forthelongjourney · 2 years
47 Meters Down X Ateez
Ateez x Reader - part 1/?
Your eight stupid best friends convince you to go in a shady shark cage dive. Nothing could go wrong, right?
Warning- blood, violence, cursing, possible character death(s), fear
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You love your best friends, you really do, just a little less when they suggest terrible ideas such as this one;
   "You guys can't be serious." You spoke out, sitting between Wooyoung and San. 
   "That's what I said!" Mingi exclaimed. Wooyoung slung an arm around your shoulders.
   "Oh come on, it'll be fun!"
   "Uhm that's what they said in 47 meters down and how did that work out?"
   "Uhm, that was a movie, those things don't happen in real life." San retorted. You looked to Seonghwa and Hongjoong for help.
   "You guys don't actually think this is a good idea right?" Seonghwa felt bad, seeing the pure desperation in your eyes.
   "I think it could be fun but we won't force you to do it if you really don't want to..”
   "Shut up, Wooyoung." Yeosang cut off. The said boy pouted, leaning his chin on your shoulder. You sighed, looking down slightly at him.
   "Is it 100% safe?"
   "It's 2022, honey. Of course it is." Yunho soothed, though his logic seemed a bit flawed. Looking around to see how excited your friends were made your heart melt and you sighed again, rubbing your temples.
   "Okay fine fine, but if we get eaten by sharks I'm gonna fucking murder all of you." Mingi let out a whine finally.
   "Y/nnnn no now I'm the only loser." He pouted.
   "Don't worry, I'll probably end up chickening out last minute then we can hold hands and watch everyone else get eaten."
   "Oh that's just wrong." Hongjoong added.
   "Okay look, we all know I could punch one of those motherfuckers half way across the ocean, there's nothing to worry about." Jongho assured, splitting the apple in his hands easily. 'I mean, he's not wrong.'
   "Anyways, since you said yes, our reservation is at 2:00." 
   "San you asshole, you were all going to trick me into going anyways, weren't you?" 
   "Precisely. even if you said no, we'd still take you." Yunho spoke with a sweet smile on his face. You sighed once again.
   "I hate you all."
You felt your legs shaking slightly as you stood on the boat, leaning against Seonghwa for support.
    "I-I don't think I can do this guys." You spoke quietly, eyes locked on the cage held above the water. Seonghwa rubbed your back lightly.
    "You really don't have to if it scares you." Hongjoong assured. You turned to Mingi, reaching for his hand that gladly laced with yours. You felt his hand shaking.
    "Min, are you alright? Are you really going to try?" He swallowed thickly before looking to Yunho next to him and nodding.
    "Y-Yeah, Yunho promised to hold my hand the whole time s-so I mean it should be o-okay." Your heart could have burst at how cute he was before you smiled slightly, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek.
    "I'm so proud of you."
    "So if Mingi can do it, you can too!" Wooyoung insisted, handing you a wetsuit with a sweet grin on his face. You swallowed the lump in your throat.
    "Woo.. I don't know.."
    "Please please please, Y/n, it really is safe. We'll be there with you the whole time." San promised, gently grabbing your face between his hands so you had to look him in the eye.
    "Besides, we wouldn't let anything happen to you. You're our baBY." You cocked an eyebrow at Hongjoong over San's shoulder. But you let out a breath as you looked back to San, his lips in the poutiest of pouts, the look the bitch knew you couldn't resist.
    "Okay okay, fine fine." You caved, receiving a fat forehead kiss from the dimpled boy in front of you before he backed away. You took the wetsuit from Wooyoung, who ruffled your hair affectionately. You pulled it on over your swimsuit, now matching all the boys in theirs.
    "Wow we look cute." Yunho noticed. 
    "You mean I look cute." Yeosang corrected, everyone chuckling.
    "Yo Y/n your butt looks so good in that." Wooyoung teased. You smirked, turning around for all of them.
