dependent blog for ivycovehq. written by cc. muses: anakin skywalker, bucky barnes, maude ivory baird, ygritte, johanna mason, jean grey, leo valdez, scanlan shortholt,rhaegar targaryen, link, charlie morningstar, jane 'eleven' hopper, frodo baggins, crowley, scott mccall, maid marian, buffy summers, thor, pietro maximoff, princess jasmine, ariel, rapunzel, belle, medusa, ruby lucas, gabriel, zevran arainai, dorothy gale, lydia deetz, wednesday addams.
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“what's a magneto?” johnny storm and jean grey
She had not heard this name in a while. In fact, Jean did her best not to think of Erik. Or Charles. Of any of them, really. Because it was hard. And because it did not feel like dwelling on it would help in any way.
"Where have you heard of him?" She looked at Johnny. Still unsure how much she should share. How he had decided to ask her about it out of any people possible.
"He was... a friend. Someone from my past." She shrugged. "Erik Lehnsherr. But he was a mutant, like me, and we... we do pick ne names. A new idendity, so to say. Because society wanted to deny our existence, and all of that." Another shrug. "Sorry. You surely did not want to hear a novel about that now - right?"
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"Do I need to call an ambulance?!" (Peggy Carter to Scott McCall)
.。.:*☆ "No Ma'am.... no, I am alright." It was not the first time one of his stunts had gone wrong. Scott was maybe an alpha, but he sometimes still did act like an untrained puppy. Which included doing things that could potentially get him hurt.
"Seriously, it is just a few bruises?" he tried to add, wincing when he lifted his arm.
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“would you like some breakfast?” (katherine pierce to edward cullen)
.。.:*☆ "You might not have to offer what I would usually need." The blood diet was still odd on some days, even when his memories had returned now. Maybe it was because Edward still was living in Ivy Cove without his family. It felt all simply unreal.
Plus, Edward was still not willing to attack people. And he felt like he and Katherine were not on the same page when it came to this little detail.
"But feel free to try to surprise me, of course."
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“where's your room?” davina & anyone
.。.:*☆ "Over there. Last one on the left." Jean felt awful for needing a stranger to help her to get back to her place. Even after months in Ivy Cove, she was still keeping to herself. It was better this way. Whenever she got close to a person, something bad was bound to happen.
"Also, you did not have to do this. Like, yeah, I am still feeling dizzy. But I'm sure I'm not going to faint anymore. Okay?"
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“the world will be watching.” cora & anyone
.。.:*☆ "I would prefer they do not, but really, what can we do?" Scott ran one hand through his hair, looking over at Cora as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Saw a bunch of kids earlier today recording stuff on their phone. It's like, nothing is private anymore these days, right?" He sighed. "Which means having to be more careful, at the end of the day. Because I really do not think the world is ready for knowing that werewolves and stuff do really exist."
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“i'm sorry about last night.” sophie & anyone
.。.:*☆ "Well, mean... I have been the one who'd started the whole thing, haven't I? So, you have really nothing to be sorry for." And yes, now in the light of day, Howl felt bad about it. It was not Sophie's fault that he was such a drama queen sometimes, going into crisis mode over the smallest things.
"In fact, next time I throw a tantrum like that, you are allowed to whack me over the head with a broomstick. Will hurt, but might save us both some nerves and breath, I am sure."
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.。.:*☆ "Did you catch it?" Elena was a little out of breath, at this point. But daylight was fading quickly, and she knew she would never find her scarf again once it was dark. Which she just could not let happen, seeing it had been a gift of her late grandmother.
"Thank you," She smiled, panting a little. "The wind had decided to ripp it away from me all of the sudden!"
patrolling in the cemetery while there was still daylight out was counter productive, faith knew that. but it was about to get dark soon, so she was just starting early. but she was distracted as a scarf flew directly into her face. "what the --" she said, pulling it off and looking at it, before looking around to see where it came from.
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.。.:*☆ "To be honest with you, I have never been swimming with sharks before, actually." And it also was not really anywhere on his to-do-list. Percy was a demigod, yes. But that did not mean he was insane. Even though, he did wonder if his father Poseidon could even communicate with sharks and other fish, maybe.
