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Across the Spider-Verse Art by John Patrick Gañas
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From art_veider on Instagram
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translation: “My sheep! [bah! bah!] You are my life. [bah! bah!] Walk behind me…[bah! bah!] Sing (after me).”
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The character designs in Disney Mirrorverse are absolutely insane.
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Hades Underworld Triptych by Joanne Tran and Jen Zee
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How to make ice cream in Alaska
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Dungeons & Disney Princesses - Mulan
“I shift back into my Ping disguise so he sees that I’m the one who wrecked his army.” “His eyes kind of widen, and then you hear him whisper, ‘The solider from the mountains,’ before he just fucking lunges at you.” “I like that the BBEG is the also literally the only person to be even remotely cool about all this gender fuckery so far.” “Diversity win! The enemy solider about to blow up the palace just asked your pronouns!”
inspo from@heroeddiemunson  
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they should remake breaking bad but instead of making and dealing meth it’s a suburban white mom who makes soap and the same levels of violence, gore, and drama remain
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"The Rogue & The Bard Go Tomb Raiding" or "Take your boyfriend to work day" - Joe Eason 2023
insta / behance / shop
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Braids and Bowlers: Indigenous Bolivian Women Skateboard in Style in Celia D. Luna’s Empowered Portraits
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