Lill Gay Corner With Nyx
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Just a lill they/them lesbian :) I draw sometimes Be gay do crimes
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fred-the-god · 2 days ago
Am I really gonna talk about the "hear me out cake" video again? Am i really gonna read too much into it again?
Yes. Yes i am
So as I've mentioned before, Virgil is a tublrina, and I think therefore he would be a really bad judge about what is, and isn't unusual to be attracted to (from my interpretation of the dragon comment)
Now why am I bringing this up? Simple, to answer the burning question on everybody's minds!:
"why didn't Virgil pick X character?"
Now, what do I think the answer is? Can you guess?
It's cause a "hear me out cake" is supposed to feature "hear me out"s (duh) aka, questionable crushes/attractions that you feel like you'd have to defend for people to accept. Not conventionally attractive characters. and I think Virgil would absolutely struggle to know what qualifies.
And I mean, the people people are bringing up, I think it's completely fair Virgil just didn't think they qualified.
Like: mothman? Who doesn't want mothman?!? Jack skellington? That's just a conventionally attractive alt man??
I also think it's worth noting that I think as anxiety, he would absolutely be extra cautious with who he chooses, if he isn't 100% sure, he's not gonna risk it!
And that's the jist of it, I don't remember all his picks as I've only watched it once, so I don't remember if he had any truly basic ones. But if he does, I honestly think it just makes it funnier. Like he thinks mothman is just definitely more universally fuckable
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fred-the-god · 2 days ago
Did you know? Crying in the vicinity of another human being, and receiving love and support actually helps a lot?
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fred-the-god · 2 days ago
Yey, my favourite birthday activity:
Crying my fucking eyes out
Wo ho, yey! Normal birthday activities!!
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fred-the-god · 5 days ago
Ok so I've been thinking back on fanon Virgil, and the fanfics I used to read back in the days (the horrors, I know) and one trope/genre(??) was "neko" stories. And just, something about the worlds in some of those... It's kinda uncomfortable? Like in most of them the nekos are kinda treated like pets and below humans, even though most of the time they're literally just humans with cat ears and a tail. Like they're fully sentient and can (most of the time) talk!! Also most of the stories I read involved the neko(in my case typically Virgil) being rescued by the others from the black market or something like that.
Now all that isn't entirely bad, I've actually read a few that were pretty good and with an interesting premise! (Although it was forever ago and I doubt I'd find them again) One in particular I really enjoyed was one where it was set just a few years after it had been made illegal to trade/buy and keep nekos as pets, and they've been legally recognised as people. The story followed Virgil being rescued from being trafficked on the black market by the sides,who's been Champaign for neko rights for years. And it follows him learning about and accepting that he is in fact a person, and that the world is not like the one he's been raised in anymore. Sadly it didn't get that far.
Another interesting one that kinda sometimes teeters on the edge of being icky is when nekos are still considered pets, but the sides are huge believers in neko rights. Like they think the way they're commonly treated is disgusting, but have to go along with it in public due to laws. I think it can have some really good dynamics, and the story still works and stuff. Idk I like the way it acknowledges the weird parts of it. I find it pretty interesting.
The ones that just feel kinda yucky, are the ones where they're just treated as pets and property, but it being portrayed as completely acceptable. I think the ickynes is definitely strengthened by the fact it's fanfics. Cause you already know these characters, you see them as people. So seeing one of them being treated as lesser than by the others, it just feels weird. Like yeah sure, the villains treat them as animals, fine, sure. But the "heroes"? The people who are supposed to rescue them from this horrible situation treating them the same just they're not beating them?
Like let me just give you a bit of an example of a typical story: the sides finds/rescues Virgil, go "aww can we keep it?" They clean him up, and give him a bath(cause he couldn't possibly bathe himself, cause he's got no bodily autonomy) they bond, they ask him his name (cause remember, he can speak English) he reacts badly to something, or says something out of pocket. They pitty him going "awe poor thing must've been abused" and stuff. And later they're all like "oh hey let's go shopping! We need to get him a collar :D" which is like???? Like yeah sure lets have this wholesome moment where they get him new clothes and a collar, cause he's not allowed to be outside unless he's accompanied by an owner and on a leash :) (like do you see what I'm getting at?) and one of the most outrageous ones is one where they have a wholesome moment where he gets actually good food for the first time, and he has to eat on the fucking floor?!?!? Hello???
Now, I think what irks me is the way it's conveyed? Like the way these moments are conveyed as wholesome and cute, it feels as if the author doesn't see anything wrong with it. Like I don't think I would be that weird to me if the author ever said something like "I know this might be seen as weird, but it's not intended and it's just fiction so let's move on" it's the idea that they don't see the issues. Like I love reading fucked up and problematic shit (toxic ships and yandere tropes my beloved) but at least that's typical with the understanding that we both (reader and author) understand the fact it is problematic and fucked up.
Idk this is really long and rambly, and don't know what else to say, just wanted to get my thoughts out about this I guess??? might be making a different post about old fanon Virgil cause oh boy-
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fred-the-god · 5 days ago
Y'all, does anybody actually know what raccoon bites piercing actually are??? Like are they actually a thing?? What do they look like?!? Am I going crazy??!?!?? Goggle won't tell me!!!!???!?
