt her heart rate speed up ever so slightly. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you Aspen,” Nathaniel told her with a soft smile.
“You too,” Aspen responded trying to smile back.
“So, I looked over your chart that Dr. Logan sent over and I’m sorry about the diagnosis,” his voice had a hint of pity to it. Aspen hissed internally at this. She was aware that this situation was undesirable but she did not want to work with someone that pitied her. Being sick didn’t mean that she didn’t want to be treated like the average Joe.
With a deep sigh Aspen responded, “Thank you but there is nothing for you to be sorry about.” Nathaniel’s eyes widened as he realized that Aspen had picked up on his pity for her. But as soon as the realization hit him he smiled at her and leaned in.
“Fiesty aren’t you?” His lips curled around his teeth in a way that made Aspen want to gag. “Are you by chance related to Afton Hopkins?”
This time Aspen felt her eyes widen. “Uh, yeah,” she answered slighty surprised by the whole situation. “She’s my sister.”
“Great politican for her age,” he remarked clearly amused by Aspen’s reaction. “Your sister and I went to high school together for a couple of years,” he informed her. Aspen simply nodded her head in response. “She never told me she had such a beautiful sister,” he quietly mused.
“This is highly inappropriate. If you aren’t going to create a treatment plan with me then I am going elsewhere,” Aspen sneered making a point of talking with her hands so he saw the engagement ring on her left hand. 
“Then let’s get started,” he said clearly unfazed by the conversation taking place. Aspen couldn’t help but find this all disconcerting.
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hazelbeth95-blog · 6 years
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reblog if you want more interaction w your lovely followers
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