gotham-redbird · 4 years
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Obi-Wan Kenobi Appreciation Month
Day 1: Favorite Obi-Wan Obi “Sass Master” Kenobi
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gotham-redbird · 4 years
Jon: Man, what's it like having so many cool older siblings?
Jon: I'll bet they're so smart. I'll bet they teach you all sorts of neat stuff.
Damian: *remembering the scene he stumbled onto yesterday*
Dick [pointing]: What is the flavor of plain ice cream?
Stephanie [clutching a bag of shredded cheese with dark circles under her eyes]: It's 4am Dick.
Dick: WHAT is the flavor of plain ice cream.
Steph [unimpressed]: .....vanilla-
Steph: *walks out of the room*
Dick: Do you know what I mean? Do-DO you know what I mean?
Dick [gesturing wildly]: Because VANILLA is a FLAVOR-
Jason [stomping from his bedroom upstairs]: AY SHUT THE F**K UP
Steph [screaming in the distance]: NO ONE CAAAAARES!!
Tim [from his perch on top of the freezer]: The absence of flavor takes us back to the base materials, the origins if you will, which are water, milk, and rock salt. Therefore plain ice cream tastes like watery salt milk.
Everyone else: *violent screaming*
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
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Took me too long to learn this
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
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“We are two, and you are no match for us both.” “You are mistaken.“
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
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that spider-verse meme but dc
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
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yum yum robins
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
Dick: Truth or dare?
Tim: Truth.
Dick: How many hours have you slept this week?
Tim: Dare.
Dick: Go to sleep.
Tim: I don’t like this game.
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
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on one level he knows star trek is fiction but its like hes realizing he wont get his letter from hogwarts all over again
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
#Tim Drake: I respect the baby community because It's me
Now this is the kind of things I can get behind.
Because it’s so true.
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and this doesn’t even show him using his best friend’s status as Chuck E Cheese employee as an excuse to use the ball pit or even him playing Nintendo with Alfie on the Batcomputer.
Tim is peak baby.
He is the baby community indeed.
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
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Favorite team up, from batgirl #32 (2000 series)
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
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(Identity Crisis #7)
“But behind it all… he was sad. Tim Drake is the saddest person I’ve ever met.”
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
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superheroes taking a nap after some crime-fighting/world-saving :’)
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
“I’ll sit as soon as you can hold the ship steady long enough for me to make it without braining myself,” Robin retorted. “I could have sworn someone once told me you were a decent pilot; either I was lied to, or your ability has diminished as senility has started setting in.”
Aw, crap. He could see the next turn coming before it happened, and he made a quick calculation on the angles and an estimation on just how sharp Clint would make this turn. He shifted his body weight, positioned himself appropriately, and deftly caught himself on the co-pilot’s seat when he was flung back across the cockpit. When the ship righted itself, the sixteen year old quickly swung himself into the seat and strapped in.
“There. And yes, I’m calling you old.”
“Please don’t accidentally blow up our ship.” (from Tim)
“Kid, I have been doing this longer then you have been alive. Sit back, and shush, got it?” Clint grumbled, swerving harder then the situation really warranted. If it meant he got to watch the kid stumble a little, well, it was all worth it in the end.
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
Robin caught himself on a panel of the cockpit’s ceiling and grimaced as enemy fire skimmed way closer to their ship than he really would have preferred.
“Having done a thing for a really long time doesn’t automatically mean you’re good at it,” he pointed out. “And it definitely doesn’t mean you’re better than me. It just means that you’ve done it a long time and probably should have used more of that time to practice things like avoiding getting hit.”
Another sharp turn forced him to catch his balance all over again and entirely failed to shake their pursuers.
“Oof. And maybe those turns.”
“Please don’t accidentally blow up our ship.” (from Tim)
“Kid, I have been doing this longer then you have been alive. Sit back, and shush, got it?” Clint grumbled, swerving harder then the situation really warranted. If it meant he got to watch the kid stumble a little, well, it was all worth it in the end.
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
30 Years Ago This Month Tim Drake Made His First Appearance as Robin
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In December of 1989 (Batman #442) Tim Drake made his first appearance as Robin in the final issue of the series “A Lonely Place of Dying.” It was one of the few times he’d been seen rocking the green scaly underoos and pixie boots made famous by Dick Grayson. 
Written by Marv Wolfman (with an assist from George Perez who did the issue’s cover) this was the finale in the storyline that introduced Tim Drake to the DC Universe. After the problematic outing of Jason Todd as Robin, DC was determined to do it right this time. They carefully constructed a character that the readers would not only approve of, but could relate to. 
Tim was shown to be reluctant to take up Robin but absolutely unwavering in his conviction that Batman needs a Robin.
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Lacking formal training, Tim stumbles some in his first outing against the forces of evil, Two Face in this instance. Despite a brick to the face (the first of many as it would turn out), Tim preserves, driven by his dedication to symbolism of what Batman and Robin stand for. He was also feeling responsible for the situation, something Tim would end up doing a lot through the years.
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Tim gets to show his grit and determination as he stands up to an angry Batman. Only when Tim drops the big bomb on Batman, that he knows who they are, does Bruce turn to really look at Tim for the first time. He also get to use the signature mantra that would come to be associated with Tim - Batman needs a  Robin
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Even fully garbed as Batman, looming over tiny Tim and glaring at him from the shadows of the cowl, Bruce can’t deny the hard truths being told to him. So much so, that Tim ends up going with the Batman and Nightwing because even untrained the kid is undeniably clever. That grabs Bruce’s attention more than anything else.
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Once Nightwing takes down Two Face, Marv Wolfman cements Tim’s new place by having Batman acknowledge it.
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The introduction of Tim Drake as Robin was the start of a second golden age for the Bat-family. He’d headline his own series, (Robin 1993) that ran for over 180 issues and appear in countless others. DC has not been kind to Tim in the past few years but they can’t change the fact that Tim changed the way the world views Robin the Boy Wonder and for the better. So happy 30th anniversary Tim Drake! You’ll always be my Robin.
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gotham-redbird · 5 years
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This was Tim’s main function as Robin - keeping Bruce from getting lost inside the shadow of the Batman. It’s why I think that Tim is a better Robin for him than Damian. Bruce and Damian are far too much alike when it comes to embracing their inner darkness (Also, to be honest, I think Damian’s potential as a character is being held back by being Robin). Robin is what Tim was created to be and really all he’s ever aspired to in the hero game. 
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