"Let us look for the indoor pool then. Maybe even one that does make bubbles."
"Oh, come on. I used to swim in shark-invested water all of the time. It will be okay, just don't piss them off." Kie replied, which in reality if you didn't bother them, they didn't bother you. "However, if you are that scared, it won't help you either so maybe we should go find an indoor pool." Kie told the other with a nod. "They can smell fear."
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.。.:*☆ "Oh yeah, right - the sugar and all that stuff." But Simba really was not someone who did exactly care about such things, either. He was picking food that was tasting good. That was what did matter the most for him.
"Also, a picnic would be cool. Are you carrying around a blanket with you?" He blinked, trying to glance behind Paige. "And also a basket with snacks and all of that?"
"Well, I am never one to turn down food, especially those that aren't good for me." Paige chuckled, giving a nod. "I'm always down for a taste test, and i might have some to share too, so we can have us a little picnic out of it."
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.。.:*☆ "I really do not understand why people get themselves pets only to abandon them later." Like, the dog wore no collar, so, the other could be right with her assumption.
"Are you implying I should take him?" It was not that Neytiri was totally against it. She was just unsure if her other two dogs would accept a new family member.
"Maybe we should see a vet first. He could have one of those things.... a chip it is called, I think."
clove glanced at the four legged creature from where she was sat just a little bit down the beach, shaking her head. "no - not me." she replied easily, shrugging. "it could be a town stray though - that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest." the raven haired woman added "maybe he needs a new owner?"
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.。.:*☆ "Oh shit, are you alright?" Neytiri really had not meant to startle the young woman with her question. All she'd wanted was to make sure the dog would not end up roaming the streets of Ivy Cove by himself.
"You mean like a stray?" She sighed, wondering what to do. Her own dogs were still at home - she had not planned to stop at the beach by herself, after all - and the thought made her heart sting.
"Maybe he has.... you know, these things pets are required to have here. It is called a chip, I think?"
Tuk had admittedly been watching the other from the comfort of her tree perch. Something about the other, made her feel comforted. Like they might have known each other in a past life. She hadn't expected the other to call out to her, nearly falling backwards in shock. Tuk helped herself down to the ground before walking up to examine the dog closely. "Nope, I haven't seen this dog before? Perhaps it just likes you?"
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.。.:*☆ "Really? You ask me to join you for a coffee?" Jack had expected the Doctor to run a mile as soon as he would see him. Because that was what was usually happening. And no, Jack had no idea why that was happening. he was a good guy, after all. Most of the time, at least.
"But yeah, sure. Not like I have much else to do here in Ivy Cove, after all."
@ofcelestialstories [Tenth Doctor + Anyone]
"Sometimes it's nice to just sit down, enjoy a nice waffle and coffee and contemplate life." The doctor replied. That sounded like something humans would do, right? Personally, he never thought about it considering he never truly died, he would just regenerate and have another face. "You can join me if you'd like."
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.。.:*☆ "My boss would be not be exactly happy about that, I fear," Amy replied to the man, holding some of the menu cards she had just collected from empty tables in front of her chest.

"On the other hand, the boss is not in today..." And the diner was empty right now expect the customer in front of her. "But only five minutes. And only if I can get you a refill first."
@ofcelestialstories [Tenth Doctor + Anyone]
"Sometimes it's nice to just sit down, enjoy a nice waffle and coffee and contemplate life." The doctor replied. That sounded like something humans would do, right? Personally, he never thought about it considering he never truly died, he would just regenerate and have another face. "You can join me if you'd like."
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.。.:*☆ Simba blinked up from the spot where he'd landed on his ass on the sidewalk. Keeping his balance seemed to be harder sometimes without a tail, really. Especially when someone was knocking him off his feet unexpectedly.
"I am fine," He said anyway, shaking his head and rubbing the back of his neck. "But yeah, you really should. Unless you want to make a business out of running people over, or something like that...."
