31 posts
The place where I dump whatever fevers of inspiration roll over me.
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fr0ginthemoon · 2 days ago
If you can't take the clowns, get out of the circus
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fr0ginthemoon · 2 days ago
Evangelism and Objectivism
There's a LOT of evangelists (particularly christian) that come around to my college to preach, and of course I go and argue with nearly all of them because it's a hobby of mine.
There's a very specific thing with evangelists, though, and that's the surprisingly common, and proudly displayed, view that slavery in the bible was a good thing, actually, and also that genocide is fine so long as sky-daddy gives the go-ahead.
Aside from the obvious issues to adress, the thing that I need to emphasise is that if your morals can be ignored without explanation at the whim of a higher being, then you CANNOT also say that you have an objective system of ethics. You do not believe that a thing is truly wrong, only that it is not presently allowed or justified by your god.
All of them will readily agree that (a) slavery is a violation of human rights, and should not be tolerated (Which, of course, is the proper view, and what you would expect of a decent human being,)
but they caveat that with (b) unless it's the particular brand of slavery that MY god likes.
The same logic is applied to every atrocity, including but not limited to genocide, which is A-OK if you (they) think that that's what God wants (See the slaughter of the Canaanites.)
What this boils down to, though, is a list of rules that deem everyone BUT THEM monsters and sinners, because they are excused by the mysterious actions of an invisible god. They put themselves above the rest of history, above the irrideemable despots and mauraders of pagan religion, when they have committed the same crimes.
I despise the system that applauds itself as being objective, only to close its eyes and turn its back when challenged.
It is a dangerous and irrisponsible morality that flexes to allow the 'righteous' to justify abhorrent leaps in logic and overt cruelty with the premise of 'your lack of understanding or faith in the divine'
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fr0ginthemoon · 3 days ago
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fr0ginthemoon · 4 days ago
Love to download scrolls and charms from WSTOR (Wizard JSTOR). Love accessing a wide range of arcane content through a powerful research and teaching platform. Just one of the many benefits of a Wizard Archives Library Card!
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fr0ginthemoon · 6 days ago
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fr0ginthemoon · 7 days ago
Looking for an apprentice to live in my tower, learn from me and run my some errands.
What I offer:
A place to stay (my wizard tower) with all costs covered, I'll be flexible with the food and work shift to accommodate for your culture, species, and individual likes.
I'll teach you arcane sorcery at a rate you're comfortable with, please note that your pay and benefits, as well as your responsibilities, will increase when you learn more advanced magic.
You'll be under my protection while you're my apprentice, and the year after you leave my tutelage.
Your responsibilities:
Your biggest responsibility will be to keep Grob happy and take care of her.
You'll also do some chores around the tower: cook some potions, refill the mana crystals that empower the runes, reassemble the traps of the lower levels...
I'll make you run some errands which will be increasing on difficulty as you learn more powerful magic.
Your pay:
You'll get paid in accordance to your abilities, starting at 10 gold coins a month.
When your apprenticeship is finished I'll grant you a one use True Resurrection spell, so you can reunite with a loved one, a friend, a family member, your lover... You can also use it on yourself to prevent your own death once.
I also offer a month of vacation a year.
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fr0ginthemoon · 7 days ago
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Wizard worm just emerged from a wizarding hole! Lucky you!!!✨🪱🪄🍀
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fr0ginthemoon · 7 days ago
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fr0ginthemoon · 7 days ago
Being in performance circles is so bizzare
because, like,
half of the people you meet are passionate masters of their craft who have spent years perfecting fascinating and unique artforms.
and the other half are the horny clowns.
(On a side note, it's really funny how much I get catcalled when I'm in full clown getup. Like, surely you have better things to be doing than harassing an actual clown.)
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fr0ginthemoon · 8 days ago
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does everyone like my wizard idea
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fr0ginthemoon · 9 days ago
Im gonna do some evil shit and no one will be the wiser
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fr0ginthemoon · 9 days ago
*thunder crackling*
*fireball explosion*
*bubbling cauldron*
*shimmering mana crystal*
*Imagine Dragons - Radioactive starts playing*
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fr0ginthemoon · 10 days ago
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fr0ginthemoon · 12 days ago
At a certain point in my education, I've found that thinking of topics as belonging to the vague blankets of programming or robotics is boring and really just doesn't stick in my mind, so now I categorize them as magic instead. Computers? Ah, yeah, we're animating a rock so it can speak. How do we do that? With these runes that we call circuits. We have to be specific with magic; it can't just understand intention. If you don't tell it exactly what to do, or if you mince your words, it can backfire or self destruct. To get around this, we've created classes and languages that deal in how exactly to structure spells, and we call them programming languages. Controls and automation are different schools of magic, so learning both can understandably take some time. Mathematics is an old, archaic brand of magic upon which many new forms are built, and understanding it can lead to being able to dissect and understand many of its descendants with relative ease.
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fr0ginthemoon · 12 days ago
It cannot bear to be all that it is, so It writes all that it has done on its arms, and washes the ink in the river.
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fr0ginthemoon · 14 days ago
Bells Ringing in the Afternoon
The casket gone, I lay here at the altar.
Celebrations of a life well-lived only apply to the elderly deceased,
who lived their lives to the fullest. for those we feast and reunite
With long-separated family, mourning neither the things that have been lost
Nor the things that should have been.
There is no consolation for a life cut short.
The regrets of the dead often stay with the living;
We wish we could have spent more time, done more, tried again,
But the bittersweet betrothal of death never lets go of its beloved.
I lay here, aware of the futility of my mourning
But unable to turn away.
So here I will remain.
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fr0ginthemoon · 14 days ago
And Taxes
The sterile hospital room feels hostile, cold,
and I sit at my bedside
crying, now that the end is nearer than the beginning.
The ceiling stretches on, 
stark white tiles passing through the edge of my vision.
I cannot turn my head enough to see where they end,
but somewhere beyond my sight,
I can hear him singing.
The melody wavers, his voice pitching an octave in either direction,
unstable, yet comforting.
He sings of the beginnings of all things;
He cries an ode to the earth, formed from stardust and a word.
He celebrates the ozone that follows the fall of evil.
He laments the corruptibility of man,
He who was given paradise and lost it just the same.
As my vision narrows, I feel the shrinking space between us as he nears.
We know how I fade now. He feels it just as I do.
He draws to me with the cold, and the hand that he places on my shoulder
sinks to my bones along the chill.
But his hand is warm.
And I close my eyes.
And he says to me,
well done,
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