Why do I feel like Ryan and Hope are next Klaroline?
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Shadows Within [10]
It was Hope Mikaelson that was walking towards him closer and closer with each passing second, her long brown hair swaying dramatically along her hips. It was Hope Mikaelson who was accompanying his little brother with a genuine, tight smile, quite tired looking old man accompanying them like he wished to be anywhere but here, playing along with their childish schemes. And now, don’t get him wrong. Ryan Clarke was in no way a cowardly man. He had survived through the monstrous creature that was his father for whole centuries. He had survived in that torturous, never-ending black hole that was his father for years. But immediately upon seeing them walking side by side, Ryan’s first thought was to turn on his heel and to escape. All the progress he had made in thinking through this plan to get himself to receive his father’s forgiveness for what he had done all those centuries ago would turn into nothing if Hope were to recognize him. Hope, who had seen him in his countless fancy looking, expensive specifically tailored one piece suits would never believe he was a social worker. She would start asking questions, pleading him for answers with those wide, doe-like eyes and he never himself well enough to be aware that sooner or later, he would give in to her power. So, Ryan merely turned on his heel and walked away before Hope could see him.
It was the safest choice he had right now. Stalking his little brother would have to wait for a later date. A much later date when the thoughts of Hope Mikaelson weren’t occupying his nights like some sort of a nightmare; the bitter memory of that fateful night haunting him forever, the tears that had fallen down her soft cheeks as she spoke frantically, almost in an anger, the taste of her lips against his own as she took and took almost every bit of the will power he had then before he finally forced himself to stop right there before he crossed a line he wouldn’t be able to uncross and with one last look at her, had walked away from her before she could do anything to convince him to say. Because in the end, whatever feelings he may have for Hope; the broken girl from Mystic Falls, he couldn’t allow them to possibly get in the way of all the planning he had done to ensure his success throughout the years. Otherwise, he was afraid that the consequences of such actions would be very much drastic. His father would never forgive him if he had failed him yet again. There wouldn’t be another chance.
It was long after Hope was gone with his little brother and the headmaster of that school that he bothered to knock on the door, the ever pleasant smile present as the woman opened the door for him, gazing at him suspiciously. “How can I help you?” She asked.
“Miss Seylah, I do fear we have something very important to discuss.” He began. “Mainly about Malivoire.”
A realization dawned on the woman’s face. “What do you want?” She asked.
“Tell me, Miss Seylah, how far are you willing to go for your son?”
Veronica Greasley regarded him with curious eyes. “So, how did it go?” She asked. “Did you find anything?”
He smiled. “Nothing of importance, I am afraid, Ver.” The name was easy on his lips. It had always been since the day he had first met the child all those years ago; the newest leader of the Triads, the group he had created with the intention of destroying his father, but over the years, it had gone down a path he hadn’t intended when he had first asked the witches to assist him in his plan to take down his father. They’ve started going after anyone that was even remotely supernatural. Anyone different. It wasn’t exactly a responsibility he had wished to bear on his shoulders. If it weren’t for the fact that they were useful when they could be, Ryan would have disposed of them long time ago. But alas, they were still of some use.
“Ryan, you have to tell me things when you discover them.”
Ryan lifted his head, glaring. “Need I remind you that you are in no position to order me around? I’ve put your family on the lead a few centuries ago. I can just as easily put you off it. So, I shall advise you to not test me, Ver. Unless of course, if you wish for your husband where exactly his son had gone.”
Veronica shivered. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“You seem to think that just because I pretend to work for you and your agents, we are on an equal level. Let me tell you. We are not. So, Miss Veronica, it would be quite wise of you to not presume what I am capable of doing.”
“Are you threatening me?”
Ryan gave her a pitying look. “Threaten?” He chuckled. “That would mean I actually have to find you even slightly threatening, Ver and sadly for you, I find you and the rest of your agents rather pitying. You serve your purpose well enough, of course, but do you really think you stand any chance against the supernatural world?” They may have a chance against those that occupied the Salvatore school, but against the likes of Klaus Mikaelson? They stood no chance. Klaus Mikaleson didn’t survive all those centuries to be taken down by a bunch of wannabee supernatural hunters. “So, stop prying in my business and stand your ground, Miss Veronica. I shall contact you when I am back in Mystic Falls.” And with that, leaving a frozen Veronica Greasley, he stalked away from the room.
Not for the first time since he had rejoined the Triad, Ryan wondered if all of the sacrifice he had made in the name of his father was even worth it. Who was to say that he wouldn’t just get rid of him after he had what he wished? But no, that way of thinking would lead to a doom. He had to stay positive regardless of everything. “I’ve seen you before.” It was Hope Mikaelson that was hoping to sit before him by the bar. “You didn’t even reply before you went off. So, I want an apology.”
She was drunk, if the way she was almost falling off her stool was to indicate anything. Before she could though, maybe by some reflex, he caught her.
Hope broke into a huge grin at the action, shaking her head somewhat amusingly. “You won’t even talk to me, let alone let me see your face, but you stop me from falling? I never knew you were such a gentleman. Granted, I don’t actually know you, but hoodie and sneakers aren’t really something I would imagine a gentleman like yourself would wear.”
Apparently, when Hope was drunk, she didn’t stop talking. “You know, you remind me of somebody. He also rescued me from falling once. Though, that isn’t saying much. Lately, every boy I meet seem to remind me of him. He is such an asshole, you know? Left the town and didn’t speak a word to me since. I don’t even know why I love him. You shouldn’t harbor any ill warranted feelings for assholes, right? Oh, right. You aren’t speaking to me. Figures. You guys are just the same.”
“My daddy says I should forget all about him and move on, but that is easier said than done, you know? Not that he has any rights to speak, seeing as he waited for one woman to fall into his welcoming arms for years and years. But my father is a fine dude, in case you get the wrong impression. He may not seem like it, but he actually cares a lot, you know? Like a helluva lot.” She giggled, throwing her head back. “I don’t even know why I am telling you this. You are the guy who’s refusing to talk to me, or even show his face. For all I know, you could be a serial killer.” He shook his head in a way he hoped would indicate that no, he wasn’t serial killer.
“No? That’s what all serial killers say.” She laughed, her laughter echoing through the bar. “Relax, I am just messing with you. I don’t actually think you are a serial killer. Even if you were, I think I can handle you. I am a tribrid, you know? I don’t think human serial killers would be that hard for me. But you ain’t a serial killer. So, you don’t need to worry. I would probably like, protect you from the serial killers. You don’t look very strong. Are you offended? No, that’s good. Men are so easily offended.” She rolled her eyes, moving to take another drink before he stopped her, shaking his head. “Hey! That’s my drink! If you want one, order it yourself, you dickhead!”
Ryan was probably more amused than he had any right to be. “You shouldn’t drink.” He spoke before he could think better of it, taking the glass away from her. “Are you even of age?”
Hope looked vaguely amused. “So, now you are speaking to me?” She asked. “You are not my father. You can’t order me around.” And then her face turned into the most spectacular expression as she eyed him suspiciously. “Do I know you? Have we met before? Your voice sounds really familiar.” And then before he could even think of stopping her, her hand went to his hood to take them off. Her eyes widened in surprise, her mouth gaped open.“Ryan?” She began, and then, “You motherfucker, you’ve been listening to me complain about you this whole time and you didn’t say anything?” For a minute, Ryan wondered if he could convince her that it was her mind playing mind tricks on her. Probably not. “And hoodies, Ryan? Honestly. We all know they don’t suit you at all. Haven’t you learned your lesson at all?”