While there were a lot of pluses about being human that Tramp was certainly enjoying, there were also some things that he needed to remember were not so easy for him to do anymore. Trying to get through a crowd easily was one of them. As a dog, it was no problem to slip in and around peoples' legs, but it was not so easy to slip through people when he was at their level. So it was no surprise that when he tried to do so, he ended up bumping into someone.
"Oh geez, I'm sorry, I didn't see--I mean--I'm not really used to…" He broke off into a sigh. "Yeah, ok. This one's on me. I gotta remember to watch where I'm going a little more. You alright?"
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.。.:*☆ "More than I can count at this point, really." And a part of Thor was aware that drinking was surely no solution. But then, that was what he would usually do in such a moment. It was what Valkyrie had done. And he was sure Loki had done it, as well. Plus, he was an adult. And a God. Surely mature enough to make his own decisions when it came to things like this. Or, that is what Thor was telling himself, at least.
"The woman I do love does not remember who I am. My brother returned from the dead. Mean, that's surely a lot to take in, right?" He nodded to himself, taking a sip from his beer. "Also, sorry, mate. I am sure you don't wanna hear all of that. Just, you've asked, so I thought I could maybe share at least a bit of the story?"
It had been quite a day, to say the least, and Arthur really, really needed a drink. He had had plenty of calls from people who needed stuff fixed, and not all of them had been polite about it either. In fact, there had been an awful lot of cranky people he had been dealing with today. On top of that, he was still dealing with missing chunks of his memories, which did not put him in any better of a mood.
He really wanted to have a drink in peace, so when someone sat down beside him, he frowned and grumbled a bit, but refrained from truly complaining. Instead, he asked, "You ever jus' have one o' those days? Seems like I been havin' a lot o' 'em lately." Though he mostly seemed to be addressing his glass instead of the other person.
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.。.:*☆ "You are aware that you got it wrong, right?" Jack was not sure why he was such a downer. Maybe because he had needed this on top of everything else going wrong in his life. Being trapped on this island.
"Sorry." Letting out a sigh, he pointed at some of the symbols. He had seen them before. In the library of the TARDIS. It seemed like a lifetime ago now. And maybe it was. So it was maybe a little miracle he did remember all of this. Not to mention, Jack had no idea how those symbols found their way into Ivy Cove. it just made no sense.
"This here, it does mean 'water'. And the other.... it is a word we do not know in this language, I fear. Very old. But it means bascially something like 'crossing the borders of the universe'." A pause. "Where did you even find this code?"
Peggy Carter | Open starter ( @ivycovestarters )
There were few moments as rewarding as the cracking of a code. For reasons beyong Peggy's understanding, the Ivy Cove library had an incredible repertoire of studies and registers on codes, languages and innovative forms of hidden communication, most of them unsolved - until Peggy Carter got her hands on them. Now, she occupied an entire desk at the library, surrounded by ancient, nearly illegible papers, along with her own annotations. Under closer inspection, the documents had a language so intricate it could pass as a work of art. And she was pretty sure she had figured out the key to deciphering it. "Isn't this beautiful? I can only imagine what sort of genius created this in the first place. It would take not only an astonishing intellect, but also an artist's soul."
#Jack Harkness tbt#I'm sorry he's an ass sometimes#goldennthreads#also I totally winged this#hope that is okay
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.。.:*☆ "I am sure I can get whatever I want on this island, as well." Gabe arched a single eyebrow as he looked at the young woman. It was hard to tell if she was human, although, the angel could feel that she was more than the eye could tell. And their old self would surely have enjoyed an opporturnity like this. And yes, Gabriel wished it could be like this again. They were just nor sure if that was actually possible...
"Also, most of the secrets I know are juicy. Like, you would expect nothing less from a Trickster, would you?"
Fearne Calloway | Open starter ( @ivycovestarters )
It was a dangerous day for the world when Fearne Calloway felt bored, so she tried to avoid boredom at all costs. There was always a new friend to make, a new deal to close, a new surprise to find or create. And she wasn't afraid to make an entrance. "You might have heard about this already, and it's true. I can get you whatever you want on this island, as long as you tell me a secret. But it has to be a juicy one."
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