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goodmorningchat · 17 days ago
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Day 14 -Shower Sex-Hisoka/Reader
Notes:  k so suspend your disbelief that Hisoka would ever need a roommate, that man is probably rich as hell, but this is my universe and I can do anything I want.
Maybe your decision to get a roommate was a mistake. It had seemed like such a bright idea a few weeks ago, when you had put the last minute listing online. Because you could have a nice, large apartment in a central location and halve the price. And maybe you could make a nice friend out of it. You were even safe, requiring an online form as well as an in person interview. You weren't too worried though, you considered yourself pretty formidable when it came to ability. 
But it was not going as well as you would have liked. You have received plenty of submissions, sure. But each one had something glaringly wrong with it. You shuffle through the forms you had printed out, sighing as each one passes through your vision. These are the better ones, you threw out the worse ones already. Now, only three remain.
The first one is a woman, who after a delightful interview where the two of you got along really well, she had informed you that she had four cats and three dogs, and a cow. And she would expect them to live with her. So she was obviously tossed. The second one had been a rather mousy looking man who had some clear stalker tendencies, and had asked you to compromise on rent. You had told him maybe, and shooed him away. 
The last option was the one you were most hopeful about. It was another man, who was set to arrive any minute now. His answers on the form were promising, of course, but also very general. That was why you had set up the in person interview. To probe people and get their general vibes. 
The doorbell rings, shaking you out of your thoughts. You jump up, straightening your dress and fixing your hair, before moving to the door. This is the last one. You send up a little prayer, begging that this one will be the perfect candidate, and open the door.
The man standing on the other side of the door with his hand on his hip is very hot. It's the first thing you notice, followed very quickly by the odd way he dresses. But have met many a weird dresser in your day so you try not to judge. 
“Are you Mr Morrow?” You question, smiling up at him. He's very tall, looming over you a bit in your own doorway.
“Yes, I was informed you were in desperate need of a roommate,” The man says, offering a hand out in front of him. “You have such a lovely nen, dear.”
You take it, wincing slightly as he shakes it. He's a dramatic one. And probably a pro hunter, given the fact that he noticed your nen. And pointed it out at all. But that doesn't mean anything, not yet at least.  
“I am. Come on in.” You say, yanking your hand out of his tight, cold grip and opening the door wide. The man breezes past you, sauntering into your house with no hint of hesitancy or fear. He shows only blind confidence, accompanied by a smirk tossed over his shoulder. He must be very strong. Or just stupid. You don't know which is better. You sigh, leading him towards the living room where you have your little interview area set up. 
“Alright Mr Morrow, could you tell me why you want a roommate?” You ask, sitting down on the couch of the cozy little living room. He sits down opposite you, in one of the cushy armchairs and crosses one leg over the other. 
“Hisoka is fine,” he says, brushing a hair through his red hair, pushing it back farther. “And it seemed fun!”
You raise an eyebrow. So he's an odd one. 
“Not for a financial need or…” You say, trying to prompt him into a more in depth answer. His smiles, yellow eyes flickering between your face and the rest of the apartment, probably taking it in. It's a nice apartment, and in a central part of Yorknew city. That's partly why you were so desperate for it. 
“Oh no, of course not. I could pay for this entire place if I felt like it.” He laughs lightly, and you chuckle. Probably a bad sign, you muse as he continues. “It's just that the address of my other residence got out and I had the most annoying visitors at all hours of the day.”
You raise your eyebrow high, so high you assume it's going to disappear into your hairline at any moment, and tap your pen. Hisoka shakes his head, pouting slightly and you kick yourself as it occurs to you once again how attractive he really is. 
“It was so inconvenient, I'm sure you know darling. So I had to move.” Hisoka says with a frown, head tilting to the side. “But I soon discovered that I had been put on a no buy list. Like a no fly list? You understand?”
He leans forward, like he's telling some great secret, and you nod with a sigh. This one is a complicated one. No matter how attractive you find his arms as they flex, or his thin waist in that odd outfit he wears, you need to remain rational and not rush such an important decision because you thought this guy was hot as fuck. Hisoka smiles, somehow not disturbing the strange symbols painted on his cheeks. 
“So I figured getting a roomie was the solution to both problems!” He says with a smile, pointing his finger in the air as if he's come up with the solution to a great puzzling problem. “No weak people will figure out my address, as your name will be on the lease. And paying you the rent mitigates the no buy list issue.”
“I see, how interesting.” You say, trying not to sound too amused. He sure is a weird one, alright. “Do you have any pets?”
“Oh no, animals don't like me.” He laughs, passing his hand through his hair again. “I couldn't tell you why, will that be an issue?”
