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guinness1985 · 9 years ago
No worries, This whole thing is just beyond stupid. So many people share without thinking where is comes from.
One moron saw your post of a cute picture that you took no credit for and decided themselves with NO EVIDENCE to then say you were claiming as your own when clearly you weren't.
All the Anons and Artists trying to compare SHARING an image (not theft) to kidnapping and rape have some serious SERIOUS ISSUES that are truly ILLEGAL and DEPRAVED.
Maybe this gang of Artists need to grow up and go outside for a bit or actually protect their works if they mean so much to them or pursue the ACTUAL CRIMINALS using it for monetary gain.
Bunch of fucking idiots on their high horses.
Thanks @guinness1985​ for your response to all this bullshit - I don’t know why I can’t seem to reblog your post but I couldn’t have put it better myself!
This is getting out of control and I’m sick of it.
I’m trying to put this behind me and move on but people won’t drop it.
I only suggested protecting your work @avannak​ for your benefit - so your work won’t be used, as it currently is, for financial gain.
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guinness1985 · 9 years ago
@avannak @loosescrewslefty
Oh my word, your responses are so long and full of crap. The original poster is NOW GETTING HORRIFIC THREATS no no human being should get. But if you think that isn’t hate @loosescrewslefty then you need to go get some help.
@avannak the original poster can apologise and also suggest way you might be able to stop this from happening again without that meaning they are blaming you. That is just your interpretation because by your own admittance these images have been stolen before. How exactly is that @multipleparts fault???
@avannak to quote yourself “I hate these images so much now” why the don’t you delete the post yourself instead of leaving it up? Maybe you are getting too much attention and you love it no matter what the consequenses are for others?
No actual laws have been broken except for the anons posting SICKENING THREATS to the original poster.
I DO NOT advocate stealing images or any kind and give credit when I can but let me ask you this....
In every meme made do you think the person, famous or not, in it is asked if their image can be used......NO For every meme made do you think the original person who post it gets credit every time it is shared......NO
For every time someone shares an image they have found on Google or Facebook or where ever do you think that EVERY SINGLE TIME the artist or photographer gets credit??......NO
OF COURSE NOT because people don’t have time for that shit! No they don’t because who the fuck can keep up how many millions of people have seen an image or meme or picture on multiple sites and gone hmmm you know what I need to do is backtrack and research the artist. If you love your work so much then PROTECT IT, that isn't an excuse, it is just advice. I’m no artist and I know I would be seriously annoyed if mine was stolen for profit, but the blame would fall on me if I had not protected myself.
@multipleparts HAS APOLOGISED with a side order of advice and explanation where the image was found NO EXCUSES so @avannak could find the REAL CULPRIT.
You all need some serious perspective, this issue solely directed @multipleparts is unjust, unfair and becoming out of control cruel.
Hi, I can't seem to respond your comments on the baymax/toothless picture. So I thought I'd message you on here. I'm just confused as to why such a big deal has been made when someone has made an innocent mistake, apologised directly to the artist & removed the post. The OP stated many times they found the image on Facebook and not tumblr therefore would not be able to repost. So have a go at the FB group, this issue of art being reposted without permission is bigger than the OP so stop the hate
This is the one and only warning I’m giving you and everyoneelse reading this that this post is going to get long. Because I’m seeing moreand more of a resurgence of art thefts lately all across tumblr in all my fandoms, so peopleobviously need to hear it. Because I’ve been a victim of theft myself a numberof times and I’m getting frustrated with people who don’t understand ‘why it’sa big deal.’ But most importantly, because friends and artists who I respectare getting hurt by this issue, and yet it never seems to stop cropping up. Iwill NOT be hiding this under a read more for you to ignore. This is an issuethat’s affecting everyone, and I’m going to sit down and take time out of MYday to tell everyone why.
Fandoms are a Community.
