Requests Open
40 posts
Cody / Hal / Delfin ;; He/It ;; Stim blog for clout /j
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
flickerstim · 8 months ago
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"1999, Bizarre Summer!"
Stimboard based on "Great Days" ! (The 3rd and final Opening Track for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable)
🟩|☮️|🟩 ☀️|⚓|🌙 🟩|💛|🟩
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flickerstim · 8 months ago
Could I request a stimboard for a noncanon violetblood ancestor (homestuck), please? Some ocean imagery and like old fashion doctors stuff would be nice if possible. If not, then like, ships n gold would be great too! Or anything to do with snakes. Thank you! :>
I have art I made of myself here if ya need it
Absolutely! I did put on the post for no kin/id/me/etc requests, because I'm assuming you're a fictive (based on the link for the art you sent), just as a note!
Your art is very lovely btw! :3
Link is found here: https://www.tumblr.com/flickerstim/754283049458581505/non-canon-violet-blood-ancestor-stimboard-with?source=share
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flickerstim · 8 months ago
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Non-Canon Violet-Blood Ancestor Stimboard, with Ocean Imagery and Old-Fashion Doctor's Stuff for Anon!
🌊|💉|🌊 💉|💜|💉 🌊|💉|🌊
Please do NOT tag as "kin", "ID", "me", etc. unless you are the requester!
Please DM if you would like your gif removed!
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flickerstim · 11 months ago
what if i did another hal stimboard
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flickerstim · 11 months ago
HAHA, THE JOKES ON YOU, I'VE HAD ONE FOR A WHILE NOW !!! https://rentry.co/fliickzzz
what if i made a kinlist :3c
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flickerstim · 11 months ago
what if i made a kinlist :3c
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flickerstim · 11 months ago
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"Wind me up, turn the gears!"
Self-Indulgent Lil-Hal themed stimboard cuz kin
⚙️|🍒|⚙️ 🍒|🐾|🍒 ⚙️|🍒|⚙️
Gif in the middle by me !!
Please DM if you would like your gif removed!
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flickerstim · 11 months ago
this blog is 3 years old, happy old to me
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flickerstim · 1 year ago
my re-themeing is almost done, im gonna draw myself a pfp when i get home lol
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flickerstim · 1 year ago
may or may not have gained a new main-flicker and may or may not redesign the blog around them
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flickerstim · 1 year ago
hEY GUYS GUESS WHO FOUND A TERM THAT FITS HIM BETTER (SPOILER: ITS ME) https://otherkin.fandom.com/wiki/Fictionflicker
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flickerstim · 1 year ago
ignore how i am like 0% active here- i keep forgetting @w@
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flickerstim · 2 years ago
Oh yeah, also, since I'm aware I'm not the best at putting my thoughts into words, I found a fandom.wiki page on Otherlinking!
You can also read this if you want, I'd say it summarizes linking pretty well :]
Howdy! I hope it’s ok to ask, but could you tell me a bit about what “link” means? /gen q
Hello! It's no worries, I'd love to answer your question, thusly I will :] Do note that I will be mostly talking about my own personal experience with Linking. Everyone's definitions and experiences will vary, so don't be afraid to ask around!
Now then: I've seen the term "Link" have quite a few definitions. When I was introduced to it, I saw it referred to as: "A character you identify with for coping/fun purposes"
Which for some folks, comes off as KFF (Kin For Fun), although it's more complex than that- at least for me.
In my personal experience, I would define "Link" as: "A character you identify with for generally any reason; A character you consider to be yourself, in some manner"
In my personal experience, I tend to fall in and out of Link stages. Many days, I am just my normal self: Cody.
However, on other days, I feel my sense of self shift. While I am still me- I have not blacked out, nor do I feel revolted by the idea of my Cody-self- I don't feel like Cody. I find myself wanting to talk through a character. Usually, as I talk on Discord a lot, I make myself a Tupperbox Bot. I find an image that fits how I feel. I assign it the name I feel, and the pronouns I feel. Here are some of my bots as examples!
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(The "[Link {☕}]" on my bots is for moderation purposes in servers, nothing more :]) (Quick image ID just in case, I'm bad at these but I hope I did it right) [ID: Seven Discord screenshots, all featuring messages made using Tupperbox bots. Each bot as the word "Link" and a coffee cup emoji in brackets at the end of their name, denoting that they're bots intended for Link-Shifts. Each bot represents six characters- all Homestuck characters, one character being doubled-up - and each has their own name and pronouns.. The first bot reads "Dualscar / Delfin (Avoid, Namself, Sea-Related). The second bot reads "Jake English!! (Any, Get Funky!). The third bot reads "The Orphaner Dualscar (He/Fin)". The fourth bot reads "Mituna", however his name is spelt using a typing quirk- making the "i" in his name be a "1" instead, doubling up the 1-I, and the "a" at the end being replaced with a "4". In plaintext, his pronouns read "(Any but she/her tbh)". The fifth bot reads "Rufioh Nitram!!", however the "i"s are replaced with "1"s. His pronouns read "(HE/RUF)". The sixth bot reads "CALIBORN", with fancy symbols around the name, his pronouns reading "(ANY/ALL)". The seventh bot reads "twinArgmageddons"- a mispelling of "twinArmageddons"- with his pronouns reading "[HE/IT, ANY]". Each bot has their own message, some with typing quirks and others without. End ID.] As is visible in my screenshots, sometimes I take up typing quirks- as they feel like the proper way for me to talk. Sometimes, I don't. My links can happen for multiple reasons. Sometimes I link due to stress. Sometimes I link because I'm jealous. Other times, my brain simply decides that it's time to link. Also as is visible in my screenshots, I tend to link male/masc characters- it's something due to me not wanting to be viewed in a feminine way online :]
Linking could be mistaken for roleplay, however it's more than that! You feel connected with the character- like you are them in some manner (at least in my experience). Unlike Kinning (at least from my understanding of Kinning), you don't feel completely like the character- you don't feel like a reincarnated version of them, or like the entirety of you is them. You still feel somewhat like yourself during a Link-Shift. Your concept of self just changes, in some manner (Again, at least in MY experience).
