gabriellesalis · 5 years
How to teach yourself linguistics online for free
Wish you were enrolled in an intro linguistics class this semester? Starting a linguistics major and looking for extra help? Trying to figure out whether you should study linguistics and what comes after?  Whether you’re just trying to grasp the basics of linguistics or you’re trying to construct a full online linguistics course, here’s a comprehensive list of free linguistics websites, podcasts, videos, blogs, and other resources from around the internet: 
Linguistics Podcasts
Specific episodes:
The International Phonetic Alphabet and vowels
Gricean Maxims and presuppositions
Kids These Days aren’t ruining language
Learning languages linguistically
Phonemes and palatalization
Prepositions, determiners, verbs
Morphemes and the wug test
Why do we gesture when we talk?
Podcasts in general:
The History of English Podcast
Talk the Talk
Lexicon Valley
The World in Words
A Way With Words
Vocal Fries
Linguistics Videos
Modular topics:
NativLang (cartoons)
The Ling Space
Tom Scott’s Language Files
Arika Okrent (whiteboard videos)
Structured video series like an online course:  
Introduction to Linguistics (TrevTutor)
Another intro linguistics series (DS Bigham)
Phonology (TrevTutor)
Mathematical linguistics (TrevTutor)
Syntax (TrevTutor)
Another syntax series following the chapter structure of a free online syntax textbook (Caroline Heycock)
The Virtual Linguistics Campus at Marburg University
“Miracles of Human Language” (on Coursera from Leiden University)
Blog posts
How much do I need to know before taking intro linguistics? (Spoiler: not much) 
28 tips for doing better in your intro linguistics course
How to find a topic for your linguistics essay or research paper
For typesetting linguistics symbols: What is LaTeX and why do linguists love it? (with sample LaTeX doc to download and modify).
Further linguistics resources about specific areas, such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, language acquisition (first/second), historical linguistics, neurolinguistics, prescriptivism. 
Phonetics & Phonology
How to make your own paper model of the larynx
Teaching phonetics using lollipops
How to remember the IPA vowel chart
How to remember the IPA consonant chart
IPA transcription practice
A detailed explanation of sonorants, obstruents, and sonority
A very elaborate Venn diagram of English phonological features
The basics of how Optimality Theory works, with coffee analogy
Allophones of /t/, explained with internet gifs
Several good visualizations and explanations of the vocal tract
How to type IPA on your phone (Android and iOS) 
Various ways to type IPA on a computer
Morphology & Syntax
Morphological typology cartoons
So you asked the internet how to draw syntax trees. Here’s why you’re confused.
Types of trees: a sentence is an S, a sentence is an IP, a sentence is a TP
A step-by-step guide to drawing a syntax tree, with gifs
Distributed Morphology
Garden path sentences: how they work, some examples
Structural ambiguity and understanding people in Ipswich
How to draw trees on a computer (TreeForm and phpSyntaxTree) 
Pronoun typology and “the gay fanfiction problem”
The solution to violent example sentences: Pokemon
Semantics & Pragmatics
The difference between epistemic and deontic, necessity and possibility (with bonus modals as Hogwarts houses)
Why learn semantics? Comebacks to annoying people.
Presuppositions, implicature and entailment, and more presuppositions in Lizzie Bennet Diaries
Gricean maxims in Welcome to Night Vale
Scalar implicature and a duck gif
Giving a shit about Negative Polarity Items, NPIs explained using Mean Girls references, and a follow-up on Free Choice Items
The lambda calculus for absolute dummies
The Lambda Calculator (software for practising in Heim & Kratzer style)
Teaching & Academic/career advice
Linguistics resources for high school teachers
Teaching linguistics to 9-14 year olds
On writing an IB extended essay in linguistics (& follow-up)
IPA Bingo
IPA Jeopardy and IPA Hangman
Practising syntax trees using cards and string/straws
Find a linguistics olympiad near you!
Editing linguistics Wikipedia articles instead of writing a final paper that no one but the prof will read (see also wikiedu.org)
Should you go to grad school in linguistics? Maybe
Figuring out if you actually want to go to linguistics grad school
How to decide which linguistics grad school to go to
How to look for linguistics undergrad programs
How to interact with someone who’s just given a talk
An extensive list of undergrad and/or student-friendly conferences - apply to one near you!