    "I know, that's the one good thing about this. But for real you, Hongjoong and Seonghwa are the real stars in that department."
    "True." The safety instructor went over everything with the nine of you, showing you how to use all the equipment and showing the cage. You felt nerves build up again, your legs and hands shaking. Yeosang stepped closer wrapping an arm over your shoulders.
    "You'll be okay, yeah? I'll take you out for ice cream when this is over, okay?"
    "Thank you, sounds good." You remained like that until everyone was helping one another put their gear on.  
    "There can be up to four in the cage at once but no more than that. So how are you guys dividing?" The instructor asked. Yunho and Mingi were going to go together alone. Wooyoung and San grabbed onto each of your arms, linking them through yours.
    "Y/n's with us."
    "Oh god, I'm really gonna die then. Yeosang? Seonghwa? Someone responsible want to join us?" The two addressed men laughed before Seonghwa stepped forward.
    "I'll go with you." You nodded, San going to the other side of Wooyoung so Seonghwa could stand next to you.
    "So who's going first?" San and Wooyoung shot their hands up and your heart started racing, eyes wide.
    "Wait no no please can we not go first?" You nearly begged. Seonghwa slipped his hand to yours, squeezing reassuringly.
    "We'll go first." Jongho spoke out, Hongjoong and Yeosang agreeing. You breathed in relief, catching Mingi's eye to see him visibly shaking too. The three got masked up, you stepping forward to help Hongjoong with his. The instructor opened the top of the cage. You rested a hand on Yeosang's shoulder lightly, feeling him shaking despite him not acting scared.
    "Be careful please." You told the three. They nodded and Yeosang held your hand a little longer, nodding in assurance once more before letting go. You retreated back, holding Seonghwa and Wooyoung's hands as you all watched the three boys hop down into the cage. One of the boat aids grabbed a bucket of bloody chum, dumping it overboard to fill the water with an unsettling red stain. the top of the cage was secured shut, the aid getting back onto the ship as they began to lower your friends.
Everyone had gone down but your group now and you could tell San and Wooyoung were getting a little antsy. But as soon as Mingi and Yunho broke the surface, your stomach churned. It was your turn. Your hands started to shake more and Wooyoung finally felt pity for you as he turned to catch your gaze. His thumb rubbed your knuckles lightly.
    "Hey, relax, sweetheart. It's going to be alright. See? everyone is fine. Even Mingi went down." As he spoke, the top of the cage was opened and you rushed over to help Mingi climb out as an aid helped Yunho. You helped pull his mask off.
    "Are you good?"
    "Y-Yeah that was actually... pretty cool."
    "Mhmm and nothing bad happened to any of us, you'll be okay." You nodded, trying to calm down a bit. You fixed Yunho's wet hair, pushing it away from his face before going back. You sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, fiddling with your fingers. You really had a bad feeling beginning to build in the pit of your stomach. Hongjoong set a hand on your shoulder lightly.
    "Hey, you really don't have to do it if you don't want to." He reminded softly. You gave him a small smile.
    "I know. Ah, I'm just a little.... I have a bad feeling."
    "Then really, just don't do it, honey." Yeosang quietly cut in.
    "Come on, you can do this. If any shark even looks at you weird, just call my name and I'll come punch his ugly ass across the ocean, yeah?" Jongho offered. You laughed, nodding.
    "Okay Mr. Tough Guy." You looked back to your little group, who all came up to you. With a sigh, you nodded.
    "Let's just get this over with." You all got your mask and tanks prepped, Yunho kneeling in front of you to help with yours, making sure it was secure before he gave you a reassuring smile and kissed your knuckles as your face was pretty covered.
    "When you want to come back up, just say it and we'll bring you up, okay?" You nodded, leaning forward to hug him the best you could. Soon enough, you were being helped into the cage with the other three boys, your nerves growing even more.
    "Oh my god oh my god I don't think I can do this." San wrapped an arm around you.
