freskosf-blog · 10 years
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1st attempt of 30 minutes Daily Spit Paint grp.  ( Frozen Beach )
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
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We all have dreams, but sometimes Fear gets the best of us preventing us from seeing those dreams come to life. Things don't just happen on their own either. Everything you work for, you earn. We all have dreams, but are you hustling for yours? ---> click to hustle for your dream
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
You expect to retire off photography? GG get a real job.
First off, let’s do a little fact check. I happen to read A LOT, so I will kindly demolish you ;) According to the Wall Street Cheat Sheet, 57% of American HOUSEHOLDS have less than 25,000 dollars in savings. The odds aren’t in your favor even if you’re studying rocket science buddy. CNN conducted a very well orchestrated survey in which 37% of people said they plan to work until they die simply because retirement is too damn difficult. &Don’t even get me started on social security. So yeah yeah, let’s say you get that rocket science degree and you beat the odds and happily retire at the age of 50. Fantastic! Now you can enjoy your last 20-30 years with a relatively large sum of money, have that beach house in Carmel and drink Lagunitas IPA’s until your beer belly is looking healthy. Amazing! Besides the fact that all you’re doing is bumming around for the rest of your life, and you don’t want to go back to work because let’s face it, how many people with engineers actually are madly in love with their career and not the money that comes with it? Engineering sucks, unless you like it of course. Then there’s me, I like what I do. In fact I truly love it! So much that the thought of retirement makes me cringe, why would I stop taking pictures? My job is such that I look forward to coming to work, imagine that! You know what’s cool too? I get to sell my photographs, which is pretty much like being paid to explore. Here’s another example, what if Quentin Tarantino decided to cash out after Reservoir Dogs, would we ever have Pulp Fiction? Or what if Martin Scorsese “retired” after Raging Bull, would we ever have Taxi Driver or Goodfellas? Yeah, retirement…. Lame&Overrated. 
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
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life round here shot by MXXM
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
Dope AF
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
Fresko: n. the pure state of mind of being liberated from the rat pack. Bay Area derived; It's not just a way of life, but THE way to live.
The creative sources at Fresko Apparel need your support in launching this line to its full potential. We have numerous exciting designs lock and loaded, but without the funds it is all just a dream. Your $20 donation can help bring this dream into reality by funding initial print costs as well as our website, which'll allow us to also buy a membership so we can expand our line into a fully functioning online store.  **This design is not limited to tees, click on the drop down menu to see other options for rocking, "Dream But Hu$tle" 
Show some love. It takes funding and supporters for dreams to come to reality. The Hustle is real. Repost this to your followers, snag a tee for yourself and be a part of a movement.
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
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Mists of Vancouver Island II
Spokane Seattle Canada trip 13
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
Gotta Start Somewhere
Been working my ass off the past week, especially the past two nights trying to bring this brand to life. Finalizing designs, sketching, creating mock ups and an online store. You name it. That's how bad I want it. I believe in this. It's ultimately up in God's hands on where this'll lead, but I have Faith that this brand is going to go far in mainly colorful ways. I hope those who are following are ready for the ride.
Nobody said it's going to be easy, but you gotta start somewhere.
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
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golden gate from the stupid view on fort point because some dude told me they’d arrest me for trespassing. 
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
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The Basketball Diaries (1995)
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freskosf-blog · 10 years
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690 notes · View notes