gregandciciexplore · 4 years
Moving On
There have been many times over the last five years where you’ve sat down and thought, “I can’t take any more of this–I’m done.” And yet you continued to let your life go into free fall. There are some people who will never define themselves as alcoholics or have issues. Despite the many evenings, trips, or events they ruin, the places they get themselves kicked out of, the nights that are…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
A 2019 of Self
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{ s p o n s o r e d }
There is no feeling quite like being unhappy in the state in which one lives. I’ve had those brief moments of saying “this specific thing sucks,” in my other residences but an overall hatred is new to me. I had a lot of plans for our blog and for my art and photography but it’s such a sad contrast to go from coastal living to here. There truly is no semblance of nostalgia…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
{ betulin }
{ b e t u l i n }
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Who else loves to focus on the ingredients of their skincare products? When I worked for Origins, I had my product knowledge down so quickly because it just fascinated me. Someone, somewhere has the job of combining a jumble of ingredients into an attempted cure-all for some skin care concern. It’s October so I’m just picturing a witch in a lab coat stirring a moisturizer in a…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
Little Ways to Create Extra Income
Little Ways to Create Extra Income
{ Little Ways to earn Extra Income }
This time of year, it’s important to know your options for more economical spending as we enter into the most demanding time of year.
So here are some {Cash Back Sites } in Review
The benefits of being a thrifty shopper are essentially evident in how I go about making each purchase worth opening my wallet.
I will be the first to tell you, I despise shopping…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
Another VoxBox { Proactive }
  I have never used Proactiv before receiving my complimentary ProactivMD VoxBox from Influenster and Proactiv on my first campaign. I probably should have used it in college because my skin was AWFUL. I had consistent breakouts and my skin was constantly inflamed and very oily. Although, it’s certainly better now that I know the importance of multi-step skincare and especially toners, but every so often my cheeks and skin break out in excess (making up for lost time perhaps). I’ve actually been very happy with my skin though because it has an amazing resilience to my trying new products in my regimen.
I’d give the system 3.5/5 stars. The downside of it besides the scent of the topical gel and daytime moisturizer was how drying the system was. I’m slightly acne prone as I mentioned… but dry and sensitive in Colorado. I used to be combination/oily before our move and probably could have used this system then but certainly not now. It helped reduce my breakouts during my trial and my skin is certainly clearer but it was getting more irritation and redness. Quite the trade-off. If you’re actually oily, consider this to have four stars because the system itself is going to do what it claims, it just isn’t for some demographics. And from what I’ve heard in cases where acne is severe, leaving Proactiv has caused adverse effects for some in that their breakouts return and intensify.
  As I stated on the Influenser app when I first got my kit, I love a spot treatment gel. This one is Adapalene gel, a retinoid for acne treatment. Again a first for me, so my skin wasn’t use to the strength (led to dryness, some redness/irritation at application spot) but it cleared things up rapidly and there wasn’t any acne scarring that I usually get after breakouts.
  There also was a Daily Oil Control Moisturizer with SPF 30. This was my major scent issue. It was very synthetic smelling and didn’t feel as rich as I prefer, obviously because it was meant to create a matte finish. Makes sense from an oil controlling moisturizer that it wouldn’t be great for dry skin. While it is possible to be oily and dry (more likely dehydrated) that is certainly not the case for my skin in Colorado. Again, in my natural habitat, that mattifying ability would have been awesome (minus the scent), but my oily T-zone has disappeared since last year. It certainly wasn’t a moisturizer I could use on its own. I had to layer it over another moisturizer.
  The cleanser felt fine at first, almost creamy with slight exfoliation, but if I used it, if I didn’t immediately follow up with my hydrating toner, serum, and a moisturizer, my skin would tighten up and start feeling uncomfortable. It does also have a mild exfoliant presence and does feel like a deeper cleanse, but not initially. 
  All in all, I need to stick to my usual hodgepodge regimen. In my next move back to humidity I don’t think I’d consider this and would not have chosen it if Influenster have options  It was pretty effective but at the cost of unpronounceable, synthetic ingredients.
  This was my first review of a skincare series. I usually pick and choose out of different brands, what individual product fits my need. So it was interesting to try and force myself to stay brand loyal at least initially.
What brands make you want to use only their products? Have you guys tried Proactiv or Influenster?
Give it a try 😙 www.influenster.com/r/4387621
With love,
VoxBox Review Another VoxBox { Proactive } I have never used Proactiv before receiving my complimentary ProactivMD VoxBox from Influenster and Proactiv on my first campaign.
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
Skylands Botanical Gardens {tbt}
On my birthday, a couple of years ago, my surprise was going to one of New Jersey’s Botanical Gardens in Ringwood, NJ called Skylands.
“From the delicate shade of a tiny wildflower to the vibrant colors of a massed annual plantings, Skylands is a place of beauty in any season.” -NJBG
That quote, pulled from the Skylands website, is definitely a true statement.