Beforewe go anywhere else here, I want you to understand that that is 100% true, evenif you’ve probably never thought of it that way before. We are people from allcorners of the globe who have banned together to celebrate something we’repassionate about. We write stories, make music videos and, yes, we draw andpost artwork. We talk about the reasons that we love something, or places wethink it can improve. We share our thoughts and feelings about them, and becomeclose with other people who share our interests and passions because it’s nofun to be excited about something all by yourself.
And,like ALL communities, a really big part of being in a fandom is having respectfor your fellow fans. You don’t have to always agree with them (Honestly, someof the most interesting conversations I’ve had in fandoms were arguments aboutpairings, characterization, ext…), but you should always respect theiropinions regardless of whether of not it aligns with your own. And peoplewithin a fandom who aren’t respectful of their fellow fans will quickly findthemselves ostracized and ignored by others because- surprisingly- nobody wantsto talk to someone if they’re just going to be a jerk. 
And arttheft, ultimately, is an act of great disrespect to the artist.
Artistsspend hours or days of their lives working on their pieces sometimes. We lookat them until we go cross-eyed to make sure they look alright, because we wantothers to like our work. Because the subject matter is something they love andthey want to express that love with other fans. Someone else does NOT get totake that hard work and post it somewhere else without permission from theartist. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior, whatever you mightbelieve.
“It was just an innocentmistake. The artwork was posted on another site, and they didn’t know it wasalready here on tumblr.”
That’s not the point. The fact that the piece is on tumblr isn’t the point.
It wouldn’t have mattered if it WASN’T posted on tumblr already.The way the reposter went about it was still disrespectful. And it definitely wasn’t an ‘innocent mistake.’ It is simply NOT possible to accidentally post somebody else’s artwork on your blog, on tumblr or any other website. The fact that it was already stolen in the facebook post the reposter stole it from is NOT an excuse for posting it on tumblr the way they did. Because it would have been painfully SIMPLE to avoid the whole thing if they had cared enough to just do one little thing.
I’m not even close to kidding right here. Asking is all anyone needs to do to stop from ending up in a mess like this themselves. If they had honestly thought that the facebook group where they first saw the piece was responsible for creating it (which I sort of doubt, given that most fanartists I know avoid posting their work on facebook and stick to sites like tumblr and DA) then they should have asked them if they minded if they posted the work to their blog.
I can almost guarantee that the response the facebook poster would have given probably would have been along the lines of ‘Sure, whatever. I didn’t make this/I found this on ____ so it’s not mine.’
And if you EVER ask someone for permission to post something elsewhere and get a response like that, then you’ll know that it’s stolen and you should NOT repost it. If you want to find the ACTUAL artist (And if you’re a decent human being who’s capable of respecting the simple fact that another fan deserves to be acknowledged for their hard work, then you DO) then you should perform a reverse image search or appeal to the fandom to see if any of them know who the artist is. REPOSTING ARTWORK YOU KNOW IS STOLEN MAKES YOU AN ART THIEF AS WELL. Don’t do it. Don’t.
And you know what the really sad part of all this is? A lot of artists are EXTREMELY accommodating when it comes to others wanting to include their artwork in others aspects of the fandom, so long as they get proper credit for the work that they did. And by that, I mean that I have gotten countless questions over the years that run along the lines of the following;
I love your artwork! Is it okay if I use some of your pieces in an AMV I’m doing on Youtube?
Hi! I’m writing a fanfiction on, and was wondering if it would be okay with you if I use this picture as the cover art? Is that okay with you?
Excuse me, I’m an RP Blogger, and I really like the way you draw this character. Is it okay if I use your art on my blog?
I really enjoy your comics! Would you be okay with me translating them into (Spanish/French/Ext) so other people can read them, too?
Almost EVERY SINGLE TIME I’ve gotten a question like this, my answer has been pretty much the same.
Thank you very much! I don’t mind if you want to include my art in your project, but please make sure to credit me as the artist and provide a link back to the original, okay? Can you send me a link once you’re done?