    "It's okay." He cooed. You calmed down a little before hopping down into the water, now enclosed by bars. The water felt nice but it still didn't help the growing sickness in your stomach. Seonghwa was the last in before the cage closed. Over your transceiver you heard the boys.
    "Are you all good?" You each replied with a yeah before you found yourself clinging to Seonghwa's side- which he let you of course. 
    "Okay, we're going to lower you down, it'll only be about 5 meters so you'll be fine." The instructor, Johnny, told you all. 
    "Dude this is so cool." San muttered. You felt your stomach churn when the cage shifted, beginning to sink, your grip on your friend tightening. Once the cage stopped again you tried to slow your breathing. You could see the light red farther above you where the chum was now dumped. Then you saw it. You couldn't help the gasp that escaped you at the giant that swam a little too close to the cage for comfort. It's snout was pointed, the way it's black eyes sat on either side of it's head was chilling. That bitch had to be like 13-15 ft.
    "Holy shit." Wooyoung breathed, holding onto San. You all shifted so that you were still holding onto Seonghwa, but now you were also holding hands with San as you all watched the giant shark.
    "It's huge." Seonghwa muttered, eyes wide. Suddenly another one came out, almost hitting the cage, your heart starting to race.
    "That's not a great white, what is it?" San asked, eyes wide.
    "I think it's a tiger shark." You replied, noticing the slimmer head and body, the smaller eyes and longer snout. You swallowed thickly as it seemed to circle the cage.
    "Can I touch it?" Wooyoung asked, almost to himself but forgetting you could all hear him. You reached across San, hitting the boy's chest.
    "Not if you want to keep your arm, dummy." Suddenly another one showed up, bumping the side of the cage, your eyes widening as you were tossed into San, who you wrapped your arms around to cling to.
    "Shit shit fuck, I'm sorry I want to go back up, please. You guys can come back down, please just let me out though." San brought a hand up to run his fingers through your hair.
    "Alright alright. Hey guys, you heard the girl, bring us back up." He spoke. The tiger shark knocked into the cage next and you almost whimpered, clutching onto San tighter, Wooyoung slinking his arms around both of you also.
    "Okay, are you all okay? Y/n? You good?" Yeosang asked.
    "Y-Yeah, they just keep hitting the cage and I'm a pussy, I'm sorry."
    "They're hitting the cage?" Johnny cut in.
    "None of you are bleeding, are you?"
    "Uh, okay, we're bringing you up." You sighed, staying clung to your friends, reaching back to pull Seonghwa in. The cage began to raise and you flinched as another shark got too close.
    "I'm sorry guys." You muttered.
    "Don't worry about it, we shouldn't have forced you in." Seonghwa soothed. The cage was breaking water when suddenly it dropped a little.
    "Uh hey, the cage just dropped a little." Wooyoung spoke.
    "Yeah, sorry, it should be fine, it's just a little creak- oh fuck!" Johnny yelled out, the cage dropping again, fully submerged back into the water. You heard a few stray yells from your other friends. You felt fear wash over you, discomfort too prominent. You held onto the others a little tighter.
    "Alright look, I need you four to stay calm and carefully exit the cage and swim to the edge of the boat. We'll pull you out from there." Your heart was racing, Seonghwa rubbing your hand lightly with his thumb. San made the attempt to grab the top bars to steady himself as he went to unlatch the door but suddenly the cage lurched again and there were curses and yells on the transceiver line. 
    "Shit shit shit, you guys don't touch the cage at all!" Hongjoong ordered from the other end of the line. San froze, you and Wooyoung pulling him back, all of you trying to keep your weight off the bottom of the cage. But then Wooyoung let out a mixture of a gasp and a yelp as a shark appeared, bumping the cage.
    "Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Oh my god." You whimpered, your breath coming out too fast as the cage dropped more.