“You are drunk, Hope.”
“Not drunk enough to not be able to recognize my almost boyfriend, thank you very much.” She looked like she wished to either slam him across the bar or jump his bones. “You left me. Just like that. And I’ve waited for you two whole years and even then, you didn’t come. But when you did come, you hadn’t even bothered to give me a call? Instead you avoid me like a plague? Fuck you, Ryan! I hope you rot in hell.”
“There’s no such thing as hell, Hope.”
“That ain’t fucking important! What’s important, Ryan, let me tell you is that I am fucking mad at you. So, if you please would stop looking at me like that, I would thank you very much.”
He shifted in his seat. “Like what?”
“Like you don’t think you have seen anyone prettier than me, like you are enjoying this.”
“What can I say?” He casually said. “I am a bit of a masochist.”
Hope sighed, almost as if in the defeat. “Why?” She asked. “Why didn’t you call or visited me all those years? Did I matter so little to you?”
He sighed. “Because, whatever feelings I might have for you, I am in a rather complicated situation. Have been all my life. It’s why I’ve told you that we can’t happen. Somewhere in the future, maybe we can be together. Who really knows? But right now, Hope? I cannot allow you into my life right now.”
“Complicated?” She laughed. “My life had been complicated all my life.” She smiled. “I think we have that in common.”
“I know.” He whispered. At her confused look, he explained. “What supernatural doesn’t know about Hope Mikaelson, the miracle child of Klaus Mikaelson; the hybrid king of New Orleans?”
She regarded him curiously. “What are you?”
“That is, a question for another time.” He rose to his feet, lightly kissing Hope on the cheek. “Goodbye, Hope. We shall see each other again.” And Hope watched him go with a somber expression on her face, her heart heaving in her chest with each step he took.
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Shadows Within [08]
Before that fateful day in September had happened and he had been reunited with Hope Mikaelson once again after nearly two years, she had been somebody that belonged to dreams only. Every day, she would come into the little café he worked in all by herself (though, there were times when she came in with somebody; her uncle in his expensive suits and carefully polished hair, her tall and dark-haired friend who made her laugh like nobody else in a way that made his heart twitch just a little with something that may just have been jealousy) and every time without a failure she would order a peanut butter blast with a whipped cream on the bottom. She was the wealthy girl from the fancy school everyone only heard rumors about, was the girl who had rejected his offer to a festival with a shy, timid smile that clearly indicated she didn’t want to lead him on. But then, after that day, she became that girl who had went along with their plan to jail him up just because they’ve failed to understand why exactly their fancy compulsions won’t work on him, who looked at him strangely sometimes as if when she saw him, she saw somebody else altogether. She was the girl who had accused time and time again of the things he didn’t do and to be honest, Landon couldn’t quite remember why he had liked her so much the first time after that incident. So, when Hope Mikaelson came stalking towards him that clearly indicated she wanted to be there with him as much as he did, his first reaction was to cry out in a complete terror that may have been a little too insulting, but Landon didn’t really care if he offended her or not anymore. “What are you doing here?”
Hope crossed her arms across her chest in a pure annoyance, arching her eyebrows in a way that he clearly didn’t find attractive at all. Not at all. “Dr. Saltzman wanted me to administer your tests, starting with some weird mystical blood analysis.”
Landon turned from her immediately. “No.” He really didn’t want anything to do with her after what had happened the last time he did.
She must have not many people refusing her. Because she immediately cried out at him in complete disbelief. “Excuse me?”
“No. These tests determine whether or not I get to stay at the school, right? There is no way I'm putting my future in your hands; you're biased.”
She looked as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing right now. “I'm not biased. Besides, neither of us has a choice. Believe me, this is not how I would choose to spend my day, either.”
Landon arched an eyebrow at her quite pointedly. “See? Biased.”
Hope sighed exaggeratedly under her breath, clearly quite tired with his behavior. “Landon. Last thing that you told me was that you wanted to find answers about who or what you are. I want those answers, too. So let's just get through this.” The day was only beginning and Landon already had a feeling it was going to be a very long one.
“Lizzie Saltzman only cares about Lizzie Saltzman. If your interests don't line up with hers, you're witch non grata. I personally believe that you deserve a better candidate.”
Josie Saltzman snorted in disbelief at her former lover. Her sister may not be the absolute best person to run for a candidate, but this school definitely deserved way better than Penelope Park. Even thinking of the witch made her blood boil in an anger. How dare she talk so awfully of her sister as if she’s the one who had wronged Josie the most after what she had done this summer? She had always known Penelope was blind when it came to Lizzie (they’ve been mortal enemies since the day one), but she had never thought Penelope would even consider that it was her own sister who had hurt Josie the most when the truth couldn’t have been any more far. It was Penelope who had shattered her heart into pieces, who had danced all over heart this summer and had left her sister to help her to pick up the fallen pieces one by one. So, Josie didn’t think Penelope had any right whatsoever to speak about her sister quite like that. “So you're running for honor council just to spite her. That's low, Penelope, even for you.”
Penelope winked meaningfully at her, a seductive smile playing on her lips. “You used to like it when I went low.” And before she could even push them back, memories of the times past flooded in through her head. Penelope’s hands on her back as she tasted the sweetness of the champagne of Josie’s lips and they’ve – Josie shook her head before they went any further, gulping hard and glaring at Penelope in the anger.
“You know what I mean. You don't even like extracurricular activities, let alone anything that involves a moral compass.” Because at the end of the day, that was the thing, wasn’t it? Regardless of how much Josie might just wish she would forget everything there was to know about Penelope Park, Josie Saltzman knew Penelope Park better than she did even her own bitter soul. And she absolutely loathed that fact. She didn’t want to know somebody who had broken her heart the way she had. In Josie’s completely fair and humble opinion, she was better off without knowing her.
“Oh, and your one-witch ethics committee is okay with double plagiarism? It is not like Hope was an option.”
Josie glared. “Bow out now, or I will crush you.” It wasn’t a warning. It was a promise. One that Josie had every intention of keeping if Penelope didn’t behave.
“Oh, honey, you crush on me. And deep down, you know I'm right. Your sister's unfit for office.”
“What do you mean that you won’t help me?” Penelope’s eyes were angered as she looked at him. “You owe me a favor.”
Jed turned sharply towards the witch, snarling. “I’ve told you so yesterday and I would tell you the same today. I owe you nothing, Park. Especially if it means doing something to hurt Liz. Stop deluding yourself. You actually think you’ve helped me by butting in my business the last time? You’ve cost me my best friend.”
Penelope frowned at him, crossing her arms pointedly. “She wasn’t much of a best friend, anyway.” She muttered frustratingly.
Jed stared at her for a moment, pitying. “You really don’t understand it, do you?” He asked. “You think it’s Liz’s fault that Jo behaves the way she does, but have you ever thought that it might just be in Jo’s nature itself? Of course you don’t. Jo can never do anything wrong in your eyes.” He stepped in front of her meaningfully, glaring. “Look, I wouldn’t stop you going after Liz, but don’t you even dare to drag me into your mess. You would regret it very much if you do, Nell. I would make sure you do.”
