647 posts
Hi I’m Danny and I love drawing my characters. I’m a student at the American Academy of Art, and my commissions are always open. Please check out my comic, Hiraeth because it is my life right now. I tend to post anything that comes to my mind, so there’s gonna be a lot of random posts.
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gooseking · 10 months ago
Ough I need to get back into the swing of posting to Tumblr again
I will upload some stuff tomorrow probably, depending on what happens
I currently have some health concerns going on, as I have a huge, painful lump under my arm and I have to get it surgically removed. And along with that, both of my great grandparents are basically going now. My great grandpa is on end of life care, and my great grandma is close behind him. And my papaw is currently going through chemo. Lots of stuff going on. Luckily, I have therapy tomorrow to process everything.
But yeah I have plans to upload more artwork, some updates on my shop, and eventually make a new Hiraeth Discord server
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gooseking · 11 months ago
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I'm so pumped to announce that I'm modeling all of the monsters in the Monster Manual from A-Z, starting of course with the Aarakocra! I'm so happy with how this turned out!
If you want to get the .stl of this, it's only $1 up on Cults3D!
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gooseking · 11 months ago
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Hey all! To help me get rid of some stock and make room for new art and products, I'm having a MAJOR 50% off sale on everything that I'm discontinuing after they sell out! Get these stickers, prints, and canvas prints while you still can, because once they sell out, they are gone for good! And keep an eye out for some new products coming soon! I'm home for the summer and am working on some bigger projects for new products!
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gooseking · 11 months ago
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Some digital portraits I did of my babies! Don't worry, the rest are coming soon!
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gooseking · 11 months ago
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Here's my extremely tired boye, Finn! The poor man has been through so much! He's my half elf rogue in an online game of DnD that I do every Saturday!
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gooseking · 11 months ago
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Here's another custom character commission I did on Instagram! This client wanted a ghost cryptid photographer!
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gooseking · 11 months ago
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Here's a custom character commission I did for someone on Instagram! He wanted a buck that had a nature or a space theme about him, so I combined the two!
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gooseking · 11 months ago
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Skeleton!!! I heard the song Skeleton by Set it Off and related it to Percival, so have a Percy skeleton!
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gooseking · 11 months ago
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Here's the most recent iteration of "A Sweet Dance"! I've definitely come a long way from where I first started!
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gooseking · 11 months ago
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Eheheheheheheheh My boye Link! He's a newer DnD character I made who is a tabaxi monk!
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gooseking · 11 months ago
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Just in case y'all needed a reminder! I made a new persona that's not associated with Hiraeth and just a big comfort character.
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gooseking · 11 months ago
Ew ew ew ew Tiny update we had a messy breakup the other day and long story short, she accused me of cheating on her when I wasn't, left my bike in a town 2 hours away from me, broke up with me, logged into my Discord and locked me out, tried to do the same with my business Instagram, then told me that she had been cheating on me during the relationship. So I kept her desktop if she's not returning my bike or my phone that I gave her. That was a $200 bike, a $30 bike lock that my mom spent $40 in gas to drive to her, and I spent countless hours driving to and from her while she was cheating on me. I think that's a fair trade.
Anyway that's all I'm gonna say on the matter. She's petty and low-key being stalkerish because she literally just deleted my Discord as I was typing this.
Literally cannot stop thinking about my wonderful girlfriend it makes me wanna cry because we're 2 hours away and have only seen each other twice in person and I just really want to lay down and fall asleep with her in my arms and me in her arms and it's just AAAUUGH why can't we see each other more? Why can't we just stay with each other for the weekend (I know why, it's because of her parents)?
Also tomorrow she's no longer going to be my girlfriend, I've decided.
She's going to be my fiancé : )
She's asked me to marry her several times, but I'm just now emotionally ready for that commitment and I know for sure that she's the one for me. So I'm going to propose to her in person with a bouquet of roses, this pretty necklace,
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And a blue raspberry Ring Pop : )
Because we're both broke as hell and don't have enough for a proper engagement ring (one that won't turn your finger green like the cute asf promise ring she gave me on our first date; I now wear it on a chain though because I love this ring and I'm never taking the necklace off except for showers because I don't want it deteriorating further). And she's just really goofy and it's just fitting for her/our relationship : )
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Like these are my two favorite pictures of us so far because they show off how goofy we are with one another
She's literally the sweetest person I could ever ask to meet and I'm so glad I met her ❤️
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gooseking · 11 months ago
Ayo I'm alive and gonna be dumping some art here soon
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gooseking · 1 year ago
Gotta love it when you work until midnight when your projects are due at 1 am and when you get home at 12:15 and your internet is out and then when you go to submit one of the projects you have everything in the wrong format and now you have to render some more things and your other project isn't done because your instructor never answered you back about how to fix something so you're just going to turn in an incomplete project anyway
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gooseking · 1 year ago
I've never drawn Apollo facing forward
It's fucking cursed
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gooseking · 2 years ago
Literally cannot stop thinking about my wonderful girlfriend it makes me wanna cry because we're 2 hours away and have only seen each other twice in person and I just really want to lay down and fall asleep with her in my arms and me in her arms and it's just AAAUUGH why can't we see each other more? Why can't we just stay with each other for the weekend (I know why, it's because of her parents)?
Also tomorrow she's no longer going to be my girlfriend, I've decided.
She's going to be my fiancé : )
She's asked me to marry her several times, but I'm just now emotionally ready for that commitment and I know for sure that she's the one for me. So I'm going to propose to her in person with a bouquet of roses, this pretty necklace,
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And a blue raspberry Ring Pop : )
Because we're both broke as hell and don't have enough for a proper engagement ring (one that won't turn your finger green like the cute asf promise ring she gave me on our first date; I now wear it on a chain though because I love this ring and I'm never taking the necklace off except for showers because I don't want it deteriorating further). And she's just really goofy and it's just fitting for her/our relationship : )
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Like these are my two favorite pictures of us so far because they show off how goofy we are with one another
She's literally the sweetest person I could ever ask to meet and I'm so glad I met her ❤️
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gooseking · 2 years ago
I just made a new villain type character for Hiraeth and hoo boy I accidentally made him hot
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