“Oh, no.” You say, a beat of worry ticking at the back of your brain. “I don't have any pets, they make a lot of mess.”
It should probably be a bad sign that animals don't like him, but honestly all you care about is the fact that he doesn't have a pet, not any flags as red as his hair that answer might raise. 
“And you wouldn't object to sharing a bathroom?” You question. The apartment is nice, but it's a two bedroom one bath. You didn't know why, an odd design choice on the part of the former owners. Hisoka chuckles.
“Oh, not at all~” He says silkily, recrossing his legs with a flourish. “I can coexist just fine with someone as lovely as you. I hear that taking showers together conserves water~”
He shoots you a wink, a smirk flashing across his face. You laugh, trying to ignore what he's laying down on the table. It's better not to think of anything like that, lest it urge you closer and closer to just giving up and taking him on as a roommate.
“How environmentally conscious,” You say, appropriately neutral as you continue. “And may I ask what you do for work?”
“Ah work. That's a little complicated, I'm afraid.” Hisoka says, tilting his head to the side with a bit of a frown. “I suppose officially, I would classify as a blacklist hunter.”
Ah, of course. You can't really say you're surprised, but perhaps it's a bad sign for your mental health that his answer doesn't actually put you off as much as it should.
“I see,” you say, noting that down on your little notebook. Hisoka tilts his head, eyes flickering curiously.
“You don't seem at all alarmed.” He questions, yellow eyes staring directly at your face. Not dancing around your face and body, not at the wall behind you. He must be very interested in your reaction.
“It's really none of my business, as long as you don't mess with the apartment,” You explain, running a hand through your hair. “And besides, I'm a hunter as well, and you don't seem to mean any harm to me. Right now anyway.”
Hisoka blinks, letting the silence stretch on for a moment, filling the air of the cozy living room. He seems a bit surprised by your answer, for reasons you can't understand. Maybe he was surprised by your total lack of fear? Or maybe your casual attitude. It was only natural, both your parents were hunters and most of your clientele were as well. You supposed you were a bit dead to what was normal and unusual. You did make specialty weapons for people all over the world. Some of your best clientele were the infamous Zoldyck family. You were kind of used to weirdos dressed in odd costumes who wanted strange things. The only thing you might need to worry about from Hisoka was how attractive you found him. 
Hisoka chuckles. 
“How interesting~” he purrs, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room. “What a strikingly brave person you are, doll.”
“I guess,” You say, shrugging off the pet name he’s already assigned you with a sigh. “Are there any questions you have for me? It's better to settle these things before you move in.”
“Ah, so you’ll have me then?” Hisoka asks, all smiles. You nod, shuffling your papers with a sigh. It seems he really is the best option. 
“Questions, hmm.” Hisoka says, tapping his chin. You wait patiently as he considers, a bit worried. Finally, he speaks. “I have an odd friend. You don't mind him showing up out of nowhere do you?”
You sigh. You've been doing a lot of sighing lately. 
“No, not really. Tell him my bedroom is off limits though.” You say, standing to your feet. You've known your share of weirdos, and as long as this one stays out of your private spaces you're fine. Hisoka smiles, rising smoothly to his feet with a slightly unhinged smile. He held out his hand, yet again. You eye it warily.
“So, we have a deal?” He asks, angling his hand upwards slightly, palm pointing into the ceiling. His nails are a bit long, you notice absentmindedly.
You reach out, taking his hand to shake. 
“Yes, for now.” You say, “But we still need to sign the papers.”
“Yes, of course.” Hisoka supplies, mouth curving into a smile as he grips your hand, bringing it up to his cold lips. You push down a flush, biting your lips as he presses a long kiss to the back of your hand. His yellow eyes flick up, meeting your own and pinning you to the spot. Finally, after what feels like an age, he stands up, gently releasing your hand from his chilly grip. It falls to your side, and you clear your throat.
“Would you like a tour?” You ask, proud of how clear your vocal cords remain. Hisoka chuckles, crossing his arms casually.
“Sure.” He laughs.
You fear for your future self. You’ve certainly found an odd roommate. 
Hisoka, despite the faults and red flags that constantly run in your vision, isn't actually that terrible of a roomate. He's quite clean, and not very noisy. He does cook at all, but you don't mind cooking for two and leaving leftovers for him as he comes and goes. In return, he cleans the kitchen for you, and often the rest of the house as well. The two of you end up not seeing each other as much as you would like, only meating for meals and the occasional free afternoon of dancing around each other. It's nice, honestly. You can ignore his other faults, like the makeup skin and hair products that are mixing with your own, and the incessant flirting. He flirts so much you assume it's just how he is. Because no matter how much you wanna fuck him, you doubt its returned. Because that's the other problem. You really wanna fuck him, and it can be reliably traced to a combination of a few things. 