This whole day was completely fucking useless. “You said you'd help me get answers. I didn't even want to do this.” Landon started to complain and Hope turned to him, glaring.
“Don't blame me because you're not special.”
But Landon merely shook his head defensively. “I apologized for lying to you. I explained why I took the knife. Why are you still so mad at me?”
Hope stared at him, awkwardly smiling. “I'm not mad. I couldn't care less. Fine. It's easier to be mad.”
Landon stared. “Why?”
Hope sighed. “Because it is.” How did she even began to explain to someone what it felt like to be lied to every time she put her defenses down?
“Or maybe it's because you feel like if you stop being mad, you're letting your guard down, and the legendary Hope Mikaelson couldn't possibly do that.”
Hope merely glared. “When I let my guard down, people disappoint me.”
Like Ryan had.
“Growing up in the foster system every time I got sent someplace new, I'd hope that this would be the right place. You know, like, uh, "click your heels three times," "no place like home" kind of stuff. Just somewhere I actually belonged. But it never was. You know, and you can only hold out hope for so long and-and be hurt by so many people before its starts to seems impossible to trust someone new. Especially when they lie to you. So, for the last time, I'm sorry. I broke your trust. I don't want to do it again.”
Hope stared. “Thank you.” Maybe she had misjudged him, after all. Just maybe.
“But if this goes the wrong way, can you just make sure that Raf doesn't, um, follow me this time? As much as I want to stay here, he needs to. He finally found a home he deserves. I'm not gonna take that away from him.” With that, Landon walked away.
Expectedly, Lizzie hadn’t been far too pleased with the end result. But Caroline Forbes, her mother who’ve always been there for her even when very few little people were, merely beamed at her widely as she threw her arms around her shoulders in the happiness and for the first time since she had won the competition, Josie felt her heart swell with a joy. “Congratulations, honey.” Her mother said, patting her softly on the back.
“Lizzie ain’t happy about it.” Josie commented.
“Well, Lizzie had never been that good at losing, was she, honey?” She smiled reassuringly at her as she pulled away from her, softly touching the corners of her face. “Don’t worry, honey. She would be over it soon and you two would be as thick as thieves once againquite soon.”
Josie really hoped so. She really did. She didn’t want to loose her sister over something as foolish as this one.
“Josie. Please.”
Regretfully, Josie Salzman shook her head. “Since Landon walked through those doors, my sister, my father, my mother, Hope and I have almost died. We don't really know what Landon is, so we can't really say if we know if he's dangerous or not. Raf, this isn't about who's friends with who or who you like. This school is family, and I am not putting my family in danger again.”
Kaleb started on his feet. “Raf. Raf, stop.”
Rafael threw his hands around himself frustratingly in a deep anger. “You know what, I'm done with both of y'all.”
After he was gone, Kaleb glanced at her reassuringly. “Ignore him.” He said. “He doesn’t mean it. He’s just upset, that’s all.”
Josie glanced at him, smiling. “I know.” She whispered. “You are a good man, Kaleb. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.” Kaleb merely smiled as if he didn’t know how anybody would be able to think otherwise when after having bid him a goodbye, she stalked away.
Lizzie Salzman felt far worse than she did in whole years. Penelope Park acted as if she was the one who had hurt Josie so deeply that Josie didn’t even come out of the bedroom for weeks, refused to eat, as if it was Lizzie’s fault that her twin’s heart had shattered the way it did. She had almost let Rafael Waife use her sexually when she knew that even at her lowest point, she deserved better than to be treated by a boy who’ve been nothing but mean to her from the moment they’ve met unless he had something to use her for. Lizzie stared distractingly at the fireplace as her mother brushed her long, blond hair softly, humming melodically under her breath. “Mom, am I a bad person?”
Caroline Forbes shook her head with a distant smile. “A long time ago, I’ve asked myself the same question. But the thing is, honey, regardless of how many people make you feel like such an awful person, you are not a bad person. You are just a little bit broken, is all.”
Lizzie looked over her shoulder at her mother with teary eyes. “You think I am broken?”
Her mother sighed under her breath deeply purposefully. “Honey, we are all little broken.”
Hope Mikaelson had kissed Landon Kirby. It was a momentary weakness, but she really had kissed him. She didn’t quite know how to feel about that. When had her life become so bloody complicated? She sighed under her breath deeply as she walked through the familiar streets of the town. Who was she even kidding here? Her life had always been far too complicated than her own good.
Opening the wide doors of Mystic Grill, Hope strode inside to sit on the stool beside somebody that had a hood over his head. She couldn’t see his face. “Late night, huh?” She couldn’t even understand why she was beginning a conversation.
The hooded stranger was quiet as he drank his whiskey. He then fell to his feet, ignoring her and stalked away without a single word to her. Hope watched him go with a deep frown. “Rude!” She then ordered a cocktail, something to make her forget everything for a minute.
Ryan Clarke walked away from Mystic Grill with a heavy shoulders. When he was far enough, he took off his head and massaged the bridge of his nose. Was it really too much to ask for a man to get a proper drink without his past literally walking inside to sit down beside him, putting an end to his peace? His life was complicated enough as it was. He didn’t need Hope to complicate it any further. Shaking his head, Ryan walked away.
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Shadows Within [06]
The months that followed his brother’s death were difficult. He wouldn’t lie. Not to anyone. Not to himself. Some days he would wake up and call his brother’s name only for Caroline to look at him softly the way his brother used to when things were less difficult, he would bury his head in the crook of her small neck and cry right there in the safety of her arms, shoulders shaking vividly as she spoke comforting words he didn’t quite hear despite the fact he possessed a very sharp hearing. Some days he would go out to the town with Hope and the two of them would spend the days laughing like they had very few times before since that fateful day in July. Truth to be told, Klaus didn’t think he was ever going to get over his brother’s death. It simply wasn’t something one got over just like that. But with each passing day and night, Klaus found himself hoping that he could learn to be better, to smile genuinely for the first time in the years and for people to actually believe him when he told them he was doing just fine. Klaus sighed deeply under his throat as he sat on the edge of the soft, comfortable looking loveseat in the corner of Caroline’s rather colorful office if he were to say himself and lifted his head to look at the blond vampire with worrying eyes as Caroline watched him in a comfortable silence that neither of them wished to break, but had to nonetheless. They were meeting here for a reason, after all.
“Tell me, Caroline, what did she do now?”
Caroline slowly bit her lips anxiously, her blue eyes watching him carefully. “She used a dark magic.”
Immediately, Klaus rose up from his feet to the ground, taking a long, antagonizing breath. “What do you mean she used a dark magic?” He shook his head in the denial as he paced around the floor, his arms rested comfortably on top of his hips. “No, she wouldn’t dare. You must’ve seen wrong. Maybe it was somebody else. Maybe you mistook her for, I don’t know, Penelope. Not my Hope. She wouldn’t. Not after what happened last time she used a dark magic.” But one look at Caroline’s eyes proved that as much as he didn’t wish to believe it was true, it had been Hope that had used the dark magic, had been the one to cast that spell. “Why?”
