vaders vis
!!!!!!!! “
#{its basic format get off my back dont reply.......#or do if youre creative enough which i#*sips tea*#doubt}
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<3 on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/172237662
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The Low Hum
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ιt wαѕɴ't α ROCK... ιt wαѕ α rocĸ... L O B S T E R !
-------- art (x) graphic edit (x)
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METALLIC SCUM, SOME OF US HAVE NAMES. And just because you lack the de- cency to ask for it, don't mean you got the right to make one up yourself, based on what am. "
‘ huh? i do not have a mother; and if i did, it would be most rude to call me with such a horrible name. though; i do not understand. you are appearing as a fish, yet you — are taking it to your heart when i call you so fish-man. ’
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. . . INFILTRATE . . . FILES . . . APPROACH . . .
#[ self promo. ]#{where im currently at..#sorry all but my alien muse will never fade#it overthrows all even da fish..}
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— " Looking like a monster is
all I'm about, fishita! The Rock Lobster ain't fucking around.
But science, you say? So you're a shitty nerd! Damn, thought you were all dead. "
“Hah— actually I was just trying to safe your life but I’m glad to see there are still people in the universe who don’t mind looking like a monster. Makes you pretty unique. I’m Casi by the way. I do science. Sometimes. "
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— " ............ Just you, why? "
Her unearthly smell was only the more reason for him to act like she didn't belong. The smell of soap was different from the smell of skin and being, and daddy sea knew very well who belonged and who didn't. This CRAZY BITCH didn't.
" Guppy, the oldest of the babies. Ain't feel like telling more. "
“So are you an asshole to everyone you
meet, or do one-eyed people get special treatment?
” — and who the fuck is ‘guppy?’”
She’s not even going to dignify that last part with a response. Seriously, though, what is up with aliens and telling her she smells?? For fuck’s sake, she bathes. It’d be pretty repulsive if she didn’t, considering how often she ends up covered in blood.
in blood —
— of course, ZERO doesn’t like it when she washes it off, ZERO wants her to wear it forever and ever and ever and swallow it and breathe it until she’s stained stained stained f orever and EVER and EVER because because because —
(( The hole is a window, and she can’t let it open. Not now. ))
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"— It’s a mask, and I have you know that I wear this for a reason."
— " Sure you do, ain't
nothing going on without a reason. But eh, mind tellin' me what the reason is? You just obsessed with halloween, or is it some- thing else? "
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Angst Starter Masterlist
" Aren't you going to say something?"
" And I thought I loved you."
" And I thought you loved me."
" Angry. I'm.. I'm angry."
" Aren't you even going to cry?"
" Are you going to cry?"
" Are you crying?"
" Are you okay?"
" Ask if I'm okay. Just ask."
" And this is why I don't want to stay anymore."
" Addiction isn't the way to go, ___ "
" Are you angry with me?"
" Are you afraid?"
" And now is the part where we say goodbye."
" And now you're going to leave me!"
" Are you just going to leave me?"
" Be friends with someone else."
" Boy/Girlfriend? Is that what you thought I meant?"
" Because you're such an ass and I- I just hate you!"
" But I've changed."
" But you've changed."
" Buy yourself something nice. Because I don't want this ring."
" But.. you're still alive?"
" Can't you just let me be happy for one?!"
" Can't you be happy for once?
" Can't you just be happy for me?"
" Come on, leave already!"
" Coward. That's all you are. A coward."
" Do you even know what you've done to me?"
" Do you have any remorse? "
" Don't you dare close your eyes on me!"
" Don't you dare die."
" Don't you care about me/her/him/them anymore?"
" Don't give me that look"
" Don't you want me to be happy?"
" Dammit! Everything was just starting to get better and then you do this!"
" Damn you."
" Don't lie to me."
" Don't like to him/her/them."
" Dammit.. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! You fucking ass!"
" Everything is fucked up now- everything is fucked because of you!"
" Everything's gone to hell."
" Everyone hates me."
" Everyone hates you."
" Everything hurts."
" Everything's going to be okay."
" Everyone loves you, not me."
" Everything is falling apart."
" Everything fell apart and I can't pick up the pieces anymore."
" For someone whose dying, you seem kind of happy."
" Friends forever, right? Isn't that what you said?"
" Fuck off!"
" Fuck you!"
" Find a new place to live."
" Find a new girlfriend/boyfriend."
" Find a new best-friend."
" Fine. I'll leave."
" Forever and ever. That's how long I said I loved you. But you never said it back."
" Fucking hell, I hate you!"
" Get lost!"
" Get a job, you ass!"
" Get out of here!"
" Go get a life."
" Go. Just go."
" How are you still alive?"
" How long are you going to keep this up?"
" How long until you finally get lost?"
" How about I just leave."
" Hold up. You're breaking up with me?"
" Heaven doesn't exist."
" Hell is the only place we're going to be going."
" How about you leave now?"
" Is this how you're going to treat me?"