One, because of your new roomie, you cant bring men home to fuck anymore. 
Two, He's just insanely attractive and touchy, a hand on your waist here, a brush of your neck there, and you're losing your mind.
And three, the walls are too thin for you to masturbate comfortably. You can only masturbate in the shower now. But that in itself is a problem. You try not to shower for too long because of the water bill and so you can only get yourself off way less than you need.
But it isn't really a big deal, you promise yourself. You don't find yourself spending long bouts of time with Hisoka anyway, so your obvious desire for him isn't on display. You can only hope you can hide it for as long as the two of your remaining roomies. 
You survey the counters of your bathroom, the white of the countertop slowly being swallowed by skincare. Your own skincare addiction was a beast, but with Hisoka living with you the problem had only worsened. The shelves were covered in various masks and serums, the cabinets taken up by painkillers and mysterious under the counter drugs. The shelves to the side of the counter are laden in your makeup, with a small space devoted to the few products Hisoka used to draw his star and teardrop. 
You shove a couple things aside to grab your hair brush. The mirror is clean, your reflection clear in the glass, a few little sticky notes stuck to one end. You eye them, your messy handwriting noting down the things you were running low on. It was better if you left them in the mirror. You looked at it every morning and night after all when you did your skincare. 
You sigh, running a brush over your scalp in relief. The shower isn't running yet, but you're excited for the opportunity to wash your hair, and of course, to masturbate. Your body is thrumming with pent up energy as you eye yourself in the mirror. Hisoka had been especially annoying this week. It seemed he had nothing to do, so every morning when you left for work you encountered him in the living room, and he was there when you returned. 
Sometimes he was on the couch, watching reality tv in a tank top and sweats, and sometimes he was clearly just coming from the gym with sweat gathering on his arms and face. Each time he was desperately tempting, and much too flirty for your sanity. Be it a wink and a flirty comment, or a brush of your waist and a breath on your neck. He was driving you crazy. 
You sigh, shedding the towel you had been wrapped in and fold it neatly, placing it on the small shelf next to the entrance of the shower. You dig your feet ingo the bathmat, running a hand through your hair with a sigh. And then you see it.
A spider. A nasty, giant spider the size of your palm, sitting directly in the shower. In the path of your feet.
You scream shrilly, jumping backwards dramatically as you run to get as far away from the spider as possible. You hate spiders, more than anything in the world. You scream again, your shrill voice echoing off the bathroom walls.
“Hisoka!” You shriek, hugging your naked waist in fear as the spider moves a few inches closer. “Come here!”
The door slams open, Hisoka moving with a sense of urgency. His face betrays no emotion besides amusement as he takes you in, shivering and naked, glaring at the spider on the shower floor.
“Can I help you doll?” he purrs, moving closer to you across the bathroom floor. You don't even notice, too busy with your worst enemy, the giant spider watching you from the shower. The shower in the bathroom is only covered with a slight wall of glass, leaving about a space wide enough for someone to pass through comfortably into the shower cubby. It's also enough space for the spider to escape and hunt you down relentlessly. 
“Don't you see it?” You hiss, body trembling in the chilly bathroom air. You shiver, holding your arms around your waist. You seem to have forgotten your nakedness. 
Hisoka chuckles, folding his hands across his chest as his yellow eyes scan your body, pausing on all the parts of interest. He licks his lips, moving towards you across the floor. You don't notice, too busy keeping an eye on the spider. 
“Look,” you whisper. “The spider. In the shower.”
“Ah,” Hisoka says, a slight laugh contained in his voice. “Afraid of spiders, are you?”
You roll your eyes, not happy with his sarcasm.
The spider jumps, moving out of the shower cubby and towards you on the floor. You shriek, jumping backwards and into Hisoka’s arms, clinging to his muscled body as you scream.
“Ugh, it's coming this way!” You yell, hiding your face in Hisoka’s chest as your legs clench around his waist. “Just kill it!”
Hisoka laughs, the sound rattling in his chest as you cling close to him. He has his phone in his pocket, poking against your thighs. It's odd, because you don't remember this pair of sweatpants he's wearing having pockets. The spider sits heavy on your mind though, and you grip his muscled shoulders close with a whimper.
“As you wish.” Hisoka laughs, gripping your thighs and holding your body close to him. Faintly, you inhale his scent, a mix of flowers and musk and the unmistakable faint scent of blood. It turns you on as fear runs through your blood. You hid your head in his chest.
