Good Borb!
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goodborb · 3 months ago
Cosmere Characters at Disneyland
As requested by @jellybeanzrock :)
Listen...I'm sure that SOMEONE on tumblr already did a post like this but I CANNOT find it. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, let me know so that I can link it! I think it was maybe about roller coasters...?
Anyway, here's my take!
1. Steris: Arrives with the perfect plan
Yes, it is in a binder.
Steris: Breakfast: acquired. Steris: We are all sunscreened, we have full water bottles, and we're already 8 minutes ahead of schedule. Steris: According to the plan, this is the optimal time to use our Fast Pass for Space Mountain. Wax: Space Mountain just closed for repairs! Steris: Tch. Turn to Plan C, everyone. I was ready for this.
2. Shallan: Mostly wants to sketch the wildlife
Shallan: Guys, stop! There's a new cat over there! Kaladin: Are you sure? It looks just like all the other cats. Adolin: Are you blind? That one's a tabby. The last one was gray, and the on before that was orange! Kaladin: ...Tabby and orange are different? Shallan: Both of you, hush! You're going to wake him!
3. Lightsong: Won't leave the Tiki Room
[Full disclosure: This is my wife's favorite "ride."]
Llarimar: Your Grace, are you sure you don't want to do...anything else today? Lightsong: This is the only part of the park that's empty and air-conditioned, Spook! Lightsong: Plus, I like the singing birds. Lightsong: They remind me of home.
4. Adolin: Gets too into the Mickey ears
He really should have brought an extra, empty suitcase.
Kaladin [eyes narrowed]: Those aren't the ears you were wearing yesterday. Adolin: Well, duh! These are my breakfast ears. The ears are sunnyside-up eggs! Shallan: He'll change into his midmorning ears after. Adolin: Plus, I have some fun ones for lunch! Not to mention my afternoon ears, my slightly fancy dinner ears... Kaladin: You have a problem. Adolin [waving a hand airily]: You just hate fun.
5. Kaladin: Just really likes the Soarin' Ride
[Full discloser: that is my favorite ride]
Syl: ...You know this is kinda an old man ride, right? Kaladin: I like it. It's peaceful. Syl: We're not even flying! We can fly for real! Kaladin: I like the part where they spray orange-blossom scent. Syl: I can't believe I bonded an 80-year-old man...
6. Syl: Really likes the characters
[Light spoilers for Wind and Truth -- just skip to #7 if you want to avoid!]
Syl: [full-size, now wearing a princess dress] Syl: Children keep asking for my photograph! Syl: I'm not sure who "Elsa" is, but I think I'm flattered!
7. Vin: Just really likes the Tower of Terror ride
It's the one that's just a huge vertical drop.
Vin: It's like jumping off a tall building, only there are more people around you, screaming. Elend: And nobody dies! Vin: And nobody dies.
8. Lift: Is mainly interested in eating every type of churro
She heard there were seven unique types, and she's determined to eat every one.
Wyndle: T-This is reminding me of you and the pancakes in Yeddaw. Wyndle: ...There isn't a dangerous Herald hunting us, is there? Lift: No, but I think that giant Mouse was lookin' at me funny.
9. Kelsier: Keeps ending up where he's not supposed to be
Kelsier: Why would they even HAVE a "forbidden" island clearly visible called Discovery Island if you're not supposed to sneak over to it? Kelsier: It's like they put up a big flashing sign that said "Secrets Here! Come and get 'em!" Dockson: I can't believe you got us kicked out of Disneyland. Kelsier: They started it.
10. Gavinor: Is the most serious child at Disneyland
Gavinor: [Gazing at the Haunted Mansion, unsmiling.] Dalinar: Do you want to go on that ride, Gavinor? Gavinor: Okay. Gavinor: Do you think one of the ghosts might be my dad? Dalinar: ... Dalinar: I don't think mouse ears can fix this.