Please this is very important to me, cause I think it would be funny to give Virgil them cause he'll always be a raccoon in my heart. Just like I always give Janus snake bites
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fred-the-god · 5 days ago
You know what? I think all the sides could be cats without having to bastardise their characters
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fred-the-god · 5 days ago
I found one of my many many “character/fashion drawing books” that I loved as a kid, and looking through it I saw this fluttershy, and just. Something about it just, idk it just feels iconic. The pose and look on her face feels so off for her, the “I love pets” shirt/dress???? The shoes??? The pants?? And the animals. I honestly kinda vibed with the outfit (but it did need some interpretation ) there’s more ponies in this book, but none that stood out to me quite like this one. I just had to draw it
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fred-the-god · 6 days ago
Virgil's type from the "hear me out cake" video being "could kill me" is so fucking funny to me and also opens up some funny ship dynamics!
Like what I immediately thought of was Roman listing reasons to Virgil as to discourage him from dating his brother, and saying "he could/would kill you!" and Virgil just going "oh shit... He could, couldn't he" achieving the opposite result.
And with Logan, seeing him get angry with orange eyes and just thinking "oh damn, he could kill me😳" (inspired by this post )
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fred-the-god · 6 days ago
Don't mind me, I'm just about to do some character analysis over a fucking "hear me out cake" video
Ok so, the dragon bit is just really funny, even just surface level
Remus: I mean no-one else is gonna do a dragon right?
*Janus immediately putting an objectively more questionable dragon*
Vigil at the end: I didn't know dragons were on the table?!?!
I mean it's just haha funny. But if you start reading into it, you get more
So like, first off I think it's funny to think that Virgil's "didn't know dragons were on the table" is because it's supposed to be "hear me out"s, all your weird questionable picks. And to him, dragons are just not that weird.
Now a bit about what this means for remus. He's trying very hard to be seen as "weird, chaotic, unpredictable and gross" like truly outlandish, but he's not actually that "crazy". Like he's all "yeah no-ones gonna do this, it's so outlandish and weird" only to be followed up with someone having a wackier version of his pick, and it not even really being played up at all. And then someone thinking it was so vanilla it wasn't even an option! And also when he's like "no-one else has said daddy yet right?" Even though Janus already did.
He desperately wants to be perceived as outrageous, but some of the things he thinks are so outrageous really aren't. I just think it's really fascinating, and think you could definitely get more out of that. And It also sorta shows how both creativities desperately want to be original.
Also, in my heart Virgil is a tublrina, and his sensitivities on what's acceptable to be interested in is very skewed because of that. I just find it really funny to think about Remus trying to be quirky being all "I wanna fuck vampires, werewolves, demons, and dragons" and Virgil going "bitch that's basic! Everybody does" and various reactions ensue. Like Virgil is so used to people wanting to fuck a triangle that a dragon is just a no-brainer.
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fred-the-god · 8 days ago
Y'all?!????? I??
I'm just minding my own business, listening to music. Listening to recommended songs on Spotify right?
Can you imagine my fucking reaction when
When fuhbs
When i get hit with GOD FORSAKEN "TWO TRUCKS HAVING SEX"??!?!!?!
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fred-the-god · 2 months ago
I've just gotten into making Kandi over the new year, and I'm having a blast with it!! And I wanted to share what I've made so far in this new endeavour :)
These are the first ones I made, the singles are recreations of old ones that weren't quite comfortable, but they're so much better now
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Then I made these for my friend as a surprise, a shadow the hedgehog mini rotator cuff, and a worm on a string
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Then I made this jester cuff (technically before shadow) and the last one I did is this mini rotator cuff and it's probably my favourite so far!!
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I also got to do my first Kandi trade with my friend!!! I got this one :)
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fred-the-god · 3 months ago
This is the mother fucker, the little bitch, the pathetic wet cat. I made him yesterday and I love him.
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he’s horrible and im spinning him in my head at a 30 degree angle at rapid speeds til he explodes
Tearing him too shreds with my teeth /pos
Hope you enjoy him as well :3
Y'all wanna see the evil gay horse twink doodles I did at school today instead of working cause I was zoning out like crazy?
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Bam!! I lied!! It wasn't a question! Y'all want to see him!
This is my new son, he's a loser, a pathetic wet cat, a little fucking bitch who thinks he's better than you, and I love him
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fred-the-god · 3 months ago
Y'all wanna see the evil gay horse twink doodles I did at school today instead of working cause I was zoning out like crazy?
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Bam!! I lied!! It wasn't a question! Y'all want to see him!
This is my new son, he's a loser, a pathetic wet cat, a little fucking bitch who thinks he's better than you, and I love him
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fred-the-god · 3 months ago
Question of the day!
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fred-the-god · 3 months ago
Reblog to give a trans woman a warm cup of soup
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fred-the-god · 3 months ago
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Meow meow meow meowing analogical
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fred-the-god · 3 months ago
Cleaned up some of the sketches, enjoy
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toxic yuri anxceit sketches
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They're not done, but you get the idea
I've had them on my mind for so long I need it out there before I go feral. Enjoy
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