I love being outdoors. That’s just a fact. The easiest way to keep me content is to show me somewhere cool on a sunny day. Greg did just that when he arranged our trip out there. We both hadn’t been up to this location so it was a fresh experience for us both. You drive in and immediately the experience is so scenic and the parking lots are easily accessible. There are three different lots and the garden is beneath Mount Defiance so it’s also a great place for hiking. It’s a manageable size though if you’re just looking for a lazy stroll through somewhere verdant. The grass and displays are so well kempt, because of the hard work of the gardeners, but that makes things like bringing your dog or playing lawn games, entirely frowned upon, unfortunately. We both liked that most of the flora were tagged. Greg would try and read all the signs even if they were tucked really far into the trees. And personally, there have been times where I see a flower and wish I knew the name so that I could attempt to grow some in my own garden. I mean, chances are I won’t end up doing that, but it’s nice to have the info 😉 Botanical gardens are just so stunning because they’re a glimpse into other world’s topography. We saw trees from Norway and the southern US so I felt like I’m globetrotting through an arboretum! And since the gardens change through the seasons, it’s a fresh glimpse no matter when you go. But don’t forget to keep an eye out for frogs! We actually saw a little guy next to a fountain, far outside the hiking and marsh areas. Not going to lie, I was pretty much sold on the place simply based upon that fact. That was probably only second to seeing a group of sunbathing turtles at one of the ponds.
I definitely recommend taking advantage of the group events as well. There is open parking on weekdays where you don’t have to pay per parked vehicle, but on weekends, there is a fee. Everything helps with the maintenance of the park and this is definitely something that needs to be preserved.
  I certainly miss living on the East Coast, and having access to upstate NY and northern NJ. I never appreciated the little things of it before moving to Colorado which can seem almost monochromatic most days. There is certainly so much to see on a coast and it was easier to take day trips.
Let me know what your favorite botanical garden is or just your favorite spot in general. There are so few places that it’s easy to spend several hours in. What are yours?
With love,
GCE Explore: Skylands Skylands Botanical Gardens {tbt} On my birthday, a couple of years ago, my surprise was going to one of New Jersey's Botanical Gardens in Ringwood, NJ called Skylands.
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
Low Humidity Masking
  { LOW  h u m i d i t y }  Masking
It’s often hard to balance out the self care elements needed to maintain healthy skin and a healthy mental state. It has been quite a roller-coaster lately that this blog has once again fallen to the wayside. I want to preface this post with a “that’s okay.” It’s alright not to feel inspired to write about or use a ten step skincare regimen, even for weeks at…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
{ Curly Hair Must }
{ Curly Hair Must }
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  Curly Hair Must
How many times do you deep condition in a month?
If you’re a curly girl like me it’s probably weekly, but if it doesn’t feel effective, adding in heat might be something to consider. Even in my protective styles I deep condition and I LOVE this one product for my weekly pamper sessions.
If you haven’t heard of the Hair Therapy Wrap, ( @hair.therapy.wrap )check out their…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
{VoxBox Review}
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  Have you heard of Influenster? Use my referral link to join if you want to explore new trends in beauty with complimentary products: http://www.influenster.com/r/4387621
It’s how I started with campaigns and led to a new interest in product photography. I’ll go more into that in a future post on how I stage my oh so gorgeous shots of my new goodies.
So here’s the low down on my latest…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
    Here’s a throwback post in honor of #TBT from April 18th, 2016, the day our blog first launched!
At the start of the week, I was invited to model for a calendar shoot with photographer and designer, Alexander Guzman. Greg so kindly offered to drive us both down Sunday morning. So at 8am we drove from Northern Jersey all the way down to the far end of Brooklyn. (I had already been up for two and a half hours making myself presentable by the time we left.)
If you haven’t heard of Floyd Bennett Field, like we hadn’t, it has an Aviator center with everything from ice hockey rinks to rock-climbing and a flight simulator. But the shoot was actually at an AMA field a mile away from the center so… another time for that maybe.
  When I do a shoot, it’s either a lot of wardrobe changes within a venue, or one single, uncomfortable change in a very public place. At the field, I had to change into a bikini in Greg’s Mini Cooper, and while today was a decent spring day, it wasn’t quite bikini weather in southern Brooklyn right on the water (Greg would disagree because he’s a crazy person).
The shoot took about four hours and we both rewarded ourselves with delicious Peruvian food at Lima Mill Basin. If you’re starving on Avenue U, order either the Pollo (chicken) or Lomo (beef) Saltado. If you’re a cilantro lover, like myself, or a lover of spice, like Greg, this is the place to be. We finished up with amazing flan, so check out the photos on our instagram on the home page for why we’re raving about this place. @gregandciciexplore
            G&C Explore: Brooklyn Here's a throwback post in honor of #TBT from April 18th, 2016, the day our blog first launched!
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
G&C Health: Cayenne Supplements
G&C Health: Cayenne Supplements
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Good morning all!
This Tuesday is all about the herbs. I’m pro-supplements and have been ever since my auto-immune and joint issues from Lyme’s disease. Here’s what new in my diet: Cayenne supplements. Does the mention bring you back to the diet fad of drinking lemon water, maple syrup, and cayenne better?