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goodborb · 3 months ago
Cosmere Characters as Parents
As requested by anon. :)
If Cosmere characters who aren't currently parents (or who never got that chance) were parents, what would they be like?
1. Adolin
LOVES playing dress-up
Small child: And YOU'RE my servant, Radiant Princess Assassin Duelist! Adolin [solemnly wearing a princess hat and armor, carrying a large wooden sword]: I am at your service, Your Highness.
2. Siri
I'm seeing: Midnight Family Picnics.
Siri: Whose ready for Midnight Family Picnic?? Both kids: [cheering] Siri: Tonight we have a lovely assortment of sweet treats, assorted nuts for salt, and of course a Surprise Stew that the cook whipped up! Siri: Let's set up the tent, and we can get eating!!
3. Kaladin
Wants to support his kid in everything...but may be slightly overprotective
Small child: Dad, Dad look! I climb ALL the way to top! Kaladin: Wow! Great job!! Syl: Wow! I'm surprised you're letting him climb a rock that tall! Kaladin: Well, you know. It's good for a kid to get to explore and be fearless. Syl: ... Syl: Got him Lashed so he can't fall, huh? Kaladin: You know it.
4. Shallan
Has a little bit of trouble setting boundaries--she just doesn't want her kid to feel restricted, you know?
Teenager: See ya, Mom! Gonna go set a building on fire. Shallan: Hey, wait a second! Shallan: You got a good reason? Teenager: Yeah. Shallan: Got a plan to avoid being caught? Teenager: Of course. Shallan: Okay--have fun!! Radiant: ... Shallan: What?
5. Nikaro
As an emo guy, he of course ends up with a kid who is the opposite.
Akani: Are you wearing...a pink shirt with a heart on it? Nikaro: My daughter is obsessed with kawaii fashion. Nikaro: She wanted to style me. Akani: That also explains the sparkly eyeshadow. Nikaro: It does. Akani: ... Akani: Is your goth soul dying inside? Nikaro: Only a little.
6. Yumi
It feels inevitable that Yumi would give birth to a tiny Godzilla child.
Yumi: Look! Mommy made the stack sooooo high! Child: [shrieking with delight as they plow right into it, knocking it over] Yumi: [smile only slightly strained] A mother's love is a powerful thing.
7. Lopen
They say it takes a village, and Lopen definitely has that.
Sigzil: You know...I'm impressed by how well-rounded your kid is. Lopen: Ha ha! A Herdazian is always well-rounded--and very often round as well! Lopen: Every cousin teaches 'im something--he's learned to cook and talk quick and make friends and tell jokes and stick people to walls and all the things! Small Lopen child: [flips someone off] Lopen: He learned that from me! Sigzil: You don't say...
8. Tress
Raises her child on the high seas.
Child: [screaming a sea shanty at the top of her lungs while she swabs the deck] Ann: She getting punished for something? Tress: What? No! She just likes to sing and her favorite one is about swabbing the decks. Tress: I tried to get her interested in spores, but apparently that's not as exciting as swabbing the deck. Ann: [patting her on the back] Well, there's still plenty of time to share your incredibly dangerous hobby with your kid. Tress: Yeah, you're right!
9. Elend
Just doesn't want his kid to have a childhood like his
Elend: Wait a minute...are you reading that book after I told you that the thesis was juvenile speculation sprung from the mind of a man without two thoughts to rub together? Teenager: Yeah, what of it? I'm not gonna take your word for it! Elend: [sniffs] I-I'm so proud!
10. Vin
Just doesn't want her kid to have a childhood like hers.
Sazed: Wow so this is your baby, huh? Vin: Yup! Sazed: So....round. And happy. Vin: Yup! [The fattest, happiest baby you've ever seen gives Sazed a sleepy smile] Sazed: She's...perfect.