Advice for linguistics profs on increasing enrollment and supporting non-academic careers
Linguistics jobs - a series about careers outside academia
Linguistic approaches to language learning resource roundup
Will linguistics help with language learning? / Will learning a second language help with linguistics?
The problem with “economically useful” as a reason for language learning
Further link roundups
This list not enough? Try these further masterposts: 
A very long list of linguistics movies, documentaries, and TV show episodes
A list of books (fiction and nonfiction) about linguistics
A comprehensive list of language and linguistics podcasts, from Superlinguo 
A very long list of linguistics YouTube channels and other free online videos about linguistics 
20 linguistics blogs I recommend following
How to explain linguistics to your friends and family this holiday season
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
This Guy Won’t Stop Photoshopping Himself Into Kendall Jenner’s Photos And It Makes Them 10 Times Better
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Credit: Kirby Jenner / IG
via: boredpanda.com
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
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It's time to move on
Guys something really bad happened in my life. I broke up with my boyfriend. We were together almost year and I was loving him 2 years and yesterday he left me because he said "I'm too far"
I live in Ukraine and he lives in Ireland but he always said its okay and we can do it
We was planning to meet up next summer and he said he's ready to wait
But something changed and he's not ready anymore. He said I can stay if we won't be couple but we will be more then friends, I mean lovers
I don't want to be for sex or something, I want he respect me and I said I don't want it and he said bye
So, now it's new part of my life
Of course I'm sad and I cried a lot yesterday but I should move on and I don't want to cry anymore
I hope one day I'll meet the guy who will respect me.
I'm going to study a lot and become better and better every day
Now 1st day of my new life :))
P. S. Save your love if you have it, if you lose it I believe you're very strong to move on and be happy
Be safe
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
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My babyboy❤️
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
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New year of studying pretty soon
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
Have a nice August 🖤
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
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Hey guys, it's my fresh start of my studyblr!
Next summer I'll have final exam (for graduation) and in Ukraine it's kinda difficult exam Coz you should know everything from middle school
Anyway I hope my pics not bad, I don't know how to take beautiful pics yet but I'm learning🖤
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
“Listen closely: the only time it’s too late to change yourself is when you’re dead. Until then, you’re simply making excuses or lying to yourself.”
— Unknown
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
Before you eat that
ask yourself:
Do you look like this?
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Will it help you get like this?
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Will it make you fee like like this?
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Do you really want it?
Do you really need it?
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
Me after a binge: ugh gross how could I put that poison into my body??? Never eating chips, pizza, or any kind of junk ever again I’m going to buy a shit ton of vegetables and eat clean from now on 😌✨
Me the very moment I open my eyes the next morning: choclet
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
I want to be like her
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
What are three things you’ve learnt about love?
1. Love is abundant and comes in many forms: No matter how many times I’ve lost love, I’ve been able to find it again. There is no ‘one true love’ we are ever-changing and as such, so is the type of love we seek. My vision of true love has shifted from what it was 3 years ago, but it doesn’t make the love I’ve found at that time invalid, it just makes it different.
2. It’d be a crime to restrict myself to romantic love: Finding love in myself, my family, friends, career, passions, my community, and my people has made me into more of a well rounded individual.
3. Love isn’t supposed to hurt: Heartbreak is an unfortunate risk factor when loving and being vulnerable and I’ve personally found ways to embrace that. However, hurting while in a relationship is not normal and shouldn’t be thought of as a consequence. Love is warm, comforting, happy, and fun. There’s this idea that real love hurts, that the initial amazing feelings are just a honeymoon phase but I completely reject that. You should never have to withstand great pain in love. This isn’t in regards to conflict or overcoming obstacles as a couple, it’s about being severely hurt by your partner. That is not just an obstacle.
