Froodies ~ Frenchie Hoodies, Hats, Coats & Clothes handmade to fit French Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Pugs & other Bat-Eared or Barrel-Chested dogs!
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Finally got our boat towed back on the bay late Sunday with the full moon tide! Yesterday and today were cleaning days from the mess of her being heeled. My doggo got to come home this evening. We are having a snuggle night since it's cold out and I've missed her so. The good news is...I'll be up sewing first thing in the morning and will catch up orders and should have all shipped by the end of the week. Thank you so much to our Froo Friends for sticking it out. This has been one of the biggest trials I've faced in my 52 years. Dee & Bernadette Muffinbum
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This photo was taken by Marilee the day after the storm. This is the space launch going over my boat. ______________________________________________ Friends...I don't even know what to say. The support in all directions, local and extended has been amazing. This thing happened. Because things happen in life. There is no bad...because the bad shows you the good. I love my boat. But if I lost the wouldn't be the end of the world. Don't get me would truly suck because I love this life...but I've rebuilt my life many times. I have a gypsy soul in my blood. Anyone who knew my mom and my childhood can attest. But the hardest part when I left Nebraska was knowing I was leaving behind my lifetime network. I always knew it would be there if I needed to go "home"...but my soul is not attached to the place...only the people. I had just begun to build that in Missouri when my health gave out. Moving on was live or die. Since I came to Florida five years ago, I hadn't felt any connection to other people until I got the boat. I'm a total recluse on the boat...but living among a community who is doing this "crazy" thing...and we connect through our projects, plans and dreams. I didn't know the people here would come through for me. I was part of the community and am active privately in our chats...but I'm anchored two miles away from everyone else. That's a huge distance by water...about five miles by car. I truly thought I was fucked when I broke anchor, hit the seawall and put out the garbled emergency message. I was not the only casualty in this storm. We have many boats from our "fleet" that are in dire straights from this storm...and a least two that were lost completely. It was their hurricane too...and yet they came to the rescue. And then again the next morning and again when needed. I haven't shed any tears about this...except for when I hugged my dog yesterday because I miss her so much. But every time I think about how lucky I am to have so many people in so many places care...I am completely choked up. I didn't know I had that here. I AM TRULY BLESSED. THANK YOU ALL.
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Friends, Bernadette and I are in one heckuva pickle. I don't normally post anything personal on Froodies pages but this is REAL. We live and work on this boat. Our home is next to a seawall, heeled over high and dry on a bed of rocks from hurricane Eta. We need help. Details on our Facebook pages.
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Orange is the new Black @miaandtheprince_frenchies #happyhalloween #beautiful #beauty #froodieshoodies #love #shedevil #frenchbulldog #frenchiesofinstagram #frenchie #frenchielove #dogsofinstagram #florida #fall #orange #black #bocaraton #love #mia #puppylove
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Cute but psycho. But cute. My entry for @chase_the_husky_ pet costume contest (among others)! Like Gizmo, Charlie turns into a Gremlin when he gets wet! @pardonmy2frenchies #theremarkablepetcontest #gizmo #gremlins #dontfeedthemaftermidnight #dontgetthemwet #80sfrenchie #gremlinfrenchie #frenchiecostume #froodieshoodies #frenchies #frenchiecostume #frenchiesofinstagram #mogwai #halloweenfrenchie #cranberrydentalstudiopet #hiccupshalloween #nutrenahalloweencontest #jaxspooktacular #wdhalloween20 #justfoodfordogs #funniestcostume #dogwatchhalloween #howwehalloween #cutestcreature #muttropolishalloween