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goodborb · 4 months ago
Favorite Video Game Genres of Cosmere Characters
As requested by @thesternest :)
1. Silence
Silence: Don't know why, really, but I like casual games, games that are just like real life. Silence: Something about doing your daily life, but in game form--very relaxing. William Anne: Uh, mama? I think "Silent Hill" is a survival-horror game. Silence: It is? How so?
2. Marasi
Marasi: [Looks around nervously] Marasi: I...well, I like first-person shooters. Marasi: I-I just like to pretend I'm in the Roughs, like Wax! Marasi: I don't want to be Wax in real life or anything, can be fun in a game!
3. Dalinar
Dalinar: In real life, war is a terrible necessity. Dalinar: In games, war is fun. Dalinar: ... Dalinar: I like tactical RPGs.
4. Vin
Vin: Huge fan of platform games. Vin: Jumping from ledge to ledge, controlling my speed and trajectory, occasionally swinging from hooks or managing double jumps... Vin: It's just like moving through the city as a Mistborn! Elend: Your high-score is RIDICULOUS, Vin! Vin: I'm also REALLY good at it.
5. Yumi
Yumi: I wasn't allowed video games for a long time, but now that I can play them... Yumi: [eyes sparking] I've become a HUGE fan of visual novels! Yumi: It's like Seasons of Regret, only *I* can be the one making the choices!
6. Leshwi
Leshwi: Like many Fused and Singers, I find myself quite taken with Rhythm games. Leshwi: Now that it is no longer appropriate for me to fight the Windrunners, I do like to challenge them to Dance Dance Revolution instead. Kaladin: OH COME ON I DEFINITELY HAD THAT Leshwi: I always win.
7. Steris
Steris: I used to think games were a waste of time, but then Wax introduced me to these construction simulators. Steris: My city is a paradise with excellent infrastructure, logical layout, and plenty of greenspace. Wayne: You should try to mod that makes a tsunami hit your city! Steris: Oh please, I beat that mod yesterday on my first try.
8. Navani
Navani: Recently, I've gotten into Tower Defense games. Sibling: I can defend myself, thank you very much.
9. Vivenna
Vivenna: Love a good roguelike. Vivenna: It's something about trying it over and over again until you're perfect. Vivenna: The victory is sooo sweet when you've worked hard to achieve it, dying many times. Siri: Oh me too!! I especially like Hades--the art is AMAZING. Vivenna: (scoffs) You mean a rogue-lite? Siri: I'm telling you--you should try one! Getting powerups in between runs is pretty sweet. Vivenna: Hedging out a difficult victory after hours of blood, sweat and tears is also fun! Siri: If you say so...
10. Lightsong
Lightsong: Soooo addicted to Candy Crush. Lighsong: Can't even tell you why. Llarimar: Perhaps your divine eye is drawn to the bright colors. Lightsong: Whatever makes you feel better, Scoot.
11. Adolin
Adolin: Lately I've become completely engrossed with life simulators. Adolin: I make my character get up, make breakfast, go to work, go on dates, learn the piano... Adolin: WHY IS IT SO ADDICTING?? Shallan: This may be a sign that your actual life is incredibly stressful and the allure of a simple, daily life is drawing you in? Adolin: No, that doesn't sound right... Shallan: You want to date a bisexual vampire? Adolin: ...That could be it.
12. Rlain
Rlain: I'm quite taken with these cozy farming games. Rlain: You just build a nice farm, meet the villagers, explore around. Renarin: Rlain, please, it's been six hours! Rlain: Just one more day...
13. Tress
Tress: I've been enjoying survival games! Tress: It's fun to gather and cook and build a base! Tress: A little bit unrealistic, because the rain doesn't make anything explode, but I guess they wanted to make it easier than real life, not harder.
14. Shallan
Shallan: It has to be MMOs for me. Shallan: I like a game where I can do pretty much anything I want. Shallan: Advance the story, collect every type of mushroom, fill in the whole map... Shallan: Plus, I like leveling every class and giving each one their own outfit and personality. Veil: You named the rogue after me, I see. Shallan: It's a compliment.