“Is it dead?” You whisper, gripping him tightly. Your heart is beating fast against your chest, begging to escape and run away from the stupid spider. 
“Yes, doll.” Hisoka purrs, other hand coming up to stroke your hair gently, an attempt to calm you down. “Your knight in shining armor has rescued you from the great threat lurking in the depths of the shower.”
You roll your eyes. He's making fun of you.
“Did you throw it away?” You question, not loosening your death grip on his shoulders. 
“Yes, I'm delighted to report it’s out of your sight.” Hisoka says, a chuckle in his voice. You pull your head away from his chest cautiously, pearing backwards and scouring the bathroom floor for any remnants of the spider. The floor is empty, only occupied with the fluffy bath mat. You sigh in relief, your chest heavy distractingly against the black tank top Hisoka wears. 
Then you realize exactly where you are. You're clinging to Hisoka like a tree, completely naked and clutching at his body. You shriek again, almost as loud as you did when you saw that damn spider and fly away from him like you've touched fire. Hisoka chuckles.
“Aw, come back.” he coos, running a hand through his hair. “You were so cute, all helpless and scared.”
You frown and bite back a groan at the same time, covering your tits and pussy with your hands as best you can.
“Get out!” You shriek, fighting back the arousal that leaks in as you take him in. 
“How rude!” Hisoka chuckles, pulling his tank top over his head. “No thank you?”
You yank your eyes away from his pale chest, as your pussy twitches with arousal. He toys with the hem of his sweatpants. As he tugs them lower, and you take in the v line pointing lower and lower, you realize he's not wearing boxers. You yank your eyes away, but it's too late. He's seen your wandering eyes. 
“The water bill is getting too high.” You say out of nowhere, body tingling with arousal. 
HIsoka tilts his head, biting back a smirk.
“Is that so?” He smirks, voice lilting seductively. “You know, I've been told showering together conserves water.”
You bite back a smile. A callback to your very first conversation. You let your hands drop, as you move towards the shower. All pretense is gone, just two people who really wanna fuck each others brians out. You giggle.
“What a clever plan.” You say, stepping into the shower and turning on the water with a sigh. Hisoka crowds behind you, smirking like the cat that got the cream. You suppose that's an accurate description for what's happening right now. 
“How long have you known,” You whimper, boobs and face pressed against the glass divider. Hisoka chuckles, tick chock drilling your insides as you moan loudly. The steam of the shower floats through the air, obscuring his face slightly. His hair is down, dripping with water and plastered to his face, but he doesn't seem to care. You brace your hands against the glass as he grips his hips, hitting the spot inside you that has you seeing stars.
“Since your eyes first scanned my body,” Hisoka grunts, hands gripping you so tight you’ll bruise. “You aren't exactly subtle, doll.”
“Ah, how embarrassing.” you murmur, hair falling wet and heavy down your back, tangling in your mouth. 
“Don't be too upset about it,” Hisoka murmurs, pressing his back against you as he drills deeper into you. “Your lustful glances were very mutual. You're simply a bit romantically oblivious.”
You whimper, hands scrabbling at the slick glass. The bathroom is filled with steam, the sound of the shower muffling your moans and the slapping of wet skin. You hope your neighbors can't hear you. 
“Am i?” You whimper, head falling back as his steady thrusts bring you closer and closer to completion. “I thought you were just like that.”
“I am,” Hisoka mutters, sinking his teeth into your neck. You clench down on him, body tensing as pleasure and pain erupt from the bite mark, tangling and twisting into a heady cocktail of arousal. 
“Ah, god.” You moan, nipples rubbing against the glass. “We should have done this sooner.”
Hisoka’s clawed hand reaches down, abandoning your bruised hips to rub circles into your clit. Stars burst behind your eyes, the bubbles and steam of the ballroom only adding to the floaty, dream like atmosphere. Hisoka chuckles, body hard and powerful against your own soft, curvy one. 
“I think we'll be doing this a lot from now on.” He half chuckles, half groans, body pressing against yours, pressing you to the glass.
Your lips part as you cum, screaming his name into the abyss of hot steam and powerful muscles. And as the orgasms overwhelm your body, you smile to yourself against the glass.
It seems getting a roommate was shaping up to be the best decision you’d ever made. 
Endnotes: my sister is terrified of spiders. I channeled her fear for the spider bit. I don't like spiders very much, but she's genuinely terrified lol.
Also, guess who finished this before one in the morning, instead of at like three. Im hella proud of myself for that <3
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goodmorningchat · 17 days ago
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Morning w Hisoka
Summary: morning with your clingy boyfriend.
Note: my english not so good. May be some mistakes.
cw: fluff, clingy!Hisoka, cuddling.