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This is the Brain's daddy...Booger...doing dad stuff and wearing one of our very first FROODIES from when we started six years ago. We love our BnB baby...Rosie is the best frenchie ever! @bos_n_bull_kennel @busakiller_1 #bosnbullkennel #booger #brainsdad #frenchbulldog #frenchie #gearhead #froodieshoodies #doghoodie #realmenwearfroodies #froodieslastforever
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The pawrents were brave and ventured into Salem today. Grabbed lunch @frenchie_jake_bear @bambolinasalem and cheese and charcuterie @thecheeseshopofsalem . Everyone loved my batman costume @froodieshoodies #octoberinsalem #frenchiebatman #froodieshoodies * * * #frenchiesofinstagram #frenchiesofig #frenchies #frenchbulldog #frenchielife #thefabfrenchies #fabfrenchies #bluesablefrenchie #squishyfacesquad #squishyfacecrew #newenglandfrenchie #fallinnewengland #iambatman #batman #howloween #etsy
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How to train your dragon 🐉💙 @froodieshoodies Thank you!@mioutlawbulldogs #mioutlawbulldogs #froodieshoodies #howtotrainyourdragon #nightfury #mybabydragon #furythefrenchie #frenchbulldog #frenchbulldogsofinstagram #frenchbulldogs #frenchbulldogpuppy #frenchbulldogsofig #frenchiepuppy #frenchiesofinstagram #frenchiesofig #frenchie #frenchies #frenchiesociety #dragonsofinstagram #dragon #dragons #fury
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Yoda, I am. #froodieshoodies #yoda #starwars #frenchie #frenchbulldog #dogcostume #halloweencostume #trickortreat #treatsnow #etsy #review #anotherhappycustomer #ilovemyfroodie
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Excuse me, this sweatshirt is for a Frenchie and I most certainly am not a Frenchie. @reuben_and_nora_bean #bulldogsofinstagram #bulldog #froodie #froodieshoodies #englishbulldog #handmedowns #youngersibling #doghoodie #etsy #froodiesarentjustforfrenchies
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Sweata Weatha🍂 @coffeebeanblues #mylaverne #frenchie #froodieshoodies #frenchbulldog #iambatman #doghoodie #sweaterweather #halloweencostume #piedfrenchie
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The Halloween costumes are coming out early this year! Bulbasaur and Pikachu created by @froodieshoodies @cante_and_gigi • • • #froodieshoodies #dogcostumes #customorder #gottacatchemall #froodie #pokémon #dogsiblings #dogsofinstagram #canteandgigi #chiheeler #blueheeler #cattledogmix #acd #heelermoments #heeler #rescuedog #heelerlove #čhaŋtéwašté #heelersofinstagram #frenchbulldog #frenchiesofinstagram #frenchiepuppy #dogsofmsp #halloween #trickortreat
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Lulu's mom had memory bears made out of her baby FROODIES when she outgrew them! How cute! #froodieshoodies #memorybears #repurpose #babylulu #batgirl #batman #flower #dogcostumes #doghoodies #frenchie #frenchbulldog #cute #aww
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So adorable. So soft and well made and it fits Tango Perfectly!!!! Love, love, love it!! Thank you so much!! #etsy #review #froodieshoodies #pomchi #yoda #halloweencostume #dogcostume #doghoodie #trickortreat #anotherhappycustomer
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Late night pirate shenanigans. #bernadettemuffinbum #firstmate #frenchbulldog #boatdog #piratedog #saltydog #seadog #boatdog #csy #svmaddream #sailboat #sailing #florida #halloween #skeleton #myplaymatelookshungry
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Dragons of yesteryear. We hope you win a contest this year @rory.the.merle.frenchie Have a great Halloween! #froodieshoodies #frenchbulldog #frenchie #merlefrenchie #dragon #rainbowdragon #halloweencostume #dogcostume
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My mawm had this FROODIE custom made for me so I fit right in here Wisconson! I'm a little squinty from the sun...but I love it. Okay, truth is my mawm loves it and I love my mawm. ❤ #froodieshoodies #frenchbulldog #frenchie #doghoodie #wisconsinwinter #buffaloplaid #wheresthecheese #wheresthebeer
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