15. Kelsier
Kelsier: There's only one type of game for me: and that's a game where the name of the, uh, game is survival. Kelsier: And I especially like it when you have to survive as a team. Kelsier: Especially against great odds--like lots and lots of real-life players. Kelsier: Yup, yup. Kelsier: It's all about Fornite for me.
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goodborb · 6 months ago
i was about to talk shit on how impractical round food storage containers are when fridges are square but if we didn't have them then where would soup go? certainly not a square container
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goodborb · 9 months ago
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It can fly! It can dance! Aerial!
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goodborb · 9 months ago
I wanted to participate in Sulemio Week so here is my meager contribution! Prompt: Day 1 - Commander/Mistress
This is a Commander/Mistress AU, but framed in the Villainess Otome genre.
I was inspired to write this by the Otome Isekai Villainess sub-genre. It is a trope where the lead female is a "villainess" who is often shunned by society and then dumped by her fiancé at the beginning. She then uses skill, luck, isekai knowledge (though in this one, Miorine is not isekai'd), or all of the above to turn her fate around. A romance with the hot lead deuteragonist (or harem) ensues.
By the way, I do not hate Guel and I'm sorry for his treatment in this story. But I needed someone to fill the asshole ex-fiancé role.
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goodborb · 9 months ago
If the "Chicken Dinner" Tradition Existed in the Cosmere...
"Chicken dinner" post requested by anon. :)
If you're not familiar with it, this is the "chicken dinner post." Basically, it's a tradition that Someone on the Internet has created, where you and a friend tear apart and eat an entire rotisserie chicken with your bare hands, fighting over it the whole time. Look, the post I linked explains it better.
Anyway, let's say this tradition (and also rotisserie chickens) existed throughout the Cosmere...
1. Sadeas & Dalinar: Firsthand Observations by Jasnah
--There was but a moment of sizing each other up from the edges of the tarp before both men charged directly at the chicken
--Dalinar kept his feet but Sadeas dove and so got the chicken first. He was able to get a few bites in before Dalinar dove onto him from above.
--There is now intense wrestling over the chicken.
--I observe that while Sadeas appears focused on getting as much chicken into his mouth as possible, Dalinar appears to be more focused on pinning his opponent to the mat--I mean, the tarp
--How did both men lose their shirts?
--Dalinar does now have Sadeas pinned, but the chicken is directly in front of Sadeas' head and he is STILL biting at it. I am not convinced that Dalinar has actually consumed any chicken at all.
--Sadeas has at length grown still. Dalinar has picked up the remains of the chicken carcass and is now holding it in both hands while he consumes it over Sadeas' prone form. However, I do observe that the most choice bits of the chicken do appear to have been consumed already--by Sadeas
--If this is a game with a winner, I do not know how to declare it in this case.
2. Tress & Huck: A Post-Chicken-Dinner Conversation
Tress: A-Again, I'm REALLY sorry. Huck: You don't have anything to be sorry about! Tress: Going in, I thought: well, it's just food, and Huck and I are friends, and I don't see why we can't just share the chicken peacefully. Tress: ... Tress: I don't know WHAT came over me! I ripped that chicken apart! I think I was growling at some point! Huck: Can confirm. Tress: A-And, worst of all... Tress: ... Tress: I can't believe I HELD you in one hand and ate the chicken with my other w-while LAUGHING that you were just a tiny helpless rat! Huck: Yeah, I sure hope that didn't awaken anything in me. Tress: ...what? Huck: A-Anyway, I think it was good for you to let go! Be wild and feral! It's probably healthy! Tress: It was...oddly freeing. Huck: That's the spirit!
