geekfan67 · 4 days
The fact that Sen Booker knows the cast of SPN and characters!!! my little geek fan heart is melting
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geekfan67 · 4 days
Happy anniversary to the only ship ever
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16 years?????????!!!!!!! *sobs*
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geekfan67 · 4 days
Did this thing even start!?
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geekfan67 · 2 months
schwarzschild radius
schwarzschild radius by Trell (orphaned) Rating: General Word count: 8k
Purgatory is not a forest. Dean is captured and, by a stroke of luck, finds Castiel.
Purgatory—a land where nothing is quite right and monsters lurk around every corner. Which, is where Dean finds himself after Dick Roman explodes and sucks both him and Castiel in, except—Castiel is missing, and Dean will stop at nothing to find him. Only, he eventually happens upon Castiel by happenstance: Castiel has been captured by an old god, Quetzalcoatl, and the question arises—just how do they break free when Castiel’s Grace has been wounded, and their only escape route is through a maze?
To be honest, I read this work when it was first published and absolutely loved it, and still to this day, it’s one of my top five reads. And even more interesting, it’s been orphaned! On a scale of unknown to fandom lexicon, schwarzschild radius barely makes the scale, with under a thousand hits in its ten-year stint. But that’s what makes it even better, because it proves that just because a work isn’t known doesn’t mean it’s not fantastic!
Schwarzschild radius takes place right after the events of season seven, and acts as a potential scene of what could’ve happened had Dean found Castiel earlier on, and gives an insight into what their potential reunion could’ve looked like. Plus, it features a creature rarely discussed in fandom, and Dean and Castiel’s reactions are superb and true to their canon characterization.
With its wonderful storytelling and descriptions, this is an oldie but goody that you don’t want to pass up!
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geekfan67 · 2 months
Are we happy about Welz?
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geekfan67 · 2 months
Funny. Go to BBC to get updates and th first thing I see is NOT UK riots or neo nazism/facism. US headed for recession and Google search is monopoly. Talk about wag the dog. And oh yes UK is not a boiling point. Sorry mate you are. Welcome to the club
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geekfan67 · 2 months
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geekfan67 · 2 months
Okay i love the whole Cas and Eileen being friends but get this…Dean and Eileen being best friends and going out to hunts and just do stuff. And every single time they come back home Cas and Sam fucked something up. 
Like one of them is on the floor passed out while the other is fumbling over a spell. One time Cas was sent to another universe that Jack had to go and get him back again. Sam once became a baby while they tried a time-travel spell. 
Dean and Eileen can’t leave them for more than an hour at a time before they start doing experiments on each other or release some old monster just to see if they could do it.
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geekfan67 · 2 months
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Men fanboying over Jensen and Nathan. Does my heart good.
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geekfan67 · 2 months
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Thank you for your service, President Biden. You have done so much for the American people.
Donald did nothing but drive us to the bottom.
If you believe in America’s future and want an honorable leader, you KNOW it’s time to vote Kamala Harris for President this November!
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geekfan67 · 2 months
reasons i haven’t replied back:
- i’m socially exhausted - i don’t have the time right now - i don’t know how to reply - i have a bad memory and got distracted - i’m having a depressive episode and don’t have the energy to socialise
not reasons i haven’t replied back:
- i’m ignoring you just because - i hate you - i’m fed up with you - i don’t want to be your friend anymore
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geekfan67 · 2 months
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oh buddy it’s only monday monday
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geekfan67 · 2 months
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Jensen Ackles' instagram, Junly 26, 2024
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geekfan67 · 2 months
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geekfan67 · 2 months
After seeing the news, shocking who’s trending. 🤣🤣
I love it!!!
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geekfan67 · 2 months
You make it seem that we were born before the invention of sliced bread or the wheel.
BTW, you should be jealous of those who born in 1900s our stupid shit was never captured on video. 🙄
Wait, you were actually born in the 1900's? Thats so cool
i am going to eat my own entire skin
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geekfan67 · 2 months
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A hand-colored glass slide of lower Manhattan and the Brooklyn waterfront, 1920s.
Photo: Carl Simon via United Archives
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