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freepumkin ¡ 3 days ago
Thus song and "dust bowl dance" are so kaz
hey so if any of y'all make fan edits. please make one of Kaz Brekker to Silver Spoon by Erin LeCount. and if one exists please link it (ideally YouTube bc that's where I watch stuff, but I'll take what I can get).
because like. I just. Kaz watching Colm and Jesper? that's just what comes to my mind but there's so much potential. this song + picturing the blorbo is changing my brain chemistry hELP.
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freepumkin ¡ 5 days ago
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freepumkin ¡ 20 days ago
I love this
I love the part of book where wylan decide worst thing that can happen to any person is KAZ
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freepumkin ¡ 20 days ago
Oh myyy good
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So I finished reading six of crows. Goooood book good book
Accept my offering dear SoC tumblr fandom
Based on this meme!!
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freepumkin ¡ 20 days ago
some food for the 5 six of crows fans on here since i just got clip studio paint and also this flopped absolute balls on instagram
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freepumkin ¡ 24 days ago
People who say that Kaz and Inej should just "Get over it," are the bane of my existence.
Like if you don't like super slow burns, extreme trauma, panic attacks, damaging PTSD, soul-deep connections, non-physical intimacy, subtle gestures and words, intense scenes, no-kissing, no-sex, no-over-the-top-flirting, tons of repression, two teens fumbling and messing up and making terrible choices and saying terrible things, and overall, an abnormal and non-typical relationship, then the conclusion is simple. SIX OF CROWS IS NOT THE BOOK FOR YOU, BUDDY, BECAUSE GUESS WHAT??? THIS BOOK HAS A FUCK TON OF ALL OF THAT!!!
Kindly so, of course
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freepumkin ¡ 24 days ago
Ahhhhh i need this so much
There's a fic that i don't remember it's name but i would find it and add here
Part of van eck house gets on fire. And wylan is a little hurt but jesper is still in there so kaz get in fire and get jesper out and jesper leg is broken so kaz help him with the pain
And it's sooo soft i will find it
fic where jesper gets hurt and Kaz freaks out?
Inej’s voice was soft when she spoke. “He was really scared, Jes.”
“Wylan? Trust me, I know. He’s yelled at me at least three times since-”
“No.” Inej was looking at him intently. She was being serious, the one thing Jesper had been avoiding since he woke up. “Kaz.”
Jesper blinked. “Kaz? Inej, don’t tease. I’m still of weak constitution.”
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freepumkin ¡ 29 days ago
Wylan: Jes and I got married!
Kaz: My condolences.
Jesper: You're the one that told me to propose!
Wylan: You were?
Kaz: And Wylan, I apologize deeply, I really do.
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freepumkin ¡ 30 days ago
truly underrated characters in soc? rotty and specht. the loyalty. i’m sure kaz was paying them a neat sum of money but they still weren’t promised any of the 30 million kruge. and they stuck with him through the whole ice court ordeal. taking them there and waiting for them. they fucking saw that druskelle army waiting for kaz and the others at the harbor and what would be slim odds of survival but they waited by the boat undoubtedly. back on ketterdam, when kaz and the rest had bounties on their head. still unquestioningly loyal. hell, even when the dregs had turned face on kaz. and yet, they delivered through and through. they fuckign deserved those 4 million kruge each. the whole time i was thinking, pls these boys deserve a share and they got it. and i’m so glad.
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freepumkin ¡ 1 month ago
pretty people
Dose anyone know where can i find Lockwood & Co. Audio books?