" I can't believe you."
" I'm a monster."
" I killed someone."
" I want to kill myself."
" I want to kill something."
" I'm running away."
" I'm leaving you."
" I can't look at you right now."
" I hope you die!"
" I don't understand."
" I'm so angry/sad. But you don't care."
" I can't hear anything."
" I'm dying."
" I have cancer."
" I can feel the darkness coming."
" I can't breathe."
" Just joking, I don't love you."
" Just go."
" Just leave me alone!"
" Just fuck off."
" Kill yourself. "
" Kindly get the hell away from me."
" Kids? I don't want kids."
" Kind. That's the one thing you can never manage to be."
" Lie. Just lie."
" Lie to me."
" Life is not worth living."
" Living isn't possible."
" Like I give a shit about you."
" Lies are all you're capable of."
" Lay down. It'll all be over soon."
" My heart is broken. "
" My.. everything hurts."
" My girlfriend/boyfriend left."
" My ____ is dead."
" Man, you're an asshole."
" My lies aren't working anymore."
" Mutt."
" Many times I lay awake and wonder why I'm alive anymore."
" Never again."
" Never speak to me again."
" No. I won't do it."
" No, I don't like you like that."
" No way in hell!"
" Now, now, is there really any reason to cry?"
" Now and again I really start to hate you."
" No. Stop crying, just stop it."
" Not how I wanted to spend my life."
" Never look at me again."
" People hate me."
" People hate you."
" Person? No, no. You're not a person. You're a robot."
" People like you sicken me."
" People like you deserve to die."
" Perhaps you should just leave, then."
" Piss off."
" Question: why are you still here?"
" Quiet. I'm getting sick of hearing your voice."
" Run away. That's what I'm doing."
" See? I hate you."
" See? You hate me."
" Sometimes I wonder why you stay with me."
" So.. you hate me, then?"
" So this is how it ends."
" Shoot me."
" Shit..."
" So why are you still here?"
" Sometimes people lie to me."
" Stories are just that. Stories."
" Took off with everything I had!"
" Time to go."
" This is the end. It's done."
" The story is ending now."
" This is the end."
" This is why I hate you."
" Then why do you say you love me?!"
" Unlike you I have friends."
" Unlike me, you have friends"
" Under the bed is were I have to hide from you."
" Underwater is where i want me coffin to be."
" Utter it again and I swear I'll kill you!"
" Very mature. Cunt."
" Why can't you row up?"
" Why cant you care about me?"
" Why do you hate me?"
" Why do I hate you?"
" What do you mean?"
" What?You're dying?"
" Why can't you just be you."
" When am I supposed to get my time to be happy?'
" Well. This isn't how it was supposed to end between us."
" Whatever, you asshole."
" Whenever you decide you can stand to talk to me ago, please do."
" Well. I hate you now."
" Well, you hate me now."
#[ what's shaking! ]#{looks at drafts#looks at messages in inbox#sighs....... cries.......#reblogs new things anyay lmfao}
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— Sir. Didn't happen often
that people called THE Rock Lobster sir. He thought about the name for a second until he snapped out of it, humming back in response. Of course she didn't know. This girl didn't speak for the entire human race. His eyes wandered over her dark, long hair. Reminded him of gloomy curtains.
" Hmm... Figured. Fine, I ain't gonna bother you. Just keep in mind that ROCK LOBSTER has his eyes on you. Mess up, and you ain't gonna like the fuckin.... consequences.
What's your name anyway, lady? "

she would disregard his staring and continue to stroll back to him, happy to know that someone else had cared about earth and its environment. sure, a lot of people did, but she would actually do something about it — such as picking up everyone’s loose trash.
` huh ? ` she’d start. ` ah, it isn’t. i’m not sure, though, sir.. ` replied in a low mutter, as if she was thinking of a reason. she couldn’t answer because there really wasn’t a reason to leave garbage around like that.
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MANNNNN THANKS SO MUCH delta isnt even up and alive for a week and already 100 !!! Thanks so much love u all.
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— " SH-SH-SH-SHIT, if only I
knew s-s-s-s-s-s-sooner, before you called me out on my s-s-s-s-s-s-stupid ass-s-s-s-s-s-s mis-s-s-s- s-s-s-stake! S-S-S-S-S-S-SADLY, I don't give much of a crap! Your fucking S-S-S-S-S-SPEECH problem makes everything you s-s-s-s-say irrelevant!
It's-s-s-s-s-s tough, ain't it? S-s-s-s-snail? "
❝ ACTUALLY—- We were talking about how terrible we both are. And I was-s-s pointing out the terrible things you do and you were pointing out all the mean s-s-stuff that everyone els-s-se points-s-s out, like my lis-s-sp and—- there you go again.
Not to mention that you’re doing it WRONG. Sugar cube does-s-sn’t get the lis-s-sp. It s-s-starts-s-s with an ‘sh’. Duh. ❞
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Underwater river
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