
馃尭Flowers always make people 馃槆Better, 馃槉Happier, & more Helpful. They are Sunshine, Food & Medicine to the mind. #hippeastrum #amaryllis #flowerbulbs #gardeningindia #summers #flowers #flowerstagram #flowersmakemehappy #floweraddict #plantsmakepeoplehappy #greenthumb #greenhouse #indoorjungle #flowersmakepeoplehappy #planthoarder #plantcommunity #perennials #plantsplantsplants #floweroftheday #flowerpower #flowerporn #flowersofinstagram #potted plants #plantlove #plantlover
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If there's one place I go above all others when I need to relax it's my mini forest 馃槆 Walking between trees & sitting between them is almost meditative and something i try to do at least once every day. #spiderplant #plants #nature #flowers #plantsofinstagram #garden #plant #plantsmakepeoplehappy #green #gardeningindia #gardening #houseplants #photography #flower #naturephotography #plantlover #love #indoor plants #succulents #urbanjungle #miniforest #plantlife #photooftheday #plantas #plantstagram #homedecor #flowerstagram #spring #naturelovers #bhfyp (at Gardening India)
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Gerbera... With Beautiful , stunning blooms.. You can grow gerberas easily by following these tips. #Gerbera growing tips Once your gerberas are home, give them a spot with good drainage and plenty of sun. Unless they鈥檙e in part shade, avoid areas next to walls or sidewalks that reflect the heat. In summers choose a shady location Keep the soil consistently moist but not so soggy the plants rot. It helps if you let the soil or potting mix dry out a little between waterings. Feed plants every two weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer, such as a聽24-8-16 formula. Once a bloom droops, clip the stem off below the leaves to encourage more. #GerberaDaisy #GerberDaisy #ankittomar #CutFlowers #gardeningindia #GrowingFlowers #CutFlowerPatch #Flowers #Daisies #ILoveDaisies #ILoveGerberas #Gerbera #Gerberas #MyGardenToday #ILoveMyGarden #Backyard Garden #GardeningInFlorida #sonipat #delhi #gurgaon #Containergardening #ContainerGarden #nature #love #instamorning #instagram #instagardenlovers #instamood (at Gardening India)
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Adenium is a desert rose which is very easy to grow and care. But very few people know how to make its Potting mix and how to take care of it. Growing media for Adenium: It varies from place to place depending on the availability of the component materials. Whatever the potting mix may be it should be well drained and sufficiently porous. The soil should not hold much water ,otherwise root rot will occur, The potting mix may contain - Sand.Gravel,Garden soil Charcoal Cocopeat , leaf mould,Vermiculite, Perlite Cowdung compost etc in different proportions according to the need. Light Requirement: Since Adenium is desert plant, it needs enough and open sunlight to grow well. It needs at least 6 hours to grow well. However if the temperature is more than 45 degree Celsius keep it under shade. Fertilizer to be used: Do not need much fertilizer. If you put Compost or Leaf mould in potting mix, that will work well. However, In flowering season you may add Low nitrogen content NPK like 10-15-15 in a very small amount that is 10 granules dissolved in water apply once in a week. In addition to that you may also add % granules of Pottash dissolved in water once in a week in a plant. To Get Blg Caudex: For obtaining big caudex grow plants which are made from seeds. Repot the plant every year in a bigger pot with keeping the caudex one inch higher. However, for getting fatty caudex you have to prune the plant once or twice a year. Native Area:The Plant is native to Sub Saharan Africa and Arabian Peninsula. Nature of the Plant: There are mainly two species. Namely, Adenium obesum and Adenium arabicum. It is commonly called as Desert Rose. lts a flowering plants which is evergreen in nature and drought resistant. #adenium #adeniumobesum #adeniumlover #adeniumlovers #adeniumindonesia #adeniumbonsai #adeniumflower #adeniumflowers #adeniumsocotranum #adeniumsomalen #desertrose #dorsethornadenium #instagram #instastory #adeniumcabser #succulent #naturnurture #gardeningindia #adeniumfreestyle #nature #GardeningIndia #adeniumcharacter #adeniumyellow #instaflower #instaflowers #adeniumworld #bonsais #Delhi #gurgaon #flora (at Gardening India)