“From what I’ve heard from Emma, it was because of a boy.” Klaus remembered the last time his daughter had been even vaguely interested in a boy. It had been two years ago. His name is Ryan, Hope had told him with a smile then, and I think I am in love with him. In that moment, not days after Hayley’s death when Hope told him so, she looked happier than she had been in whole months and he had thought, maybe if only for the fact that the boy could make his daughter feel like that, maybe he would approve of him. But his daughter had come crying one night because Ryan had gone and left the town, leaving his daughter’s already shattered, broken heart even more shattered. Since then, she hadn’t been interested in anyone romantically because as far as Klaus knew, his daughter was still not over Ryan. So, he didn’t know where this boy came from.
Finally, Klaus frowned questioningly at his love. “What boy?” he asked.
“His name is Landon. He came with the new student, Rafael. Apparently, they’re brothers.”
Caroline nodded her head. “That’s right.”
“But why would she use a dark magic because of this one boy? What makes this boy so special to Hope? Why would she do this?”
Caroline shrugged. “I think you are asking the wrong person that question, Klaus.” She told him. “Go and ask your daughter.” But before he could move to seek out his daughter and do exactly that, the whole building shook forcibly and a loud, antagonizing scream was heard echoing from the downstairs.
Klaus glanced at Caroline. “Go.” She told him. “Help them.” She smiled reassuringly at him in the comfort, taking his hand in her own for a brief second. “I would be fine. I am not that naïve little Caroline you’ve met all those years ago, remember? I can take care of myself.”
He chuckled. “I’ve never thought you couldn’t take care of yourself, love.” He said. “I know you can.”
Caroline let out the tiniest smile on her pretty, angel-like face. “Then, what are you waiting for? Go and help them!”
“Roger.” Then, looking back at her one last time, he flashed down the stairs where the students were screaming and screeching and he thought that if they didn’t stop being so emotional right now, he would snap someone’s neck. Like really. How much screaming can couple of teenagers do? “Would someone care to explain what is going on here?”
It was Emma Tig who was talking towards him slowly with a worried look on her face as she stopped before him, sighing in a relief at the sight of him. “It’s a Gargoyle Attack.” She told him very casually as if that was something that happened every day. Not for the first time since he met her, Klaus really did wonder if there was something wrong with the witch’s brain.
Klaus glared at her in the disbelief, his hands resting comfortably on top of his hips. “Excuse me, but what did you just say?” He asked. “You are kidding me, right?”
“I am afraid that I am not, Mr. Mikaelson. We really are under a Gargoyle Attack.” She said. “The house had been warded off temporarily to be able to keep him off a minute, but I am afraid it’s not going to take long before it breaks down. We have to do something.”
“Just tell me one thing, Ms. Ting, where exactly is my daughter right now?”
When Hope Mikaelson was first conceived, it was due to the mere fact that her parents were both very frustrated sexually and needed to let out some steam. There wasn’t any loving, romantic declaration. There weren’t even any flowers. From what she understood, it was purely sexual. Nothing more. Nothing less. But what it did accomplish that fateful night was to create a being that was thought to be of an impossibility before then, somebody that shouldn’t even exist in the first place because it defied the nature’s very rules that she had come into the existence. Because of that very fact, Hope had never felt as if she was ordinary. Her family wasn’t ordinary. The world she lived in wasn’t ordinary. And when she had met Ryan and he looked at her as if she was just another teenage girl in the town, Hope felt her heart swell with a hope. To him, she was just Hope. Nothing more. Nothing less. But standing here right now in this room as her father paced around the floor like a madman because of something she did (Caroline must have told him about her use of a dark magic), she felt like that girl again.
It was very nice.
Finally, seeming to have had enough of pacing around the floor already, he spoke. “Why?” He asked. “Why did you do this?”
Hope didn’t know what to say.
Should she tell him of the loneliness inside her heart that she felt since that fateful summer? The way when she would close her eyes, she would always see either her mother or her uncle? The way she would sometimes wake up screaming, it was my fault they are dead, and she only had the silence of the room to comfort her. Or the way that when first had seen Landon after all those years past and at the first glance, she had thought he was Ryan and she couldn’t help but burst into a wide smile because he had come home to her like he had promised, only to realize it was in fact somebody else altogether and he was still, far away from home. How would she explain any of that to her father? To her father who was still suffering from the consequences her uncle’s death left behind? How would she ever think to add her wounds on top of the ones he already had?
“He reminded me of Ryan.” She choked on her tears as she gasped for a breath, waving her hands around herself rather dramatically. “And I don’t know why I did what I did. Maybe it was because I thought if I had him close, I would feel this feeling inside my chest every time Ryan was near, this peace. Ryan never judged. Ryan merely held me close when things became too much to handle and even if he didn’t quite know the right words to say, he comforted me. With him, I didn’t have to be Klaus Mikaelson’s miracle child or anything else. I could be just Hope and that would have been fine.” She breathed hard, lifting her eyes to meet her father’s own ones. “I loved him, Dad. And after he was gone, I thought I could be able to move on, to forget him. But no matter what I did, I always keep being reminded of him. Frankly, it’s very annoying. It’s frustrating. And it makes me hate him so much, for leaving me behind with this feeling inside my chest. Is this really what love is supposed to be? Have you always felt like this when you’ve lived away from Caroline?”
Her father breathed hard. “Every single day.” He whispered. “Not a day went when I didn’t miss her, but I had made a promise to her in the woods that day and I had every intention of keeping it. What kind of a man would I be if I went back to my word?”
“How did you do it?” She asked.
“Because I took a comfort in the knowledge that regardless of how I might feel right now, someday we were going to end up together.”
Hope stared at her father. “Then why aren’t you with her right now?” She asked. “What are you really waiting for, Dad? For some guy to snatch her up? Another Stefan Salvatore?”
Her father glanced at her questioningly. “Hope, if you think that you can play me into meeting Caroline to get off without a punishment, then you have another thing coming.” He said. “You used a very dark magic, sweetheart, and dark magic is forbidden here for a very good reason.”
“I am very sorry, Dad. I really am.”
He sighed deeply under his breath. “Never again.” He whispered. “Can you promise me that, Hope?”
Hope nodded her head softly, falling into her father’s welcoming arms. “I am really sorry, Dad. I would never do that again. You have my word.” And leaning her head against the crook of his neck, she finally breathed.
Caroline Forbes opened the front doors that led to the hallway with a tiny bit of hesitance, biting her lips softly. “Hello, love.” It was Niklaus Mikaelson with his fancy accent and the confident, smug smirk that never fell off his face that had made her think twice before responding to him even when she was a teenager. He did always have this strange effect on her even back then, when she wished nothing more she felt nothing more than a pure, undying hatred for the person who had done everything to dance all over her friends’ lives. “Tell me, are you going to invite me in?”
He didn’t need the invitation, of course, but he asked her anyway. “Yes. Please come in.” She gulped hard in the anticipation as her heart seemed to race a mile in the minute and before she even knew what she was doing, she was closing the door behind him and suddenly, his lips were on her own, biting and bruising all at once and it was everything she had imagined, remembered it to be that fateful night in the woods all those years ago.
He pulled apart from her once, smiling. “Are you sure?”
Once again, she breathed. “Yes.” And then pulled him back towards herself, towards the bed where she had slept every day alone with nobody to accompany her but her wounded, shattered soul. And just like that, she was suddenly not alone anymore. He was here with her, just like she had imagined he would someday all those rainy days she had spent thinking of him. Always and forever.
