fireflysdndcorner · 1 month
I only had enough options to do the main og set sorry lol. Anyway Main as in what do you default to the most or your favorite.
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fireflysdndcorner · 11 months
So D&D black dragons are supposed to live in swamps, right? Pretty amphibious, live in swamps, lair in...
caves. With a main entrance and a back entrance.
In swamps.
I really have trouble with the idea that there's these dragon-sized caves in an area with such a high water table, y'know? We have to go through miles of swamp to reach this lair, it's not one little boggy place in a mountain valley otherwise filled with nice caves. And the cave has to have two entrances, too? I can believe in dragons, but not this geology.
So... maybe it's not geology. Because a lair in a marshy place with exacting design specifications sounds a lot like a totally natural thing --
A beaver lodge.
So now I have this new image of black dragons industriously gnawing down giant trees to construct their mighty swamp lairs, and I am so much happier.
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fireflysdndcorner · 1 year
Hamster's In Dungeon And Dragons
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fireflysdndcorner · 2 years
More unconventional world-threatening disasters for your heroes to fight
The halflings have finally fucking snapped
Unfortunate political loophole gives ravenous ghoul total power, everyone upset at being eaten but insisting they need to respect the process.
World's greatest Archmage is drunk off their ass
There's some guy in a cape with glowing red eyes cackling and waving a skull staff around. He's not explicitly done anything wrong but, like, we kind of assume there must be something going on there. Right?
The blessed artifact that will save the world from the demon invasion has a big spider on it and no-one wants to go near it.
Someone gave the Tarrasque a knife
Every time someone casts a spell the moon comes one inch closer to the earth.
Oh shit the Elves just invented capitalism
Cursed item that will destroy the world if anyone says "rhubarb" near it. No-one knows which item it is.
Fire elemental desperately lonely and coming to the material plane for hugs.
There's one warlock who's just eldritch blasting everyone on the planet one by one, like an asshole.
Poorly considered Elder Evil Vacation Day coming up.
The GM is getting bored, and the PCs must entertain them from within the game lest they abandon the game and render their world non-existence.
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fireflysdndcorner · 2 years
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fireflysdndcorner · 2 years
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fireflysdndcorner · 2 years
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Thinking about a duct tape wizard
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fireflysdndcorner · 2 years
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✧・゚:*Today’s magical girl of the night is: Saaya Kujo from Raramagi!✧・゚:*
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fireflysdndcorner · 2 years
I can’t decide what’s better: elves being a tricked-out version of humans, or the races having similar appearances but completely different physiologies.
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fireflysdndcorner · 2 years
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one of these days i’ll go back to making very normal D&D character concepts but until then
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fireflysdndcorner · 2 years
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fireflysdndcorner · 2 years
Collect all the intelligent talking items you can, and uses them at the same time. Don't stop until the DM has to scream at you in a distinct sword, axe, crossbow, helm, armor, boots, gloves, shirt, pants, and shield voice everytime to decide on everything. Bonus points if you take actions that all your clothes dislike.
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fireflysdndcorner · 2 years
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fireflysdndcorner · 2 years
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fireflysdndcorner · 3 years
BYOB (Bring Your Own Blorbo)
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fireflysdndcorner · 3 years
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Kareva Margarita
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fireflysdndcorner · 3 years
More inadvisable ways to introduce a new player character mid-dungeon, bait and switch edition:
A new character with almost but not quite identical stats and appearance comes hurrying up to the party, insisting that you’re the real [name], and the [name] everyone knew was an imposter; when informed that they died just before you arrived, cryptically remark that this isn’t the first time they’ve pulled that trick  
A character who nobody recognises speaks up from the party’s midst, acting like they expect to be familiar to the party; if questioned, claim that you’re the deceased character’s personal assistant, and that you’ve been here the entire time, then digress into a rant about how nobody every notices the help  
Following the next encounter, the party discovers a large, ornate treasure chest, which proves to contain nothing but your character, bound and gagged; once released, any complaint regarding the lack of gold and jewels should naturally be met with dramatic indignation at the implication that you’re not treasure enough  
The target the party has been sent to slay unexpectedly greets them warmly, explaining there’s been an awful misunderstanding: you’re not the true master of the dungeon, you’ve just been mistaken for the prophesied Lord of Evil, and you’d very much like to make your exit before the monsters figure it out  
[Spellcaster only] Your original character is revealed upon death to be a fraud with no magical powers, who had merely been impersonating a member of their ostensible character class; any spell effects you seemed to produce in fact originated from a heretofore-unsuspected accomplice: your horse
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