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vampyr-crypt · 15 days ago
shall we dance? 🥀
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vampyr-crypt · 15 days ago
this is kinda spoilers but not really but one of my favorite parts of lisa frankenstein was lisa telling the creature "youve never even driven a car you probably rode one of those bikes with the one big wheel" and him making a face that conveys he was absolutely a penny farthing guy
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vampyr-crypt · 15 days ago
I love that all the body parts used to repair the creature in Lisa Frankenstein were things that hurt her when attached to the living person they came from. Like, Lisa's stepmom never listened to her, so creature took her ear and always listened, that guy whos name I don't remember tried to assault her with his hand, but creature took it and touched her gently with it, and that other guy whos name I also don't remember fucked her stepsister with his dick, but creature took it and fulfilled Lisa's dying wish with it. Idk, it's cute to me and I want someone like that.
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vampyr-crypt · 15 days ago
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I watched Lisa Frankenstein 6 times in the last 48 hours. This movie...
Pose ref under cut
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vampyr-crypt · 15 days ago
okay but imagine being head over heels for a girl, having her ask you to get her off with a vibrator, actually going through with it, and laying down in her bed together with a glass of post coitus chocolate milk between you only for her to tell you that she doesn't want to die a virgin and needs to fuck some random asshole before she goes. like girl was your pussy not involved in the sex we just had or does that not count because I haven't gone to my phalloplasty appointment yet?
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vampyr-crypt · 15 days ago
lisa frankenstein was so fun because it follows the slasher movie formula really closely, actually. it's just that instead of the main character being the final girl, you're seeing everything from the perspective of the slasher villain. and the slasher villain thinks she's in a romcom.
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vampyr-crypt · 15 days ago
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vampyr-crypt · 15 days ago
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Why's everybody actin' funny? Why's everybody look so strange? Why's everybody look so nasty? What do I want with all these things?
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vampyr-crypt · 15 days ago
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Lisa Frankenstein dir. Zelda Williams
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vampyr-crypt · 16 days ago
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Posting this separately! My version of this tumblr post art prompt!
Here’s Bug 💜
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vampyr-crypt · 16 days ago
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Little drawing I made of Phantom for my fanfic
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vampyr-crypt · 16 days ago
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drew this adorable scene from hide us in the shadow by @honey-tongued-devil ✨
go check it out, it’s really amazing
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vampyr-crypt · 16 days ago
Ngl an edit of kevin switching his raqcuet to that sticky verse "baby girl i'm finna rock your shit" and what comes after would go SO HARD
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vampyr-crypt · 16 days ago
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Swisstom on a planetarium date 🪐💫
Feat. The Shirt ✨
(Thanks to @tinyluvs for the amazing idea that brought this to life!)
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vampyr-crypt · 16 days ago
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My ghoul lineup!! i’ve been meaning to do this for like two years but it’s done!!!
headcannons for the ghouls under the cut!
Ok so based on element
Quintessence- They have tiger like markings that darken with age and glow when they use their powers. They’re usually some sort of purple hue and have a medium amount of body fur and a medium sized tail. Their tail is stronger enough to grasp and hold objects but not strong enough to support their bodies. They have shorter and rounder ears.
Fire- fire ghouls are usually red hued, they usually have black marks that resemble volcanic rock scattered across their bodies. Dewdrop in particular has red lines resembling magma across his body resulting from his transformation. They have whip thin tails, which can really only loosely grasp objects, and long pointed ears. Fire ghouls have little to no fur bc of how hot they are, if they have any fur they look like those sphinx cats.
Water- water ghouls are usually some sort of blue hue, with bioluminescence patterns scattered across their bodies which glow in the dark. They have thick tails with fins and fins on their arms and webbed fingers to help them swim. They have seal like flippered feet which aid in swimming as well. They also have gills on their neck and chest and “webbed” ears. Their fur is short and feels like a seals.
Earth- earth ghouls are usually green or brown hued. Stronger earth ghouls can grow flowers from their hair and horns. Many times their horns, ears, and body patterns resemble those of forest creatures. Instead of paws, they have cloven hooves. They have the strongest tails, which can support their whole body weight (imagine like a possum). Their fur thickness changes with the season, being thinnest in the summer and thickest in the winter.
Air- air ghouls are usually a dusky blue/grey color. They have bright white freckles all across their bodies and their hair usually represents something cloudlike. They have the thickest fur out of any ghouls. They have short fluffy ears and thin tails like fire ghouls. They typically also have white hair. They can use the breeze to float and/or have wings that can fold into their backs and like to hang out in the rafters of the abbey or trees in the forest. They’re lighter than other ghouls bc of this feature
Multi- multi ghouls are kind of a wild card. They typically have a mixture of their elements typical traits, like quint markings or air freckles. Aurora, being an air and quint ghoulette, has both of these. Swiss, being a true multi ghoul, has most of these traits, but less noticeable than other ghouls of those elements.
idk if this was obvious but Auroras hair is meant to resemble the Aurora Borealis, she really just went crazy with hair dye lmao
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vampyr-crypt · 16 days ago
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Some of the ghouls design, I was bored 👏🏻
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vampyr-crypt · 16 days ago
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This took a while but here's part 2 of my ghoul designs, this time with Phantom and Aether
Part 1 can be found here
Headcanons under the cut:
Quintessence ghouls:
They often have two-toned hair and can be different shades of blue, violet, and gray
There is a slight glow that can be seen from their eyes and mouth, their eye color is the same as their tongue color
They can easily blend in around gargoyle statues as some of the statues in the ministry are inspired/modeled after previously summoned quintessence ghouls
The most "human-passing" among the other ghouls
There was an accident during his and Aurora's summoning ritual due to a build-up of quintessence magic, this caused the right side of his face to become deformed
Because of this, his face is partially frozen so he exaggerates his facial expressions to show his emotions
He makes use of quintessence magic to sense things on his blind side meaning he will know if someone sneaks up on him but lets them surprise him anyway to play along
He's not the tallest in the pack but the buffest, he often has tasks in moving equipment and other things
He flicks his ears unconsciously when he's annoyed though it does help him hear things better
At one point, he was very self-conscious about his tooth gap but the others reassured him that he looked fine (Don't ask Dewdrop if he thinks Aether's smile is cute, he is in denial)
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