Word count: 654
You wake up because you can’t breathe. You opened your eyes and discovered Hisoka literally lying on top of you. He half sprawled on top of you, throwing his leg over yours and his head resting on your chest.
“Hisoka” you said and shoving him a little bit.
No reaction. But you know very well that big, sneaky fox is faking it. It was every time when Hisoka got bored in the morning, he'd pounce on you with his whole body to wake you up.
“Hisoka... I know you're awake. Get off me" you once again hoped it would help.
The red-haired fox is overly tactile, especially in the morning. He never misses an opportunity to take you into his arms while the two of you are snuggling in bed. But sometimes there are days like this one, when he unceremoniously lies on top of you with no plans to get up.
At your voice and the rustling of the sheets, your little cat came running in. He sat down on the bedside table and watched you.
Looking at this little ball of fur, you thought about the fact that you have two cats living at home. Both of them always need attention and care.
Still, even though Hisoka's nature is more like a fox. In the morning, he's like a cat looking for affection.
You shifted your gaze back to him. You ran your hand through his hair and gently ran it over his scalp, massaging it lightly, knowing how much he liked it.
“Hisoka, you're awake. Get off me, or at least move over a little. You're heavy" the third attempt this morning was successful.
He got off you and lay down next to you with his arm resting on his head. His golden eyes stared into yours, and he had his usual smirk on his face. He looked at the cat sitting on the table for a second, and as soon as cat saw Hisoka looking at him, he ran to him.
You always wondered if he was more fond of Hisoka, though he's a little prankster, more like his master than his mistress. Sometimes the two of them look at you with their golden eyes with the same squint, and it's annoying.
“Good morning" you said, while Hisoka looked at you and stroked the cat’s ear.
“Morning" Hisoka said sweetly, as usual, but with a hint of resentment.
You knew he was going to act offended now, because he doesn't like it when you ask him to get off your back. While you looked at each other, the redhead had managed to settle at the end of the bed and fall asleep. Your silence was interrupted by a sigh from Hisoka, who turned away from you. It was a trivial action of his in the morning when you didn't want to cuddle with him.
With a sniffle, you moved closer to him, running your fingers along his broad back, crossing over his ribs and tickling him lightly. All you got from Hisoka was a hum. You both know it's just a little mockery of each other, but it feels different every time. This time, there's more tenderness in your touch and more playfulness in his sighs.
“Hisoka, turn to me" you asked, knowing he wouldn't.
You climbed over him and lay down beside him. He looked at you, pretending he was still hurt.
“Fine, I know how you want to cuddle and" you weren't allowed to finish your sentence. Hisoka rolled over to the other side along with you in a hug.
“Okay, shh. Stop talking”.
You rolled your eyes. And accepted your fate of being almost strangled in man's arms.
Your sessions of affection can go on into the evening, until you slap Hisoka's ass and tell him it's time to get up. And as usual, you'll get an unwilling face that will follow you to the kitchen anyway.
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goodmorningchat · 17 days ago
The male members of the Gen'ei Ryodan and their S/O's breasts
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TW: Female S/O, abuse, fondling, forced intercourse, forced touching, mild torture, pregnancy, breeding kink, forced pregnancy, sexist, misogynist, breastfeeding, yandere, kidnapping and minor injuries
Author's note: I am humanly incapable of writing about Bonolenov (I feel weird), an apology to the fans (if there are any)
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Honestly, whenever I think of Phinks, I think of someone who is rough even if he doesn't mean to be, not as rough as Uvogin, but he tends to be a bit aggressive when he has you sitting on his lap facing forward. He knows you're blushing and he doesn't care to embarrass you further, even though he has that stoic expression you know he's enjoying it, you know he's enjoying hearing you whimper and moan as his big hands knead your breasts. After all you feel his hard erection press against you. I don't really think of him as a breast man though (I'm of the inclination that he's a thigh man), so after playing with you for a while he'll just put you on all fours and fuck you hard.
I have mixed feelings here, just like Phinks, I don't feel like he's a breast man (I think he's a die-hard fan of asses). But unlike Phinks who just hangs around to get bored, Uvogin doesn't mind spending a long time kneading your poor, aching breasts with his huge, calloused hands. You feel his hard penis rub against your pussy as you cry, watching through your tears as he bites, sucks and pulls at your poor breasts. Your breasts will probably be covered in bruises, small wounds and injuries the next day, making him puff out his chest with pride.
Unlike the previous ones, I feel that despite that rough and corpulent build, Franklin is a soft man, he likes your breasts (And yes, I feel that he likes breasts 100%), regardless of their size or shape, they simply captivate him. He usually takes you gently while licking and sucking your breasts making you moan, he sniffs your essence carefully and usually guides you in the way he likes. A pleasure where the majority usually wins.