    "Y/n? Y/n, hey sweetie, stay calm, you need to stay calm, alright?" You heard Yunho coo. Seonghwa moved to be fully against you, his hand on your back gently. Slowly the cage started raising, so slowly. But it did finally break water again and you relaxed slightly. You saw Johnny. He leaned down to try and unlatch the cage door, but then it happened. Right as relief was about to hit you, there was a loud snap and the cage dropped, the panicked voices of your friends and Johnny filling your cloudy head. You were back in the water and the cage was dropping, no stop in sight. 
    "Oh my fucking god oh my fuck fuck fuck!" Wooyoung almost screamed, San's breathing loud and erratic. You were all clutching to each other at the falling sensation. You were dizzy, your head trying to process what was going on. It really set in when you glanced back to Seonghwa, his eyes wide in horror. You couldn't breathe, all of your bodies pressed to the bars at the pressure and speed of the fall. It seemed like forever before the cage finally hit the bottom, your head aching and ears plugged at the sudden pressure change. You all were thrown apart, now resting on the ground, your eyes shutting as everything went black. 
Your head was fuzzy, your body sore. You felt hands on you though, your eyes struggling to open.
  "/n...." Who is that? "...Y/....n.." Wooyoung? "Y/n? Hey, honey, you need to wake up. Please, open your eyes." Like they tried to fill the order, your eyes fluttered open, your breathing feeling odd. It was dark, but small lights illuminated the cage and it all came back to you. Your eyes widened and you shot up in panic, hands shooting out to grip the forearms of the hands holding you. Wooyoung gasped.
   "Oh my god oh shi oh my- fuck Wooyoung what-" You couldn't breathe again, eyes beginning to fill with tears as you thought about your situation. Wooyoung hushed you, pulling you closer to him.
   "Hey hey shh shh, Y/n you need to calm down. I know, this is t-terrifying b-but you need to save your air and that's not helping." He spoke softly to you. You could tell he was panicking too though by his trembling voice and body. Your hands trembled as they clutched onto his wetsuit, your breathing heavy and wheezy.
   "I-I can't I W-Woo we're..."
   "Darling you need to breathe." Seonghwa's voice suddenly spoke up from beside you. Your gaze shot to him and he brought his hands up to rest on either crook of your neck.
   "Breath in...breathe out. Come on, listen to us breathe." He guided. You found yourself following his breaths until you could slow your breathing and even it out. they were right you need to save your air no matter how panicked you were. 
    "W-Where's San is he okay?" You asked quietly. Both the boys nodded, Wooyoung moving to the side so you could see the blonde boy slumped against the side of the cage. You stomach twisted menacingly and you shakily got up, but flinched when you felt a sharp pain in your exposed leg. 
    "What-?" Your eyes widened, a rock had cut your calf, blood leaking out. Not a lot, but not a scratch either. 
    "Oh no." You breathed. 
    "No oh no, are you okay?" Seonghwa asked quickly, holding your arm.
    "I- no, the blood.. sharks..." The three of you exchanged wide eyed glances. 
    "We're all going to die because of me-" both the boys wrapped their arms around you to try and comfort you before you full on began hyperventilating.
    "No, no we're not. The boys and the workers are going to get us out okay?"
    "Besides, we were the ones who forced you here." Wooyoung sulked. You set your forehead on his shoulder.
    "You guys didn't force me- I-I'm sorry- the sharks-"
    "Shh shh, it's going to be okay." Seonghwa assured. You all separated and you kneeled in front of San. You gently lulled his head back, your eyes widening at the blood in his mask. 
    "H-He's bleeding." You muttered, Wooyoung quick to get next to you and look his best friend over, fear settling in his chest even more.
    "It looks like it's coming from his ears, he probably just ruptured an ear drum or something from the pressure change." You reached up to feel around his mask until you found the release to drain his mask, a cloud of blood entering the water, your heart dropping. You kept a soft grip on his shoulders.
   "San? Hey, baby wake up." You tried to goad, shaking him a little. You felt him shift slightly.
