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getting in an emotional complex state bc im the ultimate intj and have to hear that im 'withholding s*x' like sorry man ive been thru the whole range of human emotions in the past couple weeks but yeah i should be doing the dirty rn
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Many little worlds shine on shaded leaves
riverwindphotography, August 2018
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1966 Grand Corniche show car
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im so fucking loyal dude i mean not just in the "dont cheat with another men" loyal but "my boyfriend go thru the most insane shit and i still support him emotionally" kind of loyal
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guess im coming back to tumblr lmao sometimes i completely forget abt logging on
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If grandmothers around the world had a rallying cry, it would probably sound something like “You need to eat!”
Photographer Gabriele Galimberti’s grandmother said something similar to him before one of his many globetrotting work trips. To ensure he had at least one good meal, she prepared for him a dish of ravioli before he departed on one of his adventures.  
“In that occasion I said to my grandma ‘You know, Grandma, there are many other grandmas around the world and most of them are really good cooks,” Galimberti wrote via email. “I’m going to meet them and ask them to cook for me so I can show you that you don’t have to be worried for me and the food that I will eat!’ This is the way my project was born!”
The project, “Delicatessen With Love”, took Galimberti to 58 countries where he photographed grandmothers with both the ingredients and finished signature dishes.
He acted as photographer and stylist during each shoot with the grandmothers, taking a portrait of both the women and the food they made for him.
From top to bottom: 
Inara Runtule, 68, Kekava, Latvia. Silke €(herring with potatoes and cottage cheese). Grace Estibero, 82, Mumbai, India. Chicken vindaloo.
Susann Soresen, 81, Homer, Alaska. Moose steak.
Serette Charles, 63, Saint-Jean du Sud, Haiti. Lambi in creole sauce.
The photographer’s grandmother Marisa Batini, 80, Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy. Swiss chard and ricotta Ravioli with meat sauce.
Normita Sambu Arap, 65, Oltepessi (Masaai Mara), Kenya. Mboga and orgali (white corn polenta with vegetables and goat).
Julia Enaigua, 71, La Paz, Bolivia. Queso Humacha (vegetables and fresh cheese soup).
Fifi Makhmer, 62, Cairo, Egypt. Kuoshry (pasta, rice and legumes pie).
Isolina Perez De Vargas, 83, Mendoza, Argentina. Asado criollo (mixed meats barbecue).
Bisrat Melake, 60, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Enjera with curry and vegetables.
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i think im funny
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Today I called a girl homophobic as a joke and she almost started crying
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come and get your gender here folks! assigned gender at uquiz! 
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I find it suspicious that you never see posts along the lines of "cishet people should stop using the word 'queer', that's a word that only queer people get to use." Not because I think that it's necessarily true, but because that's the normal way social conversations around reclaimed slurs & pejoratives evolve. You rarely hear people on tumblr saying "black people/hispanic people/asian people aren't allowed to say [slur that has been used specifically against them]." Because most of us recognize that that's nonsense, and that you don't get to tell minorities which words they can and can't reclaim.
But tumblr didn't do that with the word 'queer'. It didn't go the usual route of discussion around who can and can't say what. Tumblr just jumped straight into trying to erase the word completely. And that is because the discourse around 'queer' isn't a conversation that evolved naturally within our community. It was purposefully (and successfully) created out of thin air from a sudden, relentless onset of terf propaganda. Terfs who hated having a trans-inclusive umbrella term for our community, who wanted nothing more than to disrupt unity. Well congratu-fucking-lations, it's been disrupted.
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Crimson Dreams 🌙💫
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Stand up for what you believe in - even if it means standing alone.
Kim Hanks (via quotemadness)
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shcrimbly and bompous
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Why is it that bullies can always tell you’re lgbt or like neuroatypical way before you can 😭
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Clothes hanging, Naples, Italy, 1950s. Photograph by Victor Padolfi.
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