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Very true!!
The only problematic thing with e-books is that after I’ve finished them I can’t put them on my trophy shelf, like a serial killer.
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Shadows Within [05]
It had been two years since you’ve left me, my love, in that sunny day in June. I have come home crying to my father and my heart felt like it was pouring a rain.
Since then, I’ve been trying to move on, to forget you the way my father told me I should, for regardless of what you’ve told me, I knew in my heart there was only a smallest chance you would come back. But I found that I couldn’t, for you were my sun and the moon and I thought I might have loved you. Of course, you would deny I ever felt such a thing when I didn’t even know you that well to begin with, but the way my heart swelled with a joy every time I saw your face, that felt like a love.
You’ve been there for me when I felt like dying, held me in your arms and kissed me on the forehead, told me I was going to be fine and even when I knew nothing was ever going to be same way again, I believed you, my love. Because it was you who were telling me so and I loved you so much to ever consider doubting your word.
A lot of things had changed since we were last together. Well, my father and Caroline are still dancing around each other like a couple of teenagers (from what I hear, they’ve been doing it since Caroline was a teenager) and Alaric is still Alaric, but some things did change. I’ve stopped putting defenses around myself and actually started to trust people (wouldn’t you say that’s improvement?), started to let myself opening up enough to befriend the Saltzman twins who were both happy enough to let me in.
Josie (you don’t know Josie, but she’s really cool) dated Penelope Park (it was an insult to Satan to call her Satan, Lizzie told me) but they were broken up now (more like Penelope dumped her for a reason nobody had yet to understand and Josie was pretty broken about it for a while), but she was mostly fine now. Lizzie (people didn’t really understand her because she appeared very mean in the surface, but once you get to know her, you knew she actually had a heart of a gold) was still having a very hard time dealing with her mental illness and the students weren’t exactly understanding about it, but since I understood what it felt like to have an episode, Lizzie often came to me and we spent the night talking about a life without any hardships and difficulties. Anyway, I’ve got to get going now. I would write to you later. I hope you are doing well wherever you are now, my love.
Yours only, Hope
Hope Mikaelson leaned against her chair with a deep sighing, staring at the piece of a parchment with a deep frown. Yet another letter she wasn’t going to send. Honestly, when she started writing letters that she in no way was going to send, it was a way to fill up the space he had left behind in her heart when he had left her aching with a broken heart. But after thousands of the same letters that changed very little, Hope wondered maybe if she should stop them already. But then she thought of the way those letters made her feel, like he was here with her in the room and decided she wasn’t going to even if Lizzie would think she was being absolutely foolish if she ever found out, or worse, pity her.
Suddenly, the front door of her room opened and there she was, Lizzie Saltzman in all of her glory, smiling at her in a way that made her feel very suspicious indeed. “Don’t look at me like that, Mikaelson. I am only here to tell you that my dad wants you to head to the church with him now.”
Hope frowned deeply at her, confused. “Church?” She asked. “What for?”
Lizzie rolled her eyes. “What do you think, doofus? To pray.” Lizzie crossed her arms across her chest and in that moment, Lizzie looked very much like her mother did when she was disapproving of their actions. “Dad wants you to go with him to stop an exorcism of an innocent, young werewolf boy.”
Hope nodded her head. “I would be there in a minute.” She told her. “I just need to get dressed first.”
Lizzie stared at her up and down, frowning. “Yes, you are definitely in a need of wardrobe change.” Lizzie waved her hands in front of herself and suddenly, Hope found herself in a fancy dreas she certainly wouldn’t wear for exorcism.
“Lizzie, I am going to stop an exorcism, not on a date.” Hope waved her hands in front of herself and she looked approvingly at the pair of a plain, casual clothing she was now wearing.
Lizzie looked disappointed. “Boring!” But she waved her hand anyway, signaling her to follow after her.
Begrudgingly, Hope did as she was told.
It was quite clear from the way Lizzie crowded around Rafael that her twin sister was quite besotted with him already. Josie sighed deeply, preparing herself for a disappointment when yet another boy would choose her sister over her. It wasn’t even like Josie didn’t understand why they did. Next to Josie, Lizzie was never dull. She knew what she wanted and always went after it without abandon. And with her long, blond hair and stunning blue eyes, she was the mirror image of their mother who was never at shortage of boys running after her. Even Hope’s father always kept staring at her like a teenage boy in love and honestly speaking, it was really making her feel tired of watching them both dance around each other for years and if they didn’t get together before the term was over, Josie swore she was going to lock them up in a room together.
“On the plus side, we're all happy to know that you're single.” Lizzie commented without a thought and Josie watched as Rafael’s face reddened in anger and she couldn’t help but feel a little hope at the situation. If Rafael started to dislike Lizzie, maybe there was some hope for her? “Oh, God. That was my "inside voice." I am so sorry. Guys like you make me nervous.”
Rafael glared at Lizzie. “Guys like me?”
Lizzie was looking like she really didn’t wish to answer. “You know — hot — angry — damaged.”
“Yeah, well — I've sort of made a point in my life of, uh, keeping clear of girls like you. So, I guess I'm gonna go find Landon.” He turned up and left, leaving Lizzie to cry against her shoulder and despite herself, Josie felt the urge to smack Rafael in the face. It didn’t matter what Lizzie had said. He had absolutely no right to talk about her like that. Josie sighed under her breath and hugged her sister around her back around her shoulders, burying her face in her neck.
“Hope.” It was Landon with his awkwardly adorable stature and short, wavy hair that stuck up in random places and Hope couldn’t help but smile reassuringly at him.
“Can’t sleep either?”
“Yeah — small spaces. You?” His gaze rested on her and for a moment, those green eyes staring at her, reminded her of Ryan’s eyes. Something she found rather strange. Seeing as they were neither the right color or the right shape. But looking at him now, something about him reminded her of Ryan.
“Sometimes I get restless.”
He stared. “Busy brain?”
Hope found herself smiling despite herself. “Busy everything. My body has a lot going on inside it.”
“Which is an awesome segue into you telling me how you can move things with your mind.”
“You ask a lot of questions.” Hope noted, unknowing how she felt about that.
Landon scoffed. “Wouldn't you?”
Hope hummed.
Landon gave her a tiny smile.
Hope frowned. “Why are you smiling?”
Landon shook his head. “It’s nothing.” He said. But when she gave him a look, he sighed and told her, “It’s just — I’ve forgotten how pretty you are.”
“What’s wrong?” Lizzie asked Josie frowning as they both laid on the bed. “Josie?”
“I just saw MG with his tongue down you-know-who's throat.”
Lizzie made a face, trying really hard to erase the image from her head. “Gross! He should know better than to make out with the Dark Lord. Bad friend move.”
Josie chuckled lightly. “Yeah.”
“Just forget about her. Focus on somebody new. A good crush will even you out.” Josie curled up to her with a small smile, “I'm setting my sights on Rafael... If he ever speaks to me again after I was such a freak show.”
Josie turned on the bed, staring at the ceiling.
“What was Hope doing all day with Rafael’s brother, though?”
Josie shrugged. “Maybe she likes him.”
Lizzie stared gapingly at her twin. “Him?” Honestly? That was very unlikely. He wasn’t her type. “Josie, be serious. We all know what Hope’s type is and it’s not Mr. Awkward and Clumsy. Besides, she’s not even over whoever it is that she spends brooding about, sighing dramatically. Obviously, she’s in no state of mind to date another guy.”