3. Steris Rates People's Greatest Strength in Chicken Dinner Combat
--Wax: Airtime. Is able to fling himself and the chicken into the air and eat a great deal of it before they both land again
--Wayne: Hand-to-hand technique, lack of fear. Not afraid to get in close and literally eat chicken out of his opponent's hands
--Marasi: Surprising levels of savagry
--MeLaan: Stuck the entire chicken into her body, through her ribs. May be considered cheating
--Myself: No particular strengths. Did create a Chicken Eating Suit out of the same material as a tarp, and did replace the Central Chicken with a Fake Decoy while hiding the Actual Chicken in a place only I knew, thus securing my victory
4. A Series of Drawings by Shallan, Commemorating the 4 v. 1 Chicken Duel
[Adolin running toward the central chicken, alone, while four figures in Shardplate charge in from the opposite side]
[Abrobadar eating a chicken wing in triumph in front of Renarin, who is kneeling on the tarp]
[Kaladin Stormblessed, gloryspen swirling around him, holding up an entire chicken thigh on the end of his spear]
[Adolin sitting on a shouting Jakamov while he, Kaladin, and Renarin share the last of the chicken]
5. An Apology Letter Penned by Valette, To Elend
Dear Elend,
Sazed says that an apology letter is traditional after "something like yesterday." He is helping me write this.
I am sorry that I strangled your fiancée during our chicken dinner bout yesterday. When Shan Elariel grabbed that chicken thigh, I was overcome by an uncontrollable desire to take it from her by any means possible. And though I did win, strangling her while shouting that I was the Queen of Chicken was impolite.
I am also sorry that I punched your brother so many times. Zane was not even supposed to be there, but when he showed up and tried to take a bit out of the chicken while I was holding it, well, something came over me. But when he collapsed next to your still-unconscious fiancée, I did feel a moment of guilt...but only a moment, as I was soon overcome by the delicious Victory Chicken I was enjoying.
Finally, I am sorry that I also attacked your father. He wasn't even trying to get the chicken. But he was there. And he was looking at it. And I feel like the Zane thing was his fault. But I understand that it was probably disconcerting when a small woman covered in chicken juices launched at him suddenly while screaming.
I hope we can still be friends.
6. Hoid & Kelsier: A Pre-Chicken-Dinner Conversation
Kelsier: I thought you couldn't eat meat. Hoid: Not if it's from a dead animal, no. Kelsier: And you can't perform violence. Hoid: Nope. Kelsier: ... Kelsier: So what are we even doing here? Hoid: Did you know that I was once challenged to a duel? Kelsier: Why would I know that? Hoid: Do you know what I did? Kelsier: [Looks to the side where Jasnah stands, wearing a giant apron that says "It's Chicken Eatin' Time", eyes glinting] Kelsier: [grins] I do love a fight I can't win...
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goodborb · 9 months ago
2024 is the year of G-Witch 🍅
2024 Gundam March Madness 🏆 Suletta Mercury
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2024 March Gay Shipping Madness 🏆 Sulemio
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Tumblr Top Ships Bracket 🏆 Sulemio
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2024 Reiwa Yuri Tournament 🏆The Witch From Mercury
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goodborb · 9 months ago
How Stormlight Characters Would Act With a Bad Cold
As requested by anon. :)
Of course, probably these days none of our main characters would ever have a cold, since they all can either heal with Stormlight or ask someone to do the healing for them.
But let's say they did, somehow, get a bad cold that they could not immediately heal from. How would they act?
1. Kaladin: Insists that he is not sick
Think of how he was with his injured leg in WOR, hobbling about everywhere.
Kaladin: I’m not sick--I feel fine! Teft: ...You have snot streaming down your face. Kaladin: Uh, no, those are just my...tears. Kaladin: Because of, uh, all of my...trauma. Kaladin: [thumbs up] Teft: GO TO BED
2. Dalinar: Insists that he can do his job despite being sick
Dalinar wouldn't lie about being sick. He would also not give up one iota of responsibility.
