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Mad cause he can't play with the eggs he just smashed all over the floor
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Lawyer Up
You ever watch cold justice or the first 48 and get like disappointed in the criminals? Especially when they get tricked into talking right away... confessing to shit the cops didn't even know for sure happened 🤦‍♀️ ....ratting on people who you dont want to rat on if you care at all about keeping your butthole intact. Lol like am I the only one watches enough crime shows to know that you immediately ask for a lawyer and the second you do that someone watching from a two way mirror starts pounding the desk saying "fuck he lawyered up"😡🤣. It's like their kryptonite guys? But no, some guy named lil' Daryl always starts naming names for a Pepsi and a bacon cheeseburger. You bring shame on your community and to criminals everywhere lil'Daryl lol
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Rage Bait is creating your world view
Rage bait on social media especially, is the main reason for the current polarization of our country. I would go as far as to call it a cultural civil war. News organizations are desperate to compete for your attention, they need your clicks. So they have learned to use algorithms on social media to track how you think.,To see what causes you negative emotional responses and use that to their advantage by posting hyperbaulic stories and misleading narratives. Its deeply effecting our world view and leading us into ideologies that are detrimental to unity. We need to be aware of this and resist the temptation to click on over the top headlines or at the very least, fact check every story you read online that makes you angry. Every story that makes you see other groups of people as evil or bigoted, fact check it. Take a look at your timeline and if everything you post paints the world and the people you disagree with in an extremely negative light, ask yourself if you could be wrong.
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Hispanic Privilege
White people get so much shit for mistaking Puerto Ricans, Columbians, Guatemalans, Peruvians(you know, all the ANS lol) for Mexicans. Like we get filthy looks and put in our places REAL quick 😯🤣
and yet nobody bats an eye when Carlos calls anyone who even looks the tiniest bit asian, "Chinito". 🤦‍♀️
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Late Term
So as someone who has been pro choice forever and found myself getting really horrified over the discussion of late term abortions, I decided to read a few women's stories online who have have chosen that path. Maybe I wastoo quick to judge....🧐. So I listened for a while and I have to say that I feel even more disturbed lol I'm trying not to...... and of course if a baby is harming a womans health so bad that its literally her life or the babys then....yeah, I get it.
Seems like in more than a few of those situations though, the baby is viable enough where he or she had a decent enough chance to be removed by c section n brought to the NICU ..... but maybe not in all cases. Then theres the women who are told their children will be brain damaged and never walk and they felt an abortion was better than having that low quality of life. .......
Now if it were me I'd need to know that for sure ....like without a doubt because as we know humans pull through shit and beat the odds all the time. but let's say there's no chance in hell that a baby is going to have anything but a miserable life ...wouldn't you still want more than one doctor confirming that and giving approval? I mean I'd get a second opinion if my vet wanted me to put my dog down so I just dont see what the rush is to get almost all of the restrictions on late term abortion lifted. If the bill in Virginia had passed, a woman could get an abortion at 9 months if just one doctor decided that she might be in physical or mental harm temporarily from giving birth.
In some of those cases, it seems like a c section would be better than ending the babies life. .... just my opinion🤔 .....
Cause god damn, I was stupid enough to watch late term abortions online the past few days and it's pretty brutal to say the least.
Anyway I really don't like talking about topics this controversial but it seemed pretty disturbing that in a state where late term abortions are already legal, they were trying to make it even easier to qualify by changing the language and only requiring one physician to approve it. I'm still pro choice(reluctantly) so don't accuse me of taking away womens rights ....I just think at a certain point its clearly a baby and there better be a god damn excellent justification to kill a fully developed child. Those restrictions need to stay right where they are....
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Free Speech/Social Media
Often I see people showing concern over free speech and free expression especially when it comes to social media platforms. It's a tricky situation because private companies are allowed to set their own rules and that Includes the right to censor speech. So when it comes to platforms like Twitter and Facebook it's not something that can be handled with lawsuits so much, because the owners have no legal obligation to protect first amendment rights. However, with great power comes great responsibility and seeing as Twitter has over 330 million members and Facebook over one billion, many of which are getting their news almost solely from these platforms, is there a moral responsibility to protect free speech?
I think there is and while it's completely up for debate, more and more people every day are starting to feel just like me.
It's no longer just people like Gavin Mcinnes, Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannopoulos and other conservative voices expressing deep concern over censorship and the current state of free speech, liberals are starting to feel it as well. There does seem to be a clear liberal bias especially when it comes to Twitter but left leaving Social Justice activists are finding themselves suspended or banned for reasons that are rarely specific .....due in large part by the broad definition of what constitutes hate speech according to Twitter and Facebook.
 A lot of people are in favor of censoring  speech that they consider hate speech. But often, when asked to define hate speech, they either can't define it or define it in a way that only includes what they "feel" is offensive based on their biases.
Google searches will lead you to an endless amount of definitions but this seems to be the most shared definition.
abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.
So using this definition, most of my Atheist friends are using hate speech against religions almost everyday lol  I mean I guess it depends on what these platforms consider abusive speech but when you have priests molesting children and having it covered up or when removing a clitoris from a child is part of a religious practice and when you look at how many religions see gay people as sinners, it's only natural that people will have some very strong opinions on this. Strong opinions and strong language.
Criticizing our current government or past government or governments in other countries can also be seen as hate speech under this definition. This to me is concerning.
The amount of people who find it ok to censor conservative opinions, concerns me. Not because I'm conservative , (although it seems that anyone who doesn't think Trump is bringing about the apocalypse, has been labeled conservative or far right for the last few years......) I find it concerning because it's such a slippery slope.