Josie stared at her thoughtfully. “I am just saying.” She whispered. “You never know.”
Josie knew that voice. Josie started walking quicker, refusing to aknowledge him. There was no way she was going to think again what exactly her friend had done with Penelope.
He should have known better.
“I'm not talking to you.”
MG raced to step in front of her, stopping her in her track. “Come on, Jo!” He begged. “I'm sorry, all right? I'm an ass. You-know-who, she puts those sex herbs in her weed, and I had a momentary lapse in judgement.”
Josie forced back the tears that were threatening to spill out. “Why does everyone find her so special?”
MG scoffed as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing right now. “She's not special. She's just — available.”
Did he really think that was comforting? MG moved to hug her around the shoulders, but Josie didn’t feel like returning the hug. “Come here. Don't hate me, okay?”
After a moment, seeming to have felt awkward being the only participant in the hug, MG pulled away and squeezed her arm in a comforting gesture before he walks away.
There was a sudden sound of someone laughing. Suddenly annoyed by the way Penelope was making her feel, before she could think better of it, Josie whispered an incarnation under her breath, holding her hand at waist level. “Igno lucen.”
Suddenly, Penelope's jacket sleeve catched on fire and she began screaming for help as she tries to snuff out the flames.
Josie let out a satisfied smile as she turned on her heel and walked away.
“I need your help.”
Josie turned to Hope, frowning. “That’s three more words you’ve spoken to me all day.”
“This stuff with Landon is my fault. I can fix it. I know how to track him, but it involves using dark magic.”
Josie tensed. “Well, we're not allowed to use dark magic here, so.”
Hope stared at Josie with an arched eyebrow. She didn’t like that expression at all. “Says the girl who just lit her ex on fire.”
Josie sighed under her breath. “Fine.” She said. “You’ve caught me. What do you want me to do?”
Ryan Clarke walked through the airport casually and when he was out of the place, breated the air with a small sigh.
It had been quite a long while since he was here. From the little time he was here, all Ryan remembered was Hope Mikaelson with her sunshine like smile and the way she shined like a sun despite her broken, shattered heart. It was a trait he would always respect. Most likely because it was something he could never do himself.
But he had a brother to find and people to fool and betray. Therefore, regardless of how he may feel about his little brother, he was going to deal with it. Just like he had past thousands years every time he was forced to do something he didn’t want to. Staring at the distance, Ryan made his feet move again.
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If Ryan gives major Klaus vibes, then Sebastian gives Elijah ones. Like people were saying Sebastian is Damon, but honestly speaking, I don’t see it? He’s Elijah. It makes me want to see them at least interact, if not be good friends.
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Holding On To Hope.
When Hope threw herself, and Ryan Clarke, into the Malivore, everyone forgot her existence. Except Freya Mikaelson. And she would do anything to get her niece back, even if it means resurrecting her unpredictable brother.
And Klaus would heaven and earth to get his daughter back.
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Bennett- Mikaelson Ch 4
The simple two-storey house just in the outskirts of New Orleans was perfect for her job. In her almost long existence, she realised that as long as she didn’t raise anyone's suspicion, she could always blend in as a next door girl. That was one of the main things that helped her so far. The farther she was from the radar, the safer she would be. Something she learnt the hard way.
Oh she was rich, alright! It’s just the little she spent and compelled, the more she stayed off the radar.
She must have kept herself from going after Elena sodding Gilbert. And the bitch had nearly overpowered her. Her, Katerina Petrova.
If it for not Kol Mikaelson, she would have lost everything she worked so hard for. She would have ended up as a walking target.
Owing someone her life or even a debt was not something that Katrina Petrova ever want to dwell on. Especially if that someone happened to be a Mikaelson, then it means she was done for. I have almost 500 years of existence she has never one to go all the way near her Bane of existence that runs by the name of Klaus Mikaelson.
This shouldn’t be happening. She was Katrina bleeding Petrova for freaking out loud. But the Universe would never stop working against her in every way possible.
She has been avoiding the original family for five centuries for two reasons. The first one being the world’s dangerous hybrid ever walk on the earth. The second reason being The annoying original brother who thinks it necessary to wear suits even in extreme summer. The former inflicted great amount of fear in her for life and the latter inflicted great amount of pain and fear in her heart. She experienced too much heart ache through the oldest Mikaelson enough for the life time.
But now, because of her rotten luck, she was stuck with repaying the debt, which sounded sour to her mouth, for yet another Mikaelson. Can the universe be more cruel? It seems the fates are not on her side when it comes to the Mikaelson Family.
Mikaelson, ha really?!
Petrova, what in the bloody hell is wrong with you?
With a sigh, she opened her duffel bag and unpacked what little she carried. Once down, she fell face down on the bed and decided to catch up the little sleep she can manage.
Tomorrow was going to be long day. Scouring the area, finding a witch to do some protection wards, implanting some spies around French Quarter and most of all finding a way to contact Klaus without exposing her identity.
If it goes south, she was as good as dead.
Katerina sighed. She will think about it the morning, she surmised.
With thoughts still swirling around her mind, she drifted off to sleep.
Bonnie Bennett woke up after nearly 18 hours of sleep. She didn’t remember the last time she slept so well. What with constant “Save Elena” and “Kill Klaus" and “Kill Silas" campaigns that Damon rallied and inevitably brought every supernatural being in Mystic Falls.
It must be tiring for Damon to maintain his ego, straighten his hair, working on his sass and sarcasm, pissing off every dangerous being they come across, stalking Elena, egging on her and Caroline, being an ass to Stefan and Matt, sleeping around with every girl in his vicinity, nearly exposing their existence to the humans and at last, think that the world revolves around him.
Wow! She didn’t know she disliked the eldest Salvatore this much.
And when she was at it, Bonnie realised that she didn’t exactly miss anyone in that town.
Well! She did miss Caroline.
Her Care-bear was the only one person she missed with all her heart. Since they were children, her sour mood would vanish whenever she was with the blond vampire. The girl can lighten up the entire planet with her smile.
God! How she missed Caroline.
Then there was Elena.
She was not the same Elena, she was before the arrival of Salvatores.
The only conclusion she could draw about her was that Katherine Pierce is now better than Elena Gilbert.
And Matt. How she missed him!
Bonnie took a deep breath. Now her main focus should be the baby. As she made her way down the stairs toward the kitchen, she saw Klaus cooking. She didn’t know what he was cooking but the aroma was just ahhh!!!!
Bonnie raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms, “I see you are busy.”
Klaus turned around and a smile that she didn’t know he was capable lit up. “Bonnie, love, come and sit. I asked around and made a list of healthy but tasty food for a pregnant woman. Come and eat.”
“Didn’t know you could cook, Klaus,” she said as she walked toward the kitchen counter and sat in the stool.
Klaus shook his head and said, “I stand by what I said, little witch. You are now family. As of last time, you became another little sister for me. And so your well being is my concern.”
Bonnie was touched. Though she frowned at the ‘little witch’ comment, she let it go. But what she didn’t know was that the same becoming a title to her in the nearest future. It would become Klaus’ nickname for her.
“Elijah came by last night, eager to see you.” Klaus put in casually.
