81 posts
This was originally intended to have a wide spectrum of random items I find from across the Hallyu Wave, but BTS has taaken over my life and thus most of what I repost will consist of them. SorryNotSorry.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
firnlambe · 2 years ago
Harmony Fic Directory
Hey Everyone, I wanted to create a resource for Harmony fics that allows us to find fics in certain commonly requested categories— like Dark Harmony or Possessive Harry. Here's the Directory.
This is only as good as you guys help me make it so if there's any fics you would like added please let me know, either by commenting on the google doc or messaging me here with the fic name/author and what category it should be under. Thanks!
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
Quick....someone take this to the BTS concert and toss it onstage with Jungkook
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
The accuracy....the aaaaaacuracy.
I'm totally a #2. Loyal ARMY to a fault, but I will listen and enjoy other groups too (looking at you SEVENTEEN, ASTRO, and Eric Nam)
I have no hate towards multi-fandom kpoppies, just don't expect me to go above and beyond simply enjoying the music of your favorites.
types of kpop fans
the dabbler: stans a bunch of groups and will help you with information about anything you seek
the loyalist: stans only one group but devotes their heart to that fandom and will still support and listen to other ones too
the fanatic: stans one group…a lil too much in the best way tho
the dank one: creates memes, edits videos, and probably dabs ironically
the soft stan: sees only pure angels when they look at idols, probably only reads fluff
the editor: new video came out? don’t you worry, they have gifs up in less than 0.03 of a second not that i’m complaining it’s glorious
the writer: god bless them. write even tho they aren’t getting paid and have to deal with so much b.s, thank you for existing
the new one: probably says “oppa” and mentally high fives themselves after, most likely biases bts, uses old memes but doesn’t know any better go easy on them
the dead one: often uses terms such as, “I CANT BREATHE”, “IM DYING”, “IM DEAD”, “IM DECEASED”, etc.
the kinky one: probably stumbled upon smut accidentally, aroused by random body parts, lol but have you seen wonho’s knees, reads smut a lil too much but that’s ok
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
The accuracy.....the acuraaacccy
search bar: hoseok fluff
tumblr: yeah fam, i got you. -here’s that jungkook smut you asked for
me: tumblr noㅡ
tumblr: oh right, then here’s this. -taehyung angst
me: still not it
tumblr: i got it this time. -hoseok fluff
me: oh thank god
tumblr: (tw: character death)
me: alright fuck you
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
Again....not a content creator, but signal boosting the heck outta this
Tumblr: *rolls out “best stuff first”*
My blog:
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
I wont be nearly this prepared...but I will vote as often as I am able
If we make accounts for MAMA voting now can we still vote tomorrow?
No if you make accounts now they will not be valid. We don’t register yet, we are waiting for their new membership policy to start and then immediately sign up to MAMA, so stay alert (read this post HERE to understand more). Voting starts at 6PM KST at
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This is what you can do now:
Make multiple e-mails (in case temporary emails don’t work) 
Make more TWT/FB/Kakao accounts.
Prepare a spreadsheet to put all your emails and passwords in together and to help you give accounts away in case they are too much for you to handle alone.
Start mass creating IDs (it will be an ID competition just like Mwave)
Install Opera Browser to vote for MAMA, it is a faster server and will hopefully speed up voting.
Do not start fanwars, stay focused (sometimes it’s used as a strategy to harm both our fandom and BTS’ image but also distract you).
Do not believe in hacks coming from non-experimented BTS blogs. Many fandoms result to hacking so stay on your guard. 
Be updated with fanbases for daily mass voting events. 
We are ALL starting the voting at 6PM KST of Oct 19. If we don’t a gap will get created. 
Feel free to reblog to inform more ARMYs
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
I don't have to worry about this, as I have no original work of my own, but signal boosting for those that do
Can’t find the godamn ask to tell the blogger to kindly take your art down?
Email [email protected] with links to your originals and the repost, and they’ll take it down.
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
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© FLIPPED ON YOU | Do not edit.
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
Final clip is from the second #WILDKARDinMPLS encore performance. Seriously, I'm so thankful that the event went off without a hitch and that the community came out in full force to show @subkultureent there truly is a strong support of all things Hallyu here in Minnesota #MinnesotaLovesKpop #hiddenkard #sotapopdoesKARD (at State Theatre (Minneapolis, Minnesota))
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
#1stClip from the first encore performance. #dontrecall is my favorite song, so I’m really glad they did both the original and the hidden version over the course of the fanmeet. #KARD #hiddenkard #MinnesotaLovesKpop #sotapopdoesKARD #GodILoveMyPhonesMicrophone (more video clips will be uploaded in the morning) (at State Theatre (Minneapolis, Minnesota) #WILDKARDinMPLS )
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
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Final two stills before I upload video clips. First is the crowd holding up their fansigns during #holahola and the last is yours truly with my shiny new lightstick. Tonight was an amazing experience. I cant express enough how thankful I am to @subkultureent for bringing Kpop to Minnesota. It's been 3.5 years since I started going to Kpop Concerts with @nativeaunnie @itsthiarose (and now @amy_mcgrew) and this will be one I'll never forget. #kardinminneapolis #MinnesotaLovesKpop #sotapopdoesKARD (at State Theatre (Minneapolis, Minnesota))
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
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Collection of stills during the #kardinminneapolis show. Thank you so much, @subkultureent , for bringing K.A.R.D to MN. Also shout out to @Limited.89 for being an amazing MC #MinnesotaLovesKpop #sotapopdoesKARD (at State Theatre (Minneapolis, Minnesota))
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
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First picture of the night with @nativeaunnie @itsthiarose and @amy_mcgrew waiting for the doors to open so we can start the @subkultureent #kardinminneapolis show #MinnesotaLovesKpop #sotapopdoesKARD (at State Theatre (Minneapolis, Minnesota))
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
It will never cease to amuse me that they put Jungkook front and center with Jessi
an iconic ad
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firnlambe · 7 years ago
I laughed far harder than I should at this
At least Big Hit sends their artists to the hospital when they injure themselves
SM just be like
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firnlambe · 8 years ago
You see that //points to a plethora of shards// thats my heart. I honestly can't say if my emotions will be able to handle this comeback
Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa The Notes: Jin
Seokjin 13 June YEAR 22
After returning from that sea, we were all alone.
Like it was all set, we didn’t contact each other. We only assumed the existance of each other from the graffiti on the bridge, the gas station lighting brightly, the piano sound from the old building. Every time like that, the afterimage of that night came back to haunt me like a phantom. Taehyung’s pupils that blazed with fire, all the eyes that looked at me as if hearing an unbelievable story, Namjoon’s hands that stopped Taehyung, and me who couldn’t endure and threw my fists towards Taehyung.
After Taehyung ran away, we couldn’t find him, no one stayed at the seaside dorm after returning. The broken glass cup, the bloodstain that was starting to get clotted, the crumbled snack pieces, they only reminded us of what happened few hours ago. A photo fell down then. It was the photo we took at the sea, smiling together.
I passed by the gas station today. One day we will meet again. One day we will smile together like we did in that photo. One day I will gather the courage to face myself. But now, it is not the time yet. The humid wind blew today, just like that day. And the next moment, my phone rang like a warning. The photo hanging on the mirror of my room was shaking. Hoseok’s name appeared on the screen.
“Hyung, Jungkook got into an accident that night.”
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firnlambe · 8 years ago
//sigh// my love for this man escalated at a scary velocity
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HyungSik 💕👀 [Batch 2]
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