I'm not going to put it up for discussion, Feitan is a man who loves breasts (And for some reason I feel like he loves small breasts the most and don't ask me why). If Feitan isn't rubbing your breasts, sucking and biting your poor nipples, sadly it's something else. I feel like one way to represent his love and dominance over his S/O is torture. Feitan doesn't see his S/O as an equal, so he doesn't care about your opinion or consent. So sadly sometimes you're tied to a chair with little electric clamps stimulating your poor sore nipples while he forces you to suck his cock. You know he's turned on, his gaze isn't very expressive, but he has that sick sadistic smile on his face, his cock vibrating in your throat.
I don't feel like he's a die-hard fan of breasts (He's a thigh man), but he likes to make you feel good and mark you as his. Just like your thighs, neck and shoulders, your breasts are also decorated with little bruises. He's a big groper, he just can't get enough of you because he loves you so much, so sometimes he doesn't mind leaning you on a counter and groping your breasts while he bites your shoulder and his cock pushes hard against your pussy for several hours without rest, until he leaves you dumb, with your pussy and uterus full of his cum, your breasts swollen and overstimulated. He's a man who's a fan of new experiences, so he's willing to suggest (coerce) you to try to masturbate him with your breasts, growling as he feels your soft mounds embrace his hard cock and then grabbing your hair to make you suck his swollen tip.
Chrollo is a curious being in every aspect and that includes the human body, especially YOUR body. I feel that even though it may not seem like it sometimes, he likes mysticism, when it comes to you, he believes in soulmates, he is a true believer that you and him are pieces of a puzzle. He loves you deliberately, he is obsessed with you and everything about you, he needs you, in every aspect. Even though I personally feel that his S/O's favorite body part is her thighs, he also loves breasts. He fucks you by making you sit on his fat cock, both of you sitting anywhere, be it the living room, the bathroom or the corner of the bed. His hot, cum-filled balls squished by your slippery slit. He is thrusting at a good pace inside you, deep and somewhat slow, looking to fill you strongly. He's pleased by your expressions and moans, he grunts when your rubbery walls squeeze his cock, he growls into your breasts and moans, after giving you a dirty kiss on the mouth he lowers his head until he latches onto your nipple, he sucks and sucks it like he's hungry while his arms wrap around your waist tightly. He pounds into you in a messier way while he licks and sucks your nopples, completely obsessed with those dirty faces you make. He doesn't plan on stopping, he's got a long way to go with you, he loves latching onto your nipple and being one with you. Obviously we know that his goal is to possess you and please you, and he's probably also trying to impregnate your sweet pussy with his child.
He's a big fan of ass and I'm not willing to argue about it, but that doesn't stop him from suggesting (forcing) you to use flavored body lotions. He lets out that hungry giggle as he latches onto your bubble gum flavored nipples while his fingers with sharp nails move in your tight, wet pussy, obviously those sharp nails hurt and injure your poor pussy making it bleed slightly, but you're used to it by this point, so you just moan and gasp excitedly, tears rolling down your red cheeks. I'll add as an additional note that since Hisoka is a man with such eccentric tastes, he'll probably at some point force you to wear piercings on those cute nipples of yours, maybe pink ones or heart-shaped ones, or if he's really crazy probably one of your nipples will end with an "H" and the other with an "M"
We've talked about this before, a relationship with Illumi without children is impossible, no matter if you're infertile, in this fictional world of HxH, he's willing to find any way for you to get pregnant with his children. Illumi is the kind of man who won't let you leave his bed until a pregnancy test comes back positive, which he so desperately wants. Apart from the fact that even though he loves you and doesn't know how to show it, in this relationship you don't have the right to have an opinion, so you have to accept and adapt. It doesn't matter if you beg him on your knees that you don't want a baby, he doesn't care, he won't listen to you either, he is a true believer that you will become fond of the baby. Due to his upbringing, he has somewhat misogynistic and sexist tendencies, so, since you are his wife, your duty is to accept the children he wants to give you and obey him (The best thing for your mental health is to do so). He's not very good at expressing that he wants it, you've rarely seen him with more than one expression, so learning to decipher it will take you a GOOD time. Only his face usually changes a couple of times and one of those times is when he's fucking you, his face looks slightly more relaxed and even if he tries, the pleasure is something difficult to hide even for a cold-blooded killer like him. Even though sex is very mechanical with him, it's not bad, he gives it to you hard, strong and moderately fast while sucking your breasts occasionally, he will NEVER admit it to anyone, but they are a part of your body that usually generates attraction and curiosity in him. But once he left you round and swollen with his child, now your breasts are a part of your body that obsesses him. He just feels his cock harden when he notices how they grow day by day, preparing to nourish his future child. Of course Illumi doesn't stop fucking you when you're pregnant, on the contrary, he fucks