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
How to Write a University-level Essay
Heyo, so school is fast approaching, and seeing as Tumblr is made up of a lot of younger users who will soon be shipping off to college or university soon, I thought I would take it upon myself to help spread my knowledge of essay-writing. Essay-writing is my thing. I love it. I live for it. It’s how I make up for my shitty test marks, and still get by with an 85 average+ in University classes. I’m a historian by trade, so perhaps this information will seem a bit off from what you’re used to, but hopefully, It’ll help you out. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask.
1. Consider your question and find your thesis.
      I know, I know. People always say, no! Never start with your thesis/intro paragraph! Go to the body!! Well i’m here to say forget everything you’ve been told. Forget that, forget the stupid hamburger shit they teach you, forget it all and start reading. 
I ALWAYS start with my thesis. Why? Because you cannot make good paragraphs without knowing what you’re researching. You need direction, and a thesis is your map.
So, the question we’ll use shall be: What is one way in which the Union won the American Civil War?
Now remember, your thesis is your map. It shows you where to go, what to look for. The thesis is the heart and soul of all your work. You want a good, solid thesis. What does that include, you ask?
An idea
A reason for said idea
Evidence to support said reason, and thus validate the        idea.
So, lets do an example. Let’s say I’m writing on the use of media during the American Civil War. I like photography, and wrote a paper on this in my second year, but im gonna be doing this example freehand(idk where I put that essay lol) so lets work with how I got an A+ on that paper. This will be my idea:
                “Photography during the American Civil War influenced the war’s outcome in the Norths favour.”
This is VERY vague. This is an example of a thesis in bloom! Let’s take it further. Look at the above. What questions would you have from this thesis?
-Who was taking photos at that time?
-Why did it influence the outcome?
-How did it influence the outcome?
-Who consumed photography as a media at that time?
This is where you STOP, and start the next step.
2. Research
                Start your basic research with your idea, and the above questions in mind. Look at libraries, ask your professor or TA or librarian, or just do some basic google searches to get to know the subject(but for the love of god if you include a google link in your citation I will personally hunt you down and castrate you.)
I like to start with the basics of any inquiry: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, HOW. Who was taking photos? Where were they displayed that caused influence? ect…These, in relation to your beginner thesis, will help guide you in what form your thesis will take.
Once you’ve finished that, and have a general feel for the time period, go back to your thesis.
3. THESIS 2.0
Go back to your original question: What is one way in which the Union won the American Civil War? Now look at your thesis again. It’s too vague, isn’t it?
As you can see, our original thesis was too vague to be a real thesis. So, we NARROW IT DOWN using our WWWWWH progress we focused on during early research!
                “Photography during the American Civil war influenced the war’s outcome by providing a visual for ordinary citizens about the horrors of war, and thus helping to increase donations and awareness to the cause.”
Great! But once again, too vague! Questions that may arise include:
Who was taking the photos
Evidence for donations?
Evidence for social awareness?
So, we NARROW IT DOWN again. I’m going to use Andrew Gardner’s photography during the Civil war, as he was one of the most famous and influential at the time.
                “Andrew Gardner’s photography during the American Civil war influenced the war’s outcome by providing a visual for ordinary citizens about the horrors of war, and thus helping to increase donations and enlistment in the Union through awareness to the cause…”
The above then gives us the following(why and how are sometimes grouped together):
Who: Andrew Gardner
What: Photography helped the north win the war.
Where: Union-aka northern states
When: American Civil War
Why/How: Because Andrew Gardner’s photography raised social awareness through this new and budding medium
Use this sort of outline to guide you in the next step!
4. Now that we have a thesis, you need to do some more research and evidence gathering.
The way I like to do this is to go check out a few books from the library(look for text books in particular), and leaf through the index for matching terms. Our matching terms would be:
                Photography, civil war, Andrew Gardner, media
From there, you read over the pages, and see if any of the info relates to your subjects. Copy down quotes, page numbers, book title, author, publishing date and publisher. You need these for your bibliography. Pick and choose relevant information. The filter for relevant information relies entirely on your thesis, because it decides what you need to be looking for—this is why I hate when people tell me to start writing paragraphs before I write a thesis! It’s simply impossible and counter productive, and will cost you hours in revision.
