Going on hiatus
Hi loves! I hope you are all well and enjoying life! I’ve decided to take a (hopefully) short hiatus from posting! I’m so sorry, I know I have a ton of requests left to write and some of you have been waiting patiently for them! But I just don’t have the time to write for fun now between my two jobs and family stuff. And I don’t want my writing to feel like something I have to do or am forced to do! I love writing but when there’s a lot of pressure to update a ton of asks for you guys and I’m a perfectionist so I don’t like them to be any less than amazing, it can get sort of stressful and not exactly fun! People keep leaving me asks about when I will post or how they are losing hope that I will ever post again so I just wanted to give you guys an official answer in the hopes I don’t let any more of you down than I already have.... thanks so much for sticking around and supporting! Hopefully I will be back soon! Much love xx
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wow i love them
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so handsome
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Hi loves!! Sorry I’ve been super inactive, life really gets in the way of my internet addiction!! But I just wanted to say THANK YOU FOR 100 FOLLOWERS!! It means so much to me and I know it may not seem like a lot of people compared to some of the bigger blogs but I’ve never had this many followers on tumblr just based on my imagines and writing!! So thank you thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart!! All of your requests and questions about my life are so sweet and amazing!! I hope you all have amazing days/weeks/months/years/lives because you all deserve it! So much love xx
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hope your job is going well !! xx
Hi love!! Thank you! It’s going ehhhhh, a lot of work which is why I have been inactive! Thank you for asking though! Much love xx
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Fire N Gold - Bea Miller
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Ditched ~ Reece Imagine
Prompt: hey love! can i request a reece imagine where him and reader have been dating for a while and he meets readers older brother when he comes home from uni and the bro invites him to hang out with him and his friends. It then turns into a weekly thing, and eventually he ends up cancelling movie nights and dates with the reader to hang out with bro ! the gf then tells her mum that she feels like she’s losing reece, and she calls his mum and then reece is really upset! that was long 😂 thanks love!!!
You had started dating Reece over the summer, having met him through one of your friends. You guys hit it off immediately, going on many dates and slowly developing deep feelings for each other. 
Reece met your whole family after a few weeks of dating, but your oldest brother, Jack, was away at university so Reece wasn’t able to meet him. But luckily for you, Jack was home for the holidays and you were finally able to introduce them.
In the days leading up to meeting your brother, Reece was nervous. Everyone in your family loved Reece, but he was terrified to meet your brother. 
“What if he is super protective? Or he doesn’t like that I’m older than you? What if he doesn’t like us together, Y/N?” Reece kept asking you millions of questions, and each time you had to tell him ‘no’ and that your brother would love him. 
The day finally arrived that Reece would meet Jack. You were going to hang out at your house, watch some movies and play video games, the three of you. Reece texted you saying he was outside your house, making you get up off of the couch where you were sitting with Jack, waiting. 
“Be nice,” you warn dangerously, glaring at Jack a bit who just smiled innocently. You answered the door, giving Reece a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. 
“Reece, meet Jack. Jack, this is my boyfriend, Reece,” you introduce, watching hesitantly as Reece shakes Jack’s offered hand. 
“Nice to finally meet you, mate. All Y/N does is talk about you,” Jack teases, nudging you a bit as you scoff and blush a bit. 
“Do not!” You argue, watching Reece relax a bit. 
“Hopefully she says good things,” Reece joins in on the joke, slinging his arm around your shoulders. You just elbow him, trying not to laugh when he starts to chuckle. 
“Mostly about how good you are at Fifa. Which I will need to see to believe,” Jack says, handing Reece a remote. You both sit down on the couch, you sitting in the middle and all get ready to play. 
“How did you even score that? There were so many players in front of you!” Jack shouts in awe. The television plays the replay of Reece’s impressive goal, but you found yourself getting bored. You’ve been playing for hours, you gave up after a few rounds, being not as good as your brother and Reece are at the game. You were currently on your instagram, scrolling through the explore page because you were so bored. Reece and Jack were getting along really great, becoming fast friends. Which made you super happy, but you would like it if they did something that included you. Or if your boyfriend would give you a tiny bit of attention. 
“I’m just awesome at Fifa,” Reece jokingly brags, putting down his controller and leaning back so his shoulder was resting against yours. 
“Well I gotta go meet some of my friends. You know, you should hang out with us sometime, Reece! I think they would really like you!” Jack says, getting up off of the couch. Reece beams at him, glad that he has made good friends with your brother. 
“Yeah? I would like that!” Reece agrees, making you smile. This honestly went way better than you expected. Reece and Jack quickly exchanged phone numbers so they could hang out, and then Jack left. 
“So?” You prompt, wanting to find out if Reece really did like Jack or if he was still afraid of your older brother. Reece just smiled brightly, wrapping you up in his arms. You were so happy that he was happy. 
A few weeks later and you were no longer as happy. 
It started out fine. Reece and Jack became very close, even Blake and George started hanging out with Jack and his friends. Which was fine. 
But then Reece started hanging out with them more often, at least once a week. When you asked to make plans, he would always say, “No, I can’t tonight babe. I’m going out with Jack and the lads,”. Which is fine! You are glad that he has friends and you guys weren’t the type of couple that needed to spend every second together. 