you more, because he simply gets excited seeing you pregnant and swollen with his baby. He spends so much time sucking on your breasts during sex that your milk production gets too early, that only makes him obsessed with your breasts even more. Now he fucks you hard, rubbing the baby inside you with the palm of his cold hand while he fills his mouth with your sweet milk, panting and grunting on your swollen nipple, at the same time, your other nipple drips small jets of milk onto the bed. When you give birth he gives you privacy with the baby when nursing, although it's funny because the baby looks like its father, hugging your breast and latching onto your nipple trying to swallow as much milk as possible. Years later and after 4 babies, it's really comforting and strange for you that Illumi doesn't change, he's not very expressive or affectionate, but he likes to be with you, he doesn't feel disgusted by the after-effects of pregnancies on your body, on the contrary, he tends to be attracted to them He rarely smiles except when you greet him after a long day of murders, with two children hidden behind your skirt, another in a sling on your back, another in your arms sucking milk from your nipple and well, another on the way developing in your swollen belly. When Illumi calls the nannies to take the children away and leave you alone, he really just wants to latch onto your generous milk-filled breasts and fuck your pregnant pussy.
Shalnark: (Everything I say about Shalnark is 100% canon and I don't allow anyone to question it). Shalnark LOVES, NEEDS and ADORES your breasts. He loves them for everything, he uses them as a pillow when he's sleepy or wants you to cuddle him, he loves to cuddle and warm up there, he has a smile on his face whenever he's there, you really think he's just missing starting to purr while rubbing his head there and hugging your waist. He's an addict and he doesn't even think about asking you for permission to touch them, for Shalnark they're his, they belong to him, he enjoys buying you only low-cut clothes to look at them all the time and have easy access to them. He doesn't even need to have his cock buried in your pussy to start sucking on your breasts, it can just be at any time, sometimes you're relaxing in bed reading a book and he'll come over, open your shirt and start sucking and licking them with his eyes closed while hugging your waist. Other times he will call you while he is working on his computer, ask you to sit on his lap and continue working while his cock is buried in your pussy and his mouth is sucking on your nipple. Obviously above all, he loves sucking your breasts while he fucks you on the bed, pushing his hips against yours while the tip of his penis hits your cervix hard. His mouth licking, biting and sucking all over your breast, leaving it with marks, bruises, bites and saliva. I mentioned before in this profile that Shalnark does not like the idea of ​​having children, he really does not want any, but he would probably have something similar to what Illumi did with your breasts if he were to get you pregnant and agreed to allow you to continue with the pregnancy. But on the other hand, you would end up producing milk whether you were pregnant or not, since the stimulation is so great that your breasts begin to fill with milk and of course Shalnark will not allow a single drop to go to waste.
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Thank you very much for reading me, if you want a version with the female members of the Gen'ei Ryodan let me know 🖤
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goodmorningchat · 19 days ago
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goodmorningchat · 6 months ago
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Basically, my "Pyramid Head x Reader" in a nutshell hahshsh.
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goodmorningchat · 6 months ago
something about this picture... Screams ghost
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I'm not gatekeeping. His user is right there
Or even könig. Idgaf.
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goodmorningchat · 7 months ago
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goodmorningchat · 7 months ago
Good morning chat🪳
Credits: GoodmorningChat
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goodmorningchat · 7 months ago
Taking anti-depressant pills?? Seeing a therapist??? Journaling???? No need babe, my fav writer just dropped another x reader fic.
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goodmorningchat · 7 months ago
?: "Yo könig if you do this and send it to her she will so fall in love with you."
Loser!geek!König: "really?,"
?: "yeah!, just do this," *does the pussy eating hand sign*
Loser!geek!könig: if you say so?.."
König in question:
I can't— knowing it's something he would do , not knowing what it meant. Poor boy would be so embarrassed. Do you forgive him😊?. Because I do.
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goodmorningchat · 8 months ago
‘why do you read “various x reader stories?”’
first, i’m a narcissist and will not read it if it’s not about me
second, I love the feeling of people liking me
third, I was ignored as a child
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goodmorningchat · 8 months ago
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^tagged by @soctherapy but the post was getting too long
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this isnt a win for me.......
Tags!: @rae-unbeloved @lil-gae-disaster @fictionalcharactergraveyard @livelaughlovelams @alexanderhamiltonhasafatass
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goodmorningchat · 8 months ago
?: "Yo könig if you do this and send it to her she will so fall in love with you."