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Summer is most favorable season for the Caladiums to do well. They are constantly producing new leaves. #plants #plant #plantsofinstagram #specialplants #amazingplants #plantsareamazing #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantstagram #houseplants #houseplant #plant #plantsdecor #plantlove #plantlover #plantas #beautifulplants #rareplants #rareflowers #foliage #greenery #plantstagram #rareplant #caladium #aglonema #caladiumlovers #philodendron #begonia #plantlover #houseplants #tanamangantung #caladiums #indoorplants #flowers #plant #favorable (at Gardening India)
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Rosebud #Caladium growing beautiful馃槏 Eagerly waiting for other varieties... . . . . . . #caladiums #caladiumlovers #caladiumbicolor #caladiumthaibeauty #caladiumhybrid #foliage #plantaplant #nature #photooftheday #sunday #sundayvibes #instagardenlovers #instamood #instamorning #instagram #gardeninspiration #gardeningindia #love #crazyplantboy #ankittomar #gogreen #GrowYourOwn #ugaoo #ina #Delhi #Sonipat #Gurgaon (at Gardening India)
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Sapota is also known chikoo which is a delicious calorie-rich fruit. It offers numerous benefits for skin, hair, and health. Sapota fruit helps to make our skin glow.The Vitamin E in this fruit moisturizes your skin, thus giving you healthy and beautiful skin. It is rich in antioxident.therefore it reduces body wrinkes. Good For The Eyes. It contains a high amount of Vitamin A and helps in improving vision. Sapota is rich in glucose which provides instant energy to the body. Antioxidants, dietary fiber and nutrients found in sapota ,fights against certain cancers. #chickoo #greenthumb . . . . . #sapodilla #chikoo #fruits #sapota #fruit #foodie #fruittrees #naseberry #grafting #nature #green #healthyfood #tree #exoticfruits #tropicalfruit #gardeningindia #bhfyp #containergardening #homegrown #growyourownfood #terracegardening #gardeners #gardenlife #gardenlover #urbangardening #greenthumb #Delhi (at Gardening India)
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Few more weeks to go #tablegrapes #grapes #farmfruit #fruitporn #green #grapes馃崌 #grapes #Haryana #Delhi #macrophotography #mobilephotography #gogreen #naturephotography #naturelovers #naturelovers #gardeningindia #photooftheday #photographer #picoftheday #fruit #tomarplanet #GrowYourOwn #nature (at Gardening India)
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"We may think we are nurturing our garden. But of course, it's our garden, that is really nurturing us."聽 If you have even just a small area available, you should consider growing plants. If you don't have any ground available to you, you can still cultivate plants in pots. The happiness derived from watching your green garden thrive is incomparable. #gardeninspiration #gardeningmakesmehapoy #GrowYourOwn #instagardenlovers #instagram #love #gardenersofinstagram #crazy #nature #nurture #inspiration #instamood #instagood #plantsagram #life #planetearth #homegarden #Gardeningindia #ankittomar #ankit (at Gardening India)
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Curcuma is a stately and elegant summer-blooming flower that's a lot easier to grow than it looks! This heat-loving, long-blooming tropical plant produces gorgeous spires of pink, purple, or white flowers all summer long. Curcuma makes an outstanding addition to garden beds and borders, as well as container gardens. #plants #plantsofinstagram #plantslovers #flowers #nature #pinkflowers #garden #florist #floristlife #spring #flowerpower #curcuma #curcumaalismatifolia #flores #loveflowers #flowers #turmeric #curcumaalismatifolia #curcumalonga #exoticflowers #fleursexotiques #tropicalflowers #fleurstropicales #indoorplants #indoorplantstyling #instaflowerslovers #instatropical #instaexotics #instaflowerslovers #gardeningindia (at Gardening India)