Dalinar: ..And that (cough) is why (sniff) we must (cough) band together (sniff) to beat (cough) Odium! Dalinar: ... Dalinar: (sniff) Is my gravitas taking a hit?
3. Jasnah: Takes time off
Controversial, but I think Jasnah would take the practical, actually-realistic-and-good attitude toward sickness: aka, stay home until you feel better.
Wit: Don't worry, my love, I have every immunity, so brought you some - Wit: ... Wit: Are you working? Jasnah: What? Don't be ridiculous. Jasnah: This is my recreational research. Jasnah: What?
4. Shallan: Lies in bed, bundled up, making herself feel better through terrible quips
Her hair is frazzled, her eyes red, and she is huddling in a blanket nest of her own design as she coughs and sniffles.
Adolin: Shallan are you, uh, okay? Adolin: You look a bit rough. Shallan: I'm great, thank you. Shallan: I'm practicing for my new position as Highlady of Snot, she who produces Snot for all of the Less Fortunate. Adolin: ...I love you, but what? Shallan: You can't expect me to be all that clever--I'm sick!
5. Navani: Gets through it with the help of her fabrials
Navani isn't going to just tough it out--she has science!
Dalinar: ...Do I want to ask? Navani: Ah, Dalinar! Navani: My snot-fabrial works! Navani: It is attracting all of the snot out of my sinuses, keeping them clear! Dalinar: ...Is that how that works? Navani: Honestly, I'm so feverish that I have no idea! Dalinar: Let's get you to bed!
6. Adolin & Renarin: Always make their mother's chicken soup
Canon or not, I believe that Evi had some sort of "my boys are sick" meal that she made for them, and that Adolin & Renarin always make it for each other if one of them is sick.
Renarin: Here, Adolin. You'll never feel better if you don't eat mother's chicken soup! Adolin: Oh, thank you! I always feel better the next day when I have this! Shallan: I can SMELL the spice from here! Adolin (fondly): Yeah, it's the best.
7. Elhokar: Gets grumpy & melodramatic
Not gonna lie, this is me when I'm sick (I'm so sorry to my loving wife).
Elhokar: I shall cut off my own nose! Elhokar: It is full of snot and I will cut it off of my face to be free! Elhokar: [throwing himself dramatically onto the bed when no one responds] Elhokar: I HATE being SICK
8. Szeth: Believes that his suffering will redeem mankind
My wife got very sick on our honeymoon (pre-covid). I woke up in the middle of the night and she was sitting on the couch. When I asked if she was okay, she said that she had reached enlightenment and that she had taken on the pain of humanity and that her suffering would redeem the world. I gave her Tylenol.
Anyway. That's Szeth.
Kaladin: Uh...Szeth? Why are you sitting in the darkness? Szeth: I have reached enlightenment. Szeth: I suffer for the world. Szeth: My suffering will redeem them all. Kaladin: ...I'm gonna get you something for that fever.
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goodborb · 9 months ago
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The U.S. Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission will conduct antitrust investigations on Microsoft, OpenAI, and Nvidia regarding their roles in the AI industry, as reported by the New York Times.
The Justice Department will focus on Nvidia, while the FTC will investigate OpenAI and Microsoft, under a deal expected to conclude soon.
The agreement between regulators was made recently and is set to be finalized in the near future, according to sources familiar with the matter.
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goodborb · 9 months ago
Spin the Wheel for a random Stormlight Character
Look them up here if you need to but beware of Spoilers!
Have fun~ 8)
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goodborb · 9 months ago
Final Fantasy poll: Before you click, let the wheel choose a character for you.
Please add in the tags which one you got, and your answer! I'm curious!
Inspired by @sillylotrpolls
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goodborb · 9 months ago
Interviewing My Wife About The Cosmere: Part 2
My wife has not read any Cosmere books. All of her knowledge comes from me and this blog. But last time, when I interviewed her about the Cosmere, you guys seemed to enjoy it!
