flareindigo · 6 months
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In their defence, a lot of it is sand.
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flareindigo · 6 months
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flareindigo · 6 months
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flareindigo · 1 year
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The kid will cherish this for their whole life. If they remember it.
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flareindigo · 1 year
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flareindigo · 1 year
Kotaloy Celebration Week Masterlist
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Kotaloy Celebration Week was amazing, thank you to everyone who participated by creating, liking, sharing, commenting etc. We ended up with over 70 fics and a similar amount of art and it's been a real joy to see everyone sharing the love for Aloy and Kotallo.
We ended up with over 70 fics and a similar amount of art
Each link takes you to the masterlist for that day and theme!
Day 1 - Kisses ~ First kiss ~ Stolen kiss ~ Familiar kiss Day 1 - Begging ~ “Please” ~ “Ask me nicely”
Day 2 - Tenakth or Nora courtship ~ Marriage rituals Day 2 - “Mine” “Yours” ~ Jealous ~ Possessive
Day 3 - Opposites attract ~ fire & ice ~ sun & moon ~ heaven & hell Day 3 - Smeared paint
Day 4 - Wild ~ Dangerous ~ Feral Day 4 - Ravenous ~ Desperate ~ “I can’t get enough of you”
Day 5 - Accidental marriage ~ Marriage of Convenience ~ Arranged Marriage Day 5 - Fighting to f**king ~ Sparring to sex ~ Adrenaline & arousal
Day 6 - Sharing warmth ~ Trapped together ~ Only one bed Day 6 - Praise ~ “You look beautiful” ~ “You’re being so good for me”
Day 7 - FREE CHOICE! 🏹🔥
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flareindigo · 1 year
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✨ Day 3 ~ Sun & Moon
“They want to be together but not being from the same world, they can only meet at the Eclipse”
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flareindigo · 1 year
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“Unless… you would wish to be bonded,” [Kotallo] amended himself quickly, looking down again with a stunned expression.  “I would not be averse to expanding my perspective to integrate important Nora customs.”
Aloy snorted, her smile drawing wider.  “Are you presenting me with a bonding request now?” she teased. - Ch.19, Fallen Skies
A little something for day two of Kotaloy Celebration Week, with the theme "Tenakth or Nora courtship". ❤️🏹
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flareindigo · 1 year
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✨ Day 2 ~ Tenakth courtship
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flareindigo · 1 year
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Day 2 Courtship (I'm going feral)
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flareindigo · 1 year
Kotallo Pokerface😂
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flareindigo · 1 year
First tattoo😅
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Aloy’s thoughts: Great…but why it’s soooo painful?!
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flareindigo · 1 year
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“Kotallo, I—” [Aloy] started to say—only to find her words cut off as his calloused hand moved to her jaw, closing the space between them as he brought their lips together in a kiss. - Ch.13, Fallen Skies
A small illustration for day one of Kotaloy Week, for the theme "First Kiss" ❤️🏹
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flareindigo · 1 year
First Kiss
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In celebration of Kotaloy week on the Kotaloy Elysium discord server 🥰 #kotaloy celebration week
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flareindigo · 1 year
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✨ Day 1 ~ First Kiss
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flareindigo · 1 year
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It's Kotaloy Week.
Day 1 Kisses/First kiss
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flareindigo · 1 year
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Day 1: Stolen Kiss
OMG Am I first on Tumblr?
Cheers to this incredible ship. The ship that launched so many of us again when we were floundering in our abandoned art. The ship that brought back the fervour for writing! Thank you to these beautiful blorbos who I just think are perfect for one another.  Thank you to Guerrilla for the wonderful game. And thank you to all the creatives and ideas folks in the fandom and over on Kotaloy Elysium for the support and genuine friendship I have found <3 <3
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