ofcelestialstories · 27 days
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.。.:*☆ "I am fine...." Link stated, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. So much for being a hero. He felt like he had almost died from a heart attack here. Though, he did not feel like telling that anyone, really. Not even Sypha. He was feeling embarrassed enough already as it was.
"How did you do that, though? Are you, uh... some sort of wizard?"
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❝ i can’t believe you did that. ❞ (from Link)
“yeah, i can’t either.” sypha looked at the black patch of ground where her blast of lightning had struck. it was far from the other, but it still shocked and scared her to think she could have hurt him. “i’m sorry, you startled me. you’re not hurt, are you? i swear i never meant to hurt you or anything. just get….defensive. a reflex from traveling and fighting in my real life, unfortunately.” sypha laughed lightly, hoping the other could forgive her.
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ofcelestialstories · 28 days
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.。.:*☆ "Yeah, I know. It is alright, really." El was aware she'd looked angry at first. Because that was not how she had imagined her day to go - with her coffee spilled everwhere. But the other girl had apologized, and really, things like this could happen....
"Okay, sure? But I really need to find a bathroom first. There is coffee all over my hands and shoes."
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@ofcelestialstories [Anyone]
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"I didn't mean to knock into you and spill your coffee! I just wasn't paying any attention, so that's my fault." Josie admitted with a soft nod. "Let me buy you a new coffee! To make up for the one I've spilled, please."
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ofcelestialstories · 29 days
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.。.:*☆ "Guess that is what not having to run after monsters every day does to you," Buffy responded, smirking a little as she did. Yes, she was surprised to see Faith. But Spike and Dru were here, so, maybe, it was only a matter of time more people from her past would show up.
"You don't look bad yourself, though. Guess you are holding up nicely?"
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@ofcelestialstories | buffy
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this was just her luck to come face to face with buffy. faith wanted to turn away, considering the last time the other slayer had seen her, she had tried to beat her into a pulp. not that faith couldn't go toe to toe with the blonde, but she really wan't in the mood right now. but it looked like buffy had already seen her, considering she had strode over and was staring right at her. "hey b," faith greeted the other, giving an awkward half smile. "looking good."
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ofcelestialstories · 29 days
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.。.:*☆ "You.... you are Tigris, aren't you?" Maude Ivory blinked several times, unsure if she really was seeing whom she thought she was seeing. On the other hand, though, with Snow and Lucy Gray being here, it was not that much of a suprise at the end of the day.
"Well, uh...." She cleared her throat, feeling awkward. "They are pretty good, actually. We've had the honor to play with them a couple of times, you see?"
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@ofcelestialstories (Tigris & Maude Ivory)
Tigris looked at the sign in front of her, "I'm not familiar with that band." She muttered, "Excuse me." She caught the attention of the closest person to her. "Do you know who this is, I'm trying to figure out what kind of music to expect."
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
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.。.:*☆ Eddie nodded when the other told him his name. Normally, he would offer a handshake, but the weather was shit and he assumed both of them would prefer to be somewhere dry now. "Well, sadly some people will always be reckless. Or drunk. Not that I want something bad to happen, it is just...." He sighed, blinking away some water. "This is an island. Easier to just fall off the edge here suddenly and be gone forever."
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Fjord took a step closer, the rain disrupting his vision just a bit. "I was wondering when you boys were going to show up and do the final check." He turned back toward the dock. "Everything's properly secured, we issued the evac warning this morning. I was just doing the last check to ensure no one stowed away." He pointed to himself "Fjord., and as far as I can tell you are the only person I've found.. hopefully we won't have to fish anyone out of the sea today. "
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
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.。.:*☆ "Well, some claimed I am insane for already taking a bath here." Not that Qimir did really care what people thought about him. Never had, most likely never would. Expect a handful that actually managed to earn his respect.
"But I do agree with you. The warning was just so you would not shout at me now for not warning you," He shrugged. "Because, you know, some people just are weird like this."
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In truth, he had come up to the water to be alone. He needed to think, and right now running into anyone meant they told him things. Much as he had wanted to learn about his real life, none of it wasn't that easy to hear.
It seemed someone else was already there, and oddly a cold feeling hit him. Had to be the water... that he wasn't in yet. Nope, he wasn't going to think too much about that.
"I am but not to disturb your peace, only for my own" he said, dunking under, and perhaps staying there for just slightly longer than humans should be able to. Something he wasn't sure he wanted to understand. "Doesn't seem that cold to me" he added when he resurfaced.
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
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.。.:*☆ "River?" There was something in the back of Amy's mind tingling at the sight of the woman. Like a memory trying to surface. It was important, that much she knew. Maybe she should ask Rory about it. After all, her husband had already mentioned things Amy was supposed to remember, at this point.
"Oh, I wish I would know. Just woke up here one day. But I think that was the case for everyone so far, basically."
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closed starter for amy pond ! @ofcelestialstories
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“Amy!” River called out when she recognized her mother. She smiled. This was the first time she had seen Amy since that Angel took her — emotions wells up inside her but she kept them off her face. She didn’t yet know where this Amy was in her own timeline, so… spoilers. “What are you doing here?”
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
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.。.:*☆ "Echo?" Raven had been good on her own so far. Sure, she missed people from home. Some of them, at least. But here, it was not fighting for her life every day. Life was peaceful. Maybe that made it easier to forget, so, yes, she was suprised about seeing the other at first.