Bonnie's eyes widened.
“Don’t worry. He, like others, think that the child is mine. And I didn’t correct him. But you won’t be seeing him anytime soon. I sent him on an errand. It will be days before we see him.” Klaus said.
Bonnie nodded. She didn’t know what she would do when she encountered the oldest Mikaelson. Well, she thought, Klaus would see to that.
Bonnie frowned, when had she begin to think about Klaus in a positive way.
Well, she thought, may be she begun to trust him with her and her baby's well being.
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Bennett- Mikaelson Ch 3
Niklaus was still debating about what he was going to tell his Older brother. And in the end he decided to lie to him. He didn't know how Elijah would react. And he was strong but has worst choice in women. Other than Katerina, every woman he fell in love with were senseless twits. Tatia included.
Elijah wouldn't go against family. But he has the worst judgement ever. Some way or other the secret would get out. He can't have it. This child was a piece of his little brother. He refused to lose him again.
He dialled his brother's number and asked where he was.
How coincidental that he was in Rousseau's right after he left the place.
What do you think you are playing at, Sophie Devereux?
Moments later he found himself in the said bar, looking at his brother's back as he asked for a glass of Scotch.
How predictable.
Niklaus rolled his eyes, which he blamed Caroline Forbes for, as he approached his brother.
"I thought you wanted to be 'away from the complications that is our family' as you so wonderfully put it?". Niklaus inquired as a greeting.
The suited Original turned around to look at his little brother. "Niklaus" he said.
Niklaus raised his eyebrows as if to say, Well?
"Well it seems that I am needed here" Elijah said with a shrug.
"Funny, seeing as I am the strongest between the two of us. Why Elijah? Did anyone say that you can find 'Niklaus Mikaelson's redemption' in this Hellhole?" Niklaus mocked.
Elijah looked on as he ordered a glass of bourbon and sighed. "Niklaus, it is a gift."
Niklaus chuckled in amusement. "What is a gift?"
Elijah looked at him as if he grown a second head. "The child that Miss Bennett conceived with. Niklaus, among all our siblings, you were gifted with the child."
"And you heard about it how?" Niklaus asked. Sophie Devereux, no doubt.
"The New Orleans witches told me about the Original Child." Elijah said.
And you blindly believed their theory, Niklaus thought sarcastically.
"Well let's go then" Niklaus said as he got up from the stool.
"Go where?" Elijah asked his little brother.
"Don't you want to meet the Miracle Mother?" Niklaus asked.
"Alright" Elijah said as he got up and buttoned his suit. "Lead the way, brother. "
In no time, the Original brother's entered the Plantation House. They settled themselves in the living room with drinks. Elijah did jot want to disturb the other occupant of the house in the late hour.
"So what have you decided about the witch's demands, Niklaus?" Elijah asked.
"I have already met Marcellus. He fancies himself as the King. Now that wouldn't be right. We all know who the real king is." Niklaus said.
Elijah raised his eyebrows.
"Marcellus is afraid of my return to the city. And he should be. He wants to know that he can trust us" Niklaus said.
"And what did he demand?" Elijah inquired.
"I need to dagger you." Niklaus said.
Elijah's eyes widened. "How could you?" he shouted.
"Listen," Niklaus shouted back. "I am sorry for all the times I daggered you. But this time, we have no other choice but to do it. Marcellus has a secret weapon that controls the witches here in New Orleans. It must be obviously a witch. When I hand him over your daggered body, he would place you under the witch's care to find our weaknesses. All you have to do is observe. I shall pull you out of there in the next ten days. That should be enough time to collect the information."
Elijah was not alright with his decision to dagger him. And he said just that.
"Power, brother. We need that power to keep the child that will be a part of our family. The child will not only have our protection but also inherit our enemies. To keep it safe, we must place ourselves so high that our enemies would never be able to touch us." Niklaus said.
"How are we going to do it, if and only if, I want to go through it?" Elijah asked.
"I shall simply dagger you without the white oak ash," Niklaus shrugged.
Elijah had a thoughtful frown on his face. He didn't fancy being daggered. That was the worst kind of torture ever for him and his siblings. But since Niklaus put forth those valuable points, he was considering it. This child is their hope. And he will do all he could to keep it safe.
Elijah closed his eyes, "Dagger me, brother"
Niklaus was stunned by his brother's proclamation. "Elijah?"
"I shall do what is necessary for the child's safety. Do it." Elijah said.
"Thank you, brother." Niklaus said and left the room to get his dagger. With the dagger posed straight at his heart, Niklaus promised, "I swear to you, Elijah, I shall bring you back soon."
And with that, Elijah was daggered by Niklaus.
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Bennett- Mikaelson Ch 2
In the end it didn't take two days, just two hours for Bonnie to come to a decision. As much as she loath to admit, Bonnie knew Kol was right. Elena would only call her a traitor and Damon would want to kill her.
Bonnie still remembered how Elena was when she confronted Caroline about her feelings for Klaus. She refused to put herself in such a situation.
So Bonnie went home, packed her things and drove out in her car. Once she was sure she put enough distance between her and Mystic Falls, she called her Dad and Caroline. She assured them that she was alright and that she was going on a road trip to have some time to herself.
They were both reluctant and in the end accepted her decision. Call her coward, but she was not ready to have that conversation with either of them.
Niklaus Mikaelson knew better than to trust a Witch. Especially a New Orleans witch. So the moment he got the wind of some conspiracy going on among the witches faction of New Orleans against his family, he prepared himself.
But, alas, he was not prepared for what he was hearing. Because a Witch just sprouted some non sense about him fathering a child. And that they have the pregnant woman in their custody.
He wanted nothing more than to laugh at their faces, but he decided to humour them. For now.
So he followed them as they led him to the Layfette Cemetery. What waiting for him was not something he expected. Sitting on the concrete was Bonnie Bennett, with her knees pulled to her chest. Her palms were clutching to her temples. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was raged.
Niklaus could care less about the Mystic Falls resident Witch, but he was sure that Caroline would be upset if Bonnie was in danger. So he decided to dread carefully.
"So tell me Witch, how sure are you that the girl is pregnant with my child?" Niklaus asked carefully.
"We sensed Original blood in her system. The only one who can father a child among your siblings is you, as you are part wolf. Call it one of Nature's loopholes." the Witch by the name of Sophie Devereux said.
There is only one problem, Niklaus thought, I never slept with the girl.
But he decided against thing them that. He would not tell them anything until he talked with the Bennett Witch. "I want to talk to her."
"No" the Devereux Witch said, "she is under our custody until you agree to help us."
Niklaus laughed,"Its funny how you think that you can order me around. You either let me talk to her, or you and your sister witches die a painful death."
The witches took an unconscious step back.
Good, Niklaus thought. They should be afraid of him. Just then Niklaus heard a tired "Klaus" behind.
Niklaus moved in his Hybrid speed toward the Bennett Witch, who was glaring at the witches behind him.
"We can talk. I put a privacy spell around us. Those witches won't hear a thing," Bonnie said.
"Well, Witch. The Devereux Witch tells me that you conceived a child with Original blood and is convinced that the child is mine. But I don't remember ever sleeping with you." Niklaus said. "Care to explain"
Bonnie sighed and decided to start from the graduation incident. She told him about her decision to bring back Jeremy and then how Kol stopped her from her suicide mission. She told him everything that Kol told her except for his promise to return from the other side.