Loser!geek!König: "really?,"
?: "yeah!, just do this," *does the pussy eating hand sign*
Loser!geek!könig: if you say so?.."
König in question:
I can't— knowing it's something he would do , not knowing what it meant. Poor boy would be so embarrassed. Do you forgive him😊?. Because I do.
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goodmorningchat · 8 months ago
This is exactly, notes on, sabo (if we all remember it) didn't he light up an entire area of the ocean?, I do not remember, but I'm pretty sure that's what he did. Luffy (for God fucking sake) will bite a brisket thinking it's already cooked. So it's fair to say they're all dumb n their own way,
God all you people ranting about how sabo is the responsible brother don’t know the truth.
(finally decided to post my sabo rant lol)
Look at him. LOOK AT HIM.
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 This man ran away from high class society and rejected the government at age five. His dumb ass decided to befriend ace, who at the time was the equivalent of a feral gremlin child who beat up people in bars (rightfully so). He suggested that they kill luffy.
And then, oh then he was like fuck this and ran off and (died) joined the revolutionary.
Ace? The one you say is the irresponsible brother? He stayed AT HOME. And raised LUFFY. Learned MANNERS. Became a captain. Which means he raised a child who decided stabbing himself was a good idea and made sure he reached adulthood, tried to better himself to thank someone for saving his brother’s life, learned to be responsible for others, after taking care of Luffy, made his crew survive into the new world and sacrificed himself so his crew would get away. 
AND THEN. He became a white beard! Lead an entire division! We see him asking for permission from Whitebeard to go after teach, or at the very least telling him what he was doing! A good boy! Trusts in his brothers! Cares for them!! Makes sure his brothers crew is okay for him!! Saves his brother!!  
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Ace was also kind enough to let us know when he died sabos just a mystery which means he’s irresponsible as fuck. 
does shit like this and doesn’t follow up. :/
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In conclusion; 
ace is the most responsible brother of ASL, learned from older sibling energy and learning to raise luffy and protect his crew as captain. Sabo is a dumbass and absolutely not responsible, based on fucking off on his job which is based on saying fuck you to authority. Will burn down anything without question, regret consequences later. (In aces case, he will think about the consequences first, regret them, burn anything anyway.) Luffy is responsible for 9 people and the downfall of several government institutions. Luffy is not responsible. Sabo is not responsible. Ace is the most responsible. If you must write them (highly encouraged, you all are very talented) please take this into consideration. Thank you. 
PS. This by no means means that any of the asl boys should be trusted with authority. They are in canon, and it is a disaster. the world is crumbling at their feet. I love them. 
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goodmorningchat · 8 months ago
Reblog and put in the tags your least favorite Call of Duty ship.
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goodmorningchat · 8 months ago
cw somno, dubcon
insatiable little bunny girlfriend x könig… he’s grown used to waking up to pretty, pleading eyes, plump lips pressed to his boxers as you nuzzle against his large morning wood, cute supple ass wagging in the air, eager to be filled. but this… this is new. a much more desperate measure taken by his horny bunny. taking advantage of his deadweight, log-like state, you’ve managed to free his stiff cock from his underwear without so much as an unconscious grumble of objection. you must’ve took that as your green light to swing one leg over the vast expanse of him, thighs burning from the stretch as you trap his cock between the festering heat between them. soiling his lap with a mixture of sweet honeyed slick and the pearly precum oozing from his sensitive cockhead each time it bumps against your puffy little clit.
surprisingly, it’s not the stimulation from your pulsing pussy that wakes him up. it’s the tiny mewls and sniffles you make, all cock-dumb and lost in your pleasure. könig’s always known you to be a loud one in bed, hyper-sensitive everywhere but especially when you’re feeling good and being touched. your shaky, delicate hands clasped around his broad shoulders as you do what you do best, hop hop hopping on his cock. you’re so desperate to be bred, he can feel it, can smell it emitting around you, eyes squeezed shut and humping him so fast and hard it has to hurt a bit. he’s not surprised that when your eyes open to see him watching you, you squeak out in frustration — “need your cock. please help, könig.”
shh, he knows. he can’t blame you, you’re biologically hardwired with the ever present need to be bred, so stuffed full with come and cock that it’s overflowing and you can’t speak or think. but you’ve gotten too greedy, spoiled rotten from the sweet spot he has for you. he oughta teach you some discipline.
once he so mercifully impales you onto his thick dick, he puts his arms behind his head, watches you through heavy hooded eyes. “well, better keep bouncing, then, bunny. if you want my cum, work for it.”
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goodmorningchat · 8 months ago
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be your dog
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