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freepumkin ¡ 2 months ago
"matthias can't be afraid of clowns, he's been to fjerdan church," a thing kaz said that nearly got him thrown like a javelin across the city, ketterdam, 1897
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freepumkin ¡ 2 months ago
Things we (me) are forgetting about Six of crows, not in order:
• There were rumours that Wylan was caught in an affair with his tutor
• Inej killed rinca moten (the desert lizard) that Matthias claimed he never seen being defeated before. She did it in few seconds too
• Jesper and Nina had chloropellets that they used to put other prisoners to sleep stitched under their skin. And had to cut them out to use them
• Matthias had a buzzcut for whole two books and half; also, half of SoC he had brown hair and brown eyes tailored
• Kaz had lockpicks and bloody explosives swallowed for the entirety of heist, and had to regurgitate them every other hour
• When Nina was young, she wanted to go to Fjerda as an avenging warrior or a spy (foreshadowing, I guess)
• Inej used Kaz's gloves to climb in the incenerator scene
• After learning Inej's real name, Kaz asked if that's what she preferred to be called
•Kaz's pov has shown that he probably had fracture or other injury from when he jumped while carrying Inej in his arms, and it was never mentioned him getting any medical attention. My boy been running this heist like this, AND without his cane for hours
• They blew up the nation's holy magical tree (somehow I keep forgetting this part)
• Matthias gave Kaz an agressive CPR until Nina took over. So his heart probably stopped during heist? (Somebody just give him a vacation or something)
•Nina flirts/ed with Kaz (as he had mentioned himself, she just loves flirting with everybody and everything)
•Inej seems to be the ONLY one in the Dregs without their tattoo
•Matthias labeled Inej as a demon in his head as well, not only Kaz
•Matthias' middle name is Benedik. I think only his and Jesper's second names were revealed (very likely that they are the only ones who have them)
•Kaz gave Matthias the "you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me" talk (like, literally)
•“You can’t spend his money if you’re dead.”
“I’ll acquire expensive habits in the afterlife.”
•Inej thought that Kaz "at least owes me his best imitation of a human being".
•Wylan was standing up to Kaz several times, even at times when others wouldn't (like right after the Oomen incident)
•Matthias has the coolest nicknames for everybody in general
•Kaz kinda thinks more of Inej than others do? Has more faith in her and how strong she is, if you will
•Kaz went back for the Black Tips after Inej was injured and "there was enough blood to paint a barn red" (reminder that he still has a fracture after running with her in his hands and jumping off great heightswhile carrying her)
•Tolya was mentioned in SoC ("There’s a Heartrender at the Little Palace who can recite epic poetry for hours. Then you’d wish you had died.”)
•Matthias thanked Inej personally for being the reason they made it out of the harbor alive (that's right, everybody must respect Inej)
•Kaz wants reassurance that Inej believes in him once in a while
•Everybody feels kinda good about sharing secrets with Kaz cuz he's Dirtyhands and he wouldn't judge anything
•Kaz and Inej have a series of silent signals?
•Kaz said "You don't want a look at what's inside my head, Nina dear" while wearing fucking dumb goggles
•Inej is the only sacred thing in Kaz's life, and she made him feel like a boy still believing in existence of magic
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freepumkin ¡ 2 months ago
Ahhhh these are pure gold
I think the kaz death would be calm with little smile
Like one day (many many years after ck) he sit s clos to inej, holding her hand and crows being loud as always and he just close his eyes .
Lately I've seen a lot of posts about people saying that they can't imagine Kaz Brekker ever dying. The thing is, he really does have just about every base covered
Shoot him straight in the heart? Guess what moron; Inej knew of the plot before even you did, told him, and now he has at least three Heartrenders following him everywhere he goes (yes, three, just in case any of them decide to betray him). Even without a working heart, they force the blood to flow through him. Well, realistically Inej would cut your hands off before you shoot him, but still...
Try to poison him or give him some kind of life-threatening disease? He survived firepox, which would probably strengthen his immune system pretty good. That, plus with how paranoid he is, he probably pulled an extreme "Princess Bride" and built up resistance to every poison you can name
Let him get old and frail, unable to defend himself? He's lived with a broken leg for years, and has thrived with it. He is wealthy and well-connected, with ties to the Kerch Merchant Council, and the royal families of Ravka and Fjerda. Even without them he was a dangerous thief. Anything he needs, he can get, whether it be medical assistance, prosthetics, or just a new cane. Not even time itself can stop him
Point is, to all who say Kaz is immortal, I agree
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freepumkin ¡ 2 months ago
crowder_run devil run always reminds me of jesper
tryna expand my jesper playlist someone give me song suggestions
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freepumkin ¡ 2 months ago
Artworks on this series is sooo *oolala*
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freepumkin ¡ 2 months ago
This is soooooo goooood
I'm dyinggg
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Direct Link 🧪
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freepumkin ¡ 2 months ago
No idea of this has been said before but Viktor was so lucky Singed was the only one who went to see him at the commune before getting blasted by Jayce’s hammer-staff. If Ambessa “Twink Hunter” Medarda got ONE LOOK at Viktor in his little blanket robe the rest of the season would have been Jayce rescuing Viktor not from the Hexcore and glorious evolution, but from HER! Do you remember local cuisine?! He was an appetizer! Ambessa would have made a whole MEAL of Viktor! 😂😂😂
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