"How do I know that you speak the truth?" Niklaus asked her calmly.
Bonnie sighed. "Kol told me that you will react this way. Here," she said as she pulled out the chain from inside her t-shirt."Kol told me to show you this. He said that you, Kol, Elijah and Rebekah had it charmed with protection spells. So that when you needed each other the pendant would lead you. Yours is jade, Elijah's sapphire and Rebekah's amethyst."
Niklaus looked at the pendant for a long time. His mind going over what he learnt now. She speaks the truth, he thought. No one except for them four knew about the pendants. Then his mind drifted to the very important issue. The Witch was pregnant with his little brother's child.
"I believe you. You will stay with my family. No one except for you and me should know about the child's true parentage." Niklaus said.
Bonnie started to protest.
"Listen. My brother is... was a vampire. It is impossible for him to procreate. But it happened. It's nothing short of a miracle. If others find out, then either you will be a target as you carry a child who's ability is unknown or you will be an experimental subject. They have a theory to think that the child is mine. So we shall use that. I know you can take care of yourself. But..." Niklaus paused. His jaw clenched, "I couldn't save my little brother. You hold a part of my little brother in your womb. I will at least keep it safe. With my life. I give you my word."
Bonnie's eyes filled with tears. "Him. The child is a boy."
Niklaus smiled and nodded. Then he frowned. "The Devereux Witch tells me that you are linked to her. Should anything befall her..."
Bonnie rolled her eyes. "I am a Bennett Witch, Klaus. The moment she cast the spell I undid it."
Niklaus smirked. "Well. What they don't know, can't hurt them"
And just like that, much to the annoyance of the New Orleans witches, Niklaus Mikaelson escorted Bonnie Bennett out of the cemetry.
He made sure that Bonnie was situated in her room comfortably. He then called one of the maids to always be with Bonnie should she need anything.
Just then a thought crossed his mind. "Does Caroline know about..."
Bonnie rolled her eyes. "No. I didn't tell her. She has enough on her plates."
Niklaus nodded.
Then he went on search for his older brother.
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Bennett- Mikaelson Ch 1
Bonnie closed her eyes. She made her mind up. Elena has already lost enough people. She deserves to be happy. No matter that she would die by performing the spell.
It's not like anyone's going to miss her. She was only too happy to die. This way she could join the love of her life on the Other side.
With those depressing thoughts in mind, Bonnie started to mutter the spell. But she didn't count on said love of her life interrupt her.
"Bonnie" a voice called.
Bonnie opened her eyes with a gasp. There standing before her in all his glory was Kol Mikaelson himself.
"Kol" Bonnie said, her voice wavering. "Oh my God! Kol!!"
Kol smiled at her sadly, "What are you doing, Bonnie love?"
Bonnie looked down guiltily. After all the person she was trying bring from from dead was someone who killed him. "I am going bring Jeremy back. Elena has lost so many people. She deserves it"
"And you don't?" Kol fired back. "This spell will kill you, love. The Nature will seek to balance."
"It doesn't matter. I get to be with you," Bonnie said with a small smile.
"At the expense of our child," Kol said sadly.
Bonnie gasped. "What are you talking about?"
Kol looked in at her, "That day we connected in Shane's office, we made magic, Bonnie. You and I, we created a child together."
Bonnie looked down at her stomach, which was flat. She didn't want to get her hopes up. "How sure are you about this?"
"I am as sure as that I am the most handsomest person on the Earth." Kol wiggled his eyebrows. Then he got all serious, "It was your Grams who told me this"
Bonnie let out a shattered breadth. Her eyes filled with tears. She threw herself at Kol with a hiccup.
Kol held on to her with a tender smile. "It's time you chose yourself over others, love. For you, for me, for our son."
Bonnie pulled out of the embrace and looked at Kol. "My friends would never understand."
"Then they don't deserve to be your friends." Kol said vehemently.
Bonnie started to protest.
"No," Kol said firmly. "This is a matter of our son's safety. I don't trust Damon or Elena. They will force you to kill our child. Who knows they may even try to kill you."
"Kol they are my friends. I think it's a bit too far fetching to say that they might kill me." Bonnie admonished.
Kol smirked and said, "The Other side is a boring place, Bonnie. I spent my time by observing people. And trust me when I tell you that I wouldn't leave my puppy in their care. Now, promise me that you will do as I say."
Bonnie thought for a moment and nodded. "Take two days and think through what I am about to tell you. You can tell some one who you trust the most about our son. And then you must go to New Orleans and seek out my brothers. Elijah might be polite and Nik would definitely lash out. Show him this." Kol took out a necklace with a diamond pendant and gave her. "Wear it. It has many protection spells on it. My siblings and I got it charmed when we decided to drift apart. Mine's diamond, while Elijah's sapphire, Nik's jade and Bekah's amethyst. No one knows it except for us. We made a pact that we would never tell anyone of this and should we need each other, the pendants would and us. They will trust you when you tell them this."
Bonnie nodded. Though she might have trouble accepting what Kol was saying tomorrow, the shock of the news was still a new and she listened to his instructions.
"I know it might be hard for you to seek them out. But they will protect you and our son with their lives." Kol said. "By the way, your Grams gives you her love."
At the mention of her Grams the tears started anew. Kol hugged her for a moment and sighed, "I think it's so time for goodbye."
Bonnie held on to him, crying. She couldn't let go.
Kol pulled back and said, "Listen to me, my love. You will keep yourself safe. You hear me? I shall watch over you, our son and my siblings. Alright? And when I see an opportunity, I will take it and come back to you."
Bonnie nodded.
With a deep kiss on her lips, Kol left with his vampire speed.
Only after reaching a safe distance did Kol let his own tears flow.
He brushed them aside with a determined mind. He would keep his promise to Bonnie. He would watch over his family. Bekah, Niklaus, Elijah, Bonnie and his son. And when he gets the opportunity, he will return to the land of living.
As he was contemplating this, he heard a noise of struggle. Kol rushed there only to see the doppelgangers having a batch fight.
Kol leaned on the locker and looked on. One moment it looked like Katerina was having an upper hand and the next it was Elena.
Now that was not right. He would never accept with Elena Gilbert winning, even if it was against his mortal enemy.
As Kol started toward the oblivious pair, Elena took out the cure from her pocket. Noticing this, Kol vamped toward her.
One moment Elena was trying to shove it down Katerina's throat, the next moment she found herself down with someone forcing the said cure down her throat from behind.
Before seeing who it was, she fainted.
Katerina got up from the floor and kicked Elena with her high heeled leg. "Bitch" she muttered.
Kol chuckled at that.
Katerina's face morphed into surprise. "Oh it's a Mikaelson. Now I owe you a bloody debt."
"Right you are, Petrova." Kol smirked.
Katerina rolled her eyes and said, "OK tell me what do you want. I don't like being in debt. Least of all, to a Mikaelson."
Kol cocked his head and contemplated. "Keep your ears and eyes open, Katerina. If you ever find anyone conspiring against my siblings or Bonnie Bennett, kill them. That is how you can pay my debt."
Katerina smirked, "My my, have feelings for the Mystic Falls resident Witch, are we?"
Kol just rolled his eyes as he disappeared. That meant the veil was up.
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