189 posts
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 9 years ago
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#sogood #hadtorepost @jvmie.kim (at Club Evergreen)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 9 years ago
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#JustYouandYourFriends #DiscussingHashtags #ButAmIRight #OrAmIRight #ImAlwaysRight #IdTagThePeople #ButThenIdHaveToKillEveryoneElse (at H1 Freeway)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 9 years ago
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As everyone knows I loathe surprises .. Let me take a minute to truly say thank you to the kind souls who surprised me last night with a birthday dinner and have now convinced me that my birthday is no longer on Halloween .. It is now November 10.. Lol Thank you for being a part of the celebratory dinner and drinks after .. Last night was one of the most fun nights of my many years on this planet .. Good cuisine. πŸ£πŸ™ Great company. πŸ‘―πŸ‘«πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘© Grand Conversation. πŸ‘‰πŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜Ή Thanks for all being there .. Here's to you .. @gizmokid For not telling me .. @stephvniiie_t For putting it all together !!! .. @mr.byap34 and @jadeonfire For being there and the lamb lollipop !! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ [it was delicious] @__danny__boy and #Faddah For coming after work !!!! @ju_blizzy For taking my vCard jellyfish style 😜😜#ThankYou #surprisebdaydinner #wasdefinitelysurprised #theydidntreallyconvinceme .. #ijustchangedmybday #talkingtotherentstoday #tellingthemmakesitofish #andyourelike #whatsofish #OFFICIAL #biiisssshhh .. #loveyou #meanit πŸ’‹πŸ’‹#onWednesdays #WeWearPink .. #TodaysWednesday πŸ˜‘ #HumpDay #VetsDay #MomsDay #MomsNameisYvette #Vettefoshort #HerDay #MyRecoveryDay #RnR? #NahLoungeTonightForSure #Kidding #OrAmI?? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” #BCCDJJMMSS #ouralphabet #Tuesdays #wedidntevenbotherwithsayingjustone #weallknew #threepeopleworkedinthemorningtoo #huuuuuurajah #BnDoweyouone .. #maybemorethanone #sigh #iouatleastfive #each #StephLoveYouMeanTheFffkOutOfIt #MeandSoonie #SoonieandMe #ijustwantedaHotDog 🌭 #butiguessitwastheplanallalong 🍣 #BadBirthdaysDontExist #WhenIveGotFriendsLikeThese #ForYouJuBlizzy #DoYouKnowWHOIAM #WHOIIS #WHOIMABOUTTOMAKEYOU #BOWDOWNTOME #B #HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa #TwirlOnThat #DEEEEEEEEEEE #😹 #GahPussyCryingLMAO #JustNoticed #TookAnHourOutOfMyLife #HashTaggingTheShhtOutOfThis #OhhMan #OhhManOhhMan #NotAgain #YeahILearnedTheGameFromWilliamWesley #YouCanNeverCheckMe #BackToBack #YouKnowDrakeHadToMakeAnAppearance #DrakeDoe #vcardtaken #CanYouHelpMeFindMyvCard #ilostit #JulieYouBiiissshhh (at Sushi ii)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 9 years ago
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#nationalcatday #madeit #NationalWOOFWOOFDay #WOOFER #WoofWooftheKitty (at Hilo, Hawaii)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 9 years ago
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#OnTuesdaysWeListenToDrake #andWednesdaysWeWearWHATEVERTHEHELLWEWANT #MeanGirlThatShit πŸ‘ŠπŸΎπŸ’‹ #DrakeAllDay #RealTalk #HeTalkingReal #YouKnowHowThatShitGo #IfHeWasMoreAsian #Trust #HedBeWIFED #ButHeAint #SoImSingle #NotReally #IfYouDontKnow .. #YouStillDont #FirstPickStatus #OnlyPickStatus #ImDoingLaundry #ThatsWhyImTextingPostingBlowingUpYallsPhones #LoveYou #MeanIt #MaybeOnly45PercentOfTheTime #UnlessYourNameIs .. #WellYouKnowYourNames 😘😘
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 9 years ago
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Went out and found something .. Someone .. Does this count for the "finders-keepers, loser-weepers" law?? .. If it does #WinnerWinnerChickenDinner #DidntComeWithHim #ButWouldHaveSureLeftWithHim #RELAX #HesJustAFriend #aReallyREALLYHandsomeFriend #IWontLie #IdBeHisWife #lol #IfHeWasMoreAsian #lmao πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #NoButReally #DemAsianBoysDoe #DorakuRegularsOutWithDorakuRegulars lol (at SKY Waikiki)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 10 years ago
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I got kidnapped by pirates with #volcomslippers and #rucabeachblankets .. All because I'm #NOT siick .. #itseightydegreesonthebeach .. #andimcold #igiveup #imsick (at Sandy Beach Park)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 10 years ago
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Happy birthday Mom !! #loveyou #meanit (at Makuahina Hale 🏑)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 10 years ago
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Let's do some Math on this #HumpDay .. If train "A" is traveling at a speed twice the amount of train "B" going in the opposite direction .. When will train "C" arrive at its destination ?? .. What does this have to do with the picture ?? #NOTHING #GoingUpOnAWednesday!! .. #HumpityHumpHump #🐫 #πŸͺ (at Honolulu Beerworks)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 10 years ago
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I was watching #RocknRolla #MagicMike and #Divergent .. And suddenly I realized, I think I have a type of guy I like lol .. #WhiteBoysRuleMyWorld #TheScruffierTheBetter #iGotASickObsession #ImSeeingItInMyDreams #MmMmMmm (at plaidandlace.com )
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 10 years ago
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#HappyHour #HappyMortonMondays #NoFaceOn #HairUnDid (at Morton's The Steakhouse)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 10 years ago
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Korean food with my Favorite korean to help make me feel better πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜Š .. Thank you @stephaniie808 ... #sikhye #shikhye #shikeh #Hangul #μ‹ν˜œ #Hanja #ι£Ÿι†― #miiiison #thankyouuu #κ°μ‚¬ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€ #kamsamnida #DontWorry #MyWaxerIsKorean #SoImPrettyMuchKorean #RiiightJames??! #ohhInicknamedyouJames @jvmie.kim (at Sorabol Korean Restaurant)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 10 years ago
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Next Stop. Doraku. After. CafΓ© Maru. (at Doraku Kakaako)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 10 years ago
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We Outchea !! (at Ichiriki Japanese Nabe Restaurant)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 10 years ago
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We said we wouldn't.. But it wouldn't be us if we didn't. (at Shokudo Japanese Restaurant)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 10 years ago
#ireallydidntwanttocomeout #shesthereasonformyhappinessnow #lol #alwaysmakingmelaugh #FeliciaFridays (at Shokudo Japanese Restaurant)
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handsluvcheri-blog Β· 10 years ago
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Finally !! There is a name for what I want to do Every. Effing. Day. #EverythingJustNeedsToComeToTheBed (at MyFabulousBed)
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