"God, it really has been a while! Since when are you here in Ivy Cove?"
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closed starter for raven reyes ! @ofcelestialstories
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“Hey spacewalker.” Echo raised an eyebrow, the beginnings of a smile forming on their face. They’d never been the best at expressing their emotions, but they were so relieved to see Raven again. First Murphy, now Raven — suddenly Echo didn’t feel so alone anymore.
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
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.。.:*☆ "For me, you look just as beautiful as I remember." It was maybe cheesy, but Rhaegar did not care, gazing at Lyanna and gently taking her hand into his. "And I know. It feels like fate was against us back then. But it brought us here, so...." A small pause as he tried to find the right words. "Maybe - hopefully - this will be our second chance. And, oh love, of course I am real! As real as I can be!"
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a laugh bubbled up from lyanna's lips as she looked at him. "i'm older than i once was rhaegar, forgive me for thinking that time may have changed me - even slightly." she admitted, shaking her head. "it's been so long since i saw you, our last parting was not one i think of in joy." she swallowed thickly, moving into his embrace, her head resting against is rising and falling chest. "are you real?"
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
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.。.:*☆ "Yes, well, uh...." Herc sighed, carefully leaning the unhinged door against the wall, hoping to not cause any more damage. "Does not matter anymore now. I've missed my train anyway," He then added, his head hanging.
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"Also, it happens more often than I like. Being around mortals all the time clearly makes me forget that I am actually not one of them myself."
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logan looked on at the scene and let out a gruff short chuckle at the other and his panicked explanation about it. "well done, kid," he commented. it wasn't every day where a seemingly normal person rips a door off it's hinges. not in ivy cove, anyway. "this type of thing happen often? besides, standing around and explaining it clearly isn't helping your whole hurried situation."
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
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.。.:*☆ "Well fine... then not," The bard frowned and shrugged. It had only been a gane for him, really. But it sounded like the man was taking it all serious. "Then at least let us leave before this security guard will realize we don't belong here, okay?"
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quick! tell a lie! (from Scanlan) @ofcelestialstories
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"no," logan said sharply to the other. it's not that he didn't lie. he lied all the damn time. it's just logan had a thing against people telling him what to do. especially since the other seemed like he wanted it to help him.
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
@seccndchances || Medusa & Dru
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.。.:*☆ "And you've really never had a spa day before?" Medusa was lounging in her chair, having a sip from her drink and watching Dru from behind her sunglasses as she did.
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"I promise you, you'll love it," She smiled. "We are going to be properly pampered. A massage, hair treatment, nails and all of that... you are going to feel like the goddess you are at the end of the day, for sure."
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
@ivypapercutsxo || Medusa & Wade
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.。.:*☆ "Really not sure how I would have dealt with multiple versions of myself," Medusa mused with a hum after listening to Wade telling his story. It had been about him and a person named Wolverine and how they had saved the world. It sounded sort of hilarious, but really, there was no reason for her to assume he was lying.
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"Also, one Wade Wilson is really enough for me. And I do not mean that in a bad way. It would just be a little exhausting over time, for sure."
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
@ivypapercutsxo || Leo & Charlie
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.。.:*☆ "Careful," Leo exclaimed while placing then ladybug in Charlie's hand. It was something he'd been working on - bigger than a regular ladybug, made out of metal and shimmering in gold and copper. And with wings constructed in a way that made the animal able to fly.
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"I am still working on a life-sized dragon, but guess it would not hurt to build something smaller in between. Also, I totally thought of you when making it," He beamed.
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
@ivypapercutsxo || Cinna & Matt
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.。.:*☆ "So - what do you think?" Cinna asked, looking back and forth between Matt and the dog he had picked up from the shelter this morning. It had not been planned. Not really, at least. Cinna was usually only donating money to the shelter. It was then that he had ended up falling in love with the dog a little more every time he was there.
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"His name is Jester. And, well, after I have heard three people brought him back already after only owning him a few weeks, I figured it was finally time to give him a forever home. He deserves that chance."
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
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.。.:*☆ "London? I do not think I have been there before..." Whenever he had been on Midgard, Thor had been either with Jane or the Avengers. There was not really time left for sightseeing, or stuff like that. "Maybe it is because we are on an Island? Like, not that I would know," He chuckled. "Just tossing around ideas here."
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"Yeah, I swear the weather here just seems to be so unpredictable. kind of reminds me of London. When you didn't expect it. the skies would turn grey and bam, rain everywhere." Charlie admitted with a nod. "I'm glad I could somewhat help keep you dry.'
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ofcelestialstories · 1 month
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.。.:*☆ "Radio demon?" Brows furrowed, Rey did do her best to keep her distance. She had no idea what the man was talking about, and while he did not seem to be exactly dangerous, the Force was warning her to be careful, at least.
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"I do not know what that means. But, I am fine on my own usually, so do not worry," She then added, frowning. "And you did disturb my training. So sorry that I do not feel exactly relaxed right now."
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"Well, would say it's just myself but you don't really know me, so I'm Alastor, the radio demon." He replied, wanting to greet the other "You know, you seem way too jumpy to be out here on your own. Maybe try to relax a little."
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