Lately when someone, especially a conservative, complains about having their free speech violated, someone will inevitably say, "you do have freedom of speech, you are just not free from the consequence of that speech"  This statement usually gets cheered and  it's actually a great comeback if you're engaged in a heated debate where nobody is trying to learn anything from the other person.
In my opinion, this statement means nothing. Everything you do has consequences. Putting your opinions out into the world wont always get you praise , expressing opinions especially unpopular ones can literally ruin your life but in the United States we have freedom of speech and believe (at least most of us believe) that having the ability to express those opinions freely is what protects us from becoming like...I dunno...North Korea lol
Censorship. when it comes to political opinions  especially, is probably one of the biggest threats to democracy that there is. There are some super scary political opinions out there, some really bad ideas with heavy followings and the way you combat and expose bad ideas is with good ideas,not censorship...
.Banning Alex Jones didnt stop his ideas, it just made him more correct in the eyes on his fans.
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We don’t deserve dogs (Source)
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Me irl
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Gillette wants you to shave off your Toxic Masculinity ......I'd love to see a douche or tampon or midol commercial urging women to cleanse or stop the flow of toxic femininity lol then show a bunch of videos of women lying about being pregnant or stalking a boyfriend or laying on the ground crying for no reason lol
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Crooked Hillary talks about my hair but I’m not allowed to talk about her ugly face or body — so I won’t. Is this a double standard?
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Antifa etc
"We have a very clear trend in this country. We try one person as president, and the next person has to be completely opposite. ‘Cause no one can do the job correctly. We go right, left, dumb, smart. We give everybody a chance. We go Clinton, Bush. Then we go Bush, Obama. Obama, Trump.....
We just got out of a long-term relationship with a very boring but sensible person, and now we’re dating a whore"-Joe rogan
I can understand people who hate Trump. I get it....he's arrogant, he's offensive, rude, sleeps with porn stars and then calls them Horse face on twitter....he's a dick....it's totally understandable. Even though I see a total inability to think critically sometimes by both conservatives who think he's the second coming and liberals who have convinced themselves he's Adolf hiter, I can see why people are so angry and emotional.
The problem, in my opinion, is that when you hold these extreme points of view, it's very easy to stop seeing things clearly. Blind admiration for the man will make you dimiss or justify anything negative you hear about him and on the flip side, bitter hatred will make you unable to see anything positive. In the past I never really cared too much about people's political bias, rhetoric, and unwillingness to see other points of view. That was just politics to me.....annoyingly similar to having a favorite football team. You want your team to win and fuck the losers on the other team lol but god damn people.....shit is out of control.
I occasionally post things on facebook that piss people off...it's pretty easy to do. But the other day I posted about ANTIFA and it felt like all hell broke loose....I was actually pretty stunned by some of my more peacful/hippyish friends defending them lol Everything I've ever read about ANTIFA , seen on tv, watched on YOUTUBE, read on their facebook pages have just been so fucked up. The name sounds good lol anti facsist? I'm an anti facsist! punch a nazi? fuck nazis. They chant things like sexist/racist/anti gay go away.....ok....sounds reasonable to me lol But......as much as I totally believe that they THINK they are doing whats right, the evidence suggests otherwise.
I didn't hear about ANTIFA until last year when those fuckin loser white nationalists marched in the street and apparently ended up killing a young female who was there to protest. I didn't see any videos of the "event" and I didn't understand why Trump had to say that both sides were responsible for what happened. To me it sounded like evil white racists were the only ones to blame. I mean clearly a group fighting against racism and facsism couldn't be to blame as well. They are trying to make the world a better place .....
But then I started seeing videos of ANTIFA throwing urine on people, hitting people over the head with bats, setting shit on fire, bringing guns and knifes and throwing Molitov cocktails at peaceful protests, injuring old people.....damaging property.....?? I started researching ANTIFA more and more and it became quite obvious that they were more of a terrorist group than anything. Terrorists who apparently have broadened the definition of racism and fascism to include pretty much anyone who's not them.
They spend much of their time trying to silence speakers like Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Charlie kirk, Jordan Peterson, and even Dave Rubin of all people. ANTIFA considers them fascist nazis and they are willing to shut them down ...(.and this is a direct quote from them) "by any means necessary". While like most political speakers, the people I mentioned certainly have at least 1 or 2 opinions that can be seen as controversial especially if you are far to the left. That being said, they certainly are not facsists or racists or sexists or white supremicists or any of the other names being hurled in their direction. Dave Rubin is a gay liberal, Candace owens is a black female conservative, Ben Shapiro is very conservative Jewish man who proudly wears a Yamaka wherever he goes......so I have a hard time wrapping my head around calling them nazis or racists lol
I can see not liking them, not liking their ideas......I disagree with these people on some very important issues and have even been offended quite a few times listening to Ben Shapiro. But me being offended doesn't make him a Fascist...and I have yet to hear anyone make a decent argument to back up this claim.
This is the problem though....if blind hatred can convince you that Trump is comparable to Adolf Hitler (someone who had millions of people murdered in the most disgusting ways possible.) then you can easily justify ANTIFA's violence and you can demonize perfectly decent people simply because you do not agree with them politically.
ANTIFA thinks we are surrounded by NAZIS and so violence in their minds is justified. Showing up at someone's house, breaking their door, and scaring their family is justified. Trying to deny someone's free speech is justified. I'm sure there are real nazis still living in Amercia...violent white supremacists who deserve to get their ass beat. I wont bat a fucking eye or lose a wink of sleep if you harrass those guys.....but ANTIFA has no empathy for people who do not think just like they do and infact they see them as evil and when you see people as evil you are capable of some really horrible shit. Surely they must see the irony in all of this.......shutting down free speech, vandalizing peoples homes, chanting outside, trying to break into peoples homes, injuring, tossing urine, posting addresses online so that more people can come harrass people you don't agree with.......thats Fascism
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