But then Reece started skipping dates to hang out with them. He would call you up right before you were meant to meet up, saying the boys invited him somewhere, or that the boys were having a footie match in the park and needed him to play, or that he already saw that movie with the boys. It was infuriating. You just wanted them to get along, but you didn’t realize that for that to happen you needed to give up time with your boyfriend. 
You were sitting on the stairs, tightly squeezing your phone. Reece just got off of the phone with you to say that he had to cancel your dinner date tonight to have a Fifa tournament with Jack at Blake’s house. It was supposed to be your make-up anniversary dinner, since you missed it due to Reece being on tour. So you were sat there, wearing a pretty dress and makeup on, trying desperately not to cry. 
“Y/N? Love, I thought Reece was meant to pick you up fifteen minutes ago?” Your mum asked, coming to stand in front of you on the stairs. You feel your lip quiver, making her seem more concerned. 
“He cancelled on me,” you admit softly, trying not to cry. You didn’t want to be upset by this, and you definitely did want to drag your mum into this issue. Reece was not hanging out with you, and was hanging out with your brother instead. 
“What? Why?” She asked, shocked Reece would do that. She sat down on the stairs next to you, pulling you in close to comfort you. You rest your head on her shoulder, letting the tears drip slowly down your face. 
“He keeps ditching me to hang out with Jack and I-I feel like I’m losing him,” you mumble, before launching into a huge explanation about the past few weeks and how things have changed. The whole time she just listens, comforting you and making you feel a little bit better. Afterwards she sends you off to your room for you to sleep, telling you that everything will be alright in the morning. 
The next day you are woken up to your mum knocking on your door. 
“Y/N, love you have a guest,” She says with a sweet voice. You groan, rubbing your eyes and wondering who would come to see you so early without you knowing. You sit up in bed, seeing Reece standing there. His face is blotchy, eyes are red and puffy, and he’s nervously fiddling with the rings on his fingers. Before you can ask, your mum pushes him gently into the room and shuts the door behind him. 
“Reece, what are you doing he-” you start before Reece steps closer and cuts you off. 
“I’m so so sorry! I never wanted you to feel like that! I promise you aren’t losing me, you never could lose me! I’ve been a huge jerk to you recently and I shouldn’t ditch you to hang out with the lads all the time! I’m so sorry, can you ever forgive me?” He begs, eyes getting watery again. You feel confused, not sure how he knew all of that. 
“H-how did you know I said that? I told my mum?” You ask, feeling very lost. 
“Your mum called my mum, who then told me and yelled at me for being a horrible boyfriend to you,” He explained, coming to sit next to you on the bed and take your hands gently in his. 
“Reece, love, I forgive you. Please don’t cry anymore. I was just upset that you kept ditching me. I’m glad you have friends and get along so well with Jack. But, just can we try to spend time together?” You ask him, wiping a tear from his cheek. He nods quickly. 
“Yes! I need to make it up to you! I won’t ditch you for them anymore! I love you and I don’t ever want you to hurt or think you’ll lose me again! I’m going to be with you for as long as you want me to be,” Reece promises, leaning his forehead against yours. You let out a breath of relief, squeezing his fingers tightly. 
“Good. I love you, too. And I want to be with you forever,” You whisper before connecting your lips passionately. 
Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for requesting, much love 
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a reminder that i would die for him
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would die for him in this hoodie
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“Blake sees beauty in everyone that’s why his pictures is always lovely just like himself”
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Poor George in all these requests😂😂 he’s always sick or gassy or throwing up and Blake and Reece are perfectly healthy lol
Honestly you are so right!!! but i don’t mind, I love me some George centric hurt/comfort fics lol  :) much love xx
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how long do you think it’ll be for the fan fic to be uploaded ?? i really wanna read it but i need to sleep 😂😂😂
Hi love! I’m sorry, I just had to edit it a bit and got distracted! The George Centric one is out now and the other won’t be up until later! Please go to bed, don’t stay up late! Thank you, much love xx
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Pressure ~ George Centric
Prompt: Omg How about one where George is sick and gassy and is really embarrassed throughout the day? Can it be a ship or an OT3? Thank you!
Prompt: Hi can you please do an OT3 George centric one? Any plot will do. Thank you!
It was no secret that George was slightly picky about food. But it wasn’t because he didn’t like different foods. No, it was because he had an extremely sensitive stomach. If George ate something new, his stomach was either fine or he would be uncomfortable all day and ill-feeling. 
Which of course happened on one of the band’s busiest days. 
After last night’s concert, the boys and some of the crew decided to go out to eat. They ended up at some new restaurant, none of them have been there before but they heard good things about it. 
George didn’t pay too much attention to his food, just hungry, happy, and a little tired from the show. He ended up ordering some sort of chicken and rice dish, it was really delicious. Blake and Reece teased him because he was eating new foods without complaining or hesitancy. It wasn’t overly spicy or seasoned, so George thought he was in the clear with his sensitive stomach. 
He was so wrong.