I guess as a TL;DR, a good explanation of "linking" is: "Feeling an identity-related connection to a character for reasons that vary from linker to linker."
Hope this helped!! :]
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flickerstim · 2 years ago
HELLO could i get a mermaid themed stimboard with a nighttime vibe? with underwater plants and animals, if at all possible. thank you!
Certainly~! You have been @'d on the post, and likewise here is the link :]
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flickerstim · 2 years ago
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A mermaid-themed stimboard with a night-time vibe, alongside underwater plants and animals for @fightingtrim !
🌌 | 🌔 | 🦈 🫧 | 🧜‍♀️ | ✨ 🔱 | 🍃 | 🦑
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flickerstim · 2 years ago
Howdy! I hope it’s ok to ask, but could you tell me a bit about what “link” means? /gen q
Hello! It's no worries, I'd love to answer your question, thusly I will :] Do note that I will be mostly talking about my own personal experience with Linking. Everyone's definitions and experiences will vary, so don't be afraid to ask around!
Now then: I've seen the term "Link" have quite a few definitions. When I was introduced to it, I saw it referred to as: "A character you identify with for coping/fun purposes"
Which for some folks, comes off as KFF (Kin For Fun), although it's more complex than that- at least for me.
In my personal experience, I would define "Link" as: "A character you identify with for generally any reason; A character you consider to be yourself, in some manner"
In my personal experience, I tend to fall in and out of Link stages. Many days, I am just my normal self: Cody.
However, on other days, I feel my sense of self shift. While I am still me- I have not blacked out, nor do I feel revolted by the idea of my Cody-self- I don't feel like Cody. I find myself wanting to talk through a character. Usually, as I talk on Discord a lot, I make myself a Tupperbox Bot. I find an image that fits how I feel. I assign it the name I feel, and the pronouns I feel. Here are some of my bots as examples!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
(The "[Link {☕}]" on my bots is for moderation purposes in servers, nothing more :]) (Quick image ID just in case, I'm bad at these but I hope I did it right) [ID: Seven Discord screenshots, all featuring messages made using Tupperbox bots. Each bot has the word "Link" and a coffee cup emoji in brackets at the end of their name, denoting that they're bots intended for Link-Shifts. Each bot represents six characters- all Homestuck characters, one character being doubled-up - and each has their own name and pronouns.. The first bot reads "Dualscar / Delfin (Avoid, Namself, Sea-Related). The second bot reads "Jake English!! (Any, Get Funky!). The third bot reads "The Orphaner Dualscar (He/Fin)". The fourth bot reads "Mituna", however his name is spelt using a typing quirk- making the "i" in his name be a "1" instead, doubling up the 1-I, and the "a" at the end being replaced with a "4". In plaintext, his pronouns read "(Any but she/her tbh)". The fifth bot reads "Rufioh Nitram!!", however the "i"s are replaced with "1"s. His pronouns read "(HE/RUF)". The sixth bot reads "CALIBORN", with fancy symbols around the name, his pronouns reading "(ANY/ALL)". The seventh bot reads "twinArgmageddons"- a mispelling of "twinArmageddons"- with his pronouns reading "[HE/IT, ANY]". Each bot has their own message, some with typing quirks and others without. End ID.] As is visible in my screenshots, sometimes I take up typing quirks- as they feel like the proper way for me to talk. Sometimes, I don't. My links can happen for multiple reasons. Sometimes I link due to stress. Sometimes I link because I'm jealous. Other times, my brain simply decides that it's time to link. Also as is visible in my screenshots, I tend to link male/masc characters- it's something due to me not wanting to be viewed in a feminine way online :]
Linking could be mistaken for roleplay, however it's more than that! You feel connected with the character- like you are them in some manner (at least in my experience). Unlike Kinning (at least from my understanding of Kinning), you don't feel completely like the character- you don't feel like a reincarnated version of them, or like the entirety of you is them. You still feel somewhat like yourself during a Link-Shift. Your concept of self just changes, in some manner (Again, at least in MY experience).
I guess as a TL;DR, a good explanation of "linking" is: "Feeling an identity-related connection to a character for reasons that vary from linker to linker."
Hope this helped!! :]
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flickerstim · 2 years ago
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"We're all friendly here! Friendly, friendly, friendly!"
My Friendly Neighborhood themed stimboard! I love this game, it's a shame I haven't seen much stuff of it so far :(
📺|🌈|�� 🌈|📼|🌈 📺|🌈|📺
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