Well there is some merit to the idea. It’s been a really fantastic addition to my health…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
{ Low Humidity Skincare }
{ Low Humidity Skincare }
. … . Living in Colorado means staying hydrated in low humidity conditions is my primary concern. . The effects of dehydration are so detrimental and can weaken the processes of the body, especially on a topical level. While in higher humidity (in high temperatures) there’s more chance of moisture loss due to the need to sweat and the body’s need cool down, low humidity strips the outward…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
New Blog, who dis?
New Blog, who dis?
Good morning all! ​I decided to completely revamp our blog so all content has been scrubbed! It had zero structure and we’re completely different people from when we started it in 2016. With Greg’s schedule, his contributions dwindled, and I saw some unrefined qualities in earlier posts, so I want change. Our Instagram is growing (thank you 5k!!) and I want our blog to do so as well. I want the…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
{ never have i ever }
What’s your best “never have I ever”? I just lost one mine today: never have I ever been called a thief. I was that nose-in-book, quirky girl girl in school. Never stole a boy, plagiarized, or shoplifted… Or whatever else you can steal. See? Novice.
But apparently I’m a thief. I’ve said it more than once and I’ll say it again: I don’t get people.
And people don’t get graphic design. I have a…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
{ R e c i p e }
{ R e c i p e }
  Greg’s schedule wears us both worn down. His early mornings combined with my sometimes late nights are exhausting. Plus we have a new living alarm clock that makes sure we’re both awake even before we want to be. I focused the month of May on self-care because I’ve been feeling so haggard. My three main things: skincare (always!) eating better, and increasing my energy.
Smoothies are my way of…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
{ mask } Review
{ mask } Review
  Mask Review!
Starting my morning off with an extra dose of hydration supplied by Clarins has been fantastic. I can’t wait until it actually rains here tonight into Thursday ☔ { desert life without the festival perks is a tad awful }. My skin has been showing some flaky dryness as of late and my regimen hasn’t been hydrating enough. In my attempt to clear some of my clutter and since I have…
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gregandciciexplore · 6 years
When in Iceland we had our camping plans disrupted upon our return back last year. We had split up our trip in half to see my parents in Ireland. So the first half was magical and the second half felt like we had the rug pulled from under us.
British Airways lost the bag we checked with our tent. When we arrived from our lengthy layover in London, we were rightfully pissed off because we had to stay in an entirely different city than I planned. The only positive was that we didn’t reserve our campsite. I wanted us to travel to the south of Iceland and camp in the countryside. Instead of letting my head explode, we made lemonade out of lemons and stayed at Alex’s Guest house. It’s a little motel with outdoor cabins less than half a mile from the airport. We got lucky and were able to book a night there in an outdoor cabin until our bag arrived.
We ended up walking because anyone in the airport we asked to call for our motel shuttle, told us we needed to buy a SIM card. Of all the countries I’ve been there’s never been a lack of willingness to make a local call so that was a bit shocking.
Our second arrival impression of the airport was a disappointment that even the miles of the fields of Alaskan lupine flowers couldn’t soften.
A part of me understood that it must be hard to see the leagues of frat boys and their sorority cohorts arriving with zero regard for their culture, but it kind of saddened me that the chance for hospitality as a traveler is being tainted.
In my post on the Blue Lagoon, I briefly mentioned the frat bros who arrived in American flag speedos that almost ruined a peaceful day in such a beautiful place. It was a disgusting show that no one appreciated. And I’m sure at peak travel times, the shows of tourist stupidity are overwhelming.
  Beyond the airport, however, it was a nice breathe of fresh air to be somewhere so uncrowded and unlike a tourist trap. There weren’t many cars once we got near the motel and as we kept working further after check-in, it was entirely peaceful.
We had spent a lot of time in crowded airports and hotels and tours so this was surreal. The midnight sun and a coast to explore. We ended up finding a boat, the Baldur, that was brought on land and completely open to exploration, and at the end of a private pier, there was a cave devoted to a mythic, child eating, giant. Giant footprints led up to the exhibit. There was even an actual robotic giant in a dark ‘cave’ behind bars and it was all very awesome. Outside there was this pop up that we took a picture in. The gender role switch was unintentional 😉
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For all the things that went poorly on our spur of the moment trip, it was certainly filled with some amazing and unusual finds off of the beaten path. We enjoyed the structure of taking bus tours and certainly loved not having to rent a car. Plus it might just be the most lovely night’s sleep to be in a cabin, in Iceland away from everything.
It took me awhile to write about Iceland and I’m certainly not even close to finished blogging about our time abroad but I’m glad none of our photos involved anything that we’d be embarrassed of.
I hope everyone is having a happy Monday and a beautiful new start to the month.
Some new products I’ve tried in my efforts to minimize all my beauty clutter have placed me in a fantastic (and inspired) mood, so expect an update on Wednesday on beauty and Friday on a quick but delicious chicken and bacon dish!!
  G & Explore { Keflavík } When in Iceland we had our camping plans disrupted upon our return back last year. We had split up our trip in half to see my parents in Ireland.
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