   "S-Sanie, sweetheart? Are you alright?" You continued until his eyes finally opened, hands coming up to hold yours. He panicked, eyes wide as you all heard his breathing wild, gasps escaping him, You quickly grabbed the sides of his neck , thumbs rubbing his skin as your mask clunked with his when your let your head fall against his.
   "San, breathe." You whispered. He calmed quickly, remembering the situation. You saw him flinch , realizing his ears probably hurt.
   "Do your ears hurt?"
   "A little. I- I'm so sorry Y/n. We shouldn't have dragged you into this." You saw his eyes glass over. You felt your heart sink. You loved these boys and the thought of them dying was worse than you yourself dying. They didn't deserve that and you really hoped they would live through this. They had too.
   "You didn't. We're all in this together right now, okay?" His gaze met yours. His eyebrows furrowed sadly, but he nodded, hands slipping up to hold your elbows. You looked to Wooyoung next to you and then to Seonghwa behind you. All of you looked around and you helped San up.
   "Was anyone able to contact the others?" You asked, both Wooyoung and Seonghwa shaking their heads. 
   "Maybe we're too far down." San muttered, squinting to try and see through the dark water.
   "So one of us should swim up a bit to try and contact them?" Wooyoung asked, voice wavering. Your stomach dropped. You weren't going to let any of them do that.
   "I'll go." You volunteered. 
   "Uh fuck no." Seonghwa scolded. You sighed.
   "Look guys, I was on a swim team, it should be fine, okay?"
   "Until a goddamn shark decides to take a bite out of you." San added. You furrowed your eyebrows.
   "Oh so it's better for one of you to take that risk? No. Besides, sharks don't actually attack unprovoked, that's just a movie thing."
   "A shark cage breaking and falling to the bottom of the ocean is literally a movie thing too." Seonghwa reminded. 
   "Guys please, you're all shit swimmers, I'll be careful and quick, okay?" You promised. The three exchanged hesitant glances.
   "Y/n, we dragged you with us, one of us should go. Besides you're our girl, we can't let you go." Wooyoung finally pitched in.
   "The sharks are not going to care about gender, guys. It'll be fine, alright?"
   "At least let me come with you." The oldest tried to bargain. You grimaced, shaking your head.
   "You could get hurt. It's better if only one person goes in case there are sharks. That way only one of us is at risk-"
   "There's a buddy system for a reason." San brought up. You sighed.
   "No, I'm going with you." Seonghwa told you, not leaving room for debate. You grimaced, holding intense eye contact with him. Despite how much you didn’t want him to go, didn’t want to risk him getting hurt, you knew he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Mentally, you took a deep breath, hand rubbing your helmet as you closed your eyes. Head swimming you called down, eyes slowly opening to meet with the oldest of your group. Seonghwa stared back, nodding.
    “We can do this.” He assured, all of you turning your gazes to the bars, a heavy tension falling over the group.
What could go wrong?    
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forthelongjourney · 2 years
A fresh start
Welcome to my blog! I am just a girl who enjoys writing and writing about a myriad of things. I will take requests for most anything besides smut for idols, but I will write it for fictional characters per request. Triggering topics are a no, I’m sorry! I will write for most kpop groups whether scenarios, mtl likely, a series request, au requests, etc. 
I am a whore for mafia, gang, crime, and pirate aus! Game crossovers w idols too???? 
Besides kpop, I also will write for most video games and most animes besides dragon ball and Jojo’s lmaooo. Definitely marvel characters too?? Anyways feel free to send in requests, this is more for my own personal fic dumping tho! My name is Shion and you’re always welcome to hmu if you’d like to talk about something, anything, fan related or not!
Have a great day lovelies <3
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forthelongjourney · 5 years
Not saying I gave up on sleep for Ateez and I’m literally sobbing over the vlive and Wave and Illusion
But that’s exactly what I’m saying
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