Before George even opened his eyes, he knew he was in for a long day. His stomach was twisting and turning, constantly moving and not settling. George just covered his face with the crook of his arm, keeping his eyes closed and just trying to breath through the discomfort. 
A few minutes later he heard someone’s alarm start going off from the bedside table. But, he made no attempt to lean over and shut it off, not wanting to risk the movement upsetting his stomach. Plus, he would have to lean over Reece to reach it, as he was sleeping in the middle of the two other boys. 
Speaking of which, he felt the bed move a bit and the alarm shut off. Reece groaned softly and George felt him turn towards his body. Fingers slowly brushed through his sleep ruffled hair, and George sighed at the nice feeling. It was a good distraction from his stomach. 
“Morning, G,” Reece whispered, his voice soothing like his careful fingers in his hair. George took his arm off his face, turning towards Reece and sending him a small smile. 
“Morning,” He whispered, enjoying the moments of peace. He could pretend like his stomach was churning, just focused on Reece’s comforting presence. 
“We gotta get up soon to get to the interview,” Reece reminded George, leaning over to press a quick kiss to his forehead before climbing out of bed and heading towards the bathroom. George just groaned again, not wanting to get out of bed. If he felt this bad not moving, how awful will he feel once he starts going about his day?
But, he knew he had to get up. So he sucked in a breath and hoped that he wouldn’t just throw up as he sat up in bed. Luckily nothing made a reappearance, so George counted his blessings and started getting ready too. 
His stomach was still a mess, bubbling and not sitting right. George didn’t want to worry the boys though, knowing there was nothing he could really do until it went away and they would just be worried the whole day about him. So he kept it to himself, making excuses when he didn’t eat breakfast. If Reece and Blake’s suspicious looks were anything to go off of though, he had a feeling they knew what was going on. 
The drive to the interview location was not great, but he didn’t get sick and was able to keep distracted by talking to the boys to ignore the increasing discomfort. At the building they were shooting the interview, though, it was harder to ignore. 
His stomach was gurgling audibly, making weird sounds and grumbling like he was hungry but he so wasn’t hungry. More than once, George had to sneak away to the bathroom to try and ease his stomach, but no matter how much he went to the bathroom, the pain and uneasiness didn’t go away. They were getting ready to start the interview when someone noticed the noises coming from his body. 
“Wow, George! Your stomach sounds hungry!” The interviewer jokes after a particularly loud gurgle. George felt his face heat up, smiling awkwardly. 
“Uh yeah,” George just said, not wanting to talk about it anymore. It was embarrassing having this issue, why did he have to be so weird? George covered his stomach with his arms, hoping that would block some of the sounds. Blake threw his arm around George’s shoulders, pulling him closer to his body and sending him a concerned look. But, before he could question if George was alright, the interview started speaking to the camera meaning it was time to work. 
After the interview, George bolted to the bathroom before anyone could talk to him. His stomach decided it was time to go now, leaving George no choice in the matter. When he exited the bathroom, having taken a longer than usual time, he came face to face with Blake and Reece. 
“Love, are you okay?” Blake asked softly, rubbing his hand up and down George’s arm comfortingly. George just shook his head miserably, feeling awful and wanting the discomfort to just go away. He was embarrassed and annoyed and ill. 
Reece pulled him into a reassuring but loose hold, not wanting to cause him more pain, “Is it your stomach?” He asked, already knowing the answer. George just nodded, not feeling up to speaking right now. Blake joined the hug, rubbing soothing circles into George’s back. 
They helped get George’s things together, before leading him towards the van to take them back to the hotel. The trip felt so long, George squirming and moving around to try and get comfortable. But the pressure in his stomach wouldn’t ease. Finally Reece and Blake had enough. 
“Come here, G,” Reece said, unbuckling George’s seatbelt and pulling him into his lap. Blake moved George’s legs so they were resting across his lap, Reece letting George rest his head against his shoulder. Blake leaned over and started to gently apply pressure to George’s stomach, hoping to ease the discomfort. And it worked, George felt better than he had all day and found himself falling asleep, knowing Blake and Reece would take care of him. 
I guess my version of ‘soon’ is similar to NHC’s version of ‘soon’ too!
thanks for requesting, much love 
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hey love! can i request a reece imagine where him and reader have been dating for a while and he meets readers older brother when he comes home from uni and the bro invites him to hang out with him and his friends. It then turns into a weekly thing, and eventually he ends up cancelling movie nights and dates with the reader to hang out with bro ! the gf then tells her mum that she feels like she’s losing reece, and she calls his mum and then reece is really upset! that was long 😂 thanks love!!!
Hi love! OOh the drama I like it!! It should be up later today! Thanks for requesting and being patient! Much love xx
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Hi can you please do an OT3 George centric one? Any plot will do. Thank you!
Hi love! I’ve combined this with the plot from the most recently answered Ask! Hope you like it! Keep an eye for it! Much love xx
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Omg How about one where George is sick and gassy and is really embarrassed throughout the day? Can it be a ship or an OT3? Thank you!
Hi love!! Coming soon, keep an eye for it in a bit :) much love xx
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if u reblog this in 45 seconds u will meet ur favorite musician(s). no matter what. they will be raised from the dead 4 u.
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