So, gather your information from the library, and cross-reference with peer-reviewed articles and data. For our thesis, we would need data on enlistment numbers in an area after a date of Andrew Gardner’s photography exhibit showcases. No matter what type of essay you’re writing, you can always back up your evidence with data, and it won’t hurt one bit. Don’t be afraid of the numbers, kids!
So, if we were to go back to our thesis, we could now expand on it like this:
             “Andrew Gardner’s photography during the American Civil war influenced the war’s outcome by providing a visual for ordinary citizens about the horrors of war, and thus helping to increase donations and enlistment in the Union through awareness to the cause. An increase in  donations and enlistment in relation to exposure to Gardners work is seen in data/evidence point A, as well as in data/evidence point B, which will be fully outlined in the points below.”
This gives you an example of how to lead from a thesis, to your opening paragraph.
5. Data and Evidence Justifications–Paragraph making
This is the section where you can branch your essay into your data and evidence points you gathered in steps 2 and 4. You can have as many paragraphs as you like, just make sure your evidence and data is strong and supported. I personally like to work with my thesis copied and pasted onto the top of every page I write on. This keeps you on track, with your clear goal in mind, and will help you from straying. I will give you an example of how a paragraph might sound.
                Andrew Gardner’s photography during the American Civil War became heavily influential upon the American population at the time, particularly the north, wherein which his work was showcased. The influence of Gardner’s photographic works is seen in the _____, which shows us that without the influence of Gardner’s media influence, war efforts and awareness may not have been as successful as they had been.
This is an alright opener for you to work with. The ___ is where you could put in your data point or evidence piece. The point of the paragraph is to show your support for your thesis by confirming it with evidence.
Your paragraphs should take this form:
Present, Confirm, Conclude, Lead.
You present your evidence, confirm its relation to the thesis and confirm the validity of the thesis, conclude by brief revision of evidence, and then lead into your next paragraph. 
6. Conclusion
        Your conclusionary paragraph should be a look-over of the above paragraphs. Restate your thesis, present a summarized version of your paragraphs(one or two sentences only), and perhaps take the time to look at your own views on the subject. An example might look like this:
        “Taking a moment to step away from the above mentioned evidence, I believe it to be scholarly acceptable and even necessary to state my own views on the subject presented. In drawing conclusions, I felt that the above information was correct in that it presented a reality of the time period, in which photography was becoming a medium to be embraced by popular society. People were not only astounded by Gardner’s photographs on a social level, but also a technical level. The astonishment people held at seeing the war-torn battle fields spurred them into action, and even today can still present feelings of dread, fear and loss when looking at his photos…blah blah blah”
Why is it scholarly acceptable and perhaps necessary to state your views? Oftentimes, it is to reassure the reader of your own personal bias’, which exist whether you like them or not, to the subject at hand. Having a small tidbit on your own thoughts about your research ect, breaking away from the third-person droning of an essay can be refreshing and welcoming for a prof at the end of his stack of essay reading. 
7. In summary
Data and Evidence
Present, Confirm, Conclude, Lead
Self opinions/Conclude
All in all, do unique things. Professors love it when they come across something that’s not cookie cutter! Even if they present you with a list of essay topics, take the leap and ask them if you can do your own research topic!! Take risks with your essay writing, talk to your professors about what you want to do, and try to have fun with your research. I’ve written on everything from civil war photography to Disney princesses in american media, to the religious formation of idea of heaven and earth. Remember, so long as there’s credible, documented evidence, it’s possible to write about it.
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
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I will draw Humands, humanoids, gijinkas, anthro, fanart, chibi, ocs/sonas. I will not draw anything hateful, excessively violent or gory, or anything sexual. I will not draw anything that makes me uncomfortable. 
Simples backgrounds are free! Prices on complex characters and backgrounds may vary. Each added character is 10% less than the first one! 
I require at least half payment ahead of time.
Full = high res, full-sized previews as I work. Half = low res previews as I work.
My paypal is [email protected], if you are interested PM me, or shoot me an email!
Slots open: 1. 2. 3.
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gabriellesalis · 5 years
Omg I so much need my personal space, I can't share my room with anyone 😭😭😭😭
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