And that is LITERALLY all it takes to avoid pissing off fanartists while still getting to include their art in other aspects of the fandom. And honestly? If done right, fanartists LOVE this, because it helps their work reach audiences they might not get to otherwise, which in turn means they get more of a following. But only when it’s done RIGHT and the fanartists get CREDITED for their work, because otherwise the artist just gets cheated out of hours of effort making something look good. 
This is actually one of the two reasons I ask for the person who requests to use my art to send me a link, since I like to double check that I was credited properly. Though honestly, if people ask first then they usually respect the artist enough that they do so even without being told, but it never hurts to be careful (And plus, there’s the second reason, too. Which is that it makes me super, INDESCRIBABLY happy to see my art inspire other parts of the fandom, like fanfic writers, RP Bloggers, and AMV artists, and I always love to see how the final product turns out).
And it’s because it’s such a simple thing to avoid that artists and even fans who don’t draw but still RESPECT artists and their work get so angry about people who do things like reposting uncredited (stolen) art to tumblr, and then trying to blame the artists for the fact that their work was stolen at all. Because we make ourselves VERY accommodating to those who go through the right channels and ask properly, so if someone doesn’t even have the decency to do that much then you know what? We are well within our rights to get pissed at them. 
And it’s not ‘hate,’ by the way. This isn’t some petty disagreement about a pairing or a character or anything else where two sides might not see eye-to-eye. This is JUSTIFIED anger, because we aren’t stupid and we know that, ultimately, the reposters just don’t care at all about us or our hard work. They don’t think we matter enough to be acknowledged for our work, and that is exactly why we’re pissed, and why we’re going to be pissed every time this issue comes up again.
I know you love seeing all the amazing artwork other fans in the fandom do. I love it, too. And BECAUSE I love it, and because I want them to feel encouraged to keep on making new art, I always make sure to acknowledge them and their talent. I make sure they know that their hard work is APPRECIATED, and that others know they are the ones who created their works.
Because at the end of the day, that’s all they’re asking for. And it’s really not all that much.
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guinness1985 · 9 years ago
Anon, your parents must be to blame for you not having a brain and heart then? You are one depraved, I can't even call you a human being, for saying something like this to ANYONE! Let alone a trauma survivor who is trying to promote kindness, happiness and recovery. You are spineless and seriously sick.
I hope any children you have get kidnapped and raped. The blame will be all on you.
What the hell?!
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guinness1985 · 9 years ago
@nokki1 @avannak @multipleparts
Hi, I believe @avannak this is your original image and I am assuming @nokki1 is a friend by their over the top reaction. Clearly @multipleparts did not under any circumstances try to steal or take credit for the art work and has removed the art work and spoken directly to the artist to resolve the matter.
Why is this being made into such a big deal! If as an artist and I mean if ANY artist shares images online and do not CLEARLY signature or watermark them (I’m sorry I can’t make out your signature on the artwork @avannak) then they might be stolen for people to try and take advantage of and make money from. The artist is clearly aware of this possibility and if they chose to not protect their work then a third part like @multipleparts who INNOCENTLY found the image on a Facebook group can not be to blame. Find the person whole stole it off Facebook or Google or Amazon or Instagram where you can find this image being used to quote @nokki1 ILLEGALLY!!!
Have a go at them, not this genuinely sorry person who is just trying to make a blog to promote positivity and happiness. @avannak I understand your frustration but clearly you are just having a go at the wrong person when your efforts should be in finding the people taking advantage of your image for profit not @multipleparts who was just sharing an image they loved because it is bloody adorable!! Your work is great, you should be proud but protect it. You clearly knew it was possible for it to be taken advantage of and obviously has been before but your anger is misdirected and you could have but did not take steps to protect it and @multipleparts is not to blame for that.
Finally, lets say @multipleparts did try to find the original artist to make sure they got credit. How would they know 100% that they were not promoting someone who was falsely claiming it as their own???
I’m just saying you need to think about having a go at someone before looking at the facts. @multipleparts has clearly stated several times that they did not take or want to take credit and it was an innocent share and apologised, there is no need to be rude over and over.
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