So here is part two. This time, she must determine whether I am describing Kaladin, Shallan, Adolin...or Szeth. The guy she can never remember.
1. Part 1: The Introduction
Question: Okay, to make sure this is fair, please identify each of the characters. Who are Kaladin, Shallan, Adolin & Szeth?
"Kaladin: sad boy with spear." "Shallan: lady with multiple personalities." "Adolin: no powers. Poops in his armor." "Szeth..." [Pause. Momentary look of pure panic] "Wait! It's GO WHITE BOY GO"
2. Part 2: Identifying Their Murders
Question: Who stabbed someone through the eye in a dark alley?
"Adolin!!" [Under what circumstances?] "Dunno! I just remember that you said he didn't kill people in duels but he did once kill someone in an alley!"
Question: Who strangled someone to death slowly while singing a lullaby?
"Well that sounds scary, so....Shallan!"
Question: Who threw a spear tip through the eye hole in someone's armor?
"Kaladin! Spear boy!"
Question: Who just LOVES lashing people to the sky until the power runs out and they drop to their death?
"................Wait, is it one to one? Because I would say Kaladin! He's sky boy!" [It's one to one] "Huh! Go white boy go I guess!"
3. Part 3: Identifying their Talents
Question: Who is canonically trained in ice skating?
"Shallan?" [Why?] "Because she's artsy fartsy." [It's not Shallan] "Adolin? He's a rich boy." [Nope.] "White boy???" [Yes!] "Huh. Well good for him I guess."
Question: Who is canonically good at drawing?
"That's Shallan!!"
Question: Who loves horses?
"Adolin right? Because Kaladin is, like, scared of them."
Question: Then who is good at rock climbing?
"My baby!! I'm so proud of him!!!"
4. Part 4: Miscellaneous
Question: Who said, "I don't want to study. I want to be dead."
"Adolin because he's a himbo? Wait! He can't read! Then it must be Shallan?" [Nope.] "White boy???" [Yes!]
Question: Who set a ship on fire to escape from pirates?
"Shallan. She seems to escape a lot from things. Mostly trauma. That seems traumatic."
Question: Who reads fashion magazines?
"Adolin of course!"
Question: So who said, "Honor is dead but I'll see what I can do."
"Kaladin! That's your favorite thing!" [Until the next part] "Why what's the next part?"
Part 5: Predictions
Question: This one won't have answers, but I want you to predict the ultimate fate of each character in Stormlight 5. We'll see if you get any correct!
"Kaladin will be dead. So. Because he's a sad boy and that's what they do with sad boys." "Shallan will...merge personalities maybe?" "Adolin will have a power with his buddy. Hopefully she won't scream too much." "White boy is there. Hmmm...maybe he'll be a world hopper! Yeah! He's weird enough to be a world hopper!"
So there you have it, folks!
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goodborb · 9 months ago
Suletta: [eating a cinnamon roll]
Miorine: Cannibalism.
Suletta: [confused chewing noises]
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goodborb · 9 months ago
Miorine: when you said things would get "magical" in bed, this wasn't really what i- Suletta: *holds up seven of hearts* is this your card? Miorine, softly: holy shit
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goodborb · 9 months ago
Sulemio Week 24!!!!
Happy Suletta Sunday! The final prompts are here🍅 #sulemioweek24 will be from Jun 16th to Jun 22nd. Happy creating✨
You do not have to follow the prompts. You can use these prompts to inspire your fanwork content - art, fic, music, cosplay, whatever you feel like contributing!
Tag your work with #sulemioweek24 and/or tag the main account so we can share your work. (even if they have nothing to do with the prompts as long as you tag it we'll reblog it!)
Tag all content appropriately and use content warnings if applicable.
NSFW content should be behind a link or have a SFW preview in order for us to reblog it.
Have fun!
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Please reblog for better reach!
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goodborb · 10 months ago
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Congratulations to Suletta and Miorine on their victory!
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