#Kotaloy Celebration Week
astralpaint · 1 year
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Day 4 FERAL (my favorite piece)
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i-lavabean · 1 year
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Day 2 of the Kotaloy Celebration Week: Tenakth/Nora Courtship or Marriage rituals
I like the idea of the vulnerability it would take to let another person hold or use your main weapon
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fantasy-girl974 · 1 year
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✨ Day 1 ~ First Kiss
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fogsblue · 1 year
Kotaloy Celebration Week Masterlist
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Kotaloy Celebration Week was amazing, thank you to everyone who participated by creating, liking, sharing, commenting etc. We ended up with over 70 fics and a similar amount of art and it's been a real joy to see everyone sharing the love for Aloy and Kotallo.
We ended up with over 70 fics and a similar amount of art
Each link takes you to the masterlist for that day and theme!
Day 1 - Kisses ~ First kiss ~ Stolen kiss ~ Familiar kiss Day 1 - Begging ~ “Please” ~ “Ask me nicely”
Day 2 - Tenakth or Nora courtship ~ Marriage rituals Day 2 - “Mine” “Yours” ~ Jealous ~ Possessive
Day 3 - Opposites attract ~ fire & ice ~ sun & moon ~ heaven & hell Day 3 - Smeared paint
Day 4 - Wild ~ Dangerous ~ Feral Day 4 - Ravenous ~ Desperate ~ “I can’t get enough of you”
Day 5 - Accidental marriage ~ Marriage of Convenience ~ Arranged Marriage Day 5 - Fighting to f**king ~ Sparring to sex ~ Adrenaline & arousal
Day 6 - Sharing warmth ~ Trapped together ~ Only one bed Day 6 - Praise ~ “You look beautiful” ~ “You’re being so good for me”
Day 7 - FREE CHOICE! 🏹🔥
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“Kotallo, I—” [Aloy] started to say—only to find her words cut off as his calloused hand moved to her jaw, closing the space between them as he brought their lips together in a kiss. - Ch.13, Fallen Skies
A small illustration for day one of Kotaloy Week, for the theme "First Kiss" ❤️🏹
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alexadark13 · 1 year
Kotallo Pokerface😂
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y0ureviltwin · 1 year
Page 4 baybee! Let's get to the good stuff!
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Edit: I FORGOT HIS TATTOOs! I am a fool, forgive me.
Start at the beginning!
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picksleydust · 1 year
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Day 5 - Accidental Marriage
So, y’all, if you haven’t read What Happens in Vegas by our very own @garbage-dono then you are missing out on some pure serotonin in accidental drunk marriage form.
Please see below for close ups and some more commentary
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As you can see, they are totally fine and good and chill. Poor Erend is just trying to be supportive.
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The holo kids are SO DRUNK
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foxtober · 1 year
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Kotaloy Celebration Week ❤️
I'm so glad that I managed to finish this art within a Kotaloy celebration week!
Text by @koteevna I love her, and her magic words.
“Any Tenakth dreams of dying with honor and meeting his end by kissing the hottest flame...”
He gently took a strand of her hair, free of beads, and exhaled. Aloy didn't move, but the shadows of the night and the bonfires below drew their own patterns around her. Was he going crazy, or was her hair made of fire too: Her strand singed his fingers, but in a way that was tender. He bent lower, guided by her scent and the clarity of the moment. His Tenakth nature growled and raged inside him, demanding to interfere and capture all of her, but Kotallo was too afraid to extinguish this spark that flared up between them.
Not now. The time would come when the fire of her soul would consume him completely.
“I want to burn, Aloy... I want to touch your fire.”
She sighed and closed her eyes. Kotallo could have sworn by the Ten that her composure was cracking as much as his.
Something happened inside his Commander. Something bright that made her open her eyes and look at him like never before. Aloy stretched out her arms to him, sitting closer, and Kotallo mirrored her pose. She ran her hands over his shoulders, stroking the back of his head. She lifted her head and the intensity of her gaze made him forget about breathing.
“So burn, Kotallo. Kiss me and burn,” she whispered.
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gnollgrin · 1 year
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beyondbendingsky · 1 year
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My contribution for #kotaloycelebrationweek ^^ the quality is awful I'm sorry ><
My headcannon is that Kotallo made the entire Grove know that one of his duty as high Marshal was to make Aloy smile every (hour of every) day *w*
I stayed very close to the reference pic (makorra smooch from LOK season 2 finale) and the armor is straight up a screenshot hehe
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astralpaint · 1 year
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It's Kotaloy Week.
Day 1 Kisses/First kiss
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i-lavabean · 1 year
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Welcome to Kotaloy Celebration Day 1! Familiar Kiss
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fantasy-girl974 · 1 year
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✨ Day 6 ~ Sharing warmth
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fogsblue · 1 year
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Sunday 9th to Saturday 15th of April
The much (in one corner of the fandom) anticipated Kotaloy week will be happening for the week between the 9th and 15th of April.
There will be a total of 14 themes. Each day will have one SFW and one NSFW theme! To create anything you want, art, fic, crafts, playlists, photomodes etc!
We'll be posting on tumblr, ao3, twitter, wherever the creators feel comfortable. There will be a collection on Ao3 and creations on tumblr will be tagged with #kotaloy celebration week.
We're currently coming up with themes and will be voting on them this weekend (11-12 March) If you'd like to join us, feel free to join the Kotaloy Elysium Discord (18+).
Everyone is welcome to join the celebration week without joining the server, just track the kotaloy celebration week tag, and for any days you'd like to join, just tag your creation so we can see and we'll share it!
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“Unless… you would wish to be bonded,” [Kotallo] amended himself quickly, looking down again with a stunned expression.  “I would not be averse to expanding my perspective to integrate important Nora customs.”
Aloy snorted, her smile drawing wider.  “Are you presenting me with a bonding request now?” she teased. - Ch.19, Fallen Skies
A little something for day two of Kotaloy Celebration Week, with the theme "Tenakth or Nora courtship". ❤️🏹
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