Headcanon #68
Ianto has pyrophobia, so Jack always gets him dark chocolate brownies and shoves a cinnamon stick in the top. He forces Ianto to “blow out his candle” every year, leering the entire time. The whole team thinks this is the funniest thing.
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Headcanon #67
Owen Harper and Ianto Jones were both in Rick bands in their teen years and Owen realised he was bi because he had a big crush on one of the guys in his band.
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Headcanon #66
Ianto snores, Jack kicks, and neither of them will admit it. It’s become a running joke between them.
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Headcanon #65
Andy was raised by his Nan. He visits her every weekend and brings her brownies. She always asks after Gwen and his job, she’s the best.
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Hi! These guidelines have been recently updated!
Hey friends, Blue here! 
So now that we’re up and running over here at happy headcanons, I wanted to let you know that we always welcome submissions! If you have a happy torchwood headcanon you wanna share, I’d love to hear it!
A few guidelines:
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Headcanon 9.5
In Gwen’s Compassion Corner there is also a framed sign that reads WWGCD (what would Gwen Cooper do) in calligraphic script. Jack sends people there when they need to think about their actions
Headcanon 9
Someday, when Jack eventually takes up the torchwood mantel again and rebuilds some version of the hub, he names sections of it after the team. He even buys plaques. He always grins when he sees the sign that says “Owen’s Medbay” and chuckles at “Gwen’s profiling board and compassion corner.”
When no one’s around, he stands on his toes to press little kisses to the sign that reads “Ianto’s Archive”
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Headcanon #64
Jack keeping Ianto's diary after he died and continuing to write in it but he addresses it to Ianto like he's telling him about his day
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Headcanon #63
Jack gives forehead bumps and kisses all the time. Whenever anyone on his team is anxious he draws them into a hug and presses his forehead or lips to their forehead to try and calm them down.
It’s technically a telepathy thing, but even though his team can’t feel the things he’s trying to send them it still calms people down better than anything else jack’s tried
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Headcanon #62
Owen used to wanna be a veterinarian & has a real soft spot for cats.
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Hey friends, Blue here! 
So now that we’re up and running over here at happy headcanons, I wanted to let you know that we always welcome submissions! If you have a happy torchwood headcanon you wanna share, I’d love to hear it!
A few guidelines:
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Headcanon #61
Ianto has a soft spot for Tim Burton movies, and whenever he’s sick the nightmare before Christmas is his go-to comfort film.
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Headcanon 14
Ianto’s hero is Freddy Mercury
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Headcanon #60
Owen is the first person in 100 years to notice that Jack disassociates and attempt to help. Ianto is the first one to know about the panic attacks.
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Headcanon #59
Ever since the immidiate aftermath of Lisa, Jack and Ianto have an unspoken agreement that whenever Jack asks “How are you, Ianto?” In a certain way, Ianto has to answer honestly. It’s jack’s way of saying that he’ll never let Ianto fade to the background again, and Ianto sincerely appreciates it
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Headcanon #58
Ianto has lots of pictures in his diary as well as writing and small doodles. He definitely has a camera too, maybe a Polaroid? He has then slotted in or even stuck in because some kept falling out.
There are images of him and Lisa, or him with his mum or sister and the kids. Each with little anecdotes beside them (if they're stuck in) to explain what that day was about. Some of Moses too, of course. Newer ones with him and the team out on their team pub crawls when the rift permits.
Then, right at the back, in their own little section, are photos of him and Jack. There's nor many but the ones he has are pure, heat of the moment images. Some taken by others when they didn't notice or by Ianto himself.
Ianto especially likes the one of him, taken by Tosh, where you can see Jack in the back looking at him with total adoration and love in his eyes and a relaxed smile saved only for him.
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Headcanon #57
After Jack becomes leader, he almost jokingly introduces a policy where if anyone who isn’t a threat ever says “I need a hug” within the HUB at any point everyone must drop what they are doing to hug that person.
No one is more surprised then him with the policy not only gets used but remains a rule for so long that in a few hundred years, every place of buisness uses it.
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Headcanon #56
Ianto is Jewish
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