292 posts
I write drarry and wolfstar (and some other stuff sometimes) and I also reblog lots of random stuff mainly Harry Potter
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 5 years ago
the pros of reading ao3 fics in public is that their layout is so clean and simple that people would think you’re reading some academic researches when you’re in fact reading a 50k fic. the cons is that you need to control your face all the fucking time
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 5 years ago
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i’ve been in a headspace lately where i’m just always thinking about being barefoot in a forest in scotland, which was a very good excuse to paint something luna centric.
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 5 years ago
Give me the Harry Potter series but from Draco’s perspective.
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 5 years ago
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what do you mean wolfstar didnt raise harry
what do you mean this isnt canon (from this post)
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
Hogwarts school year starts tomorrow! Buy your parchment and quills!
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
Draco: Potter, have I somehow accidentally stumbled into an alternative universe or are you really sitting at the Slytherin table?
Harry: Good morning to you too, Malfoy. Why did you never tell me they serve treacle tart for breakfast at your table? It’s my favourite.
Draco: I know– I mean, is that why you’ve decided to grace us lowly Slytherins with your presence? Treacle tart?
Harry: Interhouse Unity.
Draco: Excuse me?
Harry: That’s why I’m here. The treacle tart is just a bonus.
Draco: You could have sat at the Ravenclaw table.
Harry: Or Hufflepuff, I know. But I already have friends in those houses.
Draco: And who do you think is going to be friends with you here?
Draco: Oh no. No. You have got to be kidding me. No.
Harry: Why not?
Draco: You know why not! We’re enemies! You follow me around in your Invisibility Cloak – yes I know all about that – and I hex your shirts to get tighter each time you wear them. 
Harry: That was you?
Draco: The point is the only thing we have in common is our hatred for each other. 
Harry: Do you like treacle tart?
Draco: Of course I like treacle tart. Don’t distract me. Are you even listening to what I’m saying?
Harry: So we both like treacle tart. 
Draco: Don’t be difficult, Potter. That doesn’t count. 
Harry: Why not?
Draco: Because I said so and because I don’t want to be your friend.
Harry: Boyfriend, then?
Harry: I was only jok–
Draco: Fine. But I’m still hexing your shirts.
Harry: Fine. Treacle tart?
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
The whole world
Harry: gusss what
Draco: what?
Harry: I can fit the whole world in my hands
Draco: Potter that is literally impossible—
Harry: *cups Draco’s face*
Draco: *blushes furiously* Get of me Potter I have a reputation
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
pansy: what makes you happy?
draco, opening his album of photos of harry: dumb question
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
Harry: is that a blush I see?
Draco: what no, gosh potter!
Harry: did I really get Draco Malfoy to blush?
Draco: Potter it’s just the cold! I don’t know what you’re talking about!
Harry: interesting... just the cold. Not the fact I just called you the cutest boy I know?
Draco: *blushes even harder than before* N-no
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
What society thinks they’re like: OMG hufflepuff would never do something crazy like that, they’re so innocent and pure.
What they’re actually like: Okay so here’s what happened- Slytherin wanted to have a party so I agreed to have it at my house butttt I sort of had to obliviate my parents but ya know it’s okay the party was wild
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
In book 7 the way Narcissa immediately just goes “get Draco; he’ll know” when they have to identify Harry will never not be funny. she really called out his crush like that huh? It was literally like:
Fenrir Greyback: Ok. Before we call the Dark Lord we need to be absolutely sure this is Harry Potter otherwise he will murder us. Our lives literally depend on this.
Narcissa: yeah ok no problem. we’ll just call Draco and ask him to look
Greyback: are you sure he can recognize him?
Narcissa: please. he has literally spent the last 6 and half years talking about this boy nonstop. in second year Lucius bribed him with new brooms for the whole Slytherin team in exchange for not talking about Harry Potter for the rest of the summer…and it didn’t work. He’ll know.
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
Draco: Happy birthday, Harry!
Harry: Thanks, but, was it really necessary that you sent me that howler this morning singing a song?
Draco: Of course! It's your birthday!
Harry: I was on a mission and the howler made the criminals run away
Draco: Good. It's your birthday, you shouldn't be working on your birthday
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
Things that make Remus Lupin Remus Lupin™
Brushes his teeth with fruity toothpaste
Is terrified of ladybugs
Hates the colour orange 
Allergic to pickles
Can do tongue twisters like a boss
Had a small lisp when he was younger
Opens bananas from the bottom
Or as he says “the proper way”
Really good at painting nails (Sirius always makes him paint his nails)
Doesn’t have a gag reflex 
Had a turtleneck phase in 3rd year
Fucking hates raisins 
“Who the fuck decided to ruin cookies with raisins”
Bites ice cream (scares the fuck out of Peter)
Has movie marathons with Lily
Puts the top of his hair up into a little ponytail when he reads
Had a horoscope phase 
He has a journal that he carries around with him and he writes little notes and thoughts he has throughout the day
He has a heart locket necklace with a picture of him and Sirius 
He has a bottlecap collection (he even has rare ones that sell for a good amount of money)
A little scar on his neck that looks like a heart (Sirius likes to kiss it)
Fuzzy blanket hoarder
Enjoys pineapple on pizza
Always eats weird food combinations to scare the shit out of his friends
Has probably waxed his whole body 
Drools in his sleep
Can throw a frisbee like a fucking boss
Can and will deep throat a banana if you ask
Puts stickers in random places
Like to put the marauder’s things in weird places to scare them
Can do a great Kermit impression 
Once write a sonnet about a piece of bacon that Peter stole from his plate
Can do the monkey bars like a PRO
Has never touched a cashew in his life
Uses those multi coloured ballpoint pens 
Prefers winter over summer
Can do a backflip
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
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years later Harry finally asked him how he did that trick
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
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Blessed adoption idea.
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gibney-the-house-elf-blog · 6 years ago
Draco: *sauntering up to Harry* My father and I have a bet, you see.
Draco: He thinks you won’t find a date to the Yule Ball.
Draco: I disagree. I think you’ll take me.
Harry: I don’t give a damn wha–wait, what?
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