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Orange plant cloning in process ... Cloning, is a technique for vegetatively (asexually) propagating plants in which a piece of the stem or root of the source plant is placed in a suitable medium such as moist soil, potting mix, coir or rock wool. The cutting produces new roots, stems, or both, and thus becomes a new plant independent of the parent. #plants #Clone #gardeningbliss #citrus #gardenlove #plantpropagation #plantsofinstagram #nature #plantsmakepeoplehappy #photooftheday #urbanjungle #gardeningindia #orangetree #orangeplant #fruits #oranges #fruitplant #garden #gardenplants #growtoeat #growyourownfood #foodgrowing #gardening #thehappygardeninglife #growyourown #freshandgreen #garden #plantsagram #plantsomething #propagation (at Gardening India)
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Glorious Amaryllis double Hippeastrum... Every time when I look at them... Found something new... Nurture them... Let's grow... and Enjoy their Beautiful positive Vibes #easytogrow #amaryllis #amaryllisflower #doubleamaryllis #hippeastrum #bulbousplants #red #flowers #flowersof spring #instagood #nature #instagram #gardening india #gardeningindia #good morning #tomarplanet (at Gardening India)
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#Rose is a famous and very beautiful flower; the rose flower is a symbol of #love all over the world. #flowers #flower #spring #instaflowers #petal #petals #flores #flowerslovers #flowerpower #flowerstagram #bloom #natureaddict #flowermagic #flowergram #blossom #flowersofinstagram #flora #floral #florals #instablooms #insta_pick_blossom #floweroftheday #flowerporn #flowerstyles_gf #garden #flor #botanical #gardeningindia (at Gardening India)
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Hippeastrum Amaryllis blooms in its unique way..... Amaryllis #lovers #amaryllis #red #flowers #Orangeflower #amaryllis #hippeastrum #amaryllis #pinkamaryllis #beautifulflowers #homegarden #homegardening #indoorplants #outdoorplants #gardening #rooftopgarden #nature #naturelover #plants #plantlovers #flores #flowerstagram #flowerstalking #naturephotography #Gardeningindia #gardeningindia (at Gardening India)
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The Pothos Marble Queen and its quick growing vines full of variegated green and white leaves will make any space look more lush. It is a great low maintenance choice for beginners. #marblequeen #whitepothos #moneplant #indoorplantsofinstagram #gardenoffivesenses #gardentourismfestival2021 (at Garden of Five Senses)
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The parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans) A compact, easy-care palm growing to 3-4 feet tall, and tolerating crowded roots. ... Benefit: #NASA gives this clean-air plant a high purifying score. Parlor palm is stellar at clearing out benzene and trichloroethylene, so place it around furniture that could be off-gassing. #gardeningindia #chamaedorea #parlorpalm #indoorplant #plantsmakepeoplehappy馃尶 #airpurifyingplants #greens #arecapalm #palm #beautifulplants #nature #love #instagood #beautifuldestinations #buyplants #gardeninspiration #wishlist #buyme #loveforgreens馃尶 #care #patience #nurture #Sonipat #Delhi #Gurgaon #panindiashipping #goodnight #greengifts #life (at Gardening India)
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Hoya Kerri, the sweetheart plant馃挌 We have loads of these adorable heart shaped plants in the greenhouse and along with lots of other cool new arrivals馃尶 Tag someone you love 馃挌 #helloplantlover #hoya #hoyakerrii #hoyaplant #hoyamygosh #hoyalover #hoyaheads #hoyaheart #hoyaheart #hoyaplant #plantsofinstagram #loveforgreens馃尶 #mygreeenhome #mysmallgreenworld #gardeningindia #plantsmakepeoplehappy馃尶 #cornersofmyhome #delhi #gurgaon #sonipat #plantstagram #nature #urbanjungle #ugaoo #grow #instagram #instagood #love #someoneyouloved #instamoment #